def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.background_color = (200, 200, 200) self.main_screen = Screen(background_color=self.background_color) self.controller = Controller() self.player = Player(pygame.Vector2(0, 0)) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.running = False self.action = "" self.value = 0 self.level_one = LevelOne(30, self.background_color) self.player.set_init_pos(self.level_one.player_init) self.player.set_current_level(self.level_one) enemy_mov_period = 1.5 self.enemies = [ Enemy(self.level_one.enemies_init[i], self.level_one.enemies_init_direct[i], 'h', enemy_mov_period, self.level_one.enemies_trajectory[i][0], self.level_one.enemies_trajectory[i][1]) for i in range(len(self.level_one.enemies_init)) ] self.score = Score()"SoundTrack/hardestGameThemeSong.mp3")
def main(): """Main program """ start_pigpiod() pi_board = pigpio.pi() pwm_params = PWMParams() initialize_pwm(pi_board, pwm_params) robot_config = PupperConfig() servo_params = ServoParams() controller = Controller(robot_config) user_input = UserInputs() last_loop = time.time() while (True): if time.time() - last_loop < controller.gait_params.dt: continue last_loop = time.time() # Parse the udp joystick commands and then update the robot controller's parameters get_input(user_input) update_controller(controller, user_input) # Step the controller forward by dt step_controller(controller, robot_config) # Update the pwm widths going to the servos send_servo_commands(pi_board, pwm_params, servo_params, controller.joint_angles)
def main(): """ Main. """ cf = ConfigHandler() cs = cf.create_config_settings('../config/config.json') c = Controller() f = c.get_dir_file()
def run_robot(PipeConnection: connection.Connection, printState=False): """ A loop function cabable of updating a pupper robots state object based of of commands recieved via pipe form the transmission loop. """ config = Configuration() hardware_interface = HardwareInterface() controller = Controller( config, four_legs_inverse_kinematics, ) state = State() msgHandler = MessageHandler(config, PipeConnection) last_loop = time.time() deactivate = False while True: if deactivate == True: print("Robot loop terminated") break while True: command = msgHandler.get_command_from_pipe(state) if command.activate_event == 1: break time.sleep(0.1) while True: now = time.time() if now - last_loop < config.dt: continue last_loop = time.time() command = msgHandler.get_command_from_pipe(state) if command.activate_event == 1: deactivate = True break state.quat_orientation = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]) # Step the controller forward by dt, command) if printState == True: state.printSelf() # Update the pwm widths going to the servos hardware_interface.set_actuator_postions(state.joint_angles)
def main(): try: controller = Controller() controller.mainView() except: messagebox.showerror( title="Error", message= "The program has unexpectedly crashed. Please contact the developers" )
def main(): """Main program """ pi_board = pigpio.pi() pwm_params = PWMParams() servo_params = ServoParams() controller = Controller() controller.movement_reference = MovementReference() controller.movement_reference.v_xy_ref = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) controller.movement_reference.wz_ref = 0 controller.movement_reference.pitch = 15.0 * np.pi / 180.0 controller.movement_reference.roll = 0 controller.swing_params = SwingParams() controller.swing_params.z_clearance = 0.06 controller.stance_params = StanceParams() controller.stance_params.delta_y = 0.08 controller.gait_params = GaitParams() controller.gait_params.dt = 0.01 initialize_pwm(pi_board, pwm_params) values = UDPComms.Subscriber(8830, timeout=0.3) last_loop = time.time() now = last_loop start = time.time() for i in range(60000): last_loop = time.time() step_controller(controller) send_servo_commands(pi_board, pwm_params, servo_params, controller.joint_angles) try: msg = values.get() print(msg) except UDPComms.timeout: print("timout") msg = {"x": 0, "y": 0, "twist": 0, "pitch": 0} x_vel = msg["y"] / 7.0 y_vel = -msg["x"] / 7.0 yaw_rate = -msg["twist"] * 0.8 pitch = msg["pitch"] * 30.0 * np.pi / 180.0 print(pitch) controller.movement_reference.v_xy_ref = np.array([x_vel, y_vel]) controller.movement_reference.wz_ref = yaw_rate controller.movement_reference.pitch = pitch while now - last_loop < controller.gait_params.dt: now = time.time() # print("Time since last loop: ", now - last_loop) end = time.time() print("seconds per loop: ", (end - start) / 1000.0)
