def main(): args = parse_args() print("***** Loading tokenizer and model *****") electra_model = args.electra_model config = ElectraConfig.from_pretrained(electra_model) tokenizer = ElectraTokenizer.from_pretrained(electra_model) model = TFElectraForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(electra_model, config=config, args=args) print("***** Loading fine-tuned checkpoint: {} *****".format( args.init_checkpoint)) model.load_weights(args.init_checkpoint, by_name=False, skip_mismatch=False).expect_partial() question, text = args.question, args.context encoding = tokenizer.encode_plus(question, text, return_tensors='tf') input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask = encoding["input_ids"], encoding["token_type_ids"], \ encoding["attention_mask"] all_tokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(input_ids.numpy()[0]) if not args.joint_head: start_logits, end_logits = model( input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, )[:2] start_logits = start_logits[0].numpy().tolist() end_logits = end_logits[0].numpy().tolist() result = RawResult(unique_id=0, start_logits=start_logits, end_logits=end_logits) start_indices = _get_best_indices(result.start_logits, args.n_best_size) end_indices = _get_best_indices(result.end_logits, args.n_best_size) predictions = get_predictions(start_indices, end_indices, result, len(all_tokens), args) null_score = result.start_logits[0] + result.end_logits[0] else: outputs = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids) output = [output[0].numpy().tolist() for output in outputs] start_logits = output[0] start_top_index = output[1] end_logits = output[2] end_top_index = output[3] cls_logits = output[4] result = SquadResult( 0, start_logits, end_logits, start_top_index=start_top_index, end_top_index=end_top_index, cls_logits=cls_logits, ) predictions = get_predictions_joint_head(result.start_top_index, result.end_top_index, result, len(all_tokens), args) null_score = result.cls_logits predictions = sorted(predictions, key=lambda x: (x.start_logit + x.end_logit), reverse=True) answer = predictions[0] answer = ' '.join(all_tokens[answer.start_index:answer.end_index + 1]) if args.null_score_diff_threshold > null_score and args.version_2_with_negative: answer = '' print(answer) return answer
def main(): args = parse_args() hvd.init() set_affinity(hvd.local_rank()) if is_main_process(): log("Running total processes: {}".format(get_world_size())) log("Starting process: {}".format(get_rank())) if is_main_process(): dllogger.init(backends=[dllogger.JSONStreamBackend(verbosity=dllogger.Verbosity.VERBOSE, filename=args.json_summary), dllogger.StdOutBackend(verbosity=dllogger.Verbosity.VERBOSE, step_format=format_step)]) else: dllogger.init(backends=[]) tf.random.set_seed(args.seed) dllogger.log(step="PARAMETER", data={"SEED": args.seed}) # script parameters BATCH_SIZE = args.train_batch_size EVAL_BATCH_SIZE = args.predict_batch_size USE_XLA = args.xla USE_AMP = args.amp EPOCHS = args.num_train_epochs if not args.do_train: EPOCHS = args.num_train_epochs = 1 log("Since running inference only, setting args.num_train_epochs to 1") if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir) and is_main_process(): os.makedirs(args.output_dir) # TensorFlow configuration gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') if gpus: for gpu in gpus: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True) tf.config.experimental.set_visible_devices(gpus[hvd.local_rank()], 'GPU') tf.config.optimizer.set_jit(USE_XLA) #tf.config.optimizer.set_experimental_options({"auto_mixed_precision": USE_AMP}) if args.amp: policy = tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.Policy("mixed_float16", loss_scale="dynamic") tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy(policy) print('Compute dtype: %s' % policy.compute_dtype) # Compute dtype: float16 print('Variable dtype: %s' % policy.variable_dtype) # Variable dtype: float32 if is_main_process(): log("***** Loading tokenizer and model *****") # Load tokenizer and model from pretrained model/vocabulary. Specify the number of labels to classify (2+: classification, 1: regression) electra_model = args.electra_model config = ElectraConfig.from_pretrained(electra_model, cache_dir=args.cache_dir) config.update({"amp": args.amp}) if args.vocab_file is None: tokenizer = ElectraTokenizer.from_pretrained(electra_model, cache_dir=args.cache_dir) else: tokenizer = ElectraTokenizer( vocab_file=args.vocab_file, do_lower_case=args.do_lower_case) model = TFElectraForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(electra_model, config=config, cache_dir=args.cache_dir, args=args) if is_main_process(): log("***** Loading dataset *****") # Load data processor = SquadV2Processor() if args.version_2_with_negative else SquadV1Processor() train_examples = processor.get_train_examples(args.data_dir) if args.do_train else None dev_examples = processor.get_dev_examples(args.data_dir) if args.do_predict else None if is_main_process(): log("***** Loading features *****") # Load cached features squad_version = '2.0' if args.version_2_with_negative else '1.1' if args.cache_dir is None: args.cache_dir = args.data_dir cached_train_features_file = args.cache_dir.rstrip('/') + '/' + 'TF2_train-v{4}.json_{1}_{2}_{3}'.format( electra_model.split("/")[1], str(args.max_seq_length), str(args.doc_stride), str(args.max_query_length), squad_version) cached_dev_features_file = args.cache_dir.rstrip('/') + '/' + 'TF2_dev-v{4}.json_{1}_{2}_{3}'.format( electra_model.split("/")[1], str(args.max_seq_length), str(args.doc_stride), str(args.max_query_length), squad_version) try: with open(cached_train_features_file, "rb") as reader: train_features = pickle.load(reader) if args.do_train else [] with open(cached_dev_features_file, "rb") as reader: dev_features = pickle.load(reader) if args.do_predict else [] except: train_features = ( # TODO: (yy) do on rank 0? squad_convert_examples_to_features( examples=train_examples, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_length=args.max_seq_length, doc_stride=args.doc_stride, max_query_length=args.max_query_length, is_training=True, return_dataset="", ) if args.do_train else [] ) dev_features = ( squad_convert_examples_to_features( examples=dev_examples, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_length=args.max_seq_length, doc_stride=args.doc_stride, max_query_length=args.max_query_length, is_training=False, return_dataset="", ) if args.do_predict else [] ) # Dump Cached features if not args.skip_cache and is_main_process(): if args.do_train: log("***** Building Cache Files: {} *****".format(cached_train_features_file)) with open(cached_train_features_file, "wb") as writer: pickle.dump(train_features, writer) if args.do_predict: log("***** Building Cache Files: {} *****".format(cached_dev_features_file)) with open(cached_dev_features_file, "wb") as writer: pickle.dump(dev_features, writer) len_train_features = len(train_features) total_train_steps = int((len_train_features * EPOCHS / BATCH_SIZE) / get_world_size()) + 1 train_steps_per_epoch = int((len_train_features / BATCH_SIZE) / get_world_size()) + 1 len_dev_features = len(dev_features) total_dev_steps = int((len_dev_features / EVAL_BATCH_SIZE)) + 1 train_dataset = get_dataset_from_features(train_features, BATCH_SIZE, v2=args.version_2_with_negative) if args.do_train else [] dev_dataset = get_dataset_from_features(dev_features, EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, drop_remainder=False, ngpu=1, mode="dev", v2=args.version_2_with_negative) if args.do_predict else [] opt = create_optimizer(init_lr=args.learning_rate, num_train_steps=total_train_steps, num_warmup_steps=int(args.warmup_proportion * total_train_steps), weight_decay_rate=args.weight_decay_rate, layerwise_lr_decay=args.layerwise_lr_decay, n_transformer_layers=model.num_hidden_layers) if USE_AMP: # loss scaling is currently required when using mixed precision opt = tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScaleOptimizer(opt, "dynamic") # Define loss function loss = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) loss_class = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy( from_logits=True, name='binary_crossentropy' ) metric = tf.keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy("accuracy") model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss=loss, metrics=[metric]) train_loss_results = [] if args.do_train and is_main_process(): log("***** Running