Exemple #1
 def load(self, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
     """Load the properties from the provided database cursor."""
     cursor.execute('select mu, sigma, games_count, wins_count from players '
                    'where name=? and ladder=?', [self.name, self.ranking.ladder])
     loaded = cursor.fetchone()
     logging.info('Fetched player %s skill %s', self.name, loaded['mu'])
     self.rating = self.ranking.tsh.create_rating(loaded['mu'], loaded['sigma'])
     self.games_count = loaded['games_count']
     self.wins_count = loaded['wins_count']
Exemple #2
def add(
    cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, solution: str, usages: str,
    keywords: _KeywordsType):
  cmd = 'INSERT INTO clues VALUES (?, ?, ?)'
    cursor.execute(cmd, (solution, usages, _format_keyword_counts(keywords)))
  except (sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.IntegrityError):
    print(cmd, solution, usages, _format_keywords(keywords))
 def str2int(s: str, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> int:
         On interroge une base données, on vérifie si la chaine de caractère est soit
         dans la case phonologie, soit dans la case graphie et on renvoie tous les entiers correspondants.
     :param s: chaine de caractères
     :param cursor: pointeur de base de données
     :return: l'entier associé à la chaine de caractères d'entrée, False sinon
     recherche = "SELECT integer FROM Lexique WHERE ortho = ? OR phon = ?"
     cursor.execute(recherche, (s,)*2)
     return cursor.fetchone()
async def import_ignored_channels(conn: asyncpg.Connection, c: sqlite3.Cursor):
    log.info("Importing ignored channels...")
    channels = []
    log.debug("Gathering ignored channels from sqlite...")
    c.execute("SELECT server_id, channel_id FROM ignored_channels")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for server_id, channel_id in rows:
        channels.append((server_id, channel_id))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(channels):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to ignored channels table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("ignored_entry", records=channels, columns=["server_id", "entry_id"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")
    log.info("Finished importing channels.")
def update_grammar_with_table_values(grammar_dictionary: Dict[str, List[str]],
                                     schema: Dict[str, List[TableColumn]],
                                     cursor: Cursor) -> None:

    for table_name, columns in schema.items():
        for column in columns:
            cursor.execute(f'SELECT DISTINCT {table_name}.{column.name} FROM {table_name}')
            results = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
            if column_has_string_type(column):
                productions = sorted([f'"{str(result)}"' for result in results], reverse=True)
            elif column_has_numeric_type(column):
                productions = sorted([f'"{str(result)}"' for result in results], reverse=True)
Exemple #6
def query(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, clue: str) -> List[Tuple[str, int, _KeywordsType]]:
  results = []
  cmd = """
    SELECT solution, usages, keywords
    FROM clues
    WHERE keywords LIKE ?
  like = '%' + _format_keywords_query(clue_keywords(clue)) + '%'
  for solution, usages, keywords in cursor.execute(cmd, (like,)):
    keywords = _query_keywords(keywords)
    results.append((solution, usages, keywords))
  return results
async def import_server_properties(conn: asyncpg.Connection, c: sqlite3.Cursor):
    properties = []
    prefixes = []
    times = []
    log.debug("Gathering server property records from sqlite...")
    log.info("Importing server properties...")
    c.execute("SELECT server_id, name, value FROM server_properties")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for server_id, key, value in rows:
        server_id = int(server_id)
        if key == "prefixes":
            prefixes.append((server_id, json.loads(value)))
        if key == "times":
            value = json.loads(value)
            for entry in value:
                times.append((server_id, entry["timezone"], entry["name"]))
        elif key in ["events_channel", "levels_channel", "news_channel", "welcome_channel", "ask_channel",
                     "announce_channel", "announce_level"]:
            value = int(value)
        elif key in ["watched_message", "watched_channel"]:
        elif key == "commandsonly":
            value = bool(value)
        properties.append((server_id, key, value))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(properties):,} properties, {len(times):,} timezones and {len(prefixes):,} prefixes"
              f" from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to server property table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("server_property", records=properties, columns=["server_id", "key", "value"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.info("Copying records to server prefixes table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("server_prefixes", records=prefixes, columns=["server_id", "prefixes"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.info("Copying records to server timezone table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("server_timezone", records=times, columns=["server_id", "zone", "name"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")
    log.info("Finished importing server properties.")
async def import_characters(conn: asyncpg.Connection, c: sqlite3.Cursor, new_ids: Dict[int, int]):
    log.info("Importing characters...")
    # Dictionary that maps character names to their SQL ID
    old_ids = {}
    chars = []
    log.debug("Gathering character records from sqlite...")
    c.execute("""SELECT id, user_id, name, level, vocation, world, guild FROM chars ORDER By id ASC""")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for char_id, user_id, name, level, vocation, world, guild in rows:
        chars.append((user_id, name, level, vocation, world, guild))
        old_ids[name] = char_id
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(chars):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to character table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("character", records=chars,
                                           columns=["user_id", "name", "level", "vocation", "world", "guild"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")
    new_chars = await conn.fetch('SELECT id, name FROM "character"')
    log.debug("Generating old id to new id mapping...")
    for new_id, name in new_chars:
        new_ids[old_ids[name]] = new_id
    log.debug("Old id to new id mapping generated.")