def __init__(self, initial_pos: pygame.Vector2, controller=Controller()): self.position = initial_pos self.controller = controller self.width = 20 self.height = 20 self.velocity = pygame.Vector2(100, 100) self.color = (255, random.randint(0, 255), 0) self.current_level = None self.dead = False self.poison = 0
def main(id, command_status): arduino = ArduinoSerial('COM4') # need to specify the serial port # Create config config = Configuration() controller = Controller( config, four_legs_inverse_kinematics, ) state = State() last_loop = time.time() command = Command() while True: now = time.time() if now - last_loop < config.dt: continue last_loop = time.time() # calculate robot step command from keyboard inputs result_dict = command_status.get() #print(result_dict) command_status.put(result_dict) x_vel = result_dict['IDstepLength'] y_vel = result_dict['IDstepWidth'] command.yaw_rate = result_dict['IDstepAlpha'] command.horizontal_velocity = np.array([x_vel, y_vel]) arduinoLoopTime, Xacc, Yacc, realRoll, realPitch = arduino.serialRecive( ) # recive serial(IMU part) # Read imu data. Orientation will be None if no data was available quat_orientation = (np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])) state.quat_orientation = quat_orientation # Step the controller forward by dt, command) deg_angle = np.rad2deg( state.joint_angles) + angle_offset # make angle rad to deg print(deg_angle) arduino.serialSend(deg_angle[:, 0], deg_angle[:, 1], deg_angle[:, 2], deg_angle[:, 3]) consoleClear()
def __init__(self, screen_size, roster, flags): self.screen_size = screen_size self.flags = flags self.controller = Controller() # build team roster = [] for hero in roster: self.add_hero(hero_data=hero) self.player =[0] self.center_box = pygame.Rect(self.screen_size[0] / 4, self.screen_size[1] / 4, self.screen_size[0] / 2, self.screen_size[1] / 2) self.cam_center = (self.screen_size[0] / 2, self.screen_size[1] / 2) self.cam_offset_x = 0 self.cam_offset_y = 0 = None = None self.show_menu = False self.notification = None self.destination_door = None self.fade_alpha = 0 self.fade_speed = 5 self.fade_out = False self.fade_in = False self.text_box = self.build_text_box() self.blackness = pygame.Surface(self.screen_size) self.blackness.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.blackness.set_alpha(self.fade_alpha) # battle self.in_battle = False self.battle = None
def main(FLAGS): """Main program""" data = Data() # Create a robot joint state message of size 12 state_msg = JointState() = [""] * 12 state_msg.position = [0] * 12 state_msg.velocity = [0] * 12 state_msg.effort = [0] * 12 pose_msg = Pose() # Create pupper whisperer which will provide I/O comms through gazebo node PupComm = whisperer() # Set the names of the joints for name, index in PupComm.joint_name_map.items():[index] = name # Define the message callback def commandCallback(msg): data.commands = list( # Create the subscriber and publisher state_pub = rospy.Publisher("pupper_state", JointState, queue_size=1) pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("pupper_pose", Pose, queue_size=1) command_sub = rospy.Subscriber("pupper_commands", Float64MultiArray, commandCallback, queue_size=1) # Run at 1000 Hz rate = rospy.Rate(1000) # Create config config = Configuration() hardware_interface = HardwareInterface.HardwareInterface(port=SERIAL_PORT) # Create controller and user input handles controller = Controller(config, four_legs_inverse_kinematics) state = State(height=config.default_z_ref) print("Creating joystick listener...", end="") joystick_interface = JoystickInterface(config) print("Done.") summarize_config(config) if FLAGS.log: #today_string ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") filename = os.path.join(DIRECTORY, FILE_DESCRIPTOR + ".csv") log_file = open(filename, "w") hardware_interface.write_logfile_header(log_file) if # hardware_interface.set_joint_space_parameters(0, 4.0, 4.0) hardware_interface.set_joint_space_parameters( 0, 4.0, 0.2) # mathew (changed max current to .2) hardware_interface.set_actuator_postions(np.zeros((3, 4))) input( "Do you REALLY want to calibrate? Press enter to continue or ctrl-c to quit." ) print("Zeroing motors...", end="") hardware_interface.zero_motors() hardware_interface.set_max_current_from_file() print("Done.") # The