training *****") log(" Num examples = ", len_train_features) log(" Num Epochs = ", args.num_train_epochs) log(" Instantaneous batch size per GPU = ", args.train_batch_size) log( " Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = ", args.train_batch_size * get_world_size(), ) log(" Total optimization steps =", total_train_steps) total_train_time = 0 latency = [] for epoch in range(EPOCHS): if args.do_train: epoch_loss_avg = tf.keras.metrics.Mean() epoch_perf_avg = tf.keras.metrics.Mean() epoch_start = time.time() epoch_iterator = tqdm(train_dataset, total=train_steps_per_epoch, desc="Iteration", mininterval=5, disable=not is_main_process()) for iter, inputs in enumerate(epoch_iterator): # breaking criterion if max_steps if > 1 if args.max_steps > 0 and (epoch * train_steps_per_epoch + iter) > args.max_steps: break iter_start = time.time() # Optimize the model loss_value = train_step(model, inputs, loss, USE_AMP, opt, (iter == 0 and epoch == 0), v2=args.version_2_with_negative, loss_class=loss_class, fp16=USE_AMP) epoch_perf_avg.update_state(1. * BATCH_SIZE / (time.time() - iter_start)) if iter % args.log_freq == 0: if is_main_process(): log("\nEpoch: {:03d}, Step:{:6d}, Loss:{:12.8f}, Perf:{:5.0f}, loss_scale:{}, opt_step:{}".format(epoch, iter, loss_value, epoch_perf_avg.result() * get_world_size(), opt.loss_scale if config.amp else 1, int(opt.iterations))) dllogger.log(step=(epoch, iter,), data={"step_loss": float(loss_value.numpy()), "train_perf": float( epoch_perf_avg.result().numpy() * get_world_size())}) # Track progress epoch_loss_avg.update_state(loss_value) # Add current batch loss # End epoch train_loss_results.append(epoch_loss_avg.result()) total_train_time += float(time.time() - epoch_start) # Summarize and save checkpoint at the end of each epoch if is_main_process(): dllogger.log(step=tuple(), data={"e2e_train_time": total_train_time, "training_sequences_per_second": float( epoch_perf_avg.result().numpy() * get_world_size()), "final_loss": float(epoch_loss_avg.result().numpy())}) if not args.skip_checkpoint: if checkpoint_name = "{}/electra_base_qa_v2_{}_epoch_{}_ckpt".format(args.output_dir, args.version_2_with_negative, epoch + 1) else: checkpoint_name = "checkpoints/electra_base_qa_v2_{}_epoch_{}_ckpt".format(args.version_2_with_negative, epoch + 1) if is_main_process(): model.save_weights(checkpoint_name) if args.do_predict and (args.evaluate_during_training or epoch == args.num_train_epochs - 1): if not args.do_train: log("***** Loading checkpoint: {} *****".format(args.init_checkpoint)) model.load_weights(args.init_checkpoint).expect_partial() current_feature_id = 0 all_results = [] if is_main_process(): log("***** Running evaluation *****") log(" Num Batches = ", total_dev_steps) log(" Batch size = ", args.predict_batch_size) raw_infer_start = time.time() if is_main_process(): infer_perf_avg = tf.keras.metrics.Mean() dev_iterator = tqdm(dev_dataset, total=total_dev_steps, desc="Iteration", mininterval=5, disable=not is_main_process()) for input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, start_positions, end_positions, cls_index, p_mask, is_impossible in dev_iterator: # training=False is needed only if there are layers with different # behavior during training versus inference (e.g. Dropout). iter_start = time.time() if not args.joint_head: batch_start_logits, batch_end_logits = infer_step(model, input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=segment_ids, )[:2] #Synchronize with GPU to compute time _ = batch_start_logits.numpy() else: outputs = infer_step(model, input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=segment_ids, cls_index=cls_index, p_mask=p_mask, ) #Synchronize with GPU to compute time _ = outputs[0].numpy() infer_time = (time.time() - iter_start) infer_perf_avg.update_state(1. * EVAL_BATCH_SIZE / infer_time) latency.append(infer_time) for iter_ in range(input_ids.shape[0]): if not args.joint_head: start_logits = batch_start_logits[iter_].numpy().tolist() end_logits = batch_end_logits[iter_].numpy().tolist() dev_feature = dev_features[current_feature_id] current_feature_id += 1 unique_id = int(dev_feature.unique_id) all_results.append(RawResult(unique_id=unique_id, start_logits=start_logits, end_logits=end_logits)) else: dev_feature = dev_features[current_feature_id] current_feature_id += 1 unique_id = int(dev_feature.unique_id) output = [output[iter_].numpy().tolist() for output in outputs] start_logits = output[0] start_top_index = output[1] end_logits = output[2] end_top_index = output[3] cls_logits = output[4] result = SquadResult( unique_id, start_logits, end_logits, start_top_index=start_top_index, end_top_index=end_top_index, cls_logits=cls_logits, ) all_results.append(result) # Compute and save predictions answers, nbest_answers = get_answers(dev_examples, dev_features, all_results, args) output_prediction_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "predictions.json") output_nbest_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "nbest_predictions.json") e2e_infer_time = time.time() - raw_infer_start # if args.version_2_with_negative: # output_null_log_odds_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "null_odds.json") # else: # output_null_log_odds_file = None with open(output_prediction_file, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(answers, indent=4) + "\n") with open(output_nbest_file, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(nbest_answers, indent=4) + "\n") if args.do_eval: if args.version_2_with_negative: dev_file = "dev-v2.0.json" else: dev_file = "dev-v1.1.json" eval_out = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, args.eval_script, args.data_dir + "/" + dev_file, output_prediction_file]) log(eval_out.decode('UTF-8')) scores = str(eval_out).strip() exact_match = float(scores.split(":")[1].split(",")[0]) if args.version_2_with_negative: f1 = float(scores.split(":")[2].split(",")[0]) else: f1 = float(scores.split(":")[2].split("}")[0]) log("Epoch: {:03d} Results: {}".format(epoch, eval_out.decode('UTF-8'))) log("**EVAL SUMMARY** - Epoch: {:03d}, EM: {:6.3f}, F1: {:6.3f}, Infer_Perf: {:4.0f} seq/s" .format(epoch, exact_match, f1, infer_perf_avg.result())) latency_all = sorted(latency)[:-2] log( "**LATENCY SUMMARY** - Epoch: {:03d}, Ave: {:6.3f} ms, 90%: {:6.3f} ms, 95%: {:6.3f} ms, 99%: {:6.3f} ms" .format(epoch, sum(latency_all) / len(latency_all) * 1000, sum(latency_all[:int(len(latency_all) * 0.9)]) / int(len(latency_all) * 0.9) * 1000, sum(latency_all[:int(len(latency_all) * 0.95)]) / int(len(latency_all) * 0.95) * 1000, sum(latency_all[:int(len(latency_all) * 0.99)]) / int(len(latency_all) * 0.99) * 1000, )) dllogger.log(step=tuple(), data={"inference_sequences_per_second": float(infer_perf_avg.result().numpy()), "e2e_inference_time": e2e_infer_time}) if is_main_process() and args.do_train and args.do_eval: log( "**RESULTS SUMMARY** - EM: {:6.3f}, F1: {:6.3f}, Train_Time: {:4.0f} s, Train_Perf: {:4.0f} seq/s, Infer_Perf: {:4.0f} seq/s" .format(exact_match, f1, total_train_time, epoch_perf_avg.result() * get_world_size(), infer_perf_avg.result())) dllogger.log(step=tuple(), data={"exact_match": exact_match, "F1": f1})
def main(args, shuffle_data=True, model=None, qamodel=None, tokenizer=None, zsre=False, v2=True, must_choose_answer=False, condition_on_answer_exists=False, condition_on_single_token=False, condition_on_multi_token=False, condition_on_answer_does_not_exist=False): if len(args.models_names) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Please specify a single language model (e.g., --lm "bert").') msg = "" [model_type_name] = args.models_names print(model) #if model is None: # #model = build_model_by_name(model_type_name, args) if model_type_name == "fairseq": model_name = "fairseq_{}".format(args.fairseq_model_name) elif model_type_name == "bert": model_name = "BERT_{}".format(args.bert_model_name) elif model_type_name == "elmo": model_name = "ELMo_{}".format(args.elmo_model_name) else: model_name = model_type_name.title() # initialize logging if args.full_logdir: log_directory = args.full_logdir else: log_directory = create_logdir_with_timestamp(args.logdir, model_name) logger = init_logging(log_directory) msg += "model name: {}\n".format(model_name) # deal with vocab subset vocab_subset = None index_list = None msg += "args: {}\n".format(args)"\n" + msg + "\n") # dump arguments on file for log with open("{}/args.json".format(log_directory), "w") as outfile: json.dump(vars(args), outfile) # stats