def main(): topology = [2, 1] pmt_array = PMT_Array(topology, "summary") pmt_array.set_pmt_id("GAO607", 0) pmt_array.set_pmt_id("GAO612", 1) # store_res(pmt_array) plot_res() plot_base_drift()
def read_file(date: str, voltage: int, root_file_name: str, pmt_array: PMT_Array): file = ROOT.TFile(root_file_name, "READ") fit_parameter = [None for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] for i_om in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number()): charge_hist = file.Get( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_charge_spectrum_" + str(voltage) + "V") amp_hist = file.Get( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_amplitude_spectrum_" + str(voltage) + "V") baseline_hist = file.Get( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_baseline_distribution_" + str(voltage) + "V") try: charge_hist.GetEntries() amp_hist.GetEntries() baseline_hist.GetEntries() except AttributeError: # print(root_file_name, ": No entries :", date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_charge_spectrum_" + str(voltage) + "V") continue mu_guess = charge_hist.GetMaximumBin() * charge_hist.GetBinWidth(0) fit_vals = do_bi_1000(charge_hist, mu_guess) freq, bin_centres = [], [] for i_bin in range(0, charge_hist.GetNbinsX()): freq.append(charge_hist.GetBinContent(i_bin + 1)) bin_centres.append(i_bin * charge_hist.GetBinWidth(i_bin + 1) + charge_hist.GetBinWidth(i_bin + 1)) freq, bin_centres, bin_width = np.array(freq), np.array( bin_centres), charge_hist.GetBinWidth(3) plot_fit([freq, bin_centres, bin_width], fit_vals, date, str(i_om)) if fit_vals[-1][0] == -1: pass else: pars = { # TODO: add the correlation matrix to this "mu": fit_vals[0][0], "mu_err": fit_vals[0][1], "sig": fit_vals[1][0], "sig_err": fit_vals[1][1], "base_mu": baseline_hist.GetMean(), "base_sig": baseline_hist.GetStdDev(), "chi2": fit_vals[-1][0], "ndof": fit_vals[-1][1] } fit_parameter[i_om] = pars file.Close() return fit_parameter
def store_res(pmt_array: PMT_Array): out_file = open(f"/Users/williamquinn/Desktop/PMT_Project/res_vs_time.csv", "w") out_file.write("pmt,date,res,res_err,chi_2,ndof,base_mean,base_sig\n") filenames_txt = "/Users/williamquinn/Desktop/PMT_Project/filenames.txt" try: print(">>> Reading data from file: {}".format(filenames_txt)) date_file = open(filenames_txt, 'r') except FileNotFoundError: raise Exception("Error opening data file {}".format(filenames_txt)) filenames = np.loadtxt(filenames_txt, delimiter=',', dtype={ 'names': ['filename'], 'formats': ['S100'] }, unpack=True) for i_file in tqdm(range(filenames.size)): file = filenames[i_file][0].decode("utf-8") date = file.split("_")[0] voltage = int(file.split("_")[1].split("A")[1]) if voltage != 1000: continue fit_pars = read_file( date, voltage, "/Users/williamquinn/Desktop/PMT_Project/data/1000V/" + file, pmt_array) for i_om in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number()): if fit_pars[i_om] is None: continue mu = fit_pars[i_om]["mu"] mu_err = fit_pars[i_om]["mu_err"] sig = fit_pars[i_om]["sig"] sig_err = fit_pars[i_om]["sig_err"] chi_2 = fit_pars[i_om]["chi2"] ndof = fit_pars[i_om]["ndof"] baseline_mean = fit_pars[i_om]["base_mu"] baseline_sig = fit_pars[i_om]["base_sig"] res = sig / mu res_err = res * ((sig_err / sig)**2 + (mu_err / mu)**2) out_file.write( f'{i_om},{date},{res},{res_err},{chi_2},{ndof},{baseline_mean},{baseline_sig}\n' ) out_file.close() print("<<<< FINISHED >>>")
def read_file(date: str, voltage: int, root_file_name: str, pmt_array: PMT_Array, output_file_location: str): file = ROOT.TFile(root_file_name, "READ") apulse_info = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] for i_om in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number()): apulse_num_hist = file.Get(date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_apulse_num_" + str(voltage) + "V") apulse_time_hist = file.Get(date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_apulse_times_" + str(voltage) + "V") apulse_amplitude_hist = file.Get(date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_apulse_amplitudes_" + str(voltage) + "V") he_apulse_num_hist = file.Get(date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_he_apulse_num_" + str(voltage) + "V") he_apulse_amplitude_hist = file.Get(date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_he_apulse_amplitudes_" + str(voltage) + "V") try: apulse_num_hist.GetEntries() apulse_time_hist.GetEntries() apulse_amplitude_hist.GetEntries() he_apulse_num_hist.GetEntries() he_apulse_amplitude_hist.GetEntries() except: continue apulse_rate = 0 for i_bin in range(2, apulse_num_hist.GetNbinsX()): apulse_rate += apulse_num_hist.GetBinContent(i_bin) apulse_rate = (apulse_rate/apulse_num_hist.GetEntries()) * 100 apulse_rate_err = (np.sqrt(1/apulse_rate + 1/apulse_num_hist.GetEntries())) * apulse_rate he_apulse_rate = 0 for i_bin in range(2, he_apulse_num_hist.GetNbinsX()): he_apulse_rate += he_apulse_num_hist.GetBinContent(i_bin) he_apulse_rate = (he_apulse_rate/apulse_num_hist.GetEntries()) * 100 he_apulse_rate_err = (np.sqrt(1/he_apulse_rate + 1/apulse_num_hist.GetEntries())) * he_apulse_rate '''c1 = ROOT.TCanvas() charge_hist.Draw() bi_fit.Draw("same") c1.SetGrid() c1.Update() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1) c1.SaveAs(name)''' pars = { "apulse_rate": apulse_rate, "apulse_rate_err": apulse_rate_err, "he_apulse_rate": he_apulse_rate, "he_apulse_rate_err": he_apulse_rate_err } apulse_info[i_om].append(pars) file.Close() return apulse_info