zero position is set with pupper laying down with elbows back. # Follow this procedure: 1. Lay pupper flat # 2. Rotate hip to raise leg # 3. Rotate elbow to raise foot off ground # 4. Rotate hip to lower leg until end of motor touches ground # 5. Rotate elbow until foot touches ground (the motor should # be rubbing against ground if done correctly) # If done correctly, repeatability is < 1 degree input("Press enter to ZERO MOTORS") # - mathew hardware_interface.zero_motors() print("Zeroing Done") hardware_interface.set_max_current_from_file() # - mathew # //////////////////////////// PD CONTROL //////////////////////////////////////// input("Press enter to stand. MAKE SURE PUPPER IS LAYING DOWN ELBOWS BACK.") print("Press q to start WBC") hardware_interface.set_joint_space_parameters(0, 0, 7.0) #Set max current PD_Kp = .6 # Gains on position error PD_Kd = .1 # Gains on velocity error PD_joint_pos = [0] * 12 PD_joint_vel = [0] * 12 PD_torque = [0] * 12 PD_des_pos = [ 0, np.pi / 4, np.pi / 2, 0, -np.pi / 4, -np.pi / 2, 0, np.pi / 4, np.pi / 2, 0, -np.pi / 4, -np.pi / 2 ] while state.activation == 0: # print(time.time()) command = joystick_interface.get_command(state) #Get joint states PupComm.store_robot_states(hardware_interface.get_robot_states()) # Put into the correct form for us for i, name in enumerate(PupComm.joint_name_map.keys()): (joint_pos, joint_vel, _) = PupComm.get_joint_state(name) PD_joint_pos[i] = joint_pos PD_joint_vel[i] = joint_vel # Calculate PD torque for i in range(12): if (i % 3 == 0): PD_torque[i] = PD_Kp * (PD_des_pos[i] - PD_joint_pos[i] ) + PD_Kd * (-PD_joint_vel[i]) print("Joint Velocity ", i, ": ", PD_joint_vel[i]) print("Pos error ", i, ": ", (PD_des_pos[i] - PD_joint_pos[i])) else: PD_torque[i] = 0 print("PD torque[0]: {:+.3f}".format(PD_torque[0]), " PD torque[3]: {:+.3f}".format(PD_torque[3]), " PD torque[6]: {:+.3f}".format(PD_torque[6]), " PD torque[9]: {:+.3f}".format(PD_torque[9])) PD_torque_reordered = PupComm.reorder_torques(PD_torque) hardware_interface.set_torque(PD_torque_reordered) # Break loop when "q" is pressed if command.activate_event == 1: print("WBC STARTED. Press q to stop motors.") break # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # stand_position = np.array( [[ 0, 0, 0, 0], # [np.pi/4,-np.pi/4,np.pi/4,-np.pi/4], # [np.pi/2,-np.pi/2,np.pi/2,-np.pi/2]]) # hardware_interface.set_actuator_postions(stand_position) # command = joystick_interface.get_command(state) #, command) # hardware_interface.set_max_current_from_file() # Uses MAX_CURRENT hardware_interface.set_joint_space_parameters(0, 0, 7.0) #Set max current #5.0 state.activation = 1 # Start automatically try: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if state.activation == 0: time.sleep(0.02) joystick_interface.set_color(config.ps4_deactivated_color) command = joystick_interface.get_command(state) if command.activate_event == 1: print("Robot activated.") joystick_interface.set_color(config.ps4_color) hardware_interface.serial_handle.reset_input_buffer() hardware_interface.activate() state.activation = 1 continue elif state.activation == 1: command = joystick_interface.get_command(state) #, command) #Printing states in function below # if(True): # # --------------------- Make sure we're reading info from pupper --------------------------- # print("front right hip : {:+.5f}".format(PupComm.get_joint_state("front_right_hip")[0]), " " # "front right shoulder : {:+.5f}".format(PupComm.get_joint_state("front_right_shoulder")[0]), " " # "front right elbow : {:+.5f}".format(PupComm.get_joint_state("front_right_elbow")[0])) # print("back left hip : {:+.5f}".format(PupComm.get_joint_state("back_left_hip")[0]), " " # "back left shoulder : {:+.5f}".format(PupComm.get_joint_state("back_left_shoulder")[0]), " " # "back left elbow : {:+.5f}".format(PupComm.get_joint_state("back_left_elbow")[0])) # print("back right hip : {:+.5f}".format(PupComm.get_joint_state("back_right_hip")[0]), " " # "back right shoulder : {:+.5f}".format(PupComm.get_joint_state("back_right_shoulder")[0]), " " # "back right elbow : {:+.5f}".format(PupComm.get_joint_state("back_right_elbow")[0])) # print("front left hip : {:+.5f}".format(PupComm.get_joint_state("front_left_hip")[0]), " " # "front left shoulder : {:+.5f}".format(PupComm.get_joint_state("front_left_shoulder")[0]), " " # "front left elbow : {:+.5f}".format(PupComm.get_joint_state("front_left_elbow")[0])) # # ------------------------------------------- mathew # dummy = 1 # Read data from pupper PupComm.store_robot_states( hardware_interface.get_robot_states()) # Put into the correct form for i, name in enumerate(PupComm.joint_name_map.keys()): (joint_pos, joint_vel, joint_cur) = PupComm.get_joint_state(name) state_msg.position[i] = joint_pos state_msg.velocity[i] = joint_vel state_msg.effort[i] = joint_cur # Send the robot state to the C++ node state_pub.publish(state_msg) # Get Orientation quaternion = PupComm.get_pupper_orientation() pose_msg.position.x = 0 # Replace with function pose_msg.position.y = 0 pose_msg.position.z = 0 pose_msg.orientation.w = quaternion[0] # Replace with function pose_msg.orientation.x = quaternion[1] pose_msg.orientation.y = quaternion[2] pose_msg.orientation.z = quaternion[3] # print("Quaternion: ", quaternion) #Send Orientation to the C++ node pose_pub.publish(pose_msg) # Read torque command from ROS WBC_commands_reordered = PupComm.reorder_torques(data.commands) # ------------------------------------------- # -------- Send torques to pupper ---------- # ------------------------------------------- # WBC_commands_reordered is a list with order: # [FR hip, FR shoulder, FR knee, # FL hip, FL shoulder, FL knee, # BR hip, BR shoulder, BR knee, # BL hip, BL shoulder, BL knee] # For testing, set desired torque: # manual_torques = [0] * 12 # manual_torques[2] = 1 #make sure limits are obeyed # WBC_commands_reordered = PupComm.reorder_torques(manual_torques) # Scaling factors found in C610.cpp in Stanford's code # print("looped") for i in range(12): # Convert torque to current torque_cmd = WBC_commands_reordered[i] vel = PupComm.robot_states_["vel"][i] # if vel * torque_cmd <= 0: WBC_commands_reordered[i] = 1 / 0.308 * ( torque_cmd + 0.0673 * np.sign(vel) + .00277 * vel) # else: # WBC_commands_reordered[i] = 1/0.179 * (torque_cmd + 0.0136 * np.sign(vel) + 0.00494 * vel) # print("Motor ", i, " B") # print("Curent ", i, ": {:+.3f}".format(WBC_commands_reordered[i])) # if vel * torque_cmd > 0: # print("B") #Set_torque actually sets currents hardware_interface.set_torque( WBC_commands_reordered) # FR, FL, BR, BL # ------------------------------------------- ## Commented below - # hardware_interface.set_cartesian_positions( # state.final_foot_locations # ) if FLAGS.log: any_data = hardware_interface.log_incoming_data(log_file) if any_data: print(any_data["ts"]) # if command.activate_event == 1: # print("Deactivating Robot") # print("Waiting for L1 to activate robot.") # hardware_interface.deactivate() # state.activation = 0 # continue # Sleep to maintain the desired frequency rate.sleep() # Break loop when "q" is pressed if command.activate_event == 1: hardware_interface.set_torque([0] * 12) print("Stopping motors.") break except KeyboardInterrupt: if FLAGS.log: print("Closing log file") log_file.close()
from src.Controller import Controller if __name__ == '__main__': c = Controller()
def main(use_imu=False): global remote_ctl_flag """Main program """ last_poll = time.time() poll_cooldown = 0.05 # Create config config = Configuration() hardware_interface = HardwareInterface() # Create imu handle if use_imu: imu = IMU(port="/dev/ttyACM0") imu.flush_buffer() # Create controller and user input handles controller = Controller( config, four_legs_inverse_kinematics, ) state = State() print("Creating joystick listener...") joystick_interface = JoystickInterface(config) print("Done.") last_loop = time.time() print("Summary of gait parameters:") print("overlap time: ", config.overlap_time) print("swing time: ", config.swing_time) print("z clearance: ", config.z_clearance) print("x shift: ", config.x_shift) # Wait until the activate button has been pressed while True: print("Waiting for L1 to activate robot.") while True: command = joystick_interface.get_command(state) joystick_interface.set_color(config.ps4_deactivated_color) if command.activate_event == 1: break time.sleep(0.1) print("Robot activated.") joystick_interface.set_color(config.ps4_color) while True: now = time.time() if now - last_loop < config.dt: continue last_loop = time.time() if time.time() - last_poll > poll_cooldown: last_poll = time.time() # print(latest_data) events = for key, mask in events: if is None: accept_wrapper(key.fileobj) else: service_connection(key, mask) command = parse_command(command, state, latest_data, config) # Parse the udp joystick commands and then update the robot controller's parameters if not remote_ctl_flag: command = joystick_interface.get_command(state) remote_ctl_flag = False if command.activate_event == 1: print("Deactivating Robot") break # Read imu data. Orientation will be None if no data was available quat_orientation = (imu.read_orientation() if use_imu else np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])) state.quat_orientation = quat_orientation # Step the controller forward by dt, command) # Update the pwm widths going to the servos hardware_interface.set_actuator_postions(state.joint_angles)
