Exemple #1
def cleanup_entities(entities):
    Try to revert back the list of entities passed as argument to the state
    they had just before their setup phase. It will not work entirely for
    autosetup entities as we need to remove the autosetup triggers.

    As of now, this function is *not* functional in that it doesn't revert to
    the exact same state the entities were before setup. For example, the
    properties do not work yet as those would need to be regenerated (since the
    columns they are based on are regenerated too -- and as such the
    corresponding joins are not correct) but this doesn't happen because of
    the way relationship setup is designed to be called only once (especially
    the backref stuff in create_properties).
    for entity in entities:
        desc = entity._descriptor
        if desc.autosetup:

        if hasattr(entity, '_setup_done'):
            del entity._setup_done

        entity.table = None
        entity.mapper = None

        desc._pk_col_done = False
        desc.has_pk = False
        desc._columns = ColumnCollection()
        desc.constraints = []
        desc.properties = {}
Exemple #2
class EntityDescriptor(object):
    EntityDescriptor describes fields and options needed for table creation.

    def __init__(self, entity):
        self.entity = entity
        self.parent = None

        bases = []
        for base in entity.__bases__:
            if isinstance(base, EntityMeta):
                if is_entity(base) and not is_abstract_entity(base):
                    if self.parent:
                        raise Exception(
                            '%s entity inherits from several entities, '
                            'and this is not supported.'
                            % self.entity.__name__)
                        self.parent = base
        self.bases = bases
        if not is_entity(entity) or is_abstract_entity(entity):

        # entity.__module__ is not always reliable (eg in mod_python)
        self.module = sys.modules.get(entity.__module__)

        self.builders = []

        #XXX: use entity.__subclasses__ ?
        self.children = []

        # used for multi-table inheritance
        self.join_condition = None
        self.has_pk = False
        self._pk_col_done = False

        # columns and constraints waiting for a table to exist
        self._columns = ColumnCollection()
        self.constraints = []

        # properties (it is only useful for checking dupe properties at the
        # moment, and when adding properties before the mapper is created,
        # which shouldn't happen).
        self.properties = {}

        self.relationships = []

        # set default value for options
        self.table_args = []

        # base class(es) options_defaults
        options_defaults = self.options_defaults()

        complete_defaults = options.options_defaults.copy()
            'metadata': elixir.metadata,
            'session': elixir.session,
            'collection': elixir.entities

        # set default value for other options
        for key in options.valid_options:
            value = options_defaults.get(key, complete_defaults[key])
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                value = value.copy()
            setattr(self, key, value)

        # override options with module-level defaults defined
        for key in ('metadata', 'session', 'collection'):
            attr = '__%s__' % key
            if hasattr(self.module, attr):
                setattr(self, key, getattr(self.module, attr))
        if (tools.config['ecfserver.dbschema.name'] not in (None, '')):
          self.table_options['schema'] = tools.config['ecfserver.dbschema.name']
          self.table_options['schema'] = None

    def options_defaults(self):
        base_defaults = {}
        for base in self.bases:
        base_defaults.update(getattr(self.entity, 'options_defaults', {}))
        return base_defaults

    def setup_options(self):
        Setup any values that might depend on the "using_options" class
        mutator. For example, the tablename or the metadata.
        if self.collection is not None:

        entity = self.entity
        if self.parent:
            if self.inheritance == 'single':
                self.tablename = self.parent._descriptor.tablename

        if not self.tablename:
            if self.shortnames:
                self.tablename = entity.__name__.upper()
                modulename = entity.__module__.replace('.', '_')
                tablename = "%s_%s" % (modulename, entity.__name__)
                self.tablename = tablename.upper()
        elif hasattr(self.tablename, '__call__'):
            self.tablename = self.tablename(entity)

        if not self.identity:
            if 'polymorphic_identity' in self.mapper_options:
                self.identity = self.mapper_options['polymorphic_identity']
                #TODO: include module name (We could have b.Account inherit
                # from a.Account)
                self.identity = entity.__name__.upper()
        elif 'polymorphic_identity' in self.mapper_options:
            raise Exception('You cannot use the "identity" option and the '
                            'polymorphic_identity mapper option at the same '
        elif hasattr(self.identity, '__call__'):
            self.identity = self.identity(entity)

        if self.polymorphic:
            if not isinstance(self.polymorphic, basestring):
                self.polymorphic = options.DEFAULT_POLYMORPHIC_COL_NAME

    # setup phase methods

    def setup_autoload_table(self):

    def create_pk_cols(self):
        Create primary_key columns. That is, call the 'create_pk_cols'
        builders then add a primary key to the table if it hasn't already got
        one and needs one.

