def get_consumer_ocean_instance(init_tokens=True, use_ss_mock=True, use_brizo_mock=False): ocn = Ocean() account = get_consumer_account() ocn.main_account = account if init_tokens: init_ocn_tokens(ocn, ocn.main_account) if use_ss_mock: SecretStoreProvider.set_secret_store_class(SecretStoreMock) if use_brizo_mock: BrizoProvider.set_brizo_class(BrizoMock) return ocn
def test_initialize_and_consume(client, publisher_ocean_instance, consumer_ocean_instance): print(publisher_ocean_instance.accounts) pub_ocn, cons_ocn = publisher_ocean_instance, consumer_ocean_instance consumer_account = cons_ocn.main_account publisher_account = pub_ocn.main_account asset_price = 10 # Register asset ddo = get_registered_ddo(pub_ocn, publisher_account) print("did: %s" % ddo.did) service_definition_id = \ ddo.get_service(service_type=ServiceTypes.ASSET_ACCESS).get_values()[ 'serviceDefinitionId'] agreement_id = ServiceAgreement.create_new_agreement_id() service_def = ddo.find_service_by_id(service_definition_id).as_dictionary() service_agreement = ServiceAgreement.from_ddo(service_definition_id, ddo) service_agreement.validate_conditions() agreement_hash = service_agreement.get_service_agreement_hash(agreement_id) cons_ocn.main_account.unlock() signature = consumer_account.sign_hash(agreement_hash) sa = service_agreement cons_ocn.main_account.unlock() cons_ocn._approve_token_transfer(service_agreement.get_price(), consumer_account) cons_ocn._http_client = client # subscribe to events register_service_agreement(cons_ocn.config.storage_path, cons_ocn.main_account, agreement_id, ddo.did, service_def, 'consumer', service_definition_id, service_agreement.get_price(), get_metadata_url(ddo), cons_ocn.consume_service, 0) request_payload = BrizoProvider.get_brizo().prepare_purchase_payload(ddo.did, agreement_id, service_definition_id, signature, consumer_account.address) initialize = sa.purchase_endpoint, data=request_payload, content_type='application/json' ) print(initialize.status_code) assert initialize.status_code == 201 assert pub_ocn.keeper.service_agreement.get_agreement_status(agreement_id) is False, '' # wait a bit until all service agreement events are processed time.sleep(15) assert pub_ocn.keeper.service_agreement.get_agreement_status(agreement_id) is True, '' print('Service agreement executed and fulfilled, all good.')
def _process_service_descriptors(self, service_descriptors, metadata, account): brizo = BrizoProvider.get_brizo() ddo_service_endpoint = self._get_aquarius().get_service_endpoint() service_type_to_descriptor = {sd[0]: sd for sd in service_descriptors} _service_descriptors = [] metadata_service_desc = service_type_to_descriptor.pop( ServiceTypes.METADATA, ServiceDescriptor.metadata_service_descriptor( metadata, ddo_service_endpoint)) auth_service_desc = service_type_to_descriptor.pop( ServiceTypes.AUTHORIZATION, ServiceDescriptor.authorization_service_descriptor( self._config.secret_store_url)) _service_descriptors = [metadata_service_desc, auth_service_desc] # Always dafault to creating a ServiceTypes.ASSET_ACCESS service if no services are specified access_service_descriptor = service_type_to_descriptor.pop( ServiceTypes.ASSET_ACCESS, ServiceDescriptor.access_service_descriptor( self._build_access_service(metadata, account), brizo.get_consume_endpoint(self._config), self._keeper.escrow_access_secretstore_template.address)) compute_service_descriptor = service_type_to_descriptor.pop( ServiceTypes.CLOUD_COMPUTE, None) if access_service_descriptor: _service_descriptors.append(access_service_descriptor) if compute_service_descriptor: _service_descriptors.append(compute_service_descriptor) _service_descriptors.extend(service_type_to_descriptor.values()) return ServiceFactory.build_services(_service_descriptors)
def consume(self, service_agreement_id, did, service_index, consumer_account, destination, index=None): """ Consume the asset data. Using the service endpoint defined in the ddo's service pointed to by service_definition_id. Consumer's permissions is checked implicitly by the secret-store during decryption of the contentUrls. The service endpoint is expected to also verify the consumer's permissions to consume this asset. This method downloads and saves the asset datafiles to disk. :param service_agreement_id: str :param did: DID, str :param service_index: identifier of the service inside the asset DDO, str :param consumer_account: Account instance of the consumer :param destination: str path :param index: Index of the document that is going to be downloaded, int :return: str path to saved files """ ddo = self.resolve(did) if index is not None: assert isinstance(index, int), logger.error('index has to be an integer.') assert index >= 0, logger.error( 'index has to be 0 or a positive integer.') return service_agreement_id, service_index, ddo, consumer_account, destination, BrizoProvider.get_brizo(), self._get_secret_store(consumer_account), index)