from src.Controller import Controller from src.Repository import Repository from src.View import View temperature_filename = "../data/temperature.dat" humidity_filename = "../data/humidity.dat" time_filename = "../data/time.dat" table_filename = "../data/table.dat" if __name__ == '__main__': temperature_repository = Repository(temperature_filename) controller = Controller(Repository(temperature_filename), Repository(humidity_filename), Repository(time_filename), table_filename) view = View(controller)
def main(use_imu=False): """Main program """ # Create config config = Configuration() hardware_interface = HardwareInterface() # Create imu handle if use_imu: imu = IMU(port="/dev/ttyACM0") imu.flush_buffer() # Create controller and user input handles controller = Controller( config, four_legs_inverse_kinematics, ) state = State() print("Creating joystick listener...") eaa_interface = Eaainterface(config) print("Done.") last_loop = time.time() print("Summary of gait parameters:") print("overlap time: ", config.overlap_time) print("swing time: ", config.swing_time) print("z clearance: ", config.z_clearance) print("x shift: ", config.x_shift) # Wait until the activate button has been pressed while True: print("Waiting for L1 to activate robot.") while True: command = eaa_interface.get_command(state) #brugbart? joystick_interface.set_color(config.ps4_deactivated_color) if command.activate_event == 1: break time.sleep(0.1) print("Robot activated.") #brugtbart? joystick_interface.set_color(config.ps4_color) while True: now = time.time() if now - last_loop < config.dt: continue last_loop = time.time() # Parse the udp joystick commands and then update the robot controller's parameters command = eaa_interface.get_command(state) if command.activate_event == 1: print("Deactivating Robot") break # Read imu data. Orientation will be None if no data was available quat_orientation = (imu.read_orientation() if use_imu else np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])) state.quat_orientation = quat_orientation # Step the controller forward by dt, command) # Update the pwm widths going to the servos hardware_interface.set_actuator_postions(state.joint_angles)
def main(stdscr): """Main program """ # Init Keyboard stdscr.clear() # clear the screen curses.noecho() # don't echo characters curses.cbreak() # don't wait on CR stdscr.keypad(True) # Map arrow keys to UpArrow, etc stdscr.nodelay(True) # Don't block - do not wait on keypress # Create config config = Configuration() # hardware_interface = HardwareInterface() command = Command() # Create controller and user input handles controller = Controller( config, four_legs_inverse_kinematics, ) state = State() last_loop = time.time() print("Summary of gait parameters:") print("overlap time: ", config.overlap_time) print("swing time: ", config.swing_time) print("z clearance: ", config.z_clearance) print("x shift: ", config.x_shift) print("Waiting for L1 to activate robot.") key_press = '' while True: if key_press == 'q': break # Wait until the activate button has been pressed while True: try: key_press = stdscr.getkey() except: key_press = '' if key_press == 'q': break elif key_press == 'a': # command.activate_event = True # command.yaw_rate = 0 # print( # print("\r") print("Robot Activated\r") break if key_press == 'q': break do_print_cmd = False while True: x_speed = command.horizontal_velocity[0] y_speed = command.horizontal_velocity[1] yaw_speed = command.yaw_rate new_x_speed = x_speed new_y_speed = y_speed new_yaw_speed = yaw_speed try: key_press = stdscr.getkey() except: key_press = '' if key_press == 'q': break elif key_press == 'a': # command.activate_event = True #, command) # command.activate_event = False # command.trot_event = False print("Robot Deactivate\r") break elif key_press == 't': command.trot_event = True print("Trot Event\r") do_print_cmd = True elif key_press == ' ': new_x_speed = 0 new_y_speed = 0 do_print_cmd = True elif key_press == 'k': new_yaw_speed = 0 do_print_cmd = True elif key_press == 'i': new_x_speed = min(config.max_x_velocity, x_speed + config.max_x_velocity / 5.0) do_print_cmd = True elif key_press == ',': new_x_speed = max(-1 * config.max_x_velocity, x_speed - config.max_x_velocity / 5.0) do_print_cmd = True elif key_press == 'f': new_y_speed = max(-1 * config.max_y_velocity, y_speed - config.max_y_velocity / 5.0) do_print_cmd = True elif key_press == 's': new_y_speed = min(config.max_y_velocity, y_speed + config.max_y_velocity / 5.0) do_print_cmd = True elif key_press == 'd': new_y_speed = 0 do_print_cmd = True elif key_press == 'j': new_yaw_speed = min(config.max_yaw_rate, yaw_speed + config.max_yaw_rate / 5.0) do_print_cmd = True elif key_press == 'l': new_yaw_speed = max(-1 * config.max_yaw_rate, yaw_speed - config.max_yaw_rate / 5.0) do_print_cmd = True command.horizontal_velocity = np.array([new_x_speed, new_y_speed]) command.yaw_rate = new_yaw_speed now = time.time() if now - last_loop < config.dt: continue last_loop = time.time() # Read imu data. Orientation will be None if no data was available quat_orientation = (np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])) state.quat_orientation = quat_orientation # Step the controller forward by dt, command) if do_print_cmd: print_cmd(command) print_state(state) do_print_cmd = False # print( + "\r") # print_state(state) # Update the pwm widths going to the servos # hardware_interface.set_actuator_postions(state.joint_angles) command.activate_event = False command.trot_event = False
def main(use_imu=False): """Main program """ rospy.init_node("pupper_js_pub") pub = rospy.Publisher("/pupper_js", JointState, queue_size=1) pupper_js = JointState() = [ "leg_f_r_joint", "leg_f_l_joint", "leg_b_r_joint", "leg_b_l_joint", "shldr_f_r_joint", "shldr_f_l_joint", "shldr_b_r_joint", "shldr_b_l_joint", "shldr_f_r_joint_inter", "shldr_f_l_joint_inter", "shldr_b_r_joint_inter", "shldr_b_l_joint_inter" ] # Create config config = Configuration() hardware_interface = HardwareInterface() # Create imu handle if use_imu: imu = IMU(port="/dev/ttyACM0") imu.flush_buffer() # Create controller and user input handles controller = Controller( config, four_legs_inverse_kinematics, ) state = State() print("Creating joystick listener...") joystick_interface = JoystickInterface(config) print("Done.") last_loop = time.time() print("Summary of gait parameters:") print("overlap time: ", config.overlap_time) print("swing time: ", config.swing_time) print("z clearance: ", config.z_clearance) print("x shift: ", config.x_shift) # Wait until the activate button has been pressed while True: print("Waiting for L1 to activate robot.") while True: command = joystick_interface.get_command(state) joystick_interface.set_color(config.ps4_deactivated_color) if command.activate_event == 1: break time.sleep(0.1) print("Robot activated.") joystick_interface.set_color(config.ps4_color) while True: now = time.time() if now - last_loop < config.dt: continue last_loop = time.time() # Parse the udp joystick commands and then update the robot controller's parameters command = joystick_interface.get_command(state) if command.activate_event == 1: print("Deactivating Robot") break # Read imu data. Orientation will be None if no data was available quat_orientation = (imu.read_orientation() if use_imu else np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])) state.quat_orientation = quat_orientation # Step the controller forward by dt, command) # Update the pwm widths going to the servos pupper_js.position = np.concatenate( (state.joint_angles[1], state.joint_angles[0], state.joint_angles[2]), axis=None) pub.publish(pupper_js) hardware_interface.set_actuator_postions(state.joint_angles)
from src.Controller import Controller from src.Model import Model from src.configuration.configParser import config_parser_result, save_type_key if __name__ == "__main__": result_dict = config_parser_result() model = Model('savedata', result_dict[save_type_key]) controller = Controller(model) controller.start()