        This method is "semi-recursive" in some cases: it calls the
        create_keys method on ManyToOne relationships and those in turn call
        create_pk_cols on their target. It shouldn't be possible to have an
        infinite loop since a loop of primary_keys is not a valid situation.
        if self._pk_col_done:


        if not self.autoload:
            if self.parent:
                if self.inheritance == 'multi':
                    # Add columns with foreign keys to the parent's primary
                    # key columns
                    parent_desc = self.parent._descriptor
                    tablename = parent_desc.table_fullname.upper()
                    join_clauses = []
                    for pk_col in parent_desc.primary_keys:
                        colname = options.MULTIINHERITANCECOL_NAMEFORMAT % \
                                  {'entity': self.parent.__name__.upper(),
                                   'key': pk_col.key.upper()}

                        # It seems like SA ForeignKey is not happy being given
                        # a real column object when said column is not yet
                        # attached to a table
                        pk_col_name = "%s.%s" % (tablename, pk_col.key.upper())
                        fk = ForeignKey(pk_col_name, ondelete='cascade')
                        col = Column(colname, pk_col.type, fk,
                        join_clauses.append(col == pk_col)
                    self.join_condition = and_(*join_clauses)
                elif self.inheritance == 'concrete':
                    # Copy primary key columns from the parent.
                    for col in self.parent._descriptor.columns:
                        if col.primary_key:
            elif not self.has_pk and self.auto_primarykey:
                if isinstance(self.auto_primarykey, basestring):
                    colname = self.auto_primarykey.upper()
                    colname = options.DEFAULT_AUTO_PRIMARYKEY_NAME.upper()

                    Column(colname, options.DEFAULT_AUTO_PRIMARYKEY_TYPE,
        self._pk_col_done = True

    def setup_relkeys(self):

    def before_table(self):

    def setup_table(self, only_autoloaded=False):
        Create a SQLAlchemy table-object with all columns that have been
        defined up to this point.
        if self.entity.table is not None:

        if self.autoload != only_autoloaded:

        kwargs = self.table_options
        if self.autoload:
            args = self.table_args
            kwargs['autoload'] = True
            if self.parent:
                if self.inheritance == 'single':
                    # we know the parent is setup before the child
                    self.entity.table = self.parent.table

                    # re-add the entity columns to the parent entity so that
                    # they are added to the parent's table (whether the
                    # parent's table is already setup or not).
                    for col in self._columns:
                    for constraint in self.constraints:
                elif self.inheritance == 'concrete':
                    #TODO: we should also copy columns from the parent table
                    # if the parent is a base (abstract?) entity (whatever the
                    # inheritance type -> elif will need to be changed)

                    # Copy all non-primary key columns from parent table
                    # (primary key columns have already been copied earlier).
                    for col in self.parent._descriptor.columns:
                        if not col.primary_key:

                    for con in self.parent._descriptor.constraints:
                                [e.parent.key for e in con.elements],
                                [e._get_colspec() for e in con.elements],
                                name=con.name, #TODO: modify it
                                onupdate=con.onupdate, ondelete=con.ondelete,

            if self.polymorphic and \
               self.inheritance in ('single', 'multi') and \
               self.children and not self.parent:

            if self.version_id_col:
                if not isinstance(self.version_id_col, basestring):
                    self.version_id_col = options.DEFAULT_VERSION_ID_COL_NAME
                self.add_column(Column(self.version_id_col, Integer))

            args = list(self.columns) + self.constraints + self.table_args
        self.entity.table = Table(self.tablename, self.metadata,
                                  *args, **kwargs)
        if DEBUG:
            print self.entity.table.repr2()

    def setup_reltables(self):

    def after_table(self):

    def setup_events(self):
        def make_proxy_method(methods):
            def proxy_method(self, mapper, connection, instance):
                for func in methods:
                    ret = func(instance)
                    # I couldn't commit myself to force people to
                    # systematicaly return EXT_CONTINUE in all their event
                    # methods.
                    # But not doing that diverge to how SQLAlchemy works.
                    # I should try to convince Mike to do EXT_CONTINUE by
                    # default, and stop processing as the special case.
#                    if ret != EXT_CONTINUE:
                    if ret is not None and ret != EXT_CONTINUE:
                        return ret
                return EXT_CONTINUE
            return proxy_method

        # create a list of callbacks for each event
        methods = {}

        all_methods = getmembers(self.entity,
                                 lambda a: isinstance(a, types.MethodType))

        for name, method in all_methods:
            for event in getattr(method, '_elixir_events', []):
                event_methods = methods.setdefault(event, [])

        if not methods:

        # transform that list into methods themselves
        for event in methods:
            methods[event] = make_proxy_method(methods[event])

        # create a custom mapper extension class, tailored to our entity
        ext = type('EventMapperExtension', (MapperExtension,), methods)()

        # then, make sure that the entity's mapper has our mapper extension

    def before_mapper(self):

    def _get_children(self):
        children = self.children[:]
        for child in self.children:
        return children

    def translate_order_by(self, order_by):
        if isinstance(order_by, basestring):
            order_by = [order_by]

        order = []
        for colname in order_by:
            col = self.get_column(colname.strip('-'))
            if colname.startswith('-'):
                col = desc(col)
        return order

    def setup_mapper(self):
        Initializes and assign a mapper to the entity.
        At this point the mapper will usually have no property as they are
        added later.
        if self.entity.mapper:

        # for now we don't support the "abstract" parent class in a concrete
        # inheritance scenario as demonstrated in
        # sqlalchemy/test/orm/inheritance/concrete.py
        # this should be added along other
        kwargs = {}
        if self.order_by:
            kwargs['order_by'] = self.translate_order_by(self.order_by)

        if self.version_id_col:
            kwargs['version_id_col'] = self.get_column(self.version_id_col)

        if self.inheritance in ('single', 'concrete', 'multi'):
            if self.parent and \
               (self.inheritance != 'concrete' or self.polymorphic):
                # non-polymorphic concrete doesn't need this
                kwargs['inherits'] = self.parent.mapper

            if self.inheritance == 'multi' and self.parent:
                kwargs['inherit_condition'] = self.join_condition

            if self.polymorphic:
                if self.children:
                    if self.inheritance == 'concrete':
                        keys = [(self.identity, self.entity.table)]
                        keys.extend([(child._descriptor.identity, child.table)
                                     for child in self._get_children()])
                        # Having the same alias name for an entity and one of
                        # its child (which is a parent itself) shouldn't cause
                        # any problem because the join shouldn't be used at
                        # the same time. But in reality, some versions of SA
                        # do misbehave on this. Since it doesn't hurt to have
                        # different names anyway, here they go.
                        pjoin = polymorphic_union(
                                    dict(keys), self.polymorphic,
                                    'pjoin_%s' % self.identity)

                        kwargs['with_polymorphic'] = ('*', pjoin)
                        kwargs['polymorphic_on'] = \
                            getattr(pjoin.c, self.polymorphic)
                    elif not self.parent:
                        kwargs['polymorphic_on'] = \

                if self.children or self.parent:
                    kwargs['polymorphic_identity'] = self.identity

                if self.parent and self.inheritance == 'concrete':
                    kwargs['concrete'] = True

        if self.parent and self.inheritance == 'single':
            args = []
            args = [self.entity.table]

        # let user-defined kwargs override Elixir-generated ones, though that's
        # not very usefull since most of them expect Column instances.

        #TODO: document this!
        if 'primary_key' in kwargs:
            cols = self.entity.table.c
            kwargs['primary_key'] = [getattr(cols, colname) for
                colname in kwargs['primary_key']]

        # do the mapping
        if self.session is None:
            self.entity.mapper = mapper(self.entity, *args, **kwargs)
        elif isinstance(self.session, ScopedSession):
            session_mapper = session_mapper_factory(self.session)
            self.entity.mapper = session_mapper(self.entity, *args, **kwargs)
            raise Exception("Failed to map entity '%s' with its table or "
                            "selectable. You can only bind an Entity to a "
                            "ScopedSession object or None for manual session "
                            % self.entity.__name__)

    def after_mapper(self):

    def setup_properties(self):

    def finalize(self):
        self.entity._setup_done = True

    # helper methods

    def call_builders(self, what):
        for builder in self.builders:
            if hasattr(builder, what):
                getattr(builder, what)()

    def add_column(self, col, check_duplicate=None):
        '''when check_duplicate is None, the value of the allowcoloverride
        option of the entity is used.
        if check_duplicate is None:
            check_duplicate = not self.allowcoloverride

        if col.key in self._columns:
            if check_duplicate:
                raise Exception("Column '%s' already exist in '%s' ! " %
                                (col.key, self.entity.__name__))
                del self._columns[col.key]

        if col.primary_key:
            self.has_pk = True

        # Autosetup triggers shouldn't be active anymore at this point, so we
        # can theoretically access the entity's table safely. But the problem
        # is that if, for some reason, the trigger removal phase didn't
        # happen, we'll get an infinite loop. So we just make sure we don't
        # get one in any case.
        table = type.__getattribute__(self.entity, 'table')
        if table is not None:
            if check_duplicate and col.key in table.columns.keys():
                raise Exception("Column '%s' already exist in table '%s' ! " %
                                (col.key, table.name))
            if DEBUG:
                print "table.append_column(%s)" % col

    def add_constraint(self, constraint):

        table = self.entity.table
        if table is not None:

    def add_property(self, name, property, check_duplicate=True):
        if check_duplicate and name in self.properties:
            raise Exception("property '%s' already exist in '%s' ! " %
                            (name, self.entity.__name__))
        self.properties[name] = property

#FIXME: something like this is needed to propagate the relationships from
# parent entities to their children in a concrete inheritance scenario. But
# this doesn't work because of the backref matching code. In most case
# (test_concrete.py) it doesn't even happen at all.
#        if self.children and self.inheritance == 'concrete':
#            for child in self.children:
#                child._descriptor.add_property(name, property)

        mapper = self.entity.mapper
        if mapper:
            mapper.add_property(name, property)
            if DEBUG:
                print "mapper.add_property('%s', %s)" % (name, repr(property))

    def add_mapper_extension(self, extension):
        extensions = self.mapper_options.get('extension', [])
        if not isinstance(extensions, list):
            extensions = [extensions]
        self.mapper_options['extension'] = extensions

    def get_column(self, key, check_missing=True):
        #TODO: this needs to work whether the table is already setup or not
        #TODO: support SA table/autoloaded entity
            return self.columns[key]
        except KeyError:
            if check_missing:
                raise Exception("No column named '%s' found in the table of "
                                "the '%s' entity!"
                                % (key, self.entity.__name__))

    def get_inverse_relation(self, rel, check_reverse=True):
        Return the inverse relation of rel, if any, None otherwise.

