def crop_side_edges_of_the_image_2(self, image: MyImage) -> MyImage: quarter = int(len(image.brightness) * 0.25) i_minimum_left = np.argmin(image.brightness[:quarter]) i_minimum_right = len(image.brightness) - 1 - np.argmin( list(reversed(image.brightness))[:quarter]) i_minimum_center = quarter + np.argmin( image.brightness[quarter:-quarter]) result_image = None # crop right edge if image.brightness[i_minimum_right] < image.brightness[ i_minimum_center]: result_image = image.crop(0, 0, i_minimum_right, image.height) #'CROPPED right') # crop left edge if image.brightness[i_minimum_left] < image.brightness[ i_minimum_center]: if result_image is None: result_image = image.crop(i_minimum_left, 0, image.width, image.height) else: result_image = result_image.crop(i_minimum_left, 0, result_image.width, result_image.height) #'CROPPED left') if result_image is not None: return result_image else: return image
def create_data(self, image: MyImage): print('What is it?(image_name/-) ')'What is it?') answer = input() if answer == '-': return else: self.multiply_image(image, answer)
def crop_side_edges_of_the_image(self, image: MyImage) -> MyImage: minimum = min(image.brightness) maximum = max(image.brightness) point = minimum + (maximum - minimum) * 0.6 borders = [] # left border found_the_first_occurrence = False if image.brightness[0] < point: for i, value in enumerate(image.brightness): if found_the_first_occurrence and image.brightness[ i - 1] >= value < image.brightness[i + 1]: borders.append(i) break if value > point: found_the_first_occurrence = True else: for i, value in enumerate(image.brightness): if found_the_first_occurrence and image.brightness[ i - 1] >= value < image.brightness[i + 1]: borders.append(i) break if value < point: found_the_first_occurrence = True # right border found_the_first_occurrence = False if image.brightness[-1] < point: for i, value in enumerate(list(reversed(image.brightness))): if found_the_first_occurrence and image.brightness[ i - 1] >= value < image.brightness[i + 1]: borders.append(len(image.brightness) - (1 + i)) break if value > point: found_the_first_occurrence = True else: for i, value in enumerate(list(reversed(image.brightness))): if found_the_first_occurrence and image.brightness[ i - 1] >= value < image.brightness[i + 1]: borders.append(len(image.brightness) - (1 + i)) break if value < point: found_the_first_occurrence = True if borders[0] > borders[1]: return image.crop(borders[1], 0, borders[0], image.height) return image.crop(borders[0], 0, borders[1], image.height)
def split_number_plate_into_characters_by_certain_dist( self, image: MyImage): wdth = image.width / 520 # width of the russian number plate is 520mm hght = image.height / 112 # height of the russian number plate is 112mm image.characters_on_image = [] first_symbol = image.crop(int(wdth * 35), int(hght * 30), int(wdth * 100), int(hght * 105)) second_symbol = image.crop(int(wdth * 100), int(hght * 20), int(wdth * 155), int(hght * 105)) third_symbol = image.crop(int(wdth * 155), int(hght * 20), int(wdth * 210), int(hght * 105)) fourth_symbol = image.crop(int(wdth * 210), int(hght * 20), int(wdth * 265), int(hght * 105)) fifth_symbol = image.crop(int(wdth * 265), int(hght * 30), int(wdth * 330), int(hght * 105)) sixth_symbol = image.crop(int(wdth * 330), int(hght * 30), int(wdth * 385), int(hght * 105)) region = image.crop(int(wdth * 395), int(hght * 10), int(wdth * 495), int(hght * 90)) for symbol in [ first_symbol, second_symbol, third_symbol, fourth_symbol, fifth_symbol, sixth_symbol ]: image.characters_on_image.append(symbol.brightness)
def crop_binarized_char_by_edges(image: MyImage): up, down, left, right = 0, image.height, 0, image.width # up for i in range(int(image.height / 2) - 1, -1, -1): if np.mean(image.image[i]) == 255.: up = i break # down for i in range(int(image.height / 2), image.height): if np.mean(image.image[i]) == 255.: down = i break # left for i in range(int(image.width / 2) - 1, -1, -1): if np.mean(image.image[:, i]) == 255.: left = i break # right for i in range(int(image.width / 2), image.width): if np.mean(image.image[:, i]) == 255.: right = i break return image.crop(left, up, right, down)