import matplotlib from src.Controller import Controller from src.Repository import Repository import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if __name__ == '__main__': # repo = Repository("../data/2c.dat") repo = Repository("../data/3c.dat") ctrl = Controller(repo) total_accuracy = [] total_runs = 1000 total_sets = 0.15 for run in range(total_runs): accuracy = total_accuracy.append(accuracy) print("Accuracy for run {0} = {1}".format(run, accuracy)) print("Accuracy for {0} runs with {1} sets is: {2}".format(total_runs, total_sets, sum(total_accuracy)/total_runs)) plt.plot(range(total_runs), total_accuracy)
def main(): controller = Controller() controller.mainView()
def main(): """Main program """ # Start pwm to servos # start_pigpiod() pi_board = pigpio.pi() pwm_params = PWMParams() initialize_pwm(pi_board, pwm_params) # Create config robot_config = PupperConfig() servo_params = ServoParams() # Create imu handle imu = IMU(port="/dev/ttyACM0") imu.flush_buffer() # Create controller and user input handles controller = Controller(robot_config) input_params = UserInputParams() user_input = UserInputs(max_x_velocity=input_params.max_x_velocity, max_y_velocity=input_params.max_y_velocity, max_yaw_rate=input_params.max_yaw_rate, max_pitch=input_params.max_pitch) last_loop = time.time() print("Summary of gait parameters:") print("overlap time: ", controller.gait_params.overlap_time) print("swing time: ", controller.gait_params.swing_time) print("z clearance: ", controller.swing_params.z_clearance) print("x shift: ", controller.stance_params.x_shift) # Wait until the activate button has been pressed while True: print("Waiting for L1 to activate robot.") while True: get_input(user_input) if user_input.activate == 1 and user_input.last_activate == 0: user_input.last_activate = 1 break user_input.last_activate = user_input.activate print("Robot activated.") while True: now = time.time() if now - last_loop < controller.gait_params.dt: continue last_loop = time.time() # Parse the udp joystick commands and then update the robot controller's parameters get_input(user_input) if user_input.activate == 1 and user_input.last_activate == 0: user_input.last_activate = 1 break else: user_input.last_activate = user_input.activate update_controller(controller, user_input) # Read imu data. Orientation will be None if no data was available quat_orientation = imu.read_orientation() # Step the controller forward by dt step_controller(controller, robot_config, quat_orientation) # Update the pwm widths going to the servos send_servo_commands(pi_board, pwm_params, servo_params, controller.joint_angles) deactivate_servos(pi_board, pwm_params)
from src.Controller import Controller import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if __name__ == '__main__': chromosome_number = 200 gen_number = 30 ctrl = Controller(chromosome_number, gen_number, "../data/data_100.csv") plt.plot(range(0, gen_number), ctrl.averages) plt.axis([0, gen_number, min(ctrl.averages), max(ctrl.averages)])
def main(use_imu=False): """Main program """ # Create config config = Configuration() hardware_interface = HardwareInterface() # Create imu handle if use_IMU: imu = IMU(0x4A) imu.begin() time.sleep(0.5) #Startup the IMU data reading thread try: _thread.start_new_thread( IMU_read, (use_IMU,imu,) ) except: print ("Error: IMU thread could not startup!!!") # Create controller and user input handles controller = Controller( config, four_legs_inverse_kinematics, ) state = State() print("Creating joystick listener...") joystick_interface = JoystickInterface(config) print("Done.") last_loop = time.time() print("Summary of gait parameters:") print("overlap time: ", config.overlap_time) print("swing time: ", config.swing_time) print("z clearance: ", config.z_clearance) print("x shift: ", config.x_shift) # Wait until the activate button has been pressed while True: print("Waiting for L1 to activate robot.") while True: command = joystick_interface.get_command(state) joystick_interface.set_color(config.ps4_deactivated_color) if command.activate_event == 1: break time.sleep(0.1) print("Robot activated.") joystick_interface.set_color(config.ps4_color) while True: now = time.time() if now - last_loop < config.dt: continue last_loop = time.time() # Parse the udp joystick commands and then update the robot controller's parameters command = joystick_interface.get_command(state) if command.activate_event == 1: print("Deactivating Robot") break # Read imu data. Orientation will be None if no data was available state.quat_orientation = quat_orientation print(state.quat_orientation) # Step the controller forward by dt, command) # Update the pwm widths going to the servos hardware_interface.set_actuator_postions(state.joint_angles)