        matching_rel = None
        for other_rel in self.relationships:
            if rel.is_inverse(other_rel):
                if matching_rel is None:
                    matching_rel = other_rel
                    raise Exception(
                            "Several relations match as inverse of the '%s' "
                            "relation in entity '%s'. You should specify "
                            "inverse relations manually by using the inverse "
                            % (rel.name, rel.entity.__name__))
        # When a matching inverse is found, we check that it has only
        # one relation matching as its own inverse. We don't need the result
        # of the method though. But we do need to be careful not to start an
        # infinite recursive loop.
        if matching_rel and check_reverse:
            rel.entity._descriptor.get_inverse_relation(matching_rel, False)

        return matching_rel

    def find_relationship(self, name):
        for rel in self.relationships:
            if rel.name == name:
                return rel
        if self.parent:
            return self.parent._descriptor.find_relationship(name)
            return None

    # some useful properties

    def table_fullname(self):
        Complete name of the table for the related entity.
        Includes the schema name if there is one specified.
        schema = self.table_options.get('schema', None)
        if schema is not None:
            return "%s.%s" % (schema, self.tablename)
            return self.tablename
    table_fullname = property(table_fullname)

    def columns(self):
        if self.entity.table is not None:
            return self.entity.table.columns
            #FIXME: depending on the type of inheritance, we should also
            # return the parent entity's columns (for example for order_by
            # using a column defined in the parent.
            return self._columns
    columns = property(columns)

    def primary_keys(self):
        Returns the list of primary key columns of the entity.

        This property isn't valid before the "create_pk_cols" phase.
        if self.autoload:
            return [col for col in self.entity.table.primary_key.columns]
            if self.parent and self.inheritance == 'single':
                return self.parent._descriptor.primary_keys
                return [col for col in self.columns if col.primary_key]
    primary_keys = property(primary_keys)

    def table(self):
        if self.entity.table is not None:
            return self.entity.table
            return FakeTable(self)
    table = property(table)

    def primary_key_properties(self):
        Returns the list of (mapper) properties corresponding to the primary
        key columns of the table of the entity.

        This property caches its value, so it shouldn't be called before the
        entity is fully set up.
        if not hasattr(self, '_pk_props'):
            col_to_prop = {}
            mapper = self.entity.mapper
            for prop in mapper.iterate_properties:
                if isinstance(prop, ColumnProperty):
                    for col in prop.columns:
                        for col in col.proxy_set:
                            col_to_prop[col] = prop
            pk_cols = [c for c in mapper.mapped_table.c if c.primary_key]
            self._pk_props = [col_to_prop[c] for c in pk_cols]
        return self._pk_props
    primary_key_properties = property(primary_key_properties)
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, entity):
        self.entity = entity
        self.parent = None

        bases = []
        for base in entity.__bases__:
            if isinstance(base, EntityMeta):
                if is_entity(base) and not is_abstract_entity(base):
                    if self.parent:
                        raise Exception(
                            '%s entity inherits from several entities, '
                            'and this is not supported.'
                            % self.entity.__name__)
                        self.parent = base
        self.bases = bases
        if not is_entity(entity) or is_abstract_entity(entity):

        # entity.__module__ is not always reliable (eg in mod_python)
        self.module = sys.modules.get(entity.__module__)

        self.builders = []

        #XXX: use entity.__subclasses__ ?
        self.children = []

        # used for multi-table inheritance
        self.join_condition = None
        self.has_pk = False
        self._pk_col_done = False

        # columns and constraints waiting for a table to exist
        self._columns = ColumnCollection()
        self.constraints = []

        # properties (it is only useful for checking dupe properties at the
        # moment, and when adding properties before the mapper is created,
        # which shouldn't happen).
        self.properties = {}

        self.relationships = []

        # set default value for options
        self.table_args = []

        # base class(es) options_defaults
        options_defaults = self.options_defaults()

        complete_defaults = options.options_defaults.copy()
            'metadata': elixir.metadata,
            'session': elixir.session,
            'collection': elixir.entities

        # set default value for other options
        for key in options.valid_options:
            value = options_defaults.get(key, complete_defaults[key])
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                value = value.copy()
            setattr(self, key, value)

        # override options with module-level defaults defined
        for key in ('metadata', 'session', 'collection'):
            attr = '__%s__' % key
            if hasattr(self.module, attr):
                setattr(self, key, getattr(self.module, attr))
        if (tools.config['ecfserver.dbschema.name'] not in (None, '')):
          self.table_options['schema'] = tools.config['ecfserver.dbschema.name']
          self.table_options['schema'] = None
Exemple #4
def adapt_schema(source: Engine,
                 destination: Engine,
                 echo=None):  # noqa: C901
    tables = get_all_tables(source, tenant, public=False)
    destMeta = MetaData(destination, schema="public")

    # pk = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
    fks = []
    processed = []
    if echo:
        write = echo.write
        write = lambda x: True

    constraints = []

    write(f"Start adapting schema {tenant}\n")

    for table, deps in tables:
        if table is None:
        if table.name in processed:
        # if table.name not in ['audit_spotcheck', 'audit_engagement']:
        #     continue

        if table.schema and table.schema != 'public':
            table.schema = "public"
            new_columns = ColumnCollection()
            primary_key = {
                for c in table.constraints
                if isinstance(c, PrimaryKeyConstraint)
            table.constraints = {
                for c in table.constraints
                if not isinstance(c, PrimaryKeyConstraint)
            # remove self relation
            # to_remove = []
            # for constraint in table.constraints:
            #     if isinstance(constraint, ForeignKeyConstraint) and constraint.referred_table == table:
            #         self_relations.append({'columns': constraint.column_keys,
            #                                'table': table.name,
            #                                'constraint': constraint}
            #                               )
            #         to_remove.append(constraint)
            # table.constraints = table.constraints.difference(to_remove)
            # if table.name == 'audit_spotcheck':
            #     import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            for col in table.columns:
                if col.primary_key:
                    _seq = Column('pk',
                    pk = Column(col.name, Integer, primary_key=True)
                    country_name = Column('country_name',