    ids = 1
    deaths = []
    killers = []
    log.debug("Gathering death records from sqlite...")
    c.execute("""SELECT char_id, level, killer, date, byplayer FROM char_deaths ORDER BY date ASC""")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    # This doesn't seem very safe to do, maybe it would be better to import deaths the old way
    for char_id, level, killer, date, byplayer in rows:
        byplayer = byplayer == 1
        date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date, datetime.timezone.utc)
        deaths.append((new_ids[char_id], level, date))
        killers.append((ids, killer, byplayer))
        ids += 1
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(deaths):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to deaths table.")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("character_death", records=deaths, columns=["character_id", "level", "date"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.info("Copying records to death killers table.")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("character_death_killer", records=killers,
                                           columns=["death_id", "name", "player"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.debug("Gathering level up records from sqlite...")
    c.execute("""SELECT char_id, level, date FROM char_levelups ORDER BY date ASC""")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    levelups = []
    for char_id, level, date in rows:
        date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date, datetime.timezone.utc)
        levelups.append((new_ids[char_id], level, date))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(levelups):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to level ups table.")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("character_levelup", records=levelups,
                                           columns=["character_id", "level", "date"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")
    log.info("Finished importing characters.")
async def import_roles(conn: asyncpg.Connection, c: sqlite3.Cursor):
    log.info("Importing roles...")
    auto_roles = []
    joinable_roles = []
    log.debug("Gathering auto roles from sqlite...")
    c.execute("SELECT server_id, role_id, guild FROM auto_roles")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for server_id, role_id, guild in rows:
        auto_roles.append((server_id, role_id, guild))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(auto_roles):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to auto roles table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("role_auto", records=auto_roles, columns=["server_id", "role_id", "rule"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.debug("Gathering joinable roles from sqlite...")
    c.execute("SELECT server_id, role_id FROM joinable_roles")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for server_id, role_id in rows:
        joinable_roles.append((server_id, role_id))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(joinable_roles):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to joinable roles table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("role_joinable", records=joinable_roles, columns=["server_id", "role_id"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")
    log.info("Finished importing roles.")
async def import_events(conn: asyncpg.Connection, c: sqlite3.Cursor, new_char_ids: Dict[int, int]):
    log.info("Importing events...")
    events = []
    subscribers = []
    participants = []
    new_event_ids = {}
    i = 1
    log.debug("Gathering event records from sqlite...")
    c.execute("SELECT id, creator, name, start, active, status, description, server, joinable, slots FROM events")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for event_id, creator, name, start, active, status, description, server, joinable, slots in rows:
        new_event_ids[event_id] = i
        start = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(start, datetime.timezone.utc)
        active = bool(active)
        joinable = bool(joinable)
        status = 4 - status
        events.append((creator, name, start, active, description, server, joinable, slots, status))
        i += 1
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(events):,} records from old database.")
    log.info("Copying records to events table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("event", records=events,
                                           columns=["user_id", "name", "start", "active", "description", "server_id",
                                                    "joinable", "slots", "reminder"])
    log.debug(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.debug("Gathering event subscribers from sqlite...")
    c.execute("SELECT event_id, user_id FROM event_subscribers")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for event_id, user_id in rows:
        subscribers.append((new_event_ids[event_id], user_id))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(subscribers):,} records from old database.")

    log.info("Copying records to event subscribers table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("event_subscriber", records=subscribers, columns=["event_id", "user_id"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")

    log.debug("Gathering event participants from sqlite...")
    c.execute("SELECT event_id, char_id FROM event_participants")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    for event_id, char_id in rows:
        participants.append((new_event_ids[event_id], new_char_ids[char_id]))
    log.debug(f"Collected {len(participants):,} records from old database.")

    log.info("Copying records to event participants table")
    res = await conn.copy_records_to_table("event_participant", records=participants,
                                           columns=["event_id", "character_id"])
    log.info(f"Copied {get_affected_count(res):,} records successfully.")
    log.info("Finished importing events.")
Exemple #11
def query_db(query_string: str, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor):
    yield cursor.execute(query_string).fetchall()
Exemple #12
def create_table_nh(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, rt: dict):
    """Next_hop table creating, first table"""
    cursor.execute("create table next_hop (next_hop text)")
    for next_hop in rt["route_table"]["next_hop"]:
        cursor.execute("insert into next_hop values (?)", (next_hop, ))
Exemple #13
def record_exists(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, path: str) -> bool:
    cursor.execute("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM records WHERE path=? LIMIT 1)", (path,))
    return bool(cursor.fetchone()[0])
Exemple #14
def count_records(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> int:
    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT() FROM records")
    return cursor.fetchone()[0]
Exemple #15
def vote(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, voter: Voter) -> None:

    query: str = '''UPDATE voters SET has_voted = 1 WHERE id = ?'''
    cursor.execute(query, (voter._id, ))
    voter.has_voted = True
Exemple #16
def update_record(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, path: str, hash_: bytes, modified: float) -> None:
    cursor.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO records(path, hash, modified) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (path, hash_, modified))
Exemple #17
def populate_db_and_check_for_asset_renaming(
        cursor: Cursor,
        data: DataHandler,
        data_dir: Path,
        msg_aggregator: MessagesAggregator,
        username: str,
        to_rename_asset: str,
        renamed_asset: Asset,
        target_version: int,
    # Manually input data to the affected tables.
    # timed_balances, multisettings and (external) trades

