Exemple #1
    def add_remove(device: Computer, components: Set[Component]) -> OrderedSet:
        Generates the Add and Remove events (but doesn't add them to

        :param device: A device which ``components`` attribute contains
                       the old list of components. The components that
                       are not in ``components`` will be Removed.
        :param components: List of components that are potentially to
                           be Added. Some of them can already exist
                           on the device, in which case they won't
                           be re-added.
        :return: A list of Add / Remove events.
        # Note that we create the Remove events before the Add ones
        events = OrderedSet()
        old_components = set(device.components)

        adding = components - old_components
        if adding:
            # For the components we are adding, let's remove them from their old parents
            def g_parent(component: Component) -> Device:
                return component.parent or Device(
                    id=0)  # Computer with id 0 is our Identity

            for parent, _components in groupby(sorted(adding, key=g_parent),
                if parent.id != 0:  # Is not Computer Identity
        return events
Exemple #2
class _QueryPlan(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._queries = OrderedSet({None})
        self._columns = defaultdict(OrderedSet)
        self._children = defaultdict(OrderedSet)

    def add_query(self, query, parent_query):

    def add_expr(self, query, column):

    def query_id(self, query):
        return list(self._queries).index(query)

    def column_id(self, query, column):
        return list(self._columns[query]).index(column)

    def query_columns(self, query):
        return tuple(self._columns.get(query) or ())

    def query_children(self, query):
        return tuple(self._children.get(query) or ())

    def process_rows(self, rows, session):
        children = self.query_children(None)

        results = [[((self.query_id(None), row),) for row in rows]]
        results.extend(child.__execute__(self, None, rows, session)
                       for child in children)

        return {0: [tuple(chain(*r)) for r in zip(*results)]}
Exemple #3
    def load(self):
        header = OrderedSet(default_header)
        parties = {}
        for party in self.session.query(self.Party).all():
            parties[party.nr] = party.abbr

        query = "SELECT constituency.nr AS cnr, district.nr AS dnr, judicaldistrict.nr AS jdnr, judicaldistrict.electivecnt, " \
                "judicaldistrict.votecnt, judicaldistrict.invalidcnt, votes.pnr, votes.cnt " \
                "FROM constituency " \
                "INNER JOIN district ON constituency.nr = district.cnr " \
                "INNER JOIN judicaldistrict ON district.nr = judicaldistrict.dnr " \
                "AND judicaldistrict.enr = '" + str(self.enr) + "' " \
                                                                "INNER JOIN votes ON votes.enr = '" + str(self.enr) + "' " \
                                                                                                                      "AND votes.dnr = district.nr " \
                                                                                                                      "AND votes.jdnr = judicaldistrict.nr;"
        result = self.session.execute(query)

        data = {}
        for row in result:
            key = str(row["cnr"]) + str(row["dnr"]) + str(row["jdnr"])
            if key not in data:
                data[key] = {
                    "WK": row["cnr"],
                    "BZ": row["dnr"],
                    "SPR": row["jdnr"],
                    "WBER": row["electivecnt"],
                    "ABG": row["votecnt"],
                    "UNG": row["invalidcnt"],
                    "T": 4,
                    "WV": 1,
            data[key][parties[row["pnr"]]] = row["cnt"]

        return header, list(data.values())
Exemple #4
    def load(self):
        header = OrderedSet(default_header)
        parties = {}
        for party in self.session.query(self.Party).all():
            parties[party.nr] = party.abbr

        query = "SELECT constituency.nr AS cnr, district.nr AS dnr, judicaldistrict.nr AS jdnr, judicaldistrict.electivecnt, " \
                "judicaldistrict.votecnt, judicaldistrict.invalidcnt, votes.pnr, votes.cnt " \
                "FROM constituency " \
                "INNER JOIN district ON constituency.nr = district.cnr " \
                "INNER JOIN judicaldistrict ON district.nr = judicaldistrict.dnr " \
                "AND judicaldistrict.enr = '" + str(self.enr) + "' " \
                                                                "INNER JOIN votes ON votes.enr = '" + str(self.enr) + "' " \
                                                                                                                      "AND votes.dnr = district.nr " \
                                                                                                                      "AND votes.jdnr = judicaldistrict.nr;"
        result = self.session.execute(query)

        data = {}
        for row in result:
            key = str(row["cnr"]) + str(row["dnr"]) + str(row["jdnr"])
            if key not in data:
                data[key] = {
                    "WK": row["cnr"],
                    "BZ": row["dnr"],
                    "SPR": row["jdnr"],
                    "WBER": row["electivecnt"],
                    "ABG": row["votecnt"],
                    "UNG": row["invalidcnt"],
                    "T": 4,
                    "WV": 1,
            data[key][parties[row["pnr"]]] = row["cnt"]

        return header, list(data.values())
Exemple #5
    def run(self,
            device: Device,
            components: Iterable[Component] or None) -> (Device, OrderedSet):
        """Synchronizes the device and components with the database.

        Identifies if the device and components exist in the database
        and updates / inserts them as necessary.

        Passed-in parameters have to be transient, or said differently,
        not-db-synced objects, or otherwise they would end-up being
        added in the session. `Learn more... <http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/

        This performs Add / Remove as necessary.