def __crop_image_by_bounds(self, image: MyImage, bounds: list) -> MyImage: center_height_of_image = int(image.height / 2) if len(bounds) == 2: y1 = int(bounds[0][1]) y2 = int(bounds[1][0] * image.width + bounds[1][1]) return image.crop(0, y1, image.width, y2) elif len(bounds) == 1: if int(bounds[0][0] * image.width / 2 + bounds[0][1]) < center_height_of_image: return image.crop(0, int(bounds[0][1]), image.width, image.height) else: return image.crop( 0, 0, image.width, int(bounds[0][0] * image.width + bounds[0][1]))
def __find_lines_with_hough_lines_p(self, image: MyImage) -> list: edges = image.canny(50, 150) min_line_length = 150 max_line_gap = 30 lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, 1, np.pi / 180, 100, min_line_length, max_line_gap) bounds = [] if lines is not None: center_of_image_height = int(image.height / 2) lines_above = [ line for line in lines for _, y1, _, y2 in line if y1 < center_of_image_height and y2 < center_of_image_height ] lines_below = [ line for line in lines for _, y1, _, y2 in line if y1 > center_of_image_height and y2 > center_of_image_height ] image_copy = copy.deepcopy(image) for part_of_lines in [lines_above, lines_below]: if part_of_lines: tangent_of_lines = [] free_members_of_lines = [] for line in part_of_lines: # find non-vertical lines for x1, y1, x2, y2 in line: # cv2.line(image_copy.image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 5) if x2 == x1: continue tangent_of_lines.append((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) free_members_of_lines.append(y1 - tangent_of_lines[-1] * x1) average_line = [ np.mean(tangent_of_lines), np.mean(free_members_of_lines) ] # find average line bounds.append(average_line) cv2.line( image_copy.image, (0, int(average_line[1])), (image.width, int(average_line[0] * image.width + average_line[1])), (0, 255, 0), 3) #"TWO MAIN LINES") return bounds
def __increase_image_contrast(self, image: MyImage): # Converting image to LAB Color model lab = cv2.cvtColor(image.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB) l, a, b = cv2.split(lab) # Applying CLAHE to L-channel clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=3.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8)) cl = clahe.apply(l) limg = cv2.merge((cl, a, b)) # Converting image from LAB Color model to RGB model final = cv2.cvtColor(limg, cv2.COLOR_LAB2BGR) image.image = final
def __normalize_image(self, image: MyImage) -> MyImage: # ---------- rotate image ----------------- bounds = self.__find_lines_with_hough_lines_p(image) if not bounds: return image max_k = np.mean([line[0] for line in bounds]) angle = (math.atan(max_k) * 180) / np.pi rotated_image = image.rotate(angle) #"ROTATED") # --------- crop rotated images ------------ bounds = self.__find_lines_with_hough_lines_p(rotated_image) if not bounds: return rotated_image return self.__crop_image_by_bounds(rotated_image, bounds)
def __normalizing_image_of_number_plate_contours(self, image: MyImage): edges = image.canny(30, 150) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) image_copy = copy.deepcopy(image) for cnt in contours: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) # try to fit a rectangle box = cv2.boxPoints( rect) # search for four vertices of a rectangle if abs(box[0][0] - box[2][0]) < image.width / 80 or abs( box[0][1] - box[1][1]) < image.height / 80: continue box = np.int0(box) # round coordinates cv2.drawContours(image_copy.image, [box], 0, (255, 0, 0), 2)