    # At this time point we only have occurence of the to_rename_asset
        'INSERT INTO timed_balances('
        '   time, currency, amount, usd_value) '
        ' VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)',
        ('1557499129', to_rename_asset, '10.1', '150'),
    # But add a time point where we got both to_rename_asset and
    # renamed_asset. This is to test merging if renaming falls in time where
    # both new and old asset had entries
        'INSERT INTO timed_balances('
        '   time, currency, amount, usd_value) '
        ' VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)',
        ('1558499129', to_rename_asset, '1.1', '15'),
        'INSERT INTO timed_balances('
        '   time, currency, amount, usd_value) '
        ' VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)',
        ('1558499129', renamed_asset.identifier, '2.2', '25'),
    # Add one different asset for control test
        'INSERT INTO timed_balances('
        '   time, currency, amount, usd_value) '
        ' VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)',
        ('1556392121', 'ETH', '5.5', '245'),
    # Also populate an ignored assets entry
        'INSERT INTO multisettings(name, value) VALUES(?, ?)',
        ('ignored_asset', to_rename_asset),
        'INSERT INTO multisettings(name, value) VALUES(?, ?)',
        ('ignored_asset', 'RDN'),
    # Finally include it in some trades
        'INSERT INTO trades('
        '  time,'
        '  location,'
        '  pair,'
        '  type,'
        '  amount,'
        '  rate,'
        '  fee,'
        '  fee_currency,'
        '  link,'
        '  notes)'
        'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
        'INSERT INTO trades('
        '  time,'
        '  location,'
        '  pair,'
        '  type,'
        '  amount,'
        '  rate,'
        '  fee,'
        '  fee_currency,'
        '  link,'
        '  notes)'
        'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
        'INSERT INTO trades('
        '  time,'
        '  location,'
        '  pair,'
        '  type,'
        '  amount,'
        '  rate,'
        '  fee,'
        '  fee_currency,'
        '  link,'
        '  notes)'
        'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',

    # now relogin and check that all tables have appropriate data
    del data
    data = DataHandler(data_dir, msg_aggregator)
    with creation_patch, target_patch(target_version=target_version):
        data.unlock(username, '123', create_new=False)
    # Check that owned and ignored assets reflect the new state
    ignored_assets = data.db.get_ignored_assets()
    assert A_RDN in ignored_assets
    assert renamed_asset in ignored_assets
    owned_assets = data.db.query_owned_assets()
    assert A_ETH in owned_assets
    assert renamed_asset in owned_assets

    # Make sure that the merging of both new and old name entry in same timestamp works
    querystr = (
        f'SELECT time, amount, usd_value FROM timed_balances WHERE time BETWEEN '
        f'0 AND 2556392121 AND currency="{renamed_asset.identifier}" ORDER BY time ASC;'
    cursor = data.db.conn.cursor()
    result = cursor.execute(querystr).fetchall()
    assert len(result) == 2
    assert result[0][0] == 1557499129
    assert result[0][1] == '10.1'
    assert result[0][2] == '150'
    assert result[1][0] == 1558499129
    assert result[1][1] == '3.3'
    assert result[1][2] == '40'

    # Assert that trades got renamed properly
    cursor = data.db.conn.cursor()
    query = (
        'SELECT id,'
        '  time,'
        '  location,'
        '  pair,'
        '  type,'
        '  amount,'
        '  rate,'
        '  fee,'
        '  fee_currency,'
        '  link,'
        '  notes FROM trades ORDER BY time ASC;'
    results = cursor.execute(query)
    trades = []
    for result in results:
            'id': result[0],
            'timestamp': result[1],
            'location': result[2],
            'pair': result[3],
            'trade_type': result[4],
            'amount': result[5],
            'rate': result[6],
            'fee': result[7],
            'fee_currency': result[8],
            'link': result[9],
            'notes': result[10],
    assert len(trades) == 3
    assert trades[0]['fee_currency'] == 'EUR'
    assert trades[0]['pair'] == 'ETH_EUR'
    assert trades[1]['fee_currency'] == renamed_asset.identifier
    assert trades[1]['pair'] == f'{renamed_asset.identifier}_EUR'
    assert trades[2]['pair'] == f'{renamed_asset.identifier}_EUR'