def process_xml_file(input_data_file_name: str, pmt_array: PMT_Array): print(">>> Parsing the data file...") processing_start = TIME.time() # parse an xml file by name xml_file = minidom.parse(input_data_file_name) events = xml_file.getElementsByTagName('event') parse_time = TIME.time() - processing_start print(">>> File is good. Parse time: %.3f s" % parse_time) print(">>> Number of Events: {}".format(len(events))) event_counter = 0 percentage_counter = 1 print(">>> Looping over events") temp_start = TIME.time() for event_index, event in enumerate(events): if event_counter == int(len(events) / 20): event_counter = 0 intermediate = TIME.time() time_length = intermediate - temp_start print(">>>\n>>> %.3f s.\n" % (intermediate - temp_start)) temp_start = intermediate print("Processed {}% of data...".format(percentage_counter * 5)) estimate = time_length * (20 - percentage_counter) print(">>> Estimated time till termination %.3f seconds\n\n" % estimate) percentage_counter += 1 traces = event.getElementsByTagName('trace') for trace_index, trace in enumerate(traces): # Channel refers to the pmt number channel_id = int(trace.attributes['channel'].value) # Important Code: # This is where you pass the data to the OOP code which does all the analysis for you # Ideally this would be in the main file ########################################################################################################## pmt_waveform = PMT_Waveform(" "), pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(channel_id)) # check waveform to see if you want to fill histograms # The pulse trigger logic is in if pmt_waveform.get_pulse_trigger(): pmt_waveform.fill_pmt_hists() else: pass del pmt_waveform ########################################################################################################## event_counter += 1
def main(): # Handle the input arguments: ############################## args = pmt_parse_arguments() input_directory = args.i config_file_name = args.c output_directory = args.o ############################## filenames_txt = input_directory + "/filenames.txt" try: print(">>> Reading data from file: {}".format(filenames_txt)) date_file = open(filenames_txt, 'r') except FileNotFoundError as fnf_error: print(fnf_error) raise Exception("Error opening data file {}".format(filenames_txt)) filenames = np.loadtxt(filenames_txt, delimiter=',', dtype={ 'names': ['filename'], 'formats': ['S100'] }, unpack=True) topology = [2, 1] pmt_array = PMT_Array(topology, "summary") pmt_array.set_pmt_id("GAO607", 0) pmt_array.set_pmt_id("GAO612", 1) # Set the cuts you wish to apply # If you don't do this the defaults are used if config_file_name is not None: pmt_array.apply_setting(config_file_name) print_settings(pmt_array) for i_file in tqdm.tqdm(range(filenames.size)): file = filenames[i_file][0].decode("utf-8") try: read_tree(input_directory + "/" + file, pmt_array, output_directory, file.split(".root")[0] + "_output.root") except: print("error reading file:", input_directory + "/" + file)
def read_tree(root_file_name: str, pmt_array: PMT_Array, output_file_location: str, output_file_name: str): file = ROOT.TFile(root_file_name, "READ") date = root_file_name.split("/")[-1].split("_")[0] voltage = int(root_file_name.split("/")[-1].split("_")[1].split("A")[1]) if voltage == 1000: max_amp = 400 else: max_amp = 1000 max_charge = 60 tree = file.T # Create the histograms that we will want to store # these will be used to extract the resolution charge_hists = [] amp_hists = [] baselines = [] apulse_nums_hists = [] he_apulse_nums_hists = [] apulse_times_hists = [] apulse_amplitudes_hists = [] he_apulse_amplitudes_hists = [] for i_om in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number()): nbins = pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_setting("nbins") charge_hist = ROOT.TH1D( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_charge_spectrum_" + str(voltage) + "V", date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_charge_spectrum_" + str(voltage) + "V", nbins, 0, max_charge) amp_hist = ROOT.TH1D( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_amplitude_spectrum_" + str(voltage) + "V", date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_amplitude_spectrum_" + str(voltage) + "V", nbins, 0, max_amp) baseline = ROOT.TH1D( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_baseline_distribution_" + str(voltage) + "V", date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_baseline_distribution_" + str(voltage) + "V", nbins, 978, 981) apulse_num = ROOT.TH1I( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_apulse_num_" + str(voltage) + "V", date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_apulse_num_" + str(voltage) + "V", 20, 0, 20) he_apulse_num = ROOT.TH1I( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_he_apulse_num_" + str(voltage) + "V", date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_he_apulse_num_" + str(voltage) + "V", 20, 0, 20) apulse_time = ROOT.TH1I( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_apulse_times_" + str(voltage) + "V", date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_apulse_times_" + str(voltage) + "V", 7000, 0, 7000) apulse_amplitude = ROOT.TH1D( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_apulse_amplitudes_" + str(voltage) + "V", date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_apulse_amplitudes_" + str(voltage) + "V", nbins, 0, 500) he_apulse_amplitude = ROOT.TH1D( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_he_apulse_amplitudes_" + str(voltage) + "V", date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_he_apulse_amplitudes_" + str(voltage) + "V", nbins, 0, 500) charge_hists.append(charge_hist) amp_hists.append(amp_hist) baselines.append(baseline) apulse_nums_hists.append(apulse_num) he_apulse_nums_hists.append(he_apulse_num) apulse_times_hists.append(apulse_time) apulse_amplitudes_hists.append(apulse_amplitude) he_apulse_amplitudes_hists.append(he_apulse_amplitude) output_file = ROOT.TFile( output_file_location + "/ROOT_files/" + str(voltage) + "V/" + output_file_name, "RECREATE") for event in tree: # Access the information inside the NTuple OM_ID = event.OM_ID if OM_ID == 0 or OM_ID == 1: pass else: continue pulse_amplitude = int(event.pulse_amplitude) pulse_charge = event.pulse_charge pulse_baseline = event.pulse_baseline apulse_num = event.apulse_num apulse_times = event.apulse_times apulse_amplitudes = event.apulse_amplitudes apulse_shapes = event.apulse_shapes charge_hists[OM_ID].Fill(pulse_charge) amp_hists[OM_ID].Fill(pulse_amplitude) baselines[OM_ID].Fill(pulse_baseline) # Now apply new amplitude and shape cuts new_apulse_num = 0 he_new_apulse_num = 0 filer_list = [] he_filter_list = [] try: for i_apulse in range(apulse_num): if apulse_shapes[i_apulse] > pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(OM_ID).get_setting("mf_shape_threshold")\ and