def get_consumer_ocean_instance(init_tokens=True, use_ss_mock=True, use_brizo_mock=True): ocn = make_ocean_instance(CONSUMER_INDEX) account = get_consumer_account(ConfigProvider.get_config()) if account.address in ocn.accounts.accounts_addresses: ocn.main_account = account else: ocn.main_account = ocn.accounts.list()[1] if init_tokens: init_ocn_tokens(ocn, ocn.main_account) if use_ss_mock: SecretStoreProvider.set_secret_store_class(SecretStoreMock) if use_brizo_mock: BrizoProvider.set_brizo_class(BrizoMock) return ocn
def send(self, did, agreement_id, service_index, signature, consumer_account, auto_consume=False): """ Send a signed service agreement to the publisher Brizo instance to consume/access the service. :param did: str representation fo the asset DID. Use this to retrieve the asset DDO. :param agreement_id: 32 bytes identifier created by the consumer and will be used on-chain for the executed agreement. :param service_index: int identifies the specific service in the ddo to use in this agreement. :param signature: str the signed agreement message hash which includes conditions and their parameters values and other details of the agreement. :param consumer_account: Account instance of the consumer :param auto_consume: boolean tells this function wether to automatically trigger consuming the asset upon receiving access permission :raises OceanInitializeServiceAgreementError: on failure :return: bool """ asset = self._asset_resolver.resolve(did) service_agreement = asset.get_service_by_index(service_index) # subscribe to events related to this agreement_id before sending the request. logger.debug( f'Registering service agreement with id: {agreement_id}, auto-consume {auto_consume}' ) # TODO: refactor this to use same code in `create` publisher_address = self._keeper.did_registry.get_did_owner( asset.asset_id) condition_ids = service_agreement.generate_agreement_condition_ids( agreement_id, asset.asset_id, consumer_account.address, publisher_address, self._keeper) from_block = Web3Provider.get_web3().eth.blockNumber self._process_consumer_agreement_events( agreement_id, did, service_agreement, consumer_account, condition_ids, publisher_address, from_block, auto_consume) return BrizoProvider.get_brizo().initialize_service_agreement( did, agreement_id, service_index, signature, consumer_account.address, service_agreement.endpoints.purchase)
def execute(self, agreement_id, did, index, consumer_account, workflow_did): """ :param agreement_id:representation of `bytes32` id, hexstr :param did: computing service did, str :param index: id of the service within the asset DDO, str :param consumer_account: Account instance of the consumer ordering the service :param workflow_did: the asset did (of `workflow` type) which consist of `did:op:` and the assetId hex str (without `0x` prefix), str :return: local path on the file system where the asset data files are downloaded, str """ workflow_ddo = self.resolve(workflow_did) compute_ddo = self.resolve(did) if index is not None: assert isinstance(index, int), logger.error('index has to be an integer.') assert index >= 0, logger.error( 'index has to be 0 or a positive integer.') return self._asset_executor.execute(agreement_id, compute_ddo, workflow_ddo, consumer_account, BrizoProvider.get_brizo(), index)
def consume(self, service_agreement_id, did, service_definition_id, consumer_account, destination): """ Consume the asset data. Using the service endpoint defined in the ddo's service pointed to by service_definition_id. Consumer's permissions is checked implicitly by the secret-store during decryption of the contentUrls. The service endpoint is expected to also verify the consumer's permissions to consume this asset. This method downloads and saves the asset datafiles to disk. :param service_agreement_id: str :param did: DID, str :param service_definition_id: identifier of the service inside the asset DDO, str :param consumer_account: Account instance of the consumer :param destination: str path :return: str path to saved files """ ddo = self.resolve(did) return service_agreement_id, service_definition_id, ddo, consumer_account, destination, BrizoProvider.get_brizo(), self._get_secret_store(consumer_account))