return temp # Create environment objects PUPPER_CONFIG = PupperConfig() ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG = EnvironmentConfig() SOLVER_CONFIG = SolverConfig() # Initailize MuJoCo PupperXMLParser.Parse(PUPPER_CONFIG, ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG, SOLVER_CONFIG) model = load_model_from_path("src/pupper_out.xml") sim = MjSim(model) viewer = MjViewer(sim) # Create pupper_controller pupper_controller = Controller() pupper_controller.movement_reference.v_xy_ref = np.array([0.2, 0.0]) pupper_controller.movement_reference.wz_ref = 0.0 pupper_controller.swing_params.z_clearance = 0.03 pupper_controller.gait_params.dt = 0.005 pupper_controller.stance_params.delta_y = 0.12 # Initialize joint angles[7:] = parallel_to_serial_joint_angles( pupper_controller.joint_angles).T.reshape(12) # Set the robot to be above the floor to begin with[2] = 0.5 # Initialize pwm and servo params pwm_params = PWMParams() servo_params = ServoParams()
# Create environment objects PUPPER_CONFIG = PupperConfig() PUPPER_CONFIG.XML_IN = "pupper_pybullet.xml" PUPPER_CONFIG.XML_OUT = "pupper_pybullet_out.xml" ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG = EnvironmentConfig() SOLVER_CONFIG = SolverConfig() # Initailize MuJoCo PupperXMLParser.Parse(PUPPER_CONFIG, ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG, SOLVER_CONFIG) # Create controller robot_config = PupperConfig() servo_params = ServoParams() controller = Controller(robot_config) user_input = UserInputs() # Run the simulation timesteps = 240*60*10 # simulate for a max of 10 minutes # Sim seconds per sim step sim_steps_per_sim_second = 240 sim_seconds_per_sim_step = 1.0 / sim_steps_per_sim_second start = time.time() last_control_update = 0 controller.gait_params.contact_phases = np.array( [[1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0]] )
def main(): Controller()
# import flask from flask import Flask from flask import request from flask_cors import CORS # import controller from src.Controller import Controller # create app app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) # create controller controller = Controller() # *** server-client-interface *** @app.route("/stock/pull", methods=['GET']) def getstock(): return controller.stock_pullStock(request) @app.route("/stock/get-providers", methods=["GET"]) def getproviders(): return controller.stock_getProviders(request) @app.route("/search/queries/pull", methods=["GET"]) def getqueries(): return controller.search_pullQueries(request)
def main(use_imu=False): """Main program """ # Create config config = Configuration() training_interface = TrainingInterface() # Create controller and user input handles controller = Controller( config, four_legs_inverse_kinematics, ) state = State() # Behavior to learn state.behavior_state = BehaviorState.TROT print("Summary of gait parameters:") print("overlap time: ", config.overlap_time) print("swing time: ", config.swing_time) print("z clearance: ", config.z_clearance) print("x shift: ", config.x_shift) amplitude = 0.0 amplitude_vel = 0.0 angle = 0.0 angle_vel = 0.0 yaw = 0.0 yaw_vel = 0.0 while True: # Parse the udp joystick commands and then update the robot controller's parameters command = Command() amplitude_accel = np.random.randn() * 3.0 amplitude_vel += amplitude_accel * config.dt - 0.2 * amplitude_vel * config.dt amplitude += amplitude_vel * config.dt angle_accel = np.random.randn() * 3.0 angle_vel += angle_accel * config.dt - 0.2 * angle_vel * config.dt angle += angle_vel * config.dt yaw_accel = np.random.randn() * 3.0 yaw_vel += yaw_accel * config.dt - 0.2 * yaw_vel * config.dt yaw += yaw_vel * config.dt #print(str(amplitude) + " " + str(angle) + " " + str(yaw)) # Go forward at max speed command.horizontal_velocity = np.array([ np.cos(angle) * np.sin(amplitude), np.sin(angle) * np.sin(amplitude) ]) * 0.5 command.yaw_rate = np.sin(yaw) * 0.5 quat_orientation = (np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])) state.quat_orientation = quat_orientation # Step the controller forward by dt, command) training_interface.set_direction( np.array([ command.horizontal_velocity[0], command.horizontal_velocity[1], command.yaw_rate ])) # Update the agent with the angles training_interface.set_actuator_positions(state.joint_angles)
def main(): #Create an instance of the controller object test = Controller() test.mainloop()