def sql_get(self, host: str, user: str, password: str): """ Query 'catalog_str' from 'database' using sqlutilpy.get() """ ra_min = self.ra_sat - 0.5 * self.width ra_max = self.ra_sat + 0.5 * self.width dec_min = self.dec_sat - 0.5 * self.width dec_max = self.dec_sat + 0.5 * self.width query_str = """ select {} from {} where {} < ra and ra < {} and {} < dec and dec < {} """.format(self.catalog_str, self.database, ra_min, ra_max, dec_min, dec_max) print("Querying data in the patch using sqlutilpy.get():") datas = sqlutilpy.get(query_str, host=host, user=user, password=password) # update 'datas' dic to store queried data for i, catalog in enumerate(self.catalog_list): self.datas[catalog] = datas[i] print(" %d sources are queried \n" % self.n_source())
def main(): # Whitespace does not matter username = database_config.username password = database_config.password host = # database_name = database_config.database_name ra, dec = sqlutil.get( "select ra, dec from des_dr1.main where q3c_radial_query(ra,dec,317.2044,-51.1656,1)", host=host, user=username, password=password) # Getting the entire table # Do not run this...this is too big. this is here for reference """ something = sqlutil.get( "select * from des_dr1.main", host="", user=username, password=password ) """ print("ra:", ra, "dec:", dec) print("ra type:", type(ra), "dec type:", type(dec))
import numpy as np import sqlutilpy RADIUS = 1 labels = "ra,dec,type,psfmag_u,psfmag_g,psfmag_r,psfmag_i,psfmag_z,modelmag_u,modelmag_g,modelmag_r,modelmag_i,modelmag_z" sql_str = """ SELECT {} FROM sdssdr9.phototag WHERE q3c_radial_query(ra, dec, {}, {}, {}) and mode=1 and psfmag_u > 0 and modelmag_u > 0 and psfmag_g > 0 and modelmag_g > 0 and psfmag_r > 0 and modelmag_r > 0 and psfmag_i > 0 and modelmag_i > 0 and psfmag_z > 0 and modelmag_z > 0 """.format(labels, 150, 0, RADIUS) sql_query = sqlutilpy.get(sql_str, host='xxx', user='******', password='******') np.savetxt("sdss_phototag_{}.csv".format(RADIUS), np.array(sql_query).T, delimiter=",", header=labels, comments="") print('%d objects' % len(sql_query[0]))
import sys, pickle sys.path.append('/home/andy/Documents/Research/software/') import sqlutilpy, getdata, numpy as np, h5py #catalogue = "gaia_edr3.gaia_source" catalogue = "andy_everall.gaia3_rand100m" query = f"""select floor(phot_g_mean_mag/0.1)*0.1 as magbin, percentile_cont(0.5) within group (ORDER BY SQRT(phot_g_n_obs)*phot_g_mean_flux_error/phot_g_mean_flux) as med_gamp from {catalogue} where phot_g_mean_mag is not NULL group by magbin""" print(query) med_amp = sqlutilpy.get(query, asDict=True, **getdata.sql_args) print('Processing data') order = np.argsort(med_amp['magbin']) for key in med_amp.keys(): med_amp[key] = med_amp[key][order] savefile = 'median_gamp_edr3.h' print(f'Saving data: {savefile}') with h5py.File(savefile, 'w') as hf: for key in med_amp.keys(): hf.create_dataset(key, data=med_amp[key])
import sys, pickle sys.path.append('/home/andy/Documents/Research/software/') import sqlutilpy, getdata, numpy as np, h5py catalogue = "gaia_edr3.gaia_source" #"andy_everall.gaia3_rand100m" query = f"""select floor(phot_g_mean_mag/0.1)*0.1 as magbin, sum(phot_g_n_obs) as k, sum(matched_transits) as n, sum(astrometric_matched_transits) as n_ast, count(*) from {catalogue} where phot_g_mean_mag is not NULL group by magbin""" print(query) obs_counts = sqlutilpy.get(query, asDict=True, **getdata.sql_args) order = np.argsort(obs_counts['magbin']) for key in obs_counts.keys(): obs_counts[key] = obs_counts[key][order] obs_counts['mean_eff'] = (obs_counts['k'] + 1) / (obs_counts['n'] * 9. + 2) savefile = 'expected_gobs_efficiency_edr3.h' print(f'Saving data: {savefile}') with h5py.File(savefile, 'w') as hf: for key in obs_counts.keys(): hf.create_dataset(key, data=obs_counts[key])