def create(self, metadata, publisher_account, service_descriptors=None, providers=None, use_secret_store=True): """ Register an asset in both the keeper's DIDRegistry (on-chain) and in the Metadata store ( Aquarius). :param metadata: dict conforming to the Metadata accepted by Ocean Protocol. :param publisher_account: Account of the publisher registering this asset :param service_descriptors: list of ServiceDescriptor tuples of length 2. The first item must be one of ServiceTypes and the second item is a dict of parameters and values required by the service :param providers: list of addresses of providers of this asset (a provider is an ethereum account that is authorized to provide asset services) :param use_secret_store: bool indicate whether to use the secret store directly for encrypting urls (Uses Brizo provider service if set to False) :return: DDO instance """ assert isinstance( metadata, dict), f'Expected metadata of type dict, got {type(metadata)}' assert service_descriptors is None or isinstance(service_descriptors, list), \ f'bad type of `service_descriptors` {type(service_descriptors)}' # if not metadata or not Metadata.validate(metadata): # raise OceanInvalidMetadata('Metadata seems invalid. Please make sure' # ' the required metadata values are filled in.') # copy metadata so we don't change the original metadata_copy = copy.deepcopy(metadata) asset_type = metadata_copy['main']['type'] assert asset_type in ( 'dataset', 'algorithm'), f'Invalid/unsupported asset type {asset_type}' service_descriptors = service_descriptors or [] brizo = BrizoProvider.get_brizo() services = self._process_service_descriptors(service_descriptors, metadata_copy, publisher_account) stype_to_service = {s.type: s for s in services} checksum_dict = dict() for service in services: checksum_dict[str(service.index)] = checksum(service.main) # Create a DDO object ddo = DDO() # Adding proof to the ddo. ddo.add_proof(checksum_dict, publisher_account) # Generating the did and adding to the ddo. did = ddo.assign_did(DID.did(ddo.proof['checksum'])) logger.debug(f'Generating new did: {did}') # Check if it's already registered first! if did in self._get_aquarius().list_assets(): raise OceanDIDAlreadyExist( f'Asset id {did} is already registered to another asset.') md_service = stype_to_service[ServiceTypes.METADATA] ddo_service_endpoint = md_service.service_endpoint if '{did}' in ddo_service_endpoint: ddo_service_endpoint = ddo_service_endpoint.replace('{did}', did) md_service.set_service_endpoint(ddo_service_endpoint) # Populate the ddo services ddo.add_service(md_service) ddo.add_service(stype_to_service[ServiceTypes.AUTHORIZATION]) access_service = stype_to_service.get(ServiceTypes.ASSET_ACCESS, None) compute_service = stype_to_service.get(ServiceTypes.CLOUD_COMPUTE, None) if access_service: access_service.init_conditions_values( did, { cname: c.address for cname, c in self._keeper.contract_name_to_instance.items() }) ddo.add_service(access_service) if compute_service: compute_service.init_conditions_values( did, { cname: c.address for cname, c in self._keeper.contract_name_to_instance.items() }) ddo.add_service(compute_service) ddo.proof['signatureValue'] = self._keeper.sign_hash( add_ethereum_prefix_and_hash_msg(did_to_id_bytes(did)), publisher_account) # Add public key and authentication ddo.add_public_key(did, publisher_account.address) ddo.add_authentication(did, PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_RSA) # Setup metadata service # First compute files_encrypted if metadata_copy['main']['type'] == 'dataset': assert metadata_copy['main']['files'], \ 'files is required in the metadata main attributes.' logger.debug('Encrypting content urls in the metadata.') if not use_secret_store: encrypt_endpoint = brizo.get_encrypt_endpoint(self._config) files_encrypted = brizo.encrypt_files_dict( metadata_copy['main']['files'], encrypt_endpoint, ddo.asset_id, publisher_account.address, self._keeper.sign_hash( add_ethereum_prefix_and_hash_msg(ddo.asset_id), publisher_account)) else: files_encrypted = self._get_secret_store(publisher_account) \ .encrypt_document( did_to_id(did), json.dumps(metadata_copy['main']['files']), ) # only assign if the encryption worked if files_encrypted: logger.debug( f'Content urls encrypted successfully {files_encrypted}') index = 0 for file in metadata_copy['main']['files']: file['index'] = index index = index + 1 del file['url'] metadata_copy['encryptedFiles'] = files_encrypted else: raise AssertionError('Encrypting the files failed.') # DDO url and `Metadata` service logger.debug(f'Generated ddo and services, DID is {ddo.did},' f' metadata service @{ddo_service_endpoint}.') response = None # register on-chain registered_on_chain = self._keeper.did_registry.register( ddo.asset_id, checksum=Web3Provider.get_web3().toBytes(hexstr=ddo.asset_id), url=ddo_service_endpoint, account=publisher_account, providers=providers) if registered_on_chain is False: logger.warning(f'Registering {did} on-chain failed.') return None'Successfully registered DDO (DID={did}) on chain.') try: # publish the new ddo in ocean-db/Aquarius response = self._get_aquarius().publish_asset_ddo(ddo)'Asset/ddo published successfully in aquarius.') except ValueError as ve: raise ValueError( f'Invalid value to publish in the metadata: {str(ve)}') except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Publish asset in aquarius failed: {str(e)}') if not response: return None return ddo