samples_with_negative_judgement = 0 samples_with_positive_judgement = 0 # Mean reciprocal rank MRR = 0.0 MRR_negative = 0.0 MRR_positive = 0.0 # Precision at (default 10) Precision = 0.0 Precision1 = 0.0 Precision_negative = 0.0 Precision_positivie = 0.0 # EM EM = 0.0 # F1 F1 = 0.0 is_error = 0 no_overlap = 0 larger_by_1 = 0 larger_by_2 = 0 larger_by_3 = 0 larger_by_4 = 0 larger_by_5_or_more = 0 data = load_file(args.dataset_filename) print(len(data)) if args.lowercase: # lowercase all samples"lowercasing all samples...") all_samples = lowercase_samples(data) else: # keep samples as they are all_samples = data all_samples, ret_msg = filter_samples( model, data, vocab_subset, args.max_sentence_length, args.template, condition_on_answer_exists=condition_on_answer_exists, condition_on_single_token=condition_on_single_token, condition_on_multi_token=condition_on_multi_token, condition_on_answer_does_not_exist=condition_on_answer_does_not_exist, is_zsre=zsre) # OUT_FILENAME = "{}.jsonl".format(args.dataset_filename) # with open(OUT_FILENAME, 'w') as outfile: # for entry in all_samples: # json.dump(entry, outfile) # outfile.write('\n')"\n" + ret_msg + "\n") print(len(all_samples)) if len(all_samples) == 0: # or len(all_samples) >= 50: return None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None # if template is active (1) use a single example for (sub,obj) and (2) ... if args.template and args.template != "": facts = [] sub_objs = [] for sample in all_samples: sub = sample["sub_label"] obj = sample["obj_label"] target = sample['reconstructed_word'] question = args.question if 'reconstructed_word' not in sample: raise Exception('Reconstructed word not in sample... fix this') else: if 'masked_sentences' in sample: # Some of the masked sentences don't have a mask in them, need to find first with mask context = None for sent in sample['masked_sentences']: if not zsre: if '[MASK]' in sent: context = sent.replace( '[MASK]', sample['reconstructed_word']) break else: context = sent if context is None: print('No valid context found, skipping sample') continue else: context = None for evidence in sample['evidences']: if not zsre: if '[MASK]' in evidence['masked_sentence']: context = evidence['masked_sentence'].replace( '[MASK]', sample['reconstructed_word']) break else: context = evidence['masked_sentence'] if context is None: print('No valid context found, skipping sample') continue #context = context.replace('(', '') #context = context.replace(')', '') if (sub, target, context) not in sub_objs: sub_objs.append((sub, target, context)) if 'reconstructed_word' in sample: facts.append((sub, obj, context, question, sample['reconstructed_word'])) else: facts.append((sub, obj, context, question, obj)) #break local_msg = "distinct template facts: {}".format(len(facts))"\n" + local_msg + "\n") print(local_msg) all_samples = [] for fact in facts: (sub, obj, context, question, rw) = fact sample = {} sample["sub_label"] = sub sample["obj_label"] = obj sample["reconstructed_word"] = rw # sobstitute all sentences with a standard template sample['context'] = context sample["masked_sentences"] = parse_template( args.template.strip(), sample["sub_label"].strip(), base.MASK) question = question.replace('[X]', sub) sample['question'] = question #query = sample['masked_sentences'][0].replace(base.MASK, '') #sample['query'] = query #print(f'query={query}') #docs = retrieve_docs(query, ranker, conn, 30) #sample['context'] = docs[0] #print(f'docs={docs}') all_samples.append(sample) #else: # for sample in all_samples: # query = sample['masked_sentences'][0].replace(base.MASK, '') # sample['query'] = query # #print(f'query={query}') # docs = retrieve_docs(query, ranker, conn, 1) # sample['context'] = docs[0] # create uuid if not present i = 0 for sample in all_samples: if "uuid" not in sample: sample["uuid"] = i i += 1 # shuffle data if shuffle_data: shuffle(all_samples) samples_batches, sentences_batches, ret_msg = batchify( all_samples, args.batch_size)"\n" + ret_msg + "\n") # ThreadPool num_threads = args.threads if num_threads <= 0: # use all available threads num_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pool = ThreadPool(num_threads) list_of_results = [] viz = False num_viz = 10 final_viz = [] viz_thres = 11 qamodel.eval().cuda() # Defaults from huggingface do_lower_case = True max_answer_length = 30 verbose_logging = False null_score_diff_threshold = 0.0 n_best = 20 max_query_length = 64 # Training specifics: doc_stride = 128 max_seq_length = 384 for i in tqdm(range(len(samples_batches))): samples_b = samples_batches[i] sentences_b = sentences_batches[i] mymodel_probs_list = [] predictions_list = [] examples = read_input_examples(samples_b) features = convert_examples_to_features( examples=examples, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_length=max_seq_length, doc_stride=doc_stride, max_query_length=max_query_length, is_training=False, cls_token_segment_id=0, pad_token_segment_id=0, cls_token_at_end=False, sequence_a_is_doc=False) # Convert to Tensors and build dataset all_input_ids = torch.tensor([f.input_ids for f in features], dtype=torch.long) all_input_mask = torch.tensor([f.input_mask for f in features], dtype=torch.long) all_segment_ids = torch.tensor([f.segment_ids for f in features], dtype=torch.long) all_cls_index = torch.tensor([f.cls_index for f in features], dtype=torch.long) all_p_mask = torch.tensor([f.p_mask for f in features], dtype=torch.float) all_example_index = torch.arange(all_input_ids.size(0), dtype=torch.long) dataset = TensorDataset(all_input_ids, all_input_mask, all_segment_ids, all_example_index, all_cls_index, all_p_mask) eval_sampler = SequentialSampler(dataset) eval_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, sampler=eval_sampler, batch_size=len(samples_b)) all_results = [] for batch in tqdm(eval_dataloader, desc="Evaluating"): #stime = time.time() batch = tuple(t.cuda() for t in batch) with torch.no_grad(): inputs = {'input_ids': batch[0], 'attention_mask': batch[1]} inputs['token_type_ids'] = batch[ 2] # XLM don't use segment_ids example_indices = batch[3] outputs = qamodel(**inputs) for i, example_index in enumerate(example_indices): eval_feature = features[example_index.item()] unique_id = int(eval_feature.unique_id) result = RawResult(unique_id=unique_id, start_logits=to_list(outputs[0][i]), end_logits=to_list(outputs[1][i])) all_results.append(result) #total_time = time.time() - stime #print(total_time) #import ipdb #ipdb.set_trace() predictions = get_predictions(examples, features, all_results, n_best, max_answer_length, do_lower_case, verbose_logging, v2, null_score_diff_threshold, must_choose_answer=must_choose_answer) predictions = [predictions[p] for p in predictions] predictions_list.extend(predictions) torch.cuda.empty_cache() original_log_probs_list, token_ids_list, masked_indices_list = model.get_batch_generation( sentences_b, logger=logger) mymodel_probs_list = original_log_probs_list #obj_len = 0 #for obj in gc.get_objects(): # try: # if torch.is_tensor(obj) or (hasattr(obj, 'data') and torch.is_tensor( # print(type(obj), obj.size()) # obj_len += 1 # except: # pass #print(obj_len) if vocab_subset is not None: # filter log_probs filtered_log_probs_list = model.filter_logprobs( original_log_probs_list, filter_logprob_indices) else: filtered_log_probs_list = original_log_probs_list label_index_list = [] for sample in samples_b: obj_label_id = model.get_id(sample["obj_label"]) # MAKE SURE THAT obj_label IS IN VOCABULARIES if obj_label_id is None: raise ValueError( "object label {} not in model vocabulary".format( sample["obj_label"])) #elif model.vocab[obj_label_id[0]] != sample["obj_label"]: # raise ValueError( # "object label {} not in model vocabulary".format( # sample["obj_label"] # ) # ) elif vocab_subset is not None and sample[ "obj_label"] not in vocab_subset: raise ValueError("object label {} not in vocab subset".format( sample["obj_label"])) label_index_list.append(obj_label_id) arguments = [{ "mymodel_probs": mymodel_probs, "original_log_probs": original_log_probs, "filtered_log_probs": filtered_log_probs, "target": sample["reconstructed_word"], "prediction": pred, "token_ids": token_ids, "vocab": model.vocab, "label_index": label_index[0] if len(label_index) > 0 else 0, "masked_indices": masked_indices, "interactive": args.interactive, "index_list": index_list, "sample": sample, } for mymodel_probs, original_log_probs, filtered_log_probs, token_ids, masked_indices, label_index, sample, pred in