Exemple #1
class Cursor(BaseCursor):
    driver = "sqlite"

    # sqlite is smart - this is only a noop
    def binary(self, s):
        return s

    # capture and translate exceptions
    def _tryExecute(self, func, *params, **kw):
            ret = func(*params, **kw)
        except sqlite3.ProgrammingError, e:
            if ((e.args[0].startswith("column")
                 and e.args[0].endswith("not unique"))
                    or e.args[0].startswith("UNIQUE constraint failed")):
                raise sqlerrors.ColumnNotUnique(e)
            elif e.args[0] == 'attempt to write a readonly database':
                raise sqlerrors.ReadOnlyDatabase(str(e))
            raise sqlerrors.CursorError(e.args[0], e)
        except sqlite3.DatabaseError, e:
            if e.args[0].startswith('duplicate column name:'):
                raise sqlerrors.DuplicateColumnName(str(e))
            if e.args[0].startswith('database is locked'):
                raise sqlerrors.DatabaseLocked(str(e))
            if e.args[0].startswith("no such table"):
                raise sqlerrors.InvalidTable(str(e))
            raise sqlerrors.CursorError(e.args[0], e)
Exemple #2
 def connect(self, **kwargs):
     assert (self.database)
     kwargs.setdefault("timeout", self.TIMEOUT)
     #kwargs.setdefault("command_logfile", open("/tmp/sqlite.log", "a"))
     #kwargs.setdefault("lockJournal", True)
         self.dbh = sqlite3.connect(self.database, **kwargs)
     except sqlite3.InternalError, e:
         if str(e) == 'database is locked':
             raise sqlerrors.DatabaseLocked(e)
Exemple #3
    # sqlite is more peculiar when it comes to firing off transactions
    def transaction(self, name=None):
        assert (self.dbh)
        cu = self.cursor()
        if self.dbh.inTransaction:
            return cu
        except sqlite3.ProgrammingError, e:
            if str(e) == 'attempt to write a readonly database':
                raise sqlerrors.ReadOnlyDatabase(str(e))
        except sqlite3.DatabaseError, e:
            if e.args[0].startswith('database is locked'):
                raise sqlerrors.DatabaseLocked(str(e))
        return cu

    def rollback(self, name=None):
        assert not name
        # When using pysqlite3, which contains mixed python and C code, a
        # signal arriving during a commit or rollback results in the sqlite
        # library committing but the pysqlite3 transaction state not being
        # updated. Try to fix this when the subsequent rollback happens.

        # With the Python stdlib bindings everything is C, including the
        # transaction flag, so this does not happen. The signal exception still
        # gets raised after the db has already finished committing but the
        # connection works normally afterwards.