    assert data.db.get_version() == target_version
Exemple #18
def v8_call_get_history_posl_ulozena_pozice(c: sqlite3.Cursor, adrhex: int):
    dt = telegram_create(adrhex, Telegram.BEZNY, b'\x02\x54\x00')
        "insert into serial_prikaz(cas, prikaz, typ_dotazu) values(?, ?, ?)",
        (datetime.now(), conv_hex_to_str(dt),
Exemple #19
def hmp_process_ctvrthodiny_data(cur: sqlite3.Cursor, ddata:bytes, od:bytes): #predpoklad obecny cas ctvrthodiny
    res = { 'cas': 0, 'odhad': 0, 'hl_poc_imp': 0, 'podr_cas_imp1':0, 'podr_poc_imp1':0, 'podr_cas_imp2':0, 'podr_poc_imp2':0  }

    data = ddata[6:-1]
    #d0 = data[0]    # stav vystupu
    #d1 = data[1]    # SYSTEM byte (RAM addr 20h)
    d2 = data[2]    # cas ve 1/4 low byte
    d3 = data[3]    # bity 0 1 jsou ve 1/4 high byte, bity 4-7 jsou high byte odhadu spotrebovane prace na konci 1/4h
    d4 = data[4]    # odhad spotrebovane prace na konci 1/4 low byte

    #cas 1/4h
    res['cas'] = (((d3 << 6) & 0xFF) >> 6) * 256 +  d2 #cas v sekundach

    odhad = ((d3 >> 4) & 0x0F)  # Odhad.bit 11 = 0 => Odhad = odhad

    if odhad & 8 == 8 :     # komprimovano Odhad.bit 11 = 1 => Odhad = (odhad.bit0-10 * 4) + 2048
        odhad = ((odhad << 1) & 0x0F) >> 1
        res['odhad'] = (odhad * 256 + d4)*4 + 2048
        res['odhad'] = odhad * 256 + d4    #odhad

    res['hl_poc_imp'] = data[6] * 256 + data[5]
    res['hl_cas_imp'] = (data[9] * 65536  + data[8] * 256 + data[7]) /1000

    res['podr_cas_imp1'] = (data[12] * 65536  + data[11] * 256 + data[10]) /1000
    res['podr_poc_imp1'] = data[14] * 256 + data[13]
    res['podr_cas_imp2'] = (data[17] * 65536  + data[16] * 256 + data[15]) /1000
    res['podr_poc_imp2'] = data[19] * 256 + data[18]
    s_adr = conv_hex_to_str(od)
    kk = cur.execute("""select (select konst from zapojeni_vstupy zv inner join zapojeni z on zv.zapojeni_id = z.id where adr_zarizeni=? and cislo=?) k1, 
                        (select konst from zapojeni_vstupy zv inner join zapojeni z on zv.zapojeni_id = z.id where adr_zarizeni = ? and cislo=?) k2,
                        (select konst from zapojeni_vstupy zv inner join zapojeni z on zv.zapojeni_id = z.id where adr_zarizeni = ? and cislo=?) k3""",
                        (s_adr, 1, s_adr, 2, s_adr, 3)).fetchone()    

    if not kk or kk[0] == None or kk[1] == None or kk[2] == None:

    k1 = kk[0]
    k2 = kk[1]
    k3 = kk[2]

       vypocet vykonu = 3600 / (cas hl eml * konstanta) .... pro jednotlive vstupy
       vypocet prace =  aktulanli pocet impulsu * konstatnta  ... ->  impl_1p = round(((impl_1p * 4) / k), 2)  <- ta 4.ka znamena 4*15 - 1h na hodinu"""

    v_1 = round(3600 / (res['hl_cas_imp'] * k1), 2)
    v_2 = round(3600 / (res['podr_cas_imp1'] * k2), 2)
    v_3 = round(3600 / (res['podr_cas_imp2'] * k3), 2)

    p_1 = round(((res['hl_poc_imp'] * 4) / k1), 2)
    p_2 = round(((res['podr_poc_imp1'] * 4) / k2), 2)
    p_3 = round(((res['podr_poc_imp2'] * 4) / k3), 2)

    if res['hl_poc_imp'] == 0:
        cosF = 0
        cosF = round( res['hl_poc_imp'] / math.sqrt(res['hl_poc_imp']**2 + res['podr_poc_imp1']**2), 2)