def __normalizing_image_of_number_plate_hough_lines(self, image: MyImage): image_copy = copy.deepcopy(image) edges = image.canny(50, 150) lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges, 1, np.pi / 180, 150) if lines is not None: for line in lines: for rho, theta in line: a = np.cos(theta) b = np.sin(theta) x0 = a * rho y0 = b * rho x1 = int(x0 + 1000 * (-b)) y1 = int(y0 + 1000 * a) x2 = int(x0 - 1000 * (-b)) y2 = int(y0 - 1000 * a) cv2.line(image_copy.image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 2)
def multiply_image(self, image: MyImage, answer): self.create_image(answer, image.image) self.create_image( answer, self.recognitor.crop_binarized_char_by_edges( image.rotate(5, (255, 255, 255))).image) self.create_image( answer, self.recognitor.crop_binarized_char_by_edges( image.rotate(-5, (255, 255, 255))).image) if answer in ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'H', 'K', 'O', 'X', '0']: self.create_image(answer, image.flip_horizontal().image) elif answer == '6': self.create_image('9', image.rotate(180, (255, 255, 255)).image) elif answer == '9': self.create_image('6', image.rotate(180, (255, 255, 255)).image) if answer in ['H', 'M', 'O', 'X', '8', '0']: self.create_image(answer, image.flip_vertical().image)
def splitting_binarized_image_into_numbers(self, image: MyImage) -> tuple: start = 0 for i in range(int(image.height / 2), -1, -1): if np.sum(image.image[i] == 0) > 0.8 * image.width: start = i break end = image.height for i in range(int(image.height / 2), image.height): if np.sum(image.image[i] == 0) > 0.8 * image.width: end = i break image = image.crop(0, start, image.width, end) left_edge_of_char = None series_and_reg_num = [] # TODO сделать обрезку белому месту вместо чёрной палки left_edge_of_region = None region = None for i in range(image.width): column = image.image[int(0.25 * image.height):int(-0.1 * image.height), i] if 0 in column: if left_edge_of_char: continue else: left_edge_of_char = i else: if not left_edge_of_char: continue else: char_image = image.crop(left_edge_of_char, 0, i, image.height) if char_image.is_black_stick(): if len(series_and_reg_num) > 1: if left_edge_of_region is None: left_edge_of_region = i else: region = image.crop(left_edge_of_region, 0, left_edge_of_char, image.height) left_edge_of_region = None break else: continue if left_edge_of_region is None: series_and_reg_num.append(char_image) left_edge_of_char = None if left_edge_of_region: region = image.crop(left_edge_of_region, 0, left_edge_of_char, image.height) # for i, number in enumerate(series_and_reg_num): #"NUMBERS") # #"REGION") return series_and_reg_num, region
def load_image(self, file_image_name): image = cv2.imread(file_image_name) self.origin = MyImage(image)
class RecognitionCarPlate: def __init__(self): self.origin = None self.car_numbers = None = Network([972, 250, 100, 22], 'network_parameters.json')'network_parameters.json') def load_image(self, file_image_name): image = cv2.imread(file_image_name) self.origin = MyImage(image) def __find_number_plates_on_origin_image(self): self.car_numbers = [] # print(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..', 'xml-car-numbers', 'haarcascade_russian_plate_number.xml')) russian_number_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..', 'xml-car-numbers', 'haarcascade_russian_plate_number.xml')) russian_number_plate_rect = russian_number_cascade.detectMultiScale( self.origin.grayscale(), scaleFactor=1.2, minNeighbors=2) if len(russian_number_plate_rect): copy_origin = copy.deepcopy(self.origin) for (x, y, w, h) in russian_number_plate_rect: cropped_image = self.origin.crop(x, y, x + w, y + h) self.car_numbers.append(CarNumber(cropped_image)) cv2.rectangle(copy_origin.image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 10) #"Number Plates") def __normalizing_image_of_number_plate_contours(self, image: MyImage): edges = image.canny(30, 150) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(edges, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) image_copy = copy.deepcopy(image) for cnt in contours: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) # try to fit a rectangle box = cv2.boxPoints( rect) # search for four vertices of a rectangle if abs(box[0][0] - box[2][0]) < image.width / 80 or abs( box[0][1] - box[1][1]) < image.height / 80: continue box = np.int0(box) # round coordinates cv2.drawContours(image_copy.image, [box], 0, (255, 0, 0), 2) #"Contours") def __normalizing_image_of_number_plate_hough_lines(self, image: MyImage): image_copy = copy.deepcopy(image) edges = image.canny(50, 150) lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges, 1, np.pi / 180, 150) if lines is not None: for line in lines: for rho, theta in line: a = np.cos(theta) b = np.sin(theta) x0 = a * rho y0 = b * rho x1 = int(x0 + 1000 * (-b)) y1 = int(y0 + 1000 * a) x2 = int(x0 - 1000 * (-b)) y2 = int(y0 - 1000 * a) cv2.line(image_copy.image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 2) #"Hough lines") def __find_lines_with_hough_lines_p(self, image: MyImage) -> list: edges = image.canny(50, 150) min_line_length = 150 max_line_gap = 30 lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, 1, np.pi / 180, 100, min_line_length, max_line_gap) bounds = [] if lines is not None: center_of_image_height = int(image.height / 2) lines_above = [ line for line in lines for _, y1, _, y2 in line if y1 < center_of_image_height and y2 < center_of_image_height ] lines_below = [ line for line in lines for _, y1, _, y2 in line if y1 > center_of_image_height and y2 > center_of_image_height ] image_copy = copy.deepcopy(image) for part_of_lines in [lines_above, lines_below]: if part_of_lines: tangent_of_lines = [] free_members_of_lines = [] for line in part_of_lines: # find non-vertical lines for x1, y1, x2, y2 in line: # cv2.line(image_copy.image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 5) if x2 == x1: continue tangent_of_lines.append((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) free_members_of_lines.append(y1 - tangent_of_lines[-1] * x1) average_line = [ np.mean(tangent_of_lines), np.mean(free_members_of_lines) ] # find average line bounds.append(average_line) cv2.line( image_copy.image, (0, int(average_line[1])), (image.width, int(average_line[0] * image.width + average_line[1])), (0, 255, 0), 3) #"TWO MAIN LINES") return bounds def __normalize_image(self, image: MyImage) -> MyImage: # ---------- rotate image ----------------- bounds = self.__find_lines_with_hough_lines_p(image) if not bounds: return image max_k = np.mean([line[0] for line in bounds]) angle = (math.atan(max_k) * 180) / np.pi rotated_image = image.rotate(angle) #"ROTATED") # --------- crop rotated images ------------ bounds = self.__find_lines_with_hough_lines_p(rotated_image) if not bounds: return rotated_image return self.__crop_image_by_bounds(rotated_image, bounds) def __crop_image_by_bounds(self, image: MyImage, bounds: list) -> MyImage: center_height_of_image = int(image.height / 2) if len(bounds) == 2: y1 = int(bounds[0][1]) y2 = int(bounds[1][0] * image.width + bounds[1][1]) return image.crop(0, y1, image.width, y2) elif len(bounds) == 1: if int(bounds[0][0] * image.width / 2 + bounds[0][1]) < center_height_of_image: return image.crop(0, int(bounds[0][1]), image.width, image.height) else: return image.crop( 0, 0, image.width, int(bounds[0][0] * image.width + bounds[0][1])) def __increase_image_contrast(self, image: MyImage): # Converting image to LAB Color model lab = cv2.cvtColor(image.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB) l, a, b = cv2.split(lab) # Applying CLAHE to L-channel clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=3.