apulse_amplitudes[i_apulse] > pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(OM_ID).get_setting("mf_amp_threshold")\ and apulse_times[i_apulse] > pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(OM_ID).get_setting("sweep_range")[0]: if pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(OM_ID).get_setting( "he_region")[0] <= apulse_times[ i_apulse] <= pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number( OM_ID).get_setting("he_region")[1]: he_filter_list.append(True) he_new_apulse_num += 1 he_apulse_amplitudes_hists[OM_ID].Fill( apulse_amplitudes[i_apulse]) else: he_filter_list.append(False) filer_list.append(True) new_apulse_num += 1 apulse_amplitudes_hists[OM_ID].Fill( apulse_amplitudes[i_apulse]) apulse_times_hists[OM_ID].Fill(apulse_times[i_apulse]) else: filer_list.append(False) he_filter_list.append(False) apulse_nums_hists[OM_ID].Fill(new_apulse_num) he_apulse_nums_hists[OM_ID].Fill(he_new_apulse_num) except: pass for i_om in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number()): if charge_hists[i_om].GetEntries() > 0: charge_hists[i_om].Write() amp_hists[i_om].Write() baselines[i_om].Write() apulse_nums_hists[i_om].Write() apulse_times_hists[i_om].Write() apulse_amplitudes_hists[i_om].Write() he_apulse_nums_hists[i_om].Write() he_apulse_amplitudes_hists[i_om].Write() else: pass file.Close() output_file.Close()
def main(): # Handle the input arguments: ############################## args = sncd_parse_arguments() input_data_file_name = args.i config_file_name = args.c output_file_name = args.o sweep_bool = "True" ############################## # Do some string manipulation to get the date and time from the file name ################################################# date, time = "0000", "0000" voltage = 1400 ################################################# # Check to see if the data file exists try: print(">>> Reading data from file: {}".format(input_data_file_name)) date_file = open(input_data_file_name, 'r') except FileNotFoundError as fnf_error: print(fnf_error) raise Exception( "Error opening data file {}".format(input_data_file_name)) file = ROOT.TFile(input_data_file_name, "READ") output_file = ROOT.TFile(output_file_name, "RECREATE") tree = file.T tree.Print() num_events = 10000 topology = [4, 1] pmt_array = PMT_Array(topology, date + "_" + time) pmt_array.set_pmt_id("GAO607_" + date + "_" + time, 0) pmt_array.set_pmt_id("GAO612_" + date + "_" + time, 1) pmt_array.set_pmt_id("Injected_GAO607_" + date + "_" + time, 2) pmt_array.set_pmt_id("Injected_GAO612_" + date + "_" + time, 3) # Set the cuts you wish to apply # If you don't do this the defaults are used if config_file_name is not None: pmt_array.apply_setting(config_file_name) if sweep_bool == "True": pmt_array.set_sweep_bool(True) if voltage == 1000: pmt_array.set_pmt_templates( "~/Desktop/191008_A1000_B1000_templates.root", [ "A1000_B1000_Ch0_Template", "A1000_B1000_Ch1_Template", "A1000_B1000_Ch0_Template", "A1400_B1400_Ch1_Template" ]) elif voltage == 1400: pmt_array.set_pmt_templates( "~/Desktop/190621_A1400_B1400_templates.root", [ "A1400_B1400_Ch0_Template", "A1400_B1400_Ch1_Template", "A1400_B1400_Ch0_Template", "A1400_B1400_Ch1_Template" ]) amp_cut = pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(0).get_setting( "mf_amp_threshold") shape_cut = pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(0).get_setting( "mf_shape_threshold") t_injected = [[], []] a_injected = [[], []] a_injected_failure = [[], []] t_injected_success = [[], []] t_injected_failure = [[], []] mf_a_injected = [[], []] mf_s_injected = [[], []] num = [0, 0] enum = [0, 0] iterator = 0 ran_range = 52 injected_array = [[[], []], [[], []]] best_array = [[[], []], [[], []]] random_array = [[[], []], [[], []]] x_best_array = [[], []] for event in tqdm.tqdm(tree): OM_ID = event.OM_ID waveform = np.array(event.waveform) # Get template for injecting into data template_pulse = pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number( OM_ID).get_template_pmt_pulse() # Get the amplitude of the template so we can normalise to 1 temp_amplitude = np.amin(template_pulse) # Create random numbers random_amp = rand.randrange(0, ran_range - 1, 2) random_time = rand.randrange( 800, pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(OM_ID).get_waveform_length() - template_pulse.size) '''print("A: ",random_amp) print("t: ",random_time)''' factor = random_amp / temp_amplitude injected_data = np.zeros_like(waveform) j = 0 for i in range(injected_data.size): if i >= random_time: injected_data[i] = int(template_pulse[j] * factor) j += 1 if j == template_pulse.size: break pmt_waveform = PMT_Waveform(waveform, pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(OM_ID)) pmt_waveform_injected = PMT_Waveform( waveform - injected_data, pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(OM_ID + 2)) plt.plot(waveform - injected_data, 'r-', label="injected") plt.plot(waveform, 'b-', label="raw data") plt.xlabel("time /ns") plt.ylabel("ADC unit /mV") plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.grid(True) check = False if pmt_waveform.get_pmt_pulse_trigger(): i_shape = 0 i_amp = 0 r_shape = 0 r_amp = 0 for index, value in enumerate( pmt_waveform_injected.get_pmt_pulse_times()): if random_time == value + 800: num[OM_ID] += 1 i_shape = pmt_waveform_injected.pmt_waveform_sweep_shape[ value] i_amp = pmt_waveform_injected.pmt_waveform_sweep_amp[value] r_shape = pmt_waveform.pmt_waveform_sweep_shape[value] r_amp = pmt_waveform.pmt_waveform_sweep_amp[value] check = True # Store random numbers t_injected[OM_ID].append(random_time) if check: a_injected[OM_ID].append(random_amp) t_injected_success[OM_ID].append(random_time) mf_a_injected[OM_ID].append(i_amp) mf_s_injected[OM_ID].append(i_shape) else: a_injected_failure[OM_ID].append(random_amp) t_injected_failure[OM_ID].append(random_time) injected_array[OM_ID][0].append(i_shape) injected_array[OM_ID][1].append(i_amp) random_array[OM_ID][0].append(r_shape) random_array[OM_ID][1].append(r_amp) best_shape = np.amax(pmt_waveform.pmt_waveform_sweep_shape) i_best = np.argmax(pmt_waveform.pmt_waveform_sweep_shape) best_amplitude = pmt_waveform.pmt_waveform_sweep_amp[i_best] x_best_array[OM_ID].append(i_best) best_array[OM_ID][0].append(best_shape) best_array[OM_ID][1].append(best_amplitude) '''fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() color = 'tab:red' ax1.set_xlabel('timestamp (ns)') ax1.set_ylabel('shape', color=color) ax1.plot(pmt_waveform.pmt_waveform_sweep_amp, color=color) ax1.plot(pmt_waveform.get_pmt_pulse_times(), pmt_waveform.pmt_waveform_sweep_amp[pmt_waveform.get_pmt_pulse_times()], "x", color='tab:green') ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) ax1.plot(np.zeros_like(pmt_waveform.pmt_waveform_sweep_shape), "--", color="gray") plt.pause(0.5) plt.close()''' enum[OM_ID] += 1 iterator += 1 if iterator == num_events: break #bar.update(iterator) #bar.finish() print("Percentage injected found: ", num[0] / enum[0], "% ch0", num[1] / enum[1], "% ch1") for i in range(2): plt.plot(t_injected[i], injected_array[i][0], 'r.', label="injected") plt.plot(t_injected[i], random_array[i][0], 'g.', label="random") plt.plot(t_injected[i], best_array[i][0], 'b.', label="best") plt.xlabel("time /ns") plt.ylabel("shape index") plt.title("Channel: {} events: {}".format(i, num_events)) plt.grid(True) plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.axhline(y=shape_cut, color='k', linestyle='-') plt.savefig( "/Users/willquinn/Desktop/pmt_sim_results/shape_index_vs_time_ch{}" .format(i)) plt.hist(injected_array[i][0], bins=100, range=(0, 1), alpha=0.5, label="injected") plt.hist(random_array[i][0], bins=100, range=(0, 1), alpha=0.5, label="random") plt.hist(best_array[i][0], bins=100, range=(0, 1), alpha=0.5, label="best") plt.xlabel("shape index") plt.ylabel("counts") plt.title("Channel: {} events: {}".format(i, num_events)) plt.grid(True) plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.axvline(x=shape_cut, color='r', linestyle='-') plt.savefig( "/Users/willquinn/Desktop/pmt_sim_results/shape_index_vs_time_hist_ch{}" .format(i)) plt.plot(t_injected_failure[i], a_injected_failure[i], 'r.', label="failures") plt.plot(t_injected_success[i], a_injected[i], 'g.', label="success") plt.xlabel("time /ns") plt.title("Channel: {} events: {}".format(i, num_events)) plt.ylabel("amplitude injected") plt.grid(True) plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.savefig( "/Users/willquinn/Desktop/pmt_sim_results/amplitude_success_vs_failures_ch{}" .format(i)) plt.hist(a_injected_failure[i], bins=int(ran_range / 2), range=(0, ran_range), alpha=0.5, label="failures") plt.hist(a_injected[i], bins=int(ran_range / 2), range=(0, ran_range), alpha=0.5, label="success") plt.xlabel("amplitude injected") plt.title("Channel: {} events: {}".format(i, num_events)) plt.ylabel("counts") plt.grid(True) plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.text( 0, 0, 'Success percentage: {}%'.format(round(num[0] / enum[0] * 100), 4)) plt.savefig( "/Users/willquinn/Desktop/pmt_sim_results/amplitude_success_vs_failures_hist_ch{}" .format(i)) new_mf_a_y = [] new_mf_a_y_err = [] new_mf_a_x = np.histogram(a_injected[i], bins=int(ran_range / 2), range=(0, ran_range)) x = [] for j in range(new_mf_a_x[0].size): temp = [] for k in range(len(a_injected[i])): if a_injected[i][k] == j * (ran_range / new_mf_a_x[0].size): temp.append(mf_a_injected[i][k]) x.append(j * (ran_range / new_mf_a_x[0].size)) new_mf_a_y.append(np.average(temp)) new_mf_a_y_err.append(np.std(temp)) plt.plot(a_injected[i], mf_a_injected[i], 'b.') plt.errorbar(x, new_mf_a_y, yerr=new_mf_a_y_err, fmt='ro') plt.xlabel("random amplitude injected /mV") plt.title("Channel: {} events: {}".format(i, num_events)) plt.ylabel("amplitude index") plt.axhline(y=amp_cut, color='g', linestyle='-') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig( "/Users/willquinn/Desktop/pmt_sim_results/inj_vs_mf_amplitudes_ch{}" .format(i)) new_mf_s_y = [] new_mf_s_y_err = [] new_mf_s_x = np.histogram(a_injected[i], bins=int(ran_range / 2), range=(0, ran_range)) x = [] for j in range(new_mf_s_x[0].size): temp = [] for k in range(len(a_injected[i])): if a_injected[i][k] == j * (ran_range / new_mf_a_x[0].size): temp.append(mf_s_injected[i][k]) x.append(j * (ran_range / new_mf_a_x[0].size)) new_mf_s_y.append(np.average(temp)) new_mf_s_y_err.append(np.std(temp)) plt.plot(a_injected[i], mf_s_injected[i], 'b.') plt.errorbar(x, new_mf_s_y, yerr=new_mf_s_y_err, fmt='ro') plt.xlabel("random amplitude injected /mV") plt.title("Channel: {} events: {}".format(i, num_events)) plt.ylabel("shape index") plt.grid(True) plt.savefig( "/Users/willquinn/Desktop/pmt_sim_results/inj_amp_vs_shape_ch{}". format(i)) output_file.Close()
def main(): # Handle the file inputs args = sncd_parse_arguments() input_data_filename = args.i output_data_filename = args.o config_file_name = args.c main_wall = args.w if main_wall == 'fr': main_wall = 1 elif main_wall == 'it': main_wall = 0 num_events = 1000000 num_bins = 100 max_amp = 1000 # isolate the run number for naming convienience run_number = input_data_filename.split("_")[1] # Check to see if file exists - standard try: data_file = open(input_data_filename, 'r') except FileNotFoundError as fnf_error: print(fnf_error) raise Exception("Error opening data file") # Set up the pmt array topology = [13, 20] num_pmts = topology[0] * topology[1] pmt_array = PMT_Array(topology, run_number) for i in range(topology[0]): for j in range(topology[1]): num = i + topology[0] * j pmt_array.set_pmt_id("M:{}.{}.