    cur.execute("""REPLACE INTO livedata(adr_zarizeni, cas, odhad, vykon_1, prace_1, vykon_2, prace_2, vykon_3, prace_3, cosf, cas_odecet) 
                values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);""", (s_adr, res['cas'], res['odhad'], v_1, p_1, v_2, p_2, v_3, p_3, cosF, datetime.now()))    
Exemple #20
def hmp_call_get_datumcas(c: sqlite3.Cursor) -> bytes:
    hx = "ff a5 00 3f 02 1a 2d 00 80 53"
    c.execute("insert into serial_prikaz(cas, prikaz, typ_dotazu) values(?, ?, ?)", (datetime.now(), hx, APP_TYP_DOTAZU.HMP_DATUM_A_CAS.value))
Exemple #21
def hmp_call_stoup_konst(c: sqlite3.Cursor) -> bytes:
    hx = "ff a5 00 3f 02 1a 23 2a 00 b3"
    c.execute("insert into serial_prikaz(cas, prikaz, typ_dotazu) values(?, ?, ?)", (datetime.now(), hx, APP_TYP_DOTAZU.HMP_STOUPACI_KONSTANTA.value))
Exemple #22
def hmp_call_posun_regul_krivka(c: sqlite3.Cursor) -> bytes:
    hx = "ff a5 00 3f 02 1a 22 25 00 b9"
    c.execute("insert into serial_prikaz(cas, prikaz, typ_dotazu) values(?, ?, ?)", (datetime.now(), hx, APP_TYP_DOTAZU.HMP_POSUN_REGULACNI_KRIVKA.value))
Exemple #23
def hmp_call_techmax(c: sqlite3.Cursor) -> bytes:
    hx = "ff a5 00 3f 02 1a 22 22 00 bc"
    c.execute("insert into serial_prikaz(cas, prikaz, typ_dotazu) values(?, ?, ?)", (datetime.now(), hx, APP_TYP_DOTAZU.HMP_TMAX.value))
Exemple #24
def track_macros(connection: sqlite3.Connection, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor):
    foodsEaten = []
    foodEaten = ''
    totalCalories = 0
    totalProtein = 0
    totalCarbohydrate = 0
    totalFat = 0
    totalFiber = 0

    while foodEaten != 'stop':
        addFood = ''
        foodEaten = input(
            "Please type in a food that you have eaten or 'stop' to stop entering foods>>"
        if foodEaten == 'stop':

        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM FOODS WHERE FOODS.FOOD = ?",
                       (foodEaten.capitalize(), ))
        result = cursor.fetchone()
        if result is None:
            print("This food does not exist in the database.")
            while addFood != 'n':
                addFood = input(
                    "Please type 'a' if you would like to add it to the database "
                    "or 'n' to continue adding other foods>>").lower()
                if addFood == 'a':
                    result = return_food_entry(foodArg=foodEaten)
                    save_to_database(result, connection, cursor)
                    totalCalories += result['calories']
                    totalCarbohydrate += result['carbohydrate']
                    totalFat += result['fat']
                    totalProtein += result['protein']
                    totalFiber += result['fiber']
                    print("This food has been added to foods eaten.")
            totalCalories += result[1]
            totalProtein += result[2]
            totalFat += result[3]
            totalCarbohydrate += result[4]
            totalFiber += result[5]

        if addFood == 'n':


    if len(foodsEaten) == 0:
            "No foods were provided, so no information is available to display. Going back to main query...\n"

    proteinPercentage = totalProtein * 4 * 100 / totalCalories
    fatPercentage = totalFat * 9 * 100 / totalCalories
    carbohydratePercentage = (totalCarbohydrate -
                              totalFiber) * 4 * 100 / totalCalories
    remainingPercentage = 100 - proteinPercentage - fatPercentage - carbohydratePercentage
    prettyFoodsEaten = return_pretty_consumption(foodsEaten)

    print("\nYou consumed the foods: {}.".format(", ".join(prettyFoodsEaten)))
        "You ate a total of {:.2f} calories, {:.2f} grams of protein, {:.2f} grams of fat,"
        " {:.2f} grams of carbohydrates, and {:.2f} grams of fiber.".format(
            totalCalories, totalProtein, totalFat, totalCarbohydrate,
    print("{:.2f}% of calories from {:.2f} grams of protein.".format(
        proteinPercentage, totalProtein))
    print("{:.2f}% of calories from {:.2f} grams of fat.".format(
        fatPercentage, totalFat))
        "{:.2f}% of calories from {:.2f} grams of carbohydrates minus {:.2f} grams of fiber."
        .format(carbohydratePercentage, totalCarbohydrate, totalFiber))
    print("{:.2f}% of calories are inaccurate from incorrect data.\n".format(
Exemple #25
def v8_process_history(cur: sqlite3.Cursor, ddata: bytes, od: bytes):

    data = ddata[6:-1]
    r = data[3:]
    #print("v8_process_history() : {}".format(conv_hex_to_str(r)))

    if r[0] == 0xFF and r[1] == 0xFF and r[2] == 0xFF and r[3] == 0xFF:

    cas_s = (r[0] & 0x1F) * 2
    cas_m = (r[1] & 0x07) << 3 | (r[0] & 0xE0) >> 5
    cas_h = (r[1] & 0xF8) >> 3
    cas_d = (r[2] & 0x1F)
    cas_mes = ((r[3] & 0x01) << 3) | (r[2] & 0xE0) >> 5
    cas_rok = (r[3] & 0xFE) >> 1

    cas_rok = 2000 + cas_rok
    d = datetime(cas_rok,
    unixstamp = d.timestamp()

    cas14h = ((r[5] & 0x0F) * 256) + r[4]  # 84 x3 - delka zaznamu = 900 sekund
    v8_sammod = r[5] & 0x80
    v8_ukon_14h = r[5] & 0x40
    ukon_14h_inext = r[5] & 0x20