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8)) cl = clahe.apply(l) limg = cv2.merge((cl, a, b)) # Converting image from LAB Color model to RGB model final = cv2.cvtColor(limg, cv2.COLOR_LAB2BGR) image.image = final def crop_side_edges_of_the_image(self, image: MyImage) -> MyImage: minimum = min(image.brightness) maximum = max(image.brightness) point = minimum + (maximum - minimum) * 0.6 borders = [] # left border found_the_first_occurrence = False if image.brightness[0] < point: for i, value in enumerate(image.brightness): if found_the_first_occurrence and image.brightness[ i - 1] >= value < image.brightness[i + 1]: borders.append(i) break if value > point: found_the_first_occurrence = True else: for i, value in enumerate(image.brightness): if found_the_first_occurrence and image.brightness[ i - 1] >= value < image.brightness[i + 1]: borders.append(i) break if value < point: found_the_first_occurrence = True # right border found_the_first_occurrence = False if image.brightness[-1] < point: for i, value in enumerate(list(reversed(image.brightness))): if found_the_first_occurrence and image.brightness[ i - 1] >= value < image.brightness[i + 1]: borders.append(len(image.brightness) - (1 + i)) break if value > point: found_the_first_occurrence = True else: for i, value in enumerate(list(reversed(image.brightness))): if found_the_first_occurrence and image.brightness[ i - 1] >= value < image.brightness[i + 1]: borders.append(len(image.brightness) - (1 + i)) break if value < point: found_the_first_occurrence = True if borders[0] > borders[1]: return image.crop(borders[1], 0, borders[0], image.height) return image.crop(borders[0], 0, borders[1], image.height) def crop_side_edges_of_the_image_2(self, image: MyImage) -> MyImage: quarter = int(len(image.brightness) * 0.25) i_minimum_left = np.argmin(image.brightness[:quarter]) i_minimum_right = len(image.brightness) - 1 - np.argmin( list(reversed(image.brightness))[:quarter]) i_minimum_center = quarter + np.argmin( image.brightness[quarter:-quarter]) result_image = None # crop right edge if image.brightness[i_minimum_right] < image.brightness[ i_minimum_center]: result_image = image.crop(0, 0, i_minimum_right, image.height) #'CROPPED right') # crop left edge if image.brightness[i_minimum_left] < image.brightness[ i_minimum_center]: if result_image is None: result_image = image.crop(i_minimum_left, 0, image.width, image.height) else: result_image = result_image.crop(i_minimum_left, 0, result_image.width, result_image.height) #'CROPPED left') if result_image is not None: return result_image else: return image def split_number_plate_into_characters_by_certain_dist( self, image: MyImage): wdth = image.width / 520 # width of the russian number plate is 520mm hght = image.height / 112 # height of the russian number plate is 112mm image.characters_on_image = [] first_symbol = image.crop(int(wdth * 35), int(hght * 30), int(wdth * 100), int(hght * 105)) second_symbol = image.crop(int(wdth * 100), int(hght * 20), int(wdth * 155), int(hght * 105)) third_symbol = image.crop(int(wdth * 155), int(hght * 20), int(wdth * 210), int(hght * 105)) fourth_symbol = image.crop(int(wdth * 210), int(hght * 20), int(wdth * 265), int(hght * 105)) fifth_symbol = image.crop(int(wdth * 265), int(hght * 30), int(wdth * 330), int(hght * 105)) sixth_symbol = image.crop(int(wdth * 330), int(hght * 30), int(wdth * 385), int(hght * 105)) region = image.crop(int(wdth * 395), int(hght * 10), int(wdth * 495), int(hght * 90)) for symbol in [ first_symbol, second_symbol, third_symbol, fourth_symbol, fifth_symbol, sixth_symbol ]: image.characters_on_image.append(symbol.brightness) # + 'SYMBOL') #'REGION') # region.hist() def splitting_binarized_image_into_numbers(self, image: MyImage) -> tuple: start = 0 for i in range(int(image.height / 2), -1, -1): if np.sum(image.image[i] == 0) > 0.8 * image.width: start = i break end = image.height for i in range(int(image.height / 2), image.height): if np.sum(image.image[i] == 0) > 0.8 * image.width: end = i break image = image.crop(0, start, image.width, end) left_edge_of_char = None series_and_reg_num = [] # TODO сделать обрезку белому месту вместо