                    if col.foreign_keys:
                        fk = [c for c in col.foreign_keys][0]
                            'columns': (pk.name, country_name.name),

                elif col.foreign_keys:
                    fk = [c for c in col.foreign_keys][0]
                    if fk.constraint.referred_table.schema:
                        _fk = Column(col.name, Integer, nullable=col.nullable)
                        _country_name = Column(
                                col),  # f'{target}_country_name',
                            'columns': (_fk.name, _country_name.name),
            table.columns = new_columns
            table.constraints = primary_key
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception(f"Error processing {table.name}") from e


    write("\nCreating foreign keys constraints\n")
    for entry in fks:
        clause = f"ALTER TABLE {entry['source'].name} \
ADD CONSTRAINT FK_{entry['target'].name} \
FOREIGN KEY({','.join(entry['columns'])}) \
REFERENCES {entry['target'].name}({','.join(entry['refcolumns'])})"

        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception(clause) from e

    write("Creating remaining constraints\n")
    for constraint in constraints:
        clause = AddConstraint(constraint)
        # if type(constraint.sqltext) is BinaryExpression:
        #     continue
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(clause.element.columns.values()[0].type, BOOLEAN):
                raise Exception(clause) from e

    # write("\nCreating self-relations constraint\n")
    # for self_relation in self_relations:
    #     constraint = self_relation['constraint']
    #     clause = f"ALTER TABLE {constraint.table.name} " \
    #              f"ADD CONSTRAINT self_relation_{constraint.table.name} " \
    #              f"FOREIGN KEY({constraint.column_keys[0]}) " \
    #              f"REFERENCES {constraint.table.name}(pk)"
    #     # TODO: remove me
    #     print(111, "ddl.py:167", clause)
    #     destination.execute(clause)
    return tables
    def __init__(self, entity):
        self.entity = entity
        self.parent = None

        bases = []
        for base in entity.__bases__:
            if isinstance(base, EntityMeta):
                if is_entity(base) and not is_abstract_entity(base):
                    if self.parent:
                        raise Exception(
                            '%s entity inherits from several entities, '
                            'and this is not supported.'
                            % self.entity.__name__)
                        self.parent = base
        self.bases = bases
        if not is_entity(entity) or is_abstract_entity(entity):

        # entity.__module__ is not always reliable (eg in mod_python)
        self.module = sys.modules.get(entity.__module__)

        self.builders = []

        #XXX: use entity.__subclasses__ ?
        self.children = []

        # used for multi-table inheritance
        self.join_condition = None
        self.has_pk = False
        self._pk_col_done = False

        # columns and constraints waiting for a table to exist
        self._columns = ColumnCollection()
        self.constraints = []

        # properties (it is only useful for checking dupe properties at the
        # moment, and when adding properties before the mapper is created,
        # which shouldn't happen).
        self.properties = {}

        self.relationships = []

        # set default value for options
        self.table_args = []

        # base class(es) options_defaults
        options_defaults = self.options_defaults()

        complete_defaults = options.options_defaults.copy()
            'metadata': elixir.metadata,
            'session': elixir.session,
            'collection': elixir.entities

        # set default value for other options
        for key in options.valid_options:
            value = options_defaults.get(key, complete_defaults[key])
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                value = value.copy()
            setattr(self, key, value)

        # override options with module-level defaults defined
        for key in ('metadata', 'session', 'collection'):
            attr = '__%s__' % key
            if hasattr(self.module, attr):
                setattr(self, key, getattr(self.module, attr))
class EntityDescriptor(object):
    EntityDescriptor describes fields and options needed for table creation.

    def __init__(self, entity):
        self.entity = entity
        self.parent = None

        bases = []
        for base in entity.__bases__:
            if isinstance(base, EntityMeta):
                if is_entity(base) and not is_abstract_entity(base):
                    if self.parent:
                        raise Exception(
                            '%s entity inherits from several entities, '
                            'and this is not supported.'
                            % self.entity.__name__)
                        self.parent = base
        self.bases = bases
        if not is_entity(entity) or is_abstract_entity(entity):

        # entity.__module__ is not always reliable (eg in mod_python)
        self.module = sys.modules.get(entity.__module__)

        self.builders = []

        #XXX: use entity.__subclasses__ ?
        self.children = []

        # used for multi-table inheritance
        self.join_condition = None
        self.has_pk = False
        self._pk_col_done = False

        # columns and constraints waiting for a table to exist
        self._columns = ColumnCollection()
        self.constraints = []

        # properties (it is only useful for checking dupe properties at the
        # moment, and when adding properties before the mapper is created,
        # which shouldn't happen).
        self.properties = {}

        self.relationships = []

        # set default value for options
        self.table_args = []

        # base class(es) options_defaults
        options_defaults = self.options_defaults()

        complete_defaults = options.options_defaults.copy()
            'metadata': elixir.metadata,
            'session': elixir.session,
            'collection': elixir.entities