    #                           0  1  2  3  4  5    6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
    # A5 3F 20 35 C7 52 4E 15 | E0 91 B4 28 84 23 | 35 02 A2 40 20 7C F9 00 64 F3 01 E0 5C 15

    vs = []
    vs.append(((r[7] & 0x0F) * 256) + r[6])  # pocet impulzu vstup 1
    vs.append(((r[7] & 0xF0) * 256) + r[8])  # pocet impulzu vstup 2
    vs.append(((r[10] & 0x0F) * 256) + r[9])  # pocet impulzu vstup 3
    vs.append(((r[10] & 0xF0) * 256) + r[11])  # pocet impulzu vstup 4
    vs.append(((r[13] & 0x0F) * 256) + r[12])  # pocet impulzu vstup 5
    vs.append(((r[13] & 0xF0) * 256) + r[14])  # pocet impulzu vstup 6
    vs.append(((r[16] & 0x0F) * 256) + r[15])  # pocet impulzu vstup 7
    vs.append(((r[16] & 0xF0) * 256) + r[17])  # pocet impulzu vstup 8

    #vypocet je identicky jak u HMP
    s_adr = conv_hex_to_str(od)

    #Hodnota odberu se z impulsu a konstanty vypocita takto
    #odber:=4 * 1000 * Pocet_impulsu / Konstanta

    dbvstupy = cur.execute(
        "select cislo, konst from zapojeni_vstupy zv inner join zapojeni z on zv.zapojeni_id = z.id where adr_zarizeni = ? order by cislo asc",
        (s_adr, )).fetchall()

    jk = ""
    for vstup in dbvstupy:
        jk += str(vstup[1]) + ","

    if len(jk) > 0:
        jk = jk[:-1]

    jk = "[" + jk + "]"

    last_hw_id = -1
            """insert into historie_data_raw(adr_zarizeni, rok, mesic, den, hh, mm, ss, piv_1, piv_2, piv_3, piv_4, piv_5, piv_6, piv_7, piv_8, cas_14h, v8_sammod, v8_ukon_14h, ukon_14h_inext, unixstamp, rawdata, k)  
                    values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?)""",
            (s_adr, cas_rok, cas_mes, cas_d, cas_h, cas_m, cas_s, vs[0], vs[1],
             vs[2], vs[3], vs[4], vs[5], vs[6], vs[7], cas14h,
             v8_sammod, v8_ukon_14h, ukon_14h_inext, unixstamp,
             conv_hex_to_str(ddata), jk))

        last_hw_id = cur.lastrowid
    except Exception as e:

        dd = data[1:3]
        pos = int(((int(dd[1]) * 256 + int(dd[0])) - 2304) / 18)
        cur.execute("update zapojeni set cislozaznamu=? where adr_zarizeni=?",
    except Exception as e:
        print("v8_process_history(): Ex: {}".format(str(e)), flush=True)

    #cosF se vypocita = cinny/sqrt(cinny^2 + jalovy^2)  , cinny =  HL, jalovy = 1P
    cosF = 0
            "select cislo, konst from zapojeni_vstupy zv inner join zapojeni z on zv.zapojeni_id = z.id where adr_zarizeni = ? and zv.is_jalovy=1",
            (s_adr, ))
        jal = cur.fetchone()

            "select cislo, konst from zapojeni_vstupy zv inner join zapojeni z on zv.zapojeni_id = z.id where adr_zarizeni = ? and zv.is_cinny=1",
            (s_adr, ))
        jin = cur.fetchone()

        if jal and jin:
            imp_jal = round(((vs[jal[0] - 1] * 4) / jal[1]), 2)
            imp_cin = round(((vs[jin[0] - 1] * 4) / jin[1]), 2)
            if imp_cin == 0:
                cosF = 0
                cosF = round(imp_cin / math.sqrt(imp_cin**2 + imp_jal**2), 2)


        #d = datetime(cas_rok,cas_mes,cas_d,cas_h, cas_m, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
        d = d + timedelta(seconds=10) - timedelta(
        )  # posun o 15 min nazpet + pripocti 10s k datum nektere vychazji 9:59:58
        s = int(d.minute / 15)  # cislo ctvrthodiny

        d = d.replace(minute=0, second=0)  #vynuluj minuty
        ux = d.timestamp()

        ss = ["s1", "s2", "s3", "s4"]

        ivs = cis = -1
        for vstup in dbvstupy:
                cis = vstup[0]
                ivs = cis - 1
                    "select s1, s2, s3, s4, id from historie where datum=? and adr_zarizeni=? and vstup=?",
                    (ux, s_adr, cis))
                r = cur.fetchone()

                odber = round(((vs[ivs] * 4) / vstup[1]), 2)

                if r:
                    rid = r[4]

                    if r[s] is None:  # s - cislo ctvrthodiny
                        s5v = [r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]]
                        s5v[s] = odber

                        # TO SAME I PRO HMP !!!
                        s5 = round((int_none(s5v[0]) + int_none(s5v[1]) +
                                    int_none(s5v[2]) + int_none(s5v[3])) / 4,

                        q = "update historie set {}=?, s5=?, regmax=?, cosf=?, cloud_sent=0 where id=?".format(
                            ss[s], )
                        cur.execute(q, (odber, s5, -1, cosF, rid))