{}".format(main_wall, j, i), num) # Configure the array of PMTs - not as important here just yet if config_file_name is not None: pmt_array.apply_setting(config_file_name) cable_lengths = read_cable_lengths() # Open file file = ROOT.TFile(input_data_filename, "READ") # The tree inside is called "T" tree = file.T # Counter for testing event_counter = [0 for i in range(num_pmts)] # raw_amplitudes = [[] for i in range(num_pmts)] '''templates = read_average_waveforms("~/Desktop/test_template.root", num_pmts) amp_hists = ROOT.TList() output_file = ROOT.TFile(output_data_filename, "RECREATE") for i_om in tqdm.tqdm(range(num_pmts)): temp_hist = ROOT.TH1D(pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_amplitude_index_spectrum", pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_amplitude_index_spectrum", num_bins, 0, max_amp) amp_hists.Add(temp_hist)''' h_map = ROOT.TH2I("event_map", "event_map", topology[1], 0, topology[1], topology[0], 0, topology[0]) create_log("output.txt") x = [] # Run over file to create containers for event in tqdm.tqdm(tree): event_num = event.event_num row = event.row col = event.column OM_ID = event.OM_ID charge = -1 * event.charge baseline = event.baseline amplitude = -1 * event.amplitude fall_time = event.fall_time rise_time = event.rise_time peak_time = event.peak_time calo_hit_num = event.calo_hit_num calo_tdc = event.calo_tdc run_num = event.run_num wall_num = event.wall_num trig_num = event.trig_id if col == 9 and row == 7: x.append(trig_num) #print("calo_hit_num:", calo_hit_num, "event_num:", event_num, "trig_num:", trig_num) # raw_amplitudes[OM_ID].append(amplitude) h_map.Fill(col, row, 1) '''pmt_waveform = PMT_Waveform(event.waveform, pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(OM_ID)) peak = pmt_waveform.get_pmt_pulse_peak_position() if peak > 51: try: amplitude_index =[peak - 50:peak + 350], templates[OM_ID]) # raw_amplitudes[OM_ID].append(amplitude_index) amp_hists[OM_ID].Fill(amplitude_index) except: print("Waveform", len(pmt_waveform.get_pmt_waveform_reduced()[peak - 50:peak + 350])) print("Template", len(templates[OM_ID]))''' '''if event_counter[0] == num_events: break event_counter[OM_ID] += 1''' # del pmt_waveform sel_evnts = [] for i, val in enumerate(x): if val in sel_evnts: pass else: sel_evnts.append(val) y = [[] for i in range(len(sel_evnts))] sel_evnts = np.array(sel_evnts) for event in tqdm.tqdm(tree): event_num = event.event_num row = event.row col = event.column OM_ID = event.OM_ID charge = -1 * event.charge baseline = event.baseline amplitude = -1 * event.amplitude fall_time = event.fall_time rise_time = event.rise_time peak_time = event.peak_time calo_hit_num = event.calo_hit_num calo_tdc = event.calo_tdc run_num = event.run_num wall_num = event.wall_num trig_num = event.trig_id pulse_time = event.calo_time val = calo_tdc * 6.25 - 400 + pulse_time * 6.25 if len(np.where(sel_evnts == trig_num)[0]) > 0: output_log( "run_167_output.txt", "{},{},{},{},{}," "{},{},{},{},{}," "{}".format(event_num, row, col, OM_ID, peak_time, calo_hit_num, calo_tdc, run_num, wall_num, trig_num, pulse_time)) '''amp_bins = [i*max_amp/num_bins for i in range(num_bins)] amp_cuts = [] # for i_om in tqdm.tqdm(range(num_pmts)): #amp_hists[i_om].SaveAs("/Users/willquinn/Desktop/PDFs/amplitude_index_"+str(i_om)+".pdf") #amp_hists[i_om].Write() plt.hist(raw_amplitudes[i_om], bins=amp_bins, color='g') plt.xlabel("Amplitude /mV") plt.ylabel("Counts") plt.title(pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_amplitude_spectrum Events: " + str(event_counter[i_om])) plt.savefig("/Users/willquinn/Desktop/PDFs/om_" + str(i_om) + "_amplitude_spectrum_HT") plt.grid() plt.yscale('log') plt.close() # output_file.Close()''' ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) canvas = ROOT.TCanvas() h_map.Draw("colztext") canvas.Update() canvas.SaveAs("~/Desktop/map.png") return '''raw_amplitudes_array = [] for i_om in tqdm.tqdm(range(num_pmts)): plt.hist(raw_amplitudes[i_om], bins=amp_bins, color='g', log=True) plt.xlabel("amplitude /mV") plt.ylabel("counts") plt.grid() plt.xlim(1500, max_amp) plt.title("OM " + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + " Events: " + str(event_counter[i_om])) plt.savefig("/Users/willquinn/Desktop/PDFs/amplitude_index_spectrum_"+str(i_om)) plt.close() pass''' '''temp_array, bin_edges = np.histogram(raw_amplitudes[i_om], bins=amp_bins) peak_amp_pos = np.argmax(temp_array) # peak_amp = np.amax(temp_array) amp_cuts.append(peak_amp_pos * max_amp/num_bins) # raw_amplitudes_array.append(temp_array)''' '''template_waveforms = [np.zeros(400) for j in range(num_pmts)]
def main(): # Handle the input arguments: ############################## args = pmt_parse_arguments() input_directory = args.i # config_file_name = args.c output_directory = args.o ############################## filenames_txt = input_directory + "/filenames.txt" try: print(">>> Reading data from file: {}".format(filenames_txt)) date_file = open(filenames_txt, 'r') except FileNotFoundError as fnf_error: print(fnf_error) raise Exception("Error opening data file {}".format(filenames_txt)) filenames = np.loadtxt(filenames_txt, delimiter=',', dtype={ 'names': ['filename'], 'formats': ['S100']}, unpack=True) topology = [2, 1] pmt_array = PMT_Array(topology, "summary") pmt_array.set_pmt_id("GAO607", 0) pmt_array.set_pmt_id("GAO612", 1) '''# Set the cuts you wish to apply # If you don't do this the defaults are used if config_file_name is not None: pmt_array.apply_setting(config_file_name) # print_settings(pmt_array)''' # Set up the containers for the summary apulse_rates = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] apulse_rates_err = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] he_apulse_rates = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] he_apulse_rates_err = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] dates = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] out_files = [output_directory+'/apulse_num_ch0.txt', output_directory+'/apulse_num_ch1.txt'] create_file(out_files[0]) create_file(out_files[1]) for i_file in tqdm.tqdm(range(filenames.size)): file = filenames[i_file][0].decode("utf-8") date = file.split("_")[0] voltage = int(file.split("_")[1].split("A")[1]) if voltage == 1400: pass else: continue apulse_info = read_file(date, voltage, input_directory + "/" + file, pmt_array, output_directory) for i_om in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number()): if len(apulse_info[i_om]) > 0: pass else: continue apulse_rate = apulse_info[i_om][0]["apulse_rate"] he_apulse_rate = apulse_info[i_om][0]["he_apulse_rate"] apulse_rate_err = apulse_info[i_om][0]["apulse_rate_err"] he_apulse_rate_err = apulse_info[i_om][0]["he_apulse_rate_err"] apulse_rates[i_om].append(apulse_rate) apulse_rates_err[i_om].append(apulse_rate_err/10) he_apulse_rates[i_om].append(he_apulse_rate) he_apulse_rates_err[i_om].append(he_apulse_rate_err/10) dates[i_om].append(int(date)) write_to_file(out_files[i_om], '{},{},{},{},{}'.format(date, apulse_rate, apulse_rate_err, he_apulse_rate, he_apulse_rate_err)) # Plot