def create(self, metadata, publisher_account, service_descriptors=None, providers=None, use_secret_store=True): """ Register an asset in both the keeper's DIDRegistry (on-chain) and in the Metadata store ( Aquarius). :param metadata: dict conforming to the Metadata accepted by Ocean Protocol. :param publisher_account: Account of the publisher registering this asset :param service_descriptors: list of ServiceDescriptor tuples of length 2. The first item must be one of ServiceTypes and the second item is a dict of parameters and values required by the service :param providers: list of addresses of providers of this asset (a provider is an ethereum account that is authorized to provide asset services) :return: DDO instance """ assert isinstance( metadata, dict), f'Expected metadata of type dict, got {type(metadata)}' if not metadata or not Metadata.validate(metadata): raise OceanInvalidMetadata( 'Metadata seems invalid. Please make sure' ' the required metadata values are filled in.') # copy metadata so we don't change the original metadata_copy = copy.deepcopy(metadata) # Create a DDO object did = DID.did() logger.debug(f'Generating new did: {did}') # Check if it's already registered first! if did in self._get_aquarius().list_assets(): raise OceanDIDAlreadyExist( f'Asset id {did} is already registered to another asset.') ddo = DDO(did) # Add public key and authentication ddo.add_public_key(did, publisher_account.address) ddo.add_authentication(did, PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_RSA) priv_key = ddo.get_private_key() # Setup metadata service # First replace `files` with encrypted `files` assert metadata_copy['base'][ 'files'], 'files is required in the metadata base attributes.' assert Metadata.validate(metadata), 'metadata seems invalid.' logger.debug('Encrypting content urls in the metadata.') brizo = BrizoProvider.get_brizo() if not use_secret_store: encrypt_endpoint = brizo.get_encrypt_endpoint(self._config) files_encrypted = brizo.encrypt_files_dict( metadata_copy['base']['files'], encrypt_endpoint, ddo.asset_id, publisher_account.address, self._keeper.sign_hash(ddo.asset_id, publisher_account)) else: files_encrypted = self._get_secret_store(publisher_account) \ .encrypt_document( did_to_id(did), json.dumps(metadata_copy['base']['files']), ) metadata_copy['base']['checksum'] = ddo.generate_checksum( did, metadata) ddo.add_proof(metadata_copy['base']['checksum'], publisher_account.address, private_key=priv_key) # only assign if the encryption worked if files_encrypted: f'Content urls encrypted successfully {files_encrypted}') index = 0 for file in metadata_copy['base']['files']: file['index'] = index index = index + 1 del file['url'] metadata_copy['base']['encryptedFiles'] = files_encrypted else: raise AssertionError( 'Encrypting the files failed. Make sure the secret store is' ' setup properly in your config file.') # DDO url and `Metadata` service ddo_service_endpoint = self._get_aquarius().get_service_endpoint(did) metadata_service_desc = ServiceDescriptor.metadata_service_descriptor( metadata_copy, ddo_service_endpoint) if not service_descriptors: service_descriptors = [ ServiceDescriptor.authorization_service_descriptor( self._config.secret_store_url) ] brizo = BrizoProvider.get_brizo() service_descriptors += [ ServiceDescriptor.access_service_descriptor( metadata[MetadataBase.KEY]['price'], brizo.get_purchase_endpoint(self._config), brizo.get_service_endpoint(self._config), 3600, self._keeper.escrow_access_secretstore_template.address) ] else: service_types = set(map(lambda x: x[0], service_descriptors)) if ServiceTypes.AUTHORIZATION not in service_types: service_descriptors += [ ServiceDescriptor.authorization_service_descriptor( self._config.secret_store_url) ] else: brizo = BrizoProvider.get_brizo() service_descriptors += [ ServiceDescriptor.access_service_descriptor( metadata[MetadataBase.KEY]['price'], brizo.get_purchase_endpoint(self._config), brizo.get_service_endpoint(self._config), 3600, self. _keeper.escrow_access_secretstore_template.address) ] # Add all services to ddo service_descriptors = service_descriptors + [metadata_service_desc] for service in ServiceFactory.build_services(did, service_descriptors): ddo.add_service(service) logger.debug( f'Generated ddo and services, DID is {ddo.did},' f' metadata service @{ddo_service_endpoint}, ' f'`Access` service purchase @{[0].endpoints.service}.') response = None try: # publish the new ddo in ocean-db/Aquarius response = self._get_aquarius().publish_asset_ddo(ddo) logger.debug('Asset/ddo published successfully in aquarius.') except ValueError as ve: raise ValueError( f'Invalid value to publish in the metadata: {str(ve)}') except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Publish asset in aquarius failed: {str(e)}') if not response: return None # register on-chain self._keeper.did_registry.register( did, checksum=Web3Provider.get_web3().sha3( text=metadata_copy['base']['checksum']), url=ddo_service_endpoint, account=publisher_account, providers=providers)'DDO with DID {did} successfully registered on chain.') return ddo