                        q = "update historie set {}_dupl= coalesce({}_dupl, '') || ? || ',', cloud_sent=0 where id=?".format(
                            ss[s], ss[s])
                        cur.execute(q, (odber, rid))
                    # TO SAME I PRO HMP !!!
                    s5 = round(odber / 4, 2)
                    q = "insert into historie(datum, vstup, adr_zarizeni, {}, s5, cosf) values(?,?,?, ?,?,?)".format(
                        ss[s], )
                    cur.execute(q, (ux, cis, s_adr, odber, s5, cosF))

            except Exception as e:
                    "v8_process_history() foreach: Ex: {} cis:  {}  ivs: {} vs: {} s: {}"
                    .format(str(e), cis, ivs, vs, s),
    except Exception as e:
        print("v8_process_history() FF: Ex: {}".format(str(e)), flush=True)

Exemple #26
def __is_email_unique__(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, email: str) -> bool:
    stmt = 'SELECT * FROM User WHERE email = "{}"'
    query = cursor.execute(stmt.format(email))
    result = query.fetchone()
    return True if not result else False
Exemple #27
 def save(self, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
     """Save the properties to the provided database cursor."""
     cursor.execute('update players set mu=?, sigma=?, games_count=?, '
                    'wins_count=? where name=? and ladder=?',
                    [self.rating.mu, self.rating.sigma, self.games_count,
                    self.wins_count, self.name, self.ranking.ladder])
Exemple #28
 def _video_exists(self, c: sqlite3.Cursor, yt_id: str):
     return bool(
         c.execute('select 1 from videos where yt_id == ?',
                   (yt_id, )).fetchall())
Exemple #29
def update_table_with_data(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, data: str, station_id: int):
    for temp in data:
            "INSERT INTO temp VALUES(?,?,?,?)",
            (station_id, temp["date"], temp["value"], temp["quality"]))
Exemple #30
def delete_record(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, path: str) -> None:
    cursor.execute("DELETE FROM records WHERE path=?", (path,))
 def _getProfileType(self, container_id: str, db_cursor: db.Cursor) -> Optional[str]:
     db_cursor.execute("select id, container_type from containers where id = ?", (container_id, ))
     row = db_cursor.fetchone()
     if row:
         return row[1]
     return None
Exemple #32
def yield_records(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> T.Generator[Record, None, None]:
    cursor.execute("SELECT path, hash, modified FROM records")
    while chunk := cursor.fetchmany():
        for record in chunk:
            yield Record(*record)
def clean_up_old_db(c: sqlite3.Cursor):
    log.info("Cleaning up old database")
    # Clean up characters
    c.execute("SELECT min(id), name as id FROM chars GROUP BY name HAVING COUNT(*) > 1")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    log.debug("Removing duplicate characters...")
    for char_id, name in rows:
        c.execute("""UPDATE char_levelups SET char_id = ?
                     WHERE char_id IN 
                        (SELECT id FROM chars WHERE name = ? ORDER BY id LIMIT 1)""", (char_id, name))
        c.execute("""UPDATE char_deaths SET char_id = ?
                     WHERE char_id IN 
                        (SELECT id FROM chars WHERE name = ? ORDER BY id LIMIT 1)""", (char_id, name))
        c.execute("""UPDATE event_participants SET char_id = ?
                     WHERE char_id IN 
                        (SELECT id FROM chars WHERE name = ? ORDER BY id LIMIT 1)""", (char_id, name))
        c.execute("DELETE FROM chars WHERE name = ? AND id != ?", (name, char_id))
    log.info(f"Removed {len(rows):,} duplicate characters")

    # Clean up deaths
    log.debug("Removing duplicate deaths...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM char_deaths
                 WHERE rowid NOT IN 
                    (SELECT min(rowid) FROM char_deaths GROUP BY char_id, date)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} duplicate deaths")

    log.debug("Removing orphaned  deaths...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM char_deaths
                     WHERE char_id NOT IN 
                        (SELECT id FROM chars)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} orphaned deaths")

    # Clean up level ups
    log.debug("Removing duplicate level ups...")
    c.execute("""SELECT min(rowid), min(date), max(date)-min(date) as diff, count() as c, char_id, level
                 FROM char_levelups
                 GROUP BY char_id, level HAVING c > 1 AND diff < 30""")
    rows = c.fetchall()
    count = 0
    for rowid, date, diff, _count, char_id, level in rows:
        c.execute("""DELETE FROM char_levelups
                     WHERE rowid != ? AND char_id = ? AND level = ? AND date-30 < ? AND date+30 > ?""",
                  (rowid, char_id, level, date, date))
        count += c.rowcount
    log.info(f"Removed {count:,} duplicate level ups")

    log.debug("Removing orphaned level ups...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM char_levelups
                     WHERE char_id NOT IN 
                        (SELECT id FROM chars)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} orphaned levelups")