individual summaries for i_om in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number()): if len(apulse_rates[i_om]) > 0: pass else: continue date = process_date(dates[i_om]) try: start = np.where(date == 0)[0][0] except: start = np.where(date == 1)[0][0] mid = np.where(date == 98)[0][0] print(date) print("start:", start) plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(9, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.errorbar(date[:start + 1], np.array(apulse_rates[i_om][:start + 1]), yerr=np.array(apulse_rates_err[i_om][:start + 1]), fmt="g.", label="Atmospheric He") plt.errorbar(date[start+1:mid + 1], np.array(apulse_rates[i_om][start+1:mid + 1]), yerr=np.array(apulse_rates_err[i_om][start+1:mid + 1]), fmt="b.", label="1% He") plt.errorbar(date[mid+1:], np.array(apulse_rates[i_om][mid+1:]), yerr=np.array(apulse_rates_err[i_om][mid+1:]), fmt="r.", label="10% He") plt.axvline(date[start], 0, 100, ls='--', color='k') plt.axvline(date[mid], 0, 100, ls='--', color='k') plt.xlabel("exposure days relative to 191106") plt.ylabel("Afterpulse rate /%") plt.title(pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + " afterpulse rate vs exposure time") plt.grid() plt.ylim(10,90) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.savefig(output_directory + "/summary_plots/" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_apulse_rate_vs_time") plt.close() plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(9, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.errorbar(date[:start + 1], np.array(he_apulse_rates[i_om][:start + 1]), yerr=np.array(he_apulse_rates_err[i_om][:start + 1]), fmt="g.", label="Atmospheric He") plt.errorbar(date[start + 1:mid + 1], np.array(he_apulse_rates[i_om][start + 1:mid + 1]), yerr=np.array(he_apulse_rates_err[i_om][start + 1:mid + 1]), fmt="b.", label="1% He") plt.errorbar(date[mid + 1:], np.array(he_apulse_rates[i_om][mid + 1:]), yerr=np.array(he_apulse_rates_err[i_om][mid + 1:]), fmt="r.", label="10% He") plt.axvline(date[start], 0, 100, ls='--', color='k') plt.axvline(date[mid], 0, 100, ls='--', color='k') plt.xlabel("exposure days relative to 191106") plt.ylabel("Normalised apulse number") plt.title(pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + " afterpulse rate vs exposure time") plt.grid() # plt.ylim(150,300) plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.savefig(output_directory + "/summary_plots/" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_he_apulse_rate_vs_time") plt.close() # Plot ratio x_date = [] ratio = [] ratio_err = [] gain_ratio = [] he_ratio = [] he_ratio_err = [] for i in range(len(dates[0])): for j in range(len(dates[1])): if dates[0][i] == dates[1][j]: x_date.append(dates[0][i]) if apulse_rates[1][j] == 0: pass else: ratio.append(apulse_rates[0][i] / apulse_rates[1][j]) if he_apulse_rates[1][j] == 0: pass else: he_ratio.append(he_apulse_rates[0][i] / he_apulse_rates[1][j]) break x_date = process_date(x_date) plt.plot(x_date, ratio, "k.") plt.axvline(98, color="r", ls="--") plt.axvline(0, color="b", ls="--") plt.xlabel("exposure days relative to 191106") plt.ylabel("Ratio apulse rate Ch0/Ch1") plt.title("Ratio of after pulse rates of CH 0 & 1 vs time") plt.grid() #plt.xlim(np.amin(np.array(x_date)), np.amax(np.array(x_date))) #plt.ylim(0, 2) plt.savefig(output_directory + "/summary_plots/apulse_rate_ratio_vs_time") plt.close() plt.plot(x_date, he_ratio, "k.") plt.axvline(98, color="r", ls="--") plt.axvline(0, color="b", ls="--") plt.xlabel("exposure days relative to 191106") plt.ylabel("Ratio apulse rate Ch0/Ch1") plt.title("Ratio of after pulse rates of CH 0 & 1 vs time") plt.grid() #plt.xlim(np.amin(np.array(x_date)), np.amax(np.array(x_date))) # plt.ylim(0, 2) plt.savefig(output_directory + "/summary_plots/he_apulse_rate_ratio_vs_time") plt.close()
def read_file(date: str, voltage: int, root_file_name: str, pmt_array: PMT_Array, output_file_location: str): file = ROOT.TFile(root_file_name, "READ") fit_parameter = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] for i_om in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number()): charge_hist = file.Get( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_charge_spectrum_" + str(voltage) + "V") amp_hist = file.Get( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_amplitude_spectrum_" + str(voltage) + "V") baseline_hist = file.Get( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_baseline_distribution_" + str(voltage) + "V") try: charge_hist.GetEntries() amp_hist.GetEntries() baseline_hist.GetEntries() except: continue mu_guess = charge_hist.GetMaximumBin() * charge_hist.GetBinWidth(0) lower_range = mu_guess - 9 higher_range = mu_guess + 6 bi_fit = ROOT.TF1( "fit", "[0]*(7.08*TMath::Gaus(x,[1],[2])" " + 1.84*TMath::Gaus(x,[1]*(1 + 72.144/975.651),[2]*1.036)" " + 0.44*TMath::Gaus(x,[1]*(1 + 84.154/975.651),[2]*1.042))" " + [3]*(exp([4]*x)/(1 + exp((x - [5])/[6])))", lower_range, higher_range) bi_fit = ROOT.TF1("fit", bismuth_string[i_om], lower_range, higher_range) bi_fit.SetParNames("A", "mu", "sig", "B", "e", "c_e", "s") # bi_fit.SetParNames("A", "mu", "sig", "B", "ce_exp", "ce") bi_fit.SetParLimits(0, 0, 600) bi_fit.SetParLimits(1, mu_guess - 1, mu_guess + 1) bi_fit.SetParLimits(2, 1, 1.2) bi_fit.SetParLimits(3, 100, 500) bi_fit.SetParLimits(4, 0.001, 0.1) bi_fit.SetParLimits(5, mu_guess - 6, mu_guess) bi_fit.SetParLimits(6, 1, 3) bi_fit.SetParameters(100, mu_guess, 1, 400, 0.05, mu_guess - 2, 2) name = output_file_location + "/plots/" + date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number( i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_charge_spectrum_fit.pdf" charge_hist.Fit(bi_fit, "0Q", "", lower_range, higher_range) charge_hist.SetXTitle("Charge /pC") charge_hist.SetYTitle("Counts") charge_hist.SetTitle( date + "_" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_charge_spectrum_fit") c1 = ROOT.TCanvas() charge_hist.Draw() bi_fit.Draw("same") c1.SetGrid() c1.Update() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1) c1.SaveAs(name) '''print(">>>") print("Fit output:") for i in range(3): print(bi_fit.GetParName(i), bi_fit.GetParameter(i), "+/-", bi_fit.GetParError(i)) print("Chi2/NDoF:", bi_fit.GetChisquare(), "/", bi_fit.GetNDF(), "=", bi_fit.GetChisquare() / bi_fit.GetNDF()) print(">>>")''' if bi_fit.GetNDF() == 0: pass else: pars = { "mu": bi_fit.GetParameter(1), "mu_err": bi_fit.GetParError(1), "sig": bi_fit.GetParameter(2), "sig_err": bi_fit.GetParError(2), "base_mu": baseline_hist.GetMean(), "base_sig": baseline_hist.GetStdDev(), "gain": amp_hist.GetMaximumBin(), "chi2": bi_fit.GetChisquare() / bi_fit.GetNDF() } fit_parameter[i_om].append(pars) file.Close() return fit_parameter