        # set default value for other options
        for key in options.valid_options:
            value = options_defaults.get(key, complete_defaults[key])
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                value = value.copy()
            setattr(self, key, value)

        # override options with module-level defaults defined
        for key in ('metadata', 'session', 'collection'):
            attr = '__%s__' % key
            if hasattr(self.module, attr):
                setattr(self, key, getattr(self.module, attr))

    def options_defaults(self):
        base_defaults = {}
        for base in self.bases:
        base_defaults.update(getattr(self.entity, 'options_defaults', {}))
        return base_defaults

    def setup_options(self):
        Setup any values that might depend on the "using_options" class
        mutator. For example, the tablename or the metadata.
        if self.collection is not None:

        entity = self.entity
        if self.parent:
            if self.inheritance == 'single':
                self.tablename = self.parent._descriptor.tablename

        if not self.tablename:
            if self.shortnames:
                self.tablename = entity.__name__.lower()
                modulename = entity.__module__.replace('.', '_')
                tablename = "%s_%s" % (modulename, entity.__name__)
                self.tablename = tablename.lower()
        elif hasattr(self.tablename, '__call__'):
            self.tablename = self.tablename(entity)

        if not self.identity:
            if 'polymorphic_identity' in self.mapper_options:
                self.identity = self.mapper_options['polymorphic_identity']
                #TODO: include module name (We could have b.Account inherit
                # from a.Account)
                self.identity = entity.__name__.lower()
        elif 'polymorphic_identity' in self.mapper_options:
            raise Exception('You cannot use the "identity" option and the '
                            'polymorphic_identity mapper option at the same '
        elif hasattr(self.identity, '__call__'):
            self.identity = self.identity(entity)

        if self.polymorphic:
            if not isinstance(self.polymorphic, basestring):
                self.polymorphic = options.DEFAULT_POLYMORPHIC_COL_NAME

    # setup phase methods

    def setup_autoload_table(self):

    def create_pk_cols(self):
        Create primary_key columns. That is, call the 'create_pk_cols'
        builders then add a primary key to the table if it hasn't already got
        one and needs one.

        This method is "semi-recursive" in some cases: it calls the
        create_keys method on ManyToOne relationships and those in turn call
        create_pk_cols on their target. It shouldn't be possible to have an
        infinite loop since a loop of primary_keys is not a valid situation.
        if self._pk_col_done:


        if not self.autoload:
            if self.parent:
                if self.inheritance == 'multi':
                    # Add columns with foreign keys to the parent's primary
                    # key columns
                    parent_desc = self.parent._descriptor
                    tablename = parent_desc.table_fullname
                    join_clauses = []
                    for pk_col in parent_desc.primary_keys:
                        colname = options.MULTIINHERITANCECOL_NAMEFORMAT % \
                                  {'entity': self.parent.__name__.lower(),
                                   'key': pk_col.key}

                        # It seems like SA ForeignKey is not happy being given
                        # a real column object when said column is not yet
                        # attached to a table
                        pk_col_name = "%s.%s" % (tablename, pk_col.key)
                        fk = ForeignKey(pk_col_name, ondelete='cascade')
                        col = Column(colname, pk_col.type, fk,
                        join_clauses.append(col == pk_col)
                    self.join_condition = and_(*join_clauses)
                elif self.inheritance == 'concrete':
                    # Copy primary key columns from the parent.
                    for col in self.parent._descriptor.columns:
                        if col.primary_key:
            elif not self.has_pk and self.auto_primarykey:
                if isinstance(self.auto_primarykey, basestring):
                    colname = self.auto_primarykey
                    colname = options.DEFAULT_AUTO_PRIMARYKEY_NAME

                    Column(colname, options.DEFAULT_AUTO_PRIMARYKEY_TYPE,
        self._pk_col_done = True

    def setup_relkeys(self):

    def before_table(self):

    def setup_table(self, only_autoloaded=False):
        Create a SQLAlchemy table-object with all columns that have been
        defined up to this point.
        if self.entity.table is not None:

        if self.autoload != only_autoloaded:

        kwargs = self.table_options
        if self.autoload:
            args = self.table_args
            kwargs['autoload'] = True
            if self.parent:
                if self.inheritance == 'single':
                    # we know the parent is setup before the child
                    self.entity.table = self.parent.table

                    # re-add the entity columns to the parent entity so that
                    # they are added to the parent's table (whether the
                    # parent's table is already setup or not).
                    for col in self._columns:
                    for constraint in self.constraints:
                elif self.inheritance == 'concrete':
                    #TODO: we should also copy columns from the parent table
                    # if the parent is a base (abstract?) entity (whatever the
                    # inheritance type -> elif will need to be changed)