zip( mymodel_probs_list, original_log_probs_list, filtered_log_probs_list, token_ids_list, masked_indices_list, label_index_list, samples_b, predictions_list, )] # single thread for debug # for isx,a in enumerate(arguments): # print(samples_b[isx]) # run_thread(a) # multithread res =, arguments) for idx, result in enumerate(res): result_masked_topk, sample_MRR, sample_P, sample_perplexity, msg, sample_em, sample_f1, sample_is_error, sample_no_overlap, sample_larger_by_1, sample_larger_by_2, sample_larger_by_3, sample_larger_by_4, sample_larger_by_5_or_more = result"\n" + msg + "\n") sample = samples_b[idx] element = {} element["sample"] = sample element["uuid"] = sample["uuid"] element["token_ids"] = token_ids_list[idx] element["masked_indices"] = masked_indices_list[idx] element["label_index"] = label_index_list[idx] element["masked_topk"] = result_masked_topk element["sample_MRR"] = sample_MRR element["sample_Precision"] = sample_P element["sample_perplexity"] = sample_perplexity element["sample_Precision1"] = result_masked_topk["P_AT_1"] element['sample_em'] = sample_em element['sample_f1'] = sample_f1 # print() # print("idx: {}".format(idx)) # print("masked_entity: {}".format(result_masked_topk['masked_entity'])) # for yi in range(10): # print("\t{} {}".format(yi,result_masked_topk['topk'][yi])) # print("masked_indices_list: {}".format(masked_indices_list[idx])) # print("sample_MRR: {}".format(sample_MRR)) # print("sample_P: {}".format(sample_P)) # print("sample: {}".format(sample)) # print() MRR += sample_MRR Precision += sample_P Precision1 += element["sample_Precision1"] is_error += sample_is_error no_overlap += sample_no_overlap larger_by_1 += sample_larger_by_1 larger_by_2 += sample_larger_by_2 larger_by_3 += sample_larger_by_3 larger_by_4 += sample_larger_by_4 larger_by_5_or_more += sample_larger_by_5_or_more EM += sample_em F1 += sample_f1 # the judgment of the annotators recording whether they are # evidence in the sentence that indicates a relation between two entities. num_yes = 0 num_no = 0 if "judgments" in sample: # only for Google-RE for x in sample["judgments"]: if x["judgment"] == "yes": num_yes += 1 else: num_no += 1 if num_no >= num_yes: samples_with_negative_judgement += 1 element["judgement"] = "negative" MRR_negative += sample_MRR Precision_negative += sample_P else: samples_with_positive_judgement += 1 element["judgement"] = "positive" MRR_positive += sample_MRR Precision_positivie += sample_P list_of_results.append(element) if viz: with open('viz.pkl', 'wb') as wf: pickle.dump(final_viz, wf) pool.close() pool.join() # stats # Mean reciprocal rank MRR /= len(list_of_results) # Precision Precision /= len(list_of_results) Precision1 /= len(list_of_results) EM /= len(list_of_results) F1 /= len(list_of_results) msg = "all_samples: {}\n".format(len(all_samples)) msg += "list_of_results: {}\n".format(len(list_of_results)) msg += "global MRR: {}\n".format(MRR) msg += "global Precision at 10: {}\n".format(Precision) msg += "global Precision at 1: {}\n".format(Precision1) msg += "global EM {}\n".format(EM) msg += "global F1: {}\n".format(F1) if samples_with_negative_judgement > 0 and samples_with_positive_judgement > 0: # Google-RE specific MRR_negative /= samples_with_negative_judgement MRR_positive /= samples_with_positive_judgement Precision_negative /= samples_with_negative_judgement Precision_positivie /= samples_with_positive_judgement msg += "samples_with_negative_judgement: {}\n".format( samples_with_negative_judgement) msg += "samples_with_positive_judgement: {}\n".format( samples_with_positive_judgement) msg += "MRR_negative: {}\n".format(MRR_negative) msg += "MRR_positive: {}\n".format(MRR_positive) msg += "Precision_negative: {}\n".format(Precision_negative) msg += "Precision_positivie: {}\n".format(Precision_positivie)"\n" + msg + "\n") print("\n" + msg + "\n") # dump pickle with the result of the experiment all_results = dict(list_of_results=list_of_results, global_MRR=MRR, global_P_at_10=Precision) with open("{}/result.pkl".format(log_directory), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(all_results, f) return Precision1, Precision, MRR, EM, F1, is_error, no_overlap, larger_by_1, larger_by_2, larger_by_3, larger_by_4, larger_by_5_or_more