def test_AllPairShortestPath(self):
     Test on checking all pair shortest algorithm works
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     distances = g.allPairShortestPaths()
     # Ensure all connected nodes have minimal distances
     self.assertEqual(distances['SCL']['LIM'], 2453)
     self.assertEqual(distances['SCL']['ERD'], 2454)
     # ENsure distances away cities have correct minimal distance
     self.assertEqual(distances['SCL']['MEX'], 6684)
     self.assertEqual(distances['ERD']['LIM'], 4907)
     # Make some modifications
     graph_1 = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     lim = graph_1.getVertexByCode('LIM')
     # No direct connection from LIM to SCL
     distances = graph_1.allPairShortestPaths()
     self.assertEqual(distances['LIM']['SCL'], 4231 + 4232 + 2454)
     # But other way around is direct
     self.assertEqual(distances['SCL']['LIM'], 2453)
     # Other distances are still valid
     self.assertEqual(distances['SCL']['ERD'], 2454)
     self.assertEqual(distances['SCL']['MEX'], 6684)
     self.assertEqual(distances['SCL']['LIM'], 2453)
     # It should take longer route to get LIM to ERD
     self.assertEqual(distances['LIM']['ERD'], 4231 + 4232)
 def test_updateVertex(self):
     # Test updating vertex in the graph
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     g.updateVertex("LIM", "Lima", "PE", "South America", -5, {
         "S": 12,
         "W": 77
     }, 9050000, 1)
     print g.getVertexByCode("LIM").getVertexInformation()
     g.updateVertex("LIM", "Lima", "PE", "South America", -5, {
         "S": 12,
         "W": 77
     }, -5, 1)
     print g.getVertexByCode("LIM").getVertexInformation()
     # Ensure information has been updated
     g.updateVertex("LIM", "Lima", "PE", "South America", -5, {
         "S": 12,
         "W": 77
     }, 9050001, 1)
     print g.getVertexByCode("LIM").getVertexInformation()
     # Cannot edit non-existing city
     g.updateVertex("ULA", "Ulaanbaatar", "MN", "Asia", -8, {
         "S": 67,
         "N": 150
     }, 1600000, 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(g.vertices), 4)
 def test_GetRandomEdge(self):
     graph = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     MCUT = RandomizedMinCut(graph)
     edge = MCUT.GetRandomEdge(graph)
     source = graph.getVertexByCode(edge[0])
     destination = graph.getVertexByCode(edge[1])
     print "{} to {}".format(,
    def test_addNewVertex(self):
        # Set up the graph
        graph = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
        MCUT = RandomizedMinCut(graph)
        LIM = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("LIM")
        SCL = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("SCL")
        # Add new edge to make it interesting
        LIM.addEdge("ERD", 2000)
        source = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("ERD")
        destination = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("MEX")
        # Add new vertex
        MCUT.addNewVertex(graph, [source.code, destination.code])
        # Check if the city actually created
        self.assertIsNotNone(MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("ERD, MEX"))
        newVertex = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("ERD, MEX")
        # Make sure the edges are correctly added

        # Make sure distance is correctly add up
        self.assertEqual(LIM.getDistance(newVertex.code), 6231)
        self.assertEqual(SCL.getDistance(newVertex.code), 2454)
        # Ensure reverse edges are there
Exemple #5
 def test_max_flow(self):
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     flow = Flow.Flow(g)
     # Ensure actual flows are computed correctly
     self.assertEqual(flow.max_flow('SCL', 'MEX'), 2 + 2)
     # Same should also hold for SCL - ERD as well
     self.assertEqual(flow.max_flow('SCL', 'ERD'), 4)
 def test_findSSSP(self):
     # Test Finding SSSP
     1. Correct implementation should find shortest path to any vertex from the root
     NOTE: Both Dikstra and Bellman-Ford should return same result here
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
         g.getVertexByCode("SCL").pred, g.getVertexByCode("LIM"))
         g.getVertexByCode("MEX").pred, g.getVertexByCode("LIM"))
     # GEt another SSSP
         g.getVertexByCode("MEX").pred, g.getVertexByCode("LIM"))
         g.getVertexByCode("LIM").pred, g.getVertexByCode("SCL"))
     # Another one
         g.getVertexByCode("MEX").pred, g.getVertexByCode("ERD"))
         g.getVertexByCode("LIM").pred, g.getVertexByCode("SCL"))
         g.getVertexByCode("SCL").pred, g.getVertexByCode("ERD"))
 def test_getVertexByName(self):
     # Gets the vertex, given the name of the vertex
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     self.assertTrue("Santiago", g.getVertexByName("Santiago").name)
 def test_getVerticesNames(self):
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     # Exactly 3 ciities should be added
     self.assertTrue("Santiago" in g.getVerticesNames())
     self.assertTrue("Lima" in g.getVerticesNames())
     self.assertTrue("Mexico City" in g.getVerticesNames())
     self.assertFalse("Miami" in g.getVerticesNames())
 def test_getVertexByCode(self):
     # Gets the vertex by code
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     self.assertTrue("Santiago", g.getVertexByCode("SCL").name)
Exemple #10
 def __init__(self, master=None):
     tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