                    # Copy all non-primary key columns from parent table
                    # (primary key columns have already been copied earlier).
                    for col in self.parent._descriptor.columns:
                        if not col.primary_key:

                    for con in self.parent._descriptor.constraints:
                                [e.parent.key for e in con.elements],
                                [e._get_colspec() for e in con.elements],
                                name=con.name, #TODO: modify it
                                onupdate=con.onupdate, ondelete=con.ondelete,

            if self.polymorphic and \
               self.inheritance in ('single', 'multi') and \
               self.children and not self.parent:

            if self.version_id_col:
                if not isinstance(self.version_id_col, basestring):
                    self.version_id_col = options.DEFAULT_VERSION_ID_COL_NAME
                self.add_column(Column(self.version_id_col, Integer))

            args = list(self.columns) + self.constraints + self.table_args
        self.entity.table = Table(self.tablename, self.metadata,
                                  *args, **kwargs)
        if DEBUG:
            print self.entity.table.repr2()

    def setup_reltables(self):

    def after_table(self):

    def setup_events(self):
        def make_proxy_method(methods):
            def proxy_method(self, mapper, connection, instance):
                for func in methods:
                    ret = func(instance)
                    # I couldn't commit myself to force people to
                    # systematicaly return EXT_CONTINUE in all their event
                    # methods.
                    # But not doing that diverge to how SQLAlchemy works.
                    # I should try to convince Mike to do EXT_CONTINUE by
                    # default, and stop processing as the special case.
#                    if ret != EXT_CONTINUE:
                    if ret is not None and ret != EXT_CONTINUE:
                        return ret
                return EXT_CONTINUE
            return proxy_method

        # create a list of callbacks for each event
        methods = {}

        all_methods = getmembers(self.entity,
                                 lambda a: isinstance(a, types.MethodType))

        for name, method in all_methods:
            for event in getattr(method, '_elixir_events', []):
                event_methods = methods.setdefault(event, [])

        if not methods:

        # transform that list into methods themselves
        for event in methods:
            methods[event] = make_proxy_method(methods[event])

        # create a custom mapper extension class, tailored to our entity
        ext = type('EventMapperExtension', (MapperExtension,), methods)()

        # then, make sure that the entity's mapper has our mapper extension

    def before_mapper(self):

    def _get_children(self):
        children = self.children[:]
        for child in self.children:
        return children

    def translate_order_by(self, order_by):
        if isinstance(order_by, basestring):
            order_by = [order_by]

        order = []
        for colname in order_by:
            col = self.get_column(colname.strip('-'))
            if colname.startswith('-'):
                col = desc(col)
        return order

    def setup_mapper(self):
        Initializes and assign a mapper to the entity.
        At this point the mapper will usually have no property as they are
        added later.
        if self.entity.mapper:

        # for now we don't support the "abstract" parent class in a concrete
        # inheritance scenario as demonstrated in
        # sqlalchemy/test/orm/inheritance/concrete.py
        # this should be added along other
        kwargs = {}
        if self.order_by:
            kwargs['order_by'] = self.translate_order_by(self.order_by)

        if self.version_id_col:
            kwargs['version_id_col'] = self.get_column(self.version_id_col)

        if self.inheritance in ('single', 'concrete', 'multi'):
            if self.parent and \
               (self.inheritance != 'concrete' or self.polymorphic):
                # non-polymorphic concrete doesn't need this
                kwargs['inherits'] = self.parent.mapper

            if self.inheritance == 'multi' and self.parent:
                kwargs['inherit_condition'] = self.join_condition

            if self.polymorphic:
                if self.children:
                    if self.inheritance == 'concrete':
                        keys = [(self.identity, self.entity.table)]
                        keys.extend([(child._descriptor.identity, child.table)
                                     for child in self._get_children()])
                        # Having the same alias name for an entity and one of
                        # its child (which is a parent itself) shouldn't cause
                        # any problem because the join shouldn't be used at
                        # the same time. But in reality, some versions of SA
                        # do misbehave on this. Since it doesn't hurt to have
                        # different names anyway, here they go.
                        pjoin = polymorphic_union(
                                    dict(keys), self.polymorphic,
                                    'pjoin_%s' % self.identity)

                        kwargs['with_polymorphic'] = ('*', pjoin)
                        kwargs['polymorphic_on'] = \
                            getattr(pjoin.c, self.polymorphic)
                    elif not self.parent:
                        kwargs['polymorphic_on'] = \

                if self.children or self.parent:
                    kwargs['polymorphic_identity'] = self.identity

                if self.parent and self.inheritance == 'concrete':
                    kwargs['concrete'] = True

        if self.parent and self.inheritance == 'single':
            args = []
            args = [self.entity.table]

        # let user-defined kwargs override Elixir-generated ones, though that's
        # not very usefull since most of them expect Column instances.

        #TODO: document this!
        if 'primary_key' in kwargs:
            cols = self.entity.table.c
            kwargs['primary_key'] = [getattr(cols, colname) for
                colname in kwargs['primary_key']]

        # do the mapping
        if self.session is None:
            self.entity.mapper = mapper(self.entity, *args, **kwargs)
        elif isinstance(self.session, ScopedSession):
            session_mapper = session_mapper_factory(self.session)
            self.entity.mapper = session_mapper(self.entity, *args, **kwargs)
            raise Exception("Failed to map entity '%s' with its table or "
                            "selectable. You can only bind an Entity to a "
                            "ScopedSession object or None for manual session "
                            % self.entity.__name__)

    def after_mapper(self):

    def setup_properties(self):

    def finalize(self):
        self.entity._setup_done = True

    # helper methods

    def call_builders(self, what):
        for builder in self.builders:
            if hasattr(builder, what):
                getattr(builder, what)()

    def add_column(self, col, check_duplicate=None):
        '''when check_duplicate is None, the value of the allowcoloverride
        option of the entity is used.
        if check_duplicate is None:
            check_duplicate = not self.allowcoloverride

