Exemple #1
def shop(ID, m):
    h = existing_char(ID)
    if h != None:
        if m.lower() == "life potion":
            if db.select('character', 'gold', ID) >= 600:
                inventory = db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID)
                inventory.append("Life Potion")
                db.update_list("character", "inventory", ID, inventory)
                new_gold = db.select("character", "gold", ID) - 600
                db.update("character", "gold", ID, new_gold)
                return f"You have obtained a Life Potion. You have {db.select('character', 'gold', ID)} Gold remaining."
            if db.select('character', 'gold', ID) < 600:
                return "You do not have enough Gold."
        elif m.lower() == "stamina potion":
            if db.select('character', 'gold', ID) >= 600:
                inventory = db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID)
                inventory.append("Stamina Potion")
                db.update_list("character", "inventory", ID, inventory)
                new_gold = db.select("character", "gold", ID) - 600
                db.update("character", "gold", ID, new_gold)
                return f"You have obtained a Stamina Potion. You have {db.select('character', 'gold', ID)} Gold remaining."
            if db.select('character', 'gold', ID) < 600:
                return "You do not have enough Gold."
            return "This item is not in the shop"
        return "You do not have a character yet."
Exemple #2
def current_titles_available(ID):
    h = existing_char(ID)
    if h != None:
        if len(db.select_list("character", "titleavailable", ID)) >= 1:
            titles_in_order = [
                f"- {x}"
                for x in db.select_list("character", "titleavailable", ID)
            c = "\n".join(titles_in_order)
            return f"The titles available to be equipped are: {c}"
            return "You don't have a title except the one which is equipped"
        return "You don't have a character yet"
Exemple #3
def weartitle(ID, m):
    if m in db.select_list("character", "titleavailable", ID):
        cur_title = db.select("character", "titleequipped", ID)
        available = db.select_list("character", "titleavailable", ID)
        db.update_list("character", "titleavailable", ID, available)
        db.update("character", "titleequipped", ID, m)
        #db.update_list("character", "titleavailable", ID, cur_title)
        #db.update("character", "titleequipped", ID, m)
        #b = db.select_list("character", "titleavailable", ID)
        #b.remove(db.select("character", "titleequipped", ID))
        #db.update_list("character", "titleavailable", ID, b)
        return f"The title {db.select('character', 'titleequipped', ID)} has been equipped"
        return f"This is not an available title."
Exemple #4
def Yatori(ID):
    h = existing_char(ID)
    if h != None:
        if ID == 257115950623490049:
            if "God of Creation" not in db.select_list(
                    "character", "titleavailable",
                    ID) and "God of Creation" != db.select(
                        "character", "titleequipped", ID):
                add_title = db.select_list("character", "titleavailable", ID)
                add_title.append("God of Creation")
                db.update_list("character", "titleavailable", ID, add_title)
                db.update("character", "race", ID, "God")
                return "You have gotten your lost strength back"
                return "You already are divine, Master"

            return "You are not the creator of this bot"
        return "You have not created a character yet"
Exemple #5
def use(ID, m):
    h = existing_char(ID)
    if h != None:
        if m.lower() == "life potion":
            m = "Life Potion"
            if m in db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID):
                if (db.select("character", "hp", ID) -
                        db.select("character", "curhp", ID)) < 50 and (
                            db.select("character", "hp", ID) -
                            db.select("character", "curhp", ID)) != 0:
                    gainedhp = db.select("character", "hp", ID) - db.select(
                        "character", "curhp", ID)
                    max_hp = db.select("character", "hp", ID)
                    db.update("character", "curhp", ID, max_hp)
                    inventory = db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID)
                    new_inventory = inventory.remove("Life Potion")
                    db.update_list("character", "inventory", ID, new_inventory)
                    return f"{gainedhp} hp have been added, you are now full health."
                elif (db.select("character", "hp", ID) -
                      db.select("character", "curhp", ID)) >= 50:
                    more_hp = db.select("character", "curhp", ID) + 50
                    db.update("character", "curhp", ID, more_hp)
                    inventory = db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID)
                    new_inventory = inventory.remove("Life Potion")
                    db.update_list("character", "inventory", ID, new_inventory)
                    return f"50 hp have been added. You currently have {db.select('character', 'curhp', ID)}/{db.select('character', 'hp', ID)}hp."
                elif (db.select("character", "hp", ID) -
                      db.select("character", "curhp", ID)) == 0:
                    return "You are already full health."
        elif m.lower() == "stamina potion":
            m = "Stamina Potion"
            if m in db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID):
                if (db.select("character", "mana", ID) -
                        db.select("character", "curmana", ID)) < 50 and (
                            db.select("character", "mana", ID) -
                            db.select("character", "curmana", ID)) != 0:
                    gained_stamina = db.select("character", "mana",
                                               ID) - db.select(
                                                   "character", "curmana", ID)
                    max_stamina = db.select("character", "mana", ID)
                    db.update("character", "curmana", ID, max_stamina)
                    inventory = db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID)
                    new_inventory = inventory.remove("Stamina Potion")
                    db.update_list("character", "inventory", ID, new_inventory)
                    return f"{gained_stamina}stamina has been added, you are now at max Stamina"
                elif (db.select("character", "mana", ID) -
                      db.select("character", "curmana", ID)) >= 50:
                    more_stamina = db.select("character", "curmana", ID) + 50
                    db.update("character", "curmana", ID, more_stamina)
                    inventory = db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID)
                    new_inventory = inventory.remove("Stamina Potion")
                    db.update_("character", "inventory", ID, new_inventory)
                    return f"50 Stamina has been added. You currently have {db.select('character', 'curmana', ID)}/{db.select('character', 'mana', ID)}stamina"
                elif (db.select("character", "mana", ID) -
                      db.select("character", "curmana", ID)) == 0:
                    return "You already are at max Stamina."
            return "You do not have that item in your inventory."
        return "You do not have a character yet."
Exemple #6
def skills(ID):
    h = existing_char(ID)
    if h != None:
        if db.select_list("character", "actskills",
                          ID) != [""] and db.select_list(
                              "character", "passskills", ID) != [""]:
            actives = [
                f"--{x}" for x in db.select_list("character", "actskills", ID)
            passives = [
                f"--{y}" for y in db.select_list("character", "passskills", ID)
            passives2 = "".join(passives)
            actives2 = "".join(actives)
            return f"The active skills available to you are: \n {actives2} \n The passive skills available to you are: \n {passives2}"
        elif db.select_list("character", "actskills",
                            ID) != [""] and db.select_list(
                                "character", "passskills", ID) == [""]:
            actives = [
                f"--{x}" for x in db.select_list("character", "actskills", ID)
            print(db.select_list("character", "actskills", ID))
            actives2 = "".join(actives)
            return f"The active skills available to you are: \n {actives2} \n You have no passive skill."
        elif db.select_list("character", "passskills",
                            ID) != [""] and db.select_list(
                                "character", "actskills", ID) == [""]:
            passives = [
                f"--{y}" for y in db.select_list("character", "passskills", ID)
            passives2 = "".join(passives)
            return f"The passive skills available to you are: \n {passives2} \n You have no active skill"
            return "You don't have a skill yet. Get your first skill using ^learnskill"
        return "You don't have a character yet."