     json_data_list = []
     # Pass the list of the json_data
     self.g = Graph.Graph(json_data_list)
 def test_getAverageEdgeLength(self):
     # Test average edge length in the network
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     aver = g.getAverageEdgeLength()
     actual = (2453 + 4231) / 2
     self.assertEqual(aver, actual)
 def test_getHubCities(self):
     # Test city with most connections
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     list = g.getHubCities()
     #Make sure there are 4 hub cities
     self.assertEqual(2, len(list))
     self.assertEqual("Santiago", list[0][0])
 def test_getSmallestCity(self):
     # Test smallest city
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     city = g.getSmallestCity()
     self.assertEqual(, "Erdenet")
     self.assertEqual(city.code, "ERD")
     self.assertNotEqual(, "Lima")
 def test_getBiggestCityPopulation(self):
     # Test biggest city
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     city = g.getBiggestCityPopulation()
     self.assertEqual(, "Mexico City")
     self.assertEqual(city.code, "MEX")
     self.assertNotEqual(, "Lima")
 def test_getLongestEdge(self):
     # Test getting the longest edge in the network
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     list = g.getLongestEdge()
     self.assertEqual("Mexico City", list[0])
     # Make sure they are in correct order
     self.assertEqual("Erdenet", list[1])
     self.assertEqual(4232, list[2])
 def test_getShortestEdge(self):
     # Test shortest edge
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     list = g.getShortestEdge()
     self.assertEqual("Santiago", list[0])
     # Make sure they are in correct order
     self.assertNotEqual("Lima", list[0])
     self.assertEqual("Lima", list[1])
     self.assertEqual(2453, list[2])
 def test_ComputeRandomizedMinCut(self):
     # Set up the graph
     graph = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     MCUT = RandomizedMinCut(graph)
     LIM = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("LIM")
     SCL = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("SCL")
     # Add new edge to make it interesting
     LIM.addEdge("ERD", 2000)
     source = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("ERD")
     destination = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("MEX")
     # Compute Randomized Min-Cut
     print MCUT.ComputeRandomizedMinCut(graph)
Exemple #18
 def test_find_residual_path(self):
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     flow = Flow.Flow(g)
     flow1 = flow.find_residual_path('SCL', 'MEX', [])
     # Ensure everything is in correct order
     self.assertEqual(flow1[0], ['SCL', 'ERD'])
     self.assertEqual(flow1[1], ['ERD', 'SCL'])
     self.assertEqual(flow1[2], ['SCL', 'LIM'])
     self.assertEqual(flow1[3], ['LIM', 'MEX'])
     v1 = g.getVertexByCode('SCL')
     flow2 = flow.find_residual_path('SCL', 'MEX', [])
     self.assertEqual(flow2[0], ['SCL', 'LIM'])
     self.assertEqual(flow2[1], ['LIM', 'MEX'])
 def test_removeVertex(self):
     # Test removing vertex from the network
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     self.assertEqual(len(g.getVertexByCode("SCL").getAdjacency()), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(g.getVertexByCode("MEX").getAdjacency()), 1)
     # MAke sure cannot remove non existent city
     # you can remove all the vertices
     print g.vertices
     self.assertEqual(len(g.vertices), 1)
 def test_RemoveEdge(self):
     # Set up the graph
     graph = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     MCUT = RandomizedMinCut(graph)
     LIM = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("LIM")
     SCL = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("SCL")
     # Add new edge to make it interesting
     LIM.addEdge("ERD", 2000)
     source = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("ERD")
     destination = MCUT.graph.getVertexByCode("MEX")
     # remove edge
     graph = MCUT.removeEdge(graph, [source.code, destination.code])
     # CHeck there are exactly 3 vertices
     self.assertEqual(len(graph.vertices), 3)
     # Make sure the edges have correct edge distances
     newVertex = graph.getVertexByCode("ERD, MEX")
     self.assertEqual(LIM.getDistance(newVertex.code), 6231)
     self.assertEqual(SCL.getDistance(newVertex.code), 2454)
 def test_addVertex(self):
     # Test adding vertex to the network
     # pass loading data
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     g.addVertex("LIM", "Lima", "PE", "South America", -5, {
         "S": 12,
         "W": 77
     }, 9050000, 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(g.vertices), 4)
     g.addVertex("ULA", "Ulaanbaatar", "MN", "Asia", -8, {
         "S": 67,
         "N": 150
     }, 1600000, 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(g.vertices), 5)
     # Check cannot pass negative population
     g.addVertex("ONG", "Onga", "PE", "South America", -5, {
         "S": 12,
         "W": 77
     }, -5, 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(g.vertices), 5)
Exemple #22
 def test_min_cut(self):
     g = Graph.Graph(['test.json'])
     flow = Flow.Flow(g)
     print flow.min_cut('SCL', 'ERD')
 def __init__(self):
     # NOTE: Use following 3 line only once to build json_file and not to load it every time I open the app
     #list = self.__load_classes__()
     # Initialize the graph
     self.graph = Graph.Graph(["../../resources/data/classes.json"])