        if col.key in self._columns:
            if check_duplicate:
                raise Exception("Column '%s' already exist in '%s' ! " %
                                (col.key, self.entity.__name__))
                del self._columns[col.key]

        if col.primary_key:
            self.has_pk = True

        # Autosetup triggers shouldn't be active anymore at this point, so we
        # can theoretically access the entity's table safely. But the problem
        # is that if, for some reason, the trigger removal phase didn't
        # happen, we'll get an infinite loop. So we just make sure we don't
        # get one in any case.
        table = type.__getattribute__(self.entity, 'table')
        if table is not None:
            if check_duplicate and col.key in table.columns.keys():
                raise Exception("Column '%s' already exist in table '%s' ! " %
                                (col.key, table.name))
            if DEBUG:
                print "table.append_column(%s)" % col

    def add_constraint(self, constraint):

        table = self.entity.table
        if table is not None:

    def add_property(self, name, property, check_duplicate=True):
        if check_duplicate and name in self.properties:
            raise Exception("property '%s' already exist in '%s' ! " %
                            (name, self.entity.__name__))
        self.properties[name] = property

#FIXME: something like this is needed to propagate the relationships from
# parent entities to their children in a concrete inheritance scenario. But
# this doesn't work because of the backref matching code. In most case
# (test_concrete.py) it doesn't even happen at all.
#        if self.children and self.inheritance == 'concrete':
#            for child in self.children:
#                child._descriptor.add_property(name, property)

        mapper = self.entity.mapper
        if mapper:
            mapper.add_property(name, property)
            if DEBUG:
                print "mapper.add_property('%s', %s)" % (name, repr(property))

    def add_mapper_extension(self, extension):
        extensions = self.mapper_options.get('extension', [])
        if not isinstance(extensions, list):
            extensions = [extensions]
        self.mapper_options['extension'] = extensions

    def get_column(self, key, check_missing=True):
        #TODO: this needs to work whether the table is already setup or not
        #TODO: support SA table/autoloaded entity
            return self.columns[key]
        except KeyError:
            if check_missing:
                raise Exception("No column named '%s' found in the table of "
                                "the '%s' entity!"
                                % (key, self.entity.__name__))

    def get_inverse_relation(self, rel, check_reverse=True):
        Return the inverse relation of rel, if any, None otherwise.

        matching_rel = None
        for other_rel in self.relationships:
            if rel.is_inverse(other_rel):
                if matching_rel is None:
                    matching_rel = other_rel
                    raise Exception(
                            "Several relations match as inverse of the '%s' "
                            "relation in entity '%s'. You should specify "
                            "inverse relations manually by using the inverse "
                            % (rel.name, rel.entity.__name__))
        # When a matching inverse is found, we check that it has only
        # one relation matching as its own inverse. We don't need the result
        # of the method though. But we do need to be careful not to start an
        # infinite recursive loop.
        if matching_rel and check_reverse:
            rel.entity._descriptor.get_inverse_relation(matching_rel, False)

        return matching_rel

    def find_relationship(self, name):
        for rel in self.relationships:
            if rel.name == name:
                return rel
        if self.parent:
            return self.parent._descriptor.find_relationship(name)
            return None

    # some useful properties

    def table_fullname(self):
        Complete name of the table for the related entity.
        Includes the schema name if there is one specified.
        schema = self.table_options.get('schema', None)
        if schema is not None:
            return "%s.%s" % (schema, self.tablename)
            return self.tablename
    table_fullname = property(table_fullname)

    def columns(self):
        if self.entity.table is not None:
            return self.entity.table.columns
            #FIXME: depending on the type of inheritance, we should also
            # return the parent entity's columns (for example for order_by
            # using a column defined in the parent.
            return self._columns
    columns = property(columns)

    def primary_keys(self):
        Returns the list of primary key columns of the entity.

        This property isn't valid before the "create_pk_cols" phase.
        if self.autoload:
            return [col for col in self.entity.table.primary_key.columns]
            if self.parent and self.inheritance == 'single':
                return self.parent._descriptor.primary_keys
                return [col for col in self.columns if col.primary_key]
    primary_keys = property(primary_keys)

    def table(self):
        if self.entity.table is not None:
            return self.entity.table
            return FakeTable(self)
    table = property(table)

    def primary_key_properties(self):
        Returns the list of (mapper) properties corresponding to the primary
        key columns of the table of the entity.

        This property caches its value, so it shouldn't be called before the
        entity is fully set up.
        if not hasattr(self, '_pk_props'):
            col_to_prop = {}
            mapper = self.entity.mapper
            for prop in mapper.iterate_properties:
                if isinstance(prop, ColumnProperty):
                    for col in prop.columns:
                        for col in col.proxy_set:
                            col_to_prop[col] = prop
            pk_cols = [c for c in mapper.mapped_table.c if c.primary_key]
            self._pk_props = [col_to_prop[c] for c in pk_cols]
        return self._pk_props
    primary_key_properties = property(primary_key_properties)
Exemple #7
def inner_cc(selectable):
    new_cc = ColumnCollection()
    for c in selectable.inner_columns:
    return new_cc
Exemple #8
 def _replace_column(self, query, column):
     columns = ColumnCollection(*query.inner_columns)
     return query.with_only_columns(columns)