        :param device: The device to add / update to the database.
        :param components: Components that are inside of the device.
                           This method performs Add and Remove actions
                           so the device ends up with these components.
                           Components are added / updated accordingly.
                           If this is empty, all components are removed.
                           If this is None, it means that we are not
                           providing info about the components, in which
                           case we keep the already existing components
                           of the device –we don't touch them.
        :return: A tuple of:

                 1. The device from the database (with an ID) whose
                    ``components`` field contain the db version
                    of the passed-in components.
                 2. A list of Add / Remove (not yet added to session).
        db_device = self.execute_register(device)
        db_components, actions = OrderedSet(), OrderedSet()
        if components is not None:  # We have component info (see above)
            if not isinstance(db_device, Computer):
                # Until a good reason is given, we synthetically forbid
                # non-computers with components
                raise ValidationError('Only computers can have components.')
            blacklist = set()  # type: Set[int]
            not_new_components = set()
            for component in components:
                db_component, is_new = self.execute_register_component(component,
                if not is_new:
            # We only want to perform Add/Remove to not new components
            actions = self.add_remove(db_device, not_new_components)
            db_device.components = db_components
        return db_device, actions
Exemple #6
def test_files_walk(proj, limit=100):
    repo, proj = _get_repo(proj)

    print 'processing', jn(PROJECT_PATH, proj)
    total_time = 0

    paths_ = OrderedSet([''])
        tip = repo.get_commit('tip')
        for topnode, dirs, files in tip.walk('/'):

            for dir in dirs:
                for f in dir:

            for f in files:

    except RepositoryError as e:

    cnt = 0
    for f in paths_:
        cnt += 1
        if limit and limit == cnt:

        file_path = '/'.join((proj, 'files', 'tip', f))
        full_uri = (BASE_URI % file_path)
        print '%s visiting %s' % (cnt, full_uri)
        s = time.time()
        f = o.open(full_uri)
        size = len(f.read())
        e = time.time() - s
        total_time += e
        print '%s visited OK size:%s req:%s ms' % (cnt, size, e)

    print 'total_time', total_time
    print 'average on req', total_time / float(cnt)
        def _to_python(self, value, state):
            perm_updates = OrderedSet()
            perm_additions = OrderedSet()
            perm_deletions = OrderedSet()
            # build a list of permission to update/delete and new permission

            # Read the perm_new_member/perm_del_member attributes and group
            # them by they IDs
            new_perms_group = defaultdict(dict)
            del_perms_group = defaultdict(dict)
            for k, v in value.copy().iteritems():
                if k.startswith('perm_del_member'):
                    # delete from org storage so we don't process that later
                    del value[k]
                    # part is `id`, `type`
                    _type, part = k.split('perm_del_member_')
                    args = part.split('_')
                    if len(args) == 2:
                        _key, pos = args
                        del_perms_group[pos][_key] = v
                if k.startswith('perm_new_member'):
                    # delete from org storage so we don't process that later
                    del value[k]
                    # part is `id`, `type`, `perm`
                    _type, part = k.split('perm_new_member_')
                    args = part.split('_')
                    if len(args) == 2:
                        _key, pos = args
                        new_perms_group[pos][_key] = v

            # store the deletes
            for k in sorted(del_perms_group.keys()):
                perm_dict = del_perms_group[k]
                del_member = perm_dict.get('id')
                del_type = perm_dict.get('type')
                if del_member and del_type:
                    perm_deletions.add((del_member, None, del_type))

            # store additions in order of how they were added in web form
            for k in sorted(new_perms_group.keys()):
                perm_dict = new_perms_group[k]
                new_member = perm_dict.get('id')
                new_type = perm_dict.get('type')
                new_perm = perm_dict.get('perm')
                if new_member and new_perm and new_type:
                    perm_additions.add((new_member, new_perm, new_type))

            # get updates of permissions
            # (read the existing radio button states)
            for k, update_value in value.iteritems():
                if k.startswith('u_perm_') or k.startswith('g_perm_'):
                    member = k[7:]
                    update_type = {'u': 'user',
                                   'g': 'users_group'}[k[0]]
                    if member == User.DEFAULT_USER:
                        if str2bool(value.get('repo_private')):
                            # set none for default when updating to
                            # private repo protects agains form manipulation
                            update_value = EMPTY_PERM
                    perm_updates.add((member, update_value, update_type))
            # check the deletes

            value['perm_additions'] = list(perm_additions)
            value['perm_updates'] = list(perm_updates)
            value['perm_deletions'] = list(perm_deletions)

            # validate users they exist and they are active !
            for member_id, _perm, member_type in perm_additions:
                    if member_type == 'user':
                        self.user_db = User.query()\
                            .filter(User.active == true())\
                            .filter(User.user_id == member_id).one()
                    if member_type == 'users_group':
                        self.user_db = UserGroup.query()\
                            .filter(UserGroup.users_group_active == true())\
                            .filter(UserGroup.users_group_id == member_id)\

                except Exception:
                    log.exception('Updated permission failed: org_exc:')
                    msg = M(self, 'perm_new_member_type', state)
                    raise formencode.Invalid(
                        msg, value, state, error_dict={
                            'perm_new_member_name': msg}
            return value