    # Clean up event participants
    log.debug("Removing duplicate event participants...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM event_participants
                     WHERE rowid NOT IN 
                        (SELECT min(rowid) FROM event_participants GROUP BY event_id, char_id)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} duplicate event participants")

    log.debug("Removing orphaned event participants...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM event_participants
                         WHERE char_id NOT IN 
                            (SELECT id FROM chars)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} orphaned event participants")

    # Clean up event subscribers
    log.debug("Removing duplicate event subscribers...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM event_subscribers
                     WHERE rowid NOT IN 
                        (SELECT min(rowid) FROM event_subscribers GROUP BY event_id, user_id)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} duplicate event subscribers")

    # Remove server properties
    log.debug("Removing duplicate server properties...")
    c.execute("""DELETE FROM server_properties
                         WHERE rowid NOT IN 
                            (SELECT min(rowid) FROM server_properties GROUP BY server_id, name)""")
    log.info(f"Removed {c.rowcount:,} duplicate server properties")
Exemple #34
def vacuum_database(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
def check_element_DB(element_name: str, c: sqlite3.Cursor) -> bool:
    results = c.execute("SELECT * FROM TransE WHERE qid='" + element_name + "'").fetchone()
    return not results is None
Exemple #36
def insert_xls_db(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, xls_tuple):
    sql = '''INSERT INTO jobdata_by_state (area_title, occ_code, occ_title, tot_emp, h_pct25, a_pct25, unique_id)
                VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'''
    cursor.execute(sql, xls_tuple)
Exemple #37
def setup(c: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
    for q in QUERIES:
Exemple #38
def v8_create_zaznam_historie_all(cur: sqlite3.Cursor, adr=''):

    if adr == '':
        for r in cur.execute(
                "select cislozaznamu, id, adr_zarizeni, hw_pozice_zaznamu from zapojeni where hw_typ <> 1 order by master desc, adr asc"

                pos = r[0]
                id = r[1]
                adr_zarizeni = r[2]
                hw_pos = r[3]

                if pos > HISTORIE_MAX_ZAZNAMU_V8 or pos < 0:
                    pos = 0

                v = conv_str_hex_adr_to_int(adr_zarizeni)
                v8_call_get_history_posl_ulozena_pozice(cur, v)

                if pos > hw_pos:

                    while pos <= HISTORIE_MAX_ZAZNAMU_V8:
                            cur, v, pos,
                        pos += 1

                    pos = 0

                while pos <= hw_pos:
                        cur, v, pos, APP_TYP_DOTAZU.V8_HISTORIE_DATA_ALL.value)
                    pos += 1

            except Exception as e:
                print("v8_create_zaznam_historie_all(): Ex: {}".format(str(e)),
            "select id, cislozaznamu, hw_pozice_zaznamu from zapojeni where adr_zarizeni=? and  hw_typ <> 1",
            (adr, ))
        f = cur.fetchone()

        if f:
            id = f[0]
            pos = f[1]
            hw_pos = f[2]

            if pos > HISTORIE_MAX_ZAZNAMU_V8 or pos < 0:
                pos = 0

            v = conv_str_hex_adr_to_int(adr)
            v8_call_get_history_posl_ulozena_pozice(cur, v)

            if pos > hw_pos:

                while pos <= HISTORIE_MAX_ZAZNAMU_V8:
                        cur, v, pos, APP_TYP_DOTAZU.V8_HISTORIE_DATA_ALL.value)
                    pos += 1

                pos = 0

            while pos <= hw_pos:
                    cur, v, pos, APP_TYP_DOTAZU.V8_HISTORIE_DATA_ALL.value)
                pos += 1
def find_element_DB(element_name: str, c: sqlite3.Cursor) -> List[int]:
    query_result = c.execute("SELECT * FROM TransE WHERE qid='" + element_name + "'").fetchone()
    if query_result:
        return list(query_result)
        return None
Exemple #40
 def query(self, cur: sqlite3.Cursor, query: str, args=[]):
     res = cur.execute(query, args)
     return res.fetchone()[0]
Exemple #41
    def write_to_sql(self, cursor: Cursor):
        fields = [

        fields_str = ", ".join(fields)
        values_str = ", ".join("?" * len(fields))
        update_str = ",\n".join([f"{i}=?" for i in fields])
        entry_sql = (
            "INSERT INTO\n\tSpecies (" + fields_str + ")\nVALUES\n\t(" +
            values_str +
            ") ON CONFLICT (species_name, variant_name) DO UPDATE SET\n" +
            update_str + ";")

        t = self.get_sql_tuple()
        cursor.execute(entry_sql, tuple(chain(t, t)))
        _id = cursor.lastrowid

        self.dex_entry.write_abilities_sql(cursor, _id)
        self.move_info.write_moves_sql(cursor, _id)
Exemple #42
 def _get_namespaces(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> t.Iterable[str]:
     cursor.execute('''SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
   WHERE type = 'table' AND name NOT like 'sqlite_%';''')
     yield from (x[0] for x in _fetch_all(cursor))
Exemple #43
def read_all_pooled_address(cur: Cursor) -> set:
    """get all pooled address"""
    cur.execute("SELECT `ck` FROM `pool`")
    return {addr for (addr, ) in cur}