def raw_seg_list():
    return [
        RawSegment('bar', FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()),
def test__parser_2__base_segments_base_compare():
    fp1 = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()
    fp2 = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()
    rs1 = RawSegment('foobar', fp1)
    rs2 = RawSegment('foobar', fp2)

    ds1 = DummySegment([rs1])
    ds2 = DummySegment([rs2])
    dsa2 = DummyAuxSegment([rs2])

    # Check for equality
    assert ds1 == ds2
    # Check a different match on the same details are not the same
    assert ds1 != dsa2
def test__parser_2__common_marker():
    # test making one from fresh
    fp1 = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()
    fp2 = fp1.advance_by('abc')
    fp3 = fp2.advance_by('def\nghi\njlk')
    fp4 = fp3.advance_by('mno', idx=1)
    # check comparisons
    assert fp1 == FilePositionMarker(1, 1, 1, 0)
    assert fp4 > fp3 > fp2 > fp1
    assert fp1 < fp2 < fp3 < fp4
    # Check advance works without newline
    assert fp2 == FilePositionMarker(1, 1, 4, 3)
    assert fp3 == FilePositionMarker(1, 3, 4, 14)
    assert fp4 == FilePositionMarker(2, 3, 7, 17)
Exemple #4
def test__parser_2__lexer_multimatcher(caplog):
    matcher = RepeatedMultiMatcher(
        SingletonMatcher("dot", ".",
                         RawSegment.make('.', name='dot', is_code=True)),
        RegexMatcher("test", r"#[^#]*#", RawSegment.make('test', name='test')))
    start_pos = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()
    with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
        res = matcher.match('..#..#..#', start_pos)
        assert res.new_string == '#'  # Should match right up to the final element
        assert res.new_pos == start_pos.advance_by('..#..#..')
        assert len(res.segments) == 5
        assert res.segments[2].raw == '#..#'
Exemple #5
def assert_matches(instring, matcher, matchstring):
    start_pos = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()
    res = matcher.match(instring, start_pos)
    # Check we've got the right type
    assert isinstance(res, LexMatch)
    if matchstring is None:
        assert res.new_string == instring
        assert res.new_pos == start_pos
        assert res.segments == tuple()
        new_pos = start_pos.advance_by(matchstring)
        assert res.new_string == instring[len(matchstring):]
        assert res.new_pos == new_pos
        assert len(res.segments) == 1
        assert res.segments[0].raw == matchstring
Exemple #6
def generate_test_segments(elems):
    """ This function isn't totally robust, but good enough
    for testing. Use with caution. """
    buff = []
    raw_buff = ''
    for elem in elems:
        if set(elem) <= set([' ', '\t']):
            cls = RawSegment.make(' ', name='whitespace')
        elif set(elem) <= set(['\n']):
            cls = RawSegment.make('\n', name='newline')
        elif elem.startswith('--'):
            cls = RawSegment.make('--', name='inline_comment')
        elif elem.startswith('"'):
            cls = RawSegment.make('"', name='double_quote', _is_code=True)
        elif elem.startswith("'"):
            cls = RawSegment.make("'", name='single_quote', _is_code=True)
            cls = RawSegment.make('', _is_code=True)

        raw_buff += elem
    return tuple(buff)  # Make sure we return a tuple
def raw_seg():
    fp = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh().advance_by('abc')
    return RawSegment('foobar', fp)
def test__parser_2__base_segments_raw_compare():
    fp1 = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()
    fp2 = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()
    rs1 = RawSegment('foobar', fp1)
    rs2 = RawSegment('foobar', fp2)
    assert rs1 == rs2
def test__parser_2__base_segments_raw_init():
    """ Test initialisation. Other tests just use the fixture """
    fp = FilePositionMarker.from_fresh()
    RawSegment('foobar', fp)
def test__parser_2__common_marker_format():
    fp1 = FilePositionMarker(1, 2, 3, 0)
    # Check Formatting Style
    assert str(fp1) == "[0](1, 2, 3)"