чёрной палки left_edge_of_region = None region = None for i in range(image.width): column = image.image[int(0.25 * image.height):int(-0.1 * image.height), i] if 0 in column: if left_edge_of_char: continue else: left_edge_of_char = i else: if not left_edge_of_char: continue else: char_image = image.crop(left_edge_of_char, 0, i, image.height) if char_image.is_black_stick(): if len(series_and_reg_num) > 1: if left_edge_of_region is None: left_edge_of_region = i else: region = image.crop(left_edge_of_region, 0, left_edge_of_char, image.height) left_edge_of_region = None break else: continue if left_edge_of_region is None: series_and_reg_num.append(char_image) left_edge_of_char = None if left_edge_of_region: region = image.crop(left_edge_of_region, 0, left_edge_of_char, image.height) # for i, number in enumerate(series_and_reg_num): #"NUMBERS") # #"REGION") return series_and_reg_num, region @staticmethod def crop_binarized_char_by_edges(image: MyImage): up, down, left, right = 0, image.height, 0, image.width # up for i in range(int(image.height / 2) - 1, -1, -1): if np.mean(image.image[i]) == 255.: up = i break # down for i in range(int(image.height / 2), image.height): if np.mean(image.image[i]) == 255.: down = i break # left for i in range(int(image.width / 2) - 1, -1, -1): if np.mean(image.image[:, i]) == 255.: left = i break # right for i in range(int(image.width / 2), image.width): if np.mean(image.image[:, i]) == 255.: right = i break return image.crop(left, up, right, down) def process_region(self, car_number: CarNumber): # crop rus on region image for i in range(int(car_number.region_image.height / 2), car_number.region_image.height): if np.mean(car_number.region_image.image[i]) == 255.: car_number.region_image = car_number.region_image.crop( 0, 0, car_number.region_image.width, i) break # TODO решить проблему с путями car_number.region, _ = self.splitting_binarized_image_into_numbers( car_number.region_image) car_number.clear_region() for i, char in enumerate(car_number.region): if not char.is_empty(): car_number.region[i] = self.crop_binarized_char_by_edges(char) car_number.remove_empty_images_from_region() def __prepare_symbols_for_recognition(self, car_number: CarNumber): try: self.process_region(car_number) except ValueError: self.car_numbers.remove(car_number) return car_number.clear_series_and_reg_num() for i in range( len(car_number.series_and_registration_num) - 1, -1, -1): char = car_number.series_and_registration_num[i] car_number.series_and_registration_num[ i] = self.crop_binarized_char_by_edges(char) if car_number.series_and_registration_num[i].is_empty(): del car_number.series_and_registration_num[i] continue car_number.clear_series_and_reg_num() # car_number.show_series_and_registration_num() for char in car_number.region: pass #"CROPPED SYMBOLS REGION") def run(self, file_image_name): self.load_image(file_image_name) #"Origin") recognised_car_numbers = [] self.__find_number_plates_on_origin_image() for i in range(len(self.car_numbers) - 1, -1, -1): car_number = self.car_numbers[i] car_number.image = self.__normalize_image(car_number.image)"CROPPED") self.__increase_image_contrast(car_number.image)"CONTRAST") car_number.image = self.crop_side_edges_of_the_image_2( car_number.image) #"CROPPED BY EDGES") car_number.image.binarize() #"BINARIZED NUMBER") car_number.series_and_registration_num, car_number.region_image \ = self.splitting_binarized_image_into_numbers(car_number.image) car_number.remove_all_empty_images() if not car_number.is_valid(): del self.car_numbers[i] continue self.__prepare_symbols_for_recognition(car_number) result = [] for char in car_number.series_and_registration_num + car_number.region: char.resize((27, 36)) char: MyImage array_image = char.to_array() result.append(possible_values[np.argmax(]) recognised_car_numbers.append(result) print("Распознано") print(result) return recognised_car_numbers