def main(): # Handle the input arguments: ############################## args = pmt_parse_arguments() input_directory = args.i # config_file_name = args.c output_directory = args.o ############################## out_files = [ output_directory + '/res_vs_time_ch0.txt', output_directory + '/res_vs_time_ch1.txt' ] create_file(out_files[0]) create_file(out_files[1]) filenames_txt = input_directory + "/filenames.txt" try: print(">>> Reading data from file: {}".format(filenames_txt)) date_file = open(filenames_txt, 'r') except FileNotFoundError as fnf_error: print(fnf_error) raise Exception("Error opening data file {}".format(filenames_txt)) filenames = np.loadtxt(filenames_txt, delimiter=',', dtype={ 'names': ['filename'], 'formats': ['S100'] }, unpack=True) topology = [2, 1] pmt_array = PMT_Array(topology, "summary") pmt_array.set_pmt_id("GAO607", 0) pmt_array.set_pmt_id("GAO612", 1) '''# Set the cuts you wish to apply # If you don't do this the defaults are used if config_file_name is not None: pmt_array.apply_setting(config_file_name) # print_settings(pmt_array)''' # Set up the containers for the summary resolutions = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] resolutions_err = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] dates = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] gains = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] gains_err = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] baseline_means = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] baseline_sigs = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] fit_chi2 = [[] for i in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number())] for i_file in tqdm.tqdm(range(filenames.size)): file = filenames[i_file][0].decode("utf-8") date = file.split("_")[0] voltage = int(file.split("_")[1].split("A")[1]) if voltage == 1000: pass else: continue fit_parameters = read_file(date, voltage, input_directory + "/" + file, pmt_array, output_directory) for i_om in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number()): if len(fit_parameters[i_om]) > 0: pass else: continue mu = fit_parameters[i_om][0]["mu"] mu_err = fit_parameters[i_om][0]["mu_err"] sig = fit_parameters[i_om][0]["sig"] sig_err = fit_parameters[i_om][0]["sig_err"] chi_2 = fit_parameters[i_om][0]["chi2"] gain = fit_parameters[i_om][0]["gain"] baseline_mean = fit_parameters[i_om][0]["base_mu"] baseline_sig = fit_parameters[i_om][0]["base_sig"] res, res_err = get_resolution(mu, mu_err, sig, sig_err) resolutions[i_om].append(res) resolutions_err[i_om].append(res_err) dates[i_om].append(int(date)) gains[i_om].append(gain) baseline_means[i_om].append(baseline_mean) baseline_sigs[i_om].append(baseline_sig) fit_chi2[i_om].append(chi_2) write_to_file( out_files[i_om], '{},{},{},{},{}'.format(date, res, res_err, chi_2, gain)) # Plot individual summaries for i_om in range(pmt_array.get_pmt_total_number()): if len(resolutions[i_om]) > 0: pass else: continue date = process_date(dates[i_om]) try: start = np.where(date == 0)[0][0] except: start = np.where(date == 1)[0][0] mid = np.where(date == 98)[0][0] # print("start:",start) plt.plot(date[:start + 1], np.array(gains[i_om][:start + 1]) * 2, "g.", label="Atmospheric He") plt.plot(date[start + 1:mid + 1], np.array(gains[i_om][start + 1:mid + 1]) * 2, "b.", label="1% He") plt.plot(date[mid + 1:], np.array(gains[i_om][mid + 1:]) * 2, "r.", label="10% He") plt.axvline(date[start], 0, 100, ls='--', color='k') plt.axvline(date[mid], 0, 100, ls='--', color='k') plt.xlabel("exposure days relative to 190611") plt.ylabel("PMT gain at 1Mev /mV") plt.title( pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + " Gain at 1MeV vs exposure time") plt.grid() plt.ylim(150, 300) plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.savefig(output_directory + "/summary_plots/" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_gains_vs_time.png") plt.close() plt.errorbar(date, baseline_means[i_om], yerr=baseline_sigs[i_om], fmt='k.-', ecolor='r') plt.grid() plt.xlabel("exposure days relative to 190611") plt.ylabel("Baseline mean /mV") plt.title( pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + " Baseline mean vs exposure time") plt.savefig(output_directory + "/summary_plots/" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_baseline_mean_vs_time.png") plt.close() '''plt.plot(date, baseline_sigs[i_om]) plt.xlabel("exposure days relative to 190611") plt.ylabel("Baseline std-dev") plt.title(pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + " Baseline std-dev vs exposure time") plt.savefig(output_directory + "/summary_plots/" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_baseline_sigma_vs_time") plt.close()''' res_filter = [] for i_date in range(len(date)): if 1 < resolutions[i_om][i_date] < 3.75 and fit_chi2[i_om][ i_date] < 10: res_filter.append(True) else: res_filter.append(False) popt, pcov = curve_fit( linear, np.array(date[start:])[res_filter[start:]], np.array(resolutions[i_om][start:])[res_filter[start:]], sigma=np.array(resolutions_err[i_om][start:])[res_filter[start:]], p0=[0.001, 2], bounds=[[0, 0], [0.002, 3.5]], maxfev=500000) x_array = np.linspace(date[start], np.amax(date), 2) chi_2 = chi2( np.array(resolutions[i_om][start:])[res_filter[start:]], np.array(resolutions_err[i_om][start:])[res_filter[start:]], linear(date[start:][res_filter[start:]], *popt), len(popt)) plt.errorbar(date[:start + 1], resolutions[i_om][:start + 1], yerr=resolutions_err[i_om][:start + 1], fmt="g.", label="Atmospheric He") plt.plot(np.array(date[start:])[res_filter[start:]], np.array(resolutions[i_om][start:])[res_filter[start:]], 'ko', label="used values") plt.errorbar(date[start + 1:mid + 1], resolutions[i_om][start + 1:mid + 1], yerr=resolutions_err[i_om][start + 1:mid + 1], fmt="b.", label="1% He") plt.errorbar(date[mid + 1:], resolutions[i_om][mid + 1:], yerr=resolutions_err[i_om][mid + 1:], fmt="r.", label="10% He") plt.plot(x_array, linear(x_array, *popt), 'k-') plt.xlabel( "exposure days relative to 190611 \n $y = (${:.1e}$ ± ${:.0e})$x + (${:.1e}$ ± ${:.0e}$)$ $\chi^2_R = {:.2}$" .format(popt[0], np.sqrt(pcov[0, 0]), popt[1], np.sqrt(pcov[1, 1]), chi_2)) plt.ylabel("Resolution at 1MeV /% $\sigma / \mu$") plt.title( pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + " Resolution vs exposure time") plt.axvline(date[start], 0, 100, ls='--', color='k') plt.axvline(date[mid], 0, 100, ls='--', color='k') plt.grid() plt.ylim(2, 4.5) plt.xlim(np.amin(date), np.amax(date)) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(output_directory + "/summary_plots/" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_resolution_vs_time.png") plt.close() plt.plot(np.array(date[start:])[res_filter[start:]], np.array(fit_chi2[i_om][start:])[res_filter[start:]], 'ko', label="used values") plt.plot(date[:start + 1], fit_chi2[i_om][:start + 1], "g.", label="Atmospheric He") plt.plot(date[start + 1:mid + 1], fit_chi2[i_om][start + 1:mid + 1], "b.", label="1% He") plt.plot(date[mid + 1:], fit_chi2[i_om][mid + 1:], "r.", label="10% He") plt.xlabel("exposure days relative to 190611") plt.ylabel("$\chi^2_R$") plt.title( pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + " Resolution fit $\chi^2_R$ vs exposure time") plt.grid() plt.axvline(date[start], 0, 100, ls='--', color='k') plt.axvline(date[mid], 0, 100, ls='--', color='k') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlim(np.amin(date), np.amax(date)) plt.ylim(0, 10) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(output_directory + "/summary_plots/" + pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(i_om).get_pmt_id() + "_resolution_vs_time_chi2.png") plt.close() # Plot ratio x_date = [] ratio = [] ratio_err = [] gain_ratio = [] for i in range(len(dates[0])): for j in range(len(dates[1])): if dates[0][i] == dates[1][j]: x_date.append(dates[0][i]) ratio.append(resolutions[0][i] / resolutions[1][j]) ratio_err.append( resolutions[0][i] / resolutions[1][j] * np.sqrt((resolutions_err[0][i] / resolutions[0][i])**2 + (resolutions_err[1][j] / resolutions[1][j])**2)) gain_ratio.append(gains[0][i] / gains[1][j]) break popt, pcov = curve_fit(linear, x_date, ratio, sigma=ratio_err, p0=[1, 1], bounds=[[0, 0], [10, 10]]) x_date = process_date(x_date) x_array = np.linspace(np.amin(x_date), np.amax(x_date), 2) chi_2 = chi2(ratio, ratio_err, linear(x_date, *popt), 2) plt.errorbar(x_date, ratio, yerr=ratio_err, fmt="k.") plt.plot( x_array, linear(x_array, *popt), "g-", label= "$y = (${:.1e}$ ± ${:.0e})$\\times x + (${:.1e}$ ± ${:.0e}$) \chi^2_R = {:.2}$" .format(popt[0], np.sqrt(pcov[0, 0]), popt[1], np.sqrt(pcov[1, 1]), chi_2)) plt.axvline(98, color="r", ls="--") plt.axvline(0, color="b", ls="--") plt.xlabel("exposure days relative to 190611") plt.ylabel("Ratio res_Ch0/res_Ch1") plt.title("Ratio of resolution of CH 0 & 1 vs time") plt.grid() plt.xlim(np.amin(np.array(x_date)), np.amax(np.array(x_date))) plt.ylim(0, 2) plt.savefig(output_directory + "/summary_plots/resolution_ratio_vs_time.png") plt.close() plt.plot(x_date, gain_ratio, "k.") plt.axvline(98, color="r", ls="--") plt.axvline(0, color="b", ls="--") plt.xlabel("exposure days relative to 190611") plt.ylabel("Ratio gain_Ch0/gain_Ch1") plt.title("Ratio of gain of CH 0 & 1 vs time") plt.grid() plt.xlim(np.amin(np.array(x_date)), np.amax(np.array(x_date))) plt.ylim(0.7, 1) plt.savefig(output_directory + "/summary_plots/gain_ratio_vs_time.png") plt.close() print("<<<< FINISHED >>>")
def process_crd_file(input_data_file_name: str, pmt_array: PMT_Array, waveform_output_file: ROOT.TFile): try: pmt_data_file = open(input_data_file_name, 'r') except FileNotFoundError as fnf_error: print(fnf_error) raise Exception("Error opening data file. Skip to the next file...") new_waveform_bool = False line_number_int = 0 # print(pmt_array.get_pmt_object_number(0).get_histogram_dict().keys()) for pmt_data_index, pmt_data_line in enumerate( pmt_data_file.readlines()[10:]): pmt_data_line_tokens = pmt_data_line.split(" ") if pmt_data_line_tokens[0] == "=" and pmt_data_line_tokens[1] == "HIT": new_waveform_bool = True line_number_int = 0 else: pass if new_waveform_bool and line_number_int == 1: pmt_slot_number = int(pmt_data_line_tokens[1]) # Column pmt_channel_number = int(pmt_data_line_tokens[3]) # Row pmt_number = int(pmt_slot_number + pmt_array.get_pmt_topology()[1] * pmt_channel_number) '''if pmt_slot_number == 0: print(pmt_slot_number, pmt_channel_number) print(pmt_number)''' event_id_LTO = int(pmt_data_line_tokens[5]) event_id_HT = int(pmt_data_line_tokens[7]) pmt_waveform_peak_cell = int(pmt_data_line_tokens[27]) pmt_waveform_charge = float(pmt_data_line_tokens[29]) pmt_waveform_rise_time = float(pmt_data_line_tokens[39]) if int(event_id_HT) != 0: pass elif int(event_id_LTO) != 0: pass else: pass elif new_waveform_bool and line_number_int == 2: if event_id_HT != 0: pmt_adc_values = [] for i_adc in range(len(pmt_data_line_tokens)): pmt_adc_values.append(pmt_data_line_tokens[i_adc]) pmt_waveform = PMT_Waveform( pmt_adc_values, pmt_array.get_pmt_object_position( [pmt_channel_number, pmt_slot_number])) if pmt_waveform.get_pulse_trigger(): '''print("results: ", pmt_waveform.get_results_dict()) print("")''' '''print("MF Amplitude: ",pmt_waveform.get_pmt_pulse_mf_amp()) print("MF Shape: ", pmt_waveform.get_pmt_pulse_mf_shape()) print("Amplitude: ", pmt_waveform.get_pmt_pulse_peak_amplitude()) print("")''' #print("Slot: ", pmt_channel_number, "Channel: ", pmt_channel_number) pmt_waveform.fill_pmt_hists() if pmt_waveform.get_pmt_apulse_trigger(): print("pre_pulse") pmt_waveform.save_pmt_waveform_histogram( waveform_output_file) temp_hist = ROOT.TH1I( pmt_waveform.get_pmt_trace_id(), pmt_waveform.get_pmt_trace_id(), pmt_waveform.get_pmt_waveform_length(), 0, pmt_waveform.get_pmt_waveform_length()) for i_value in range( pmt_waveform.get_pmt_waveform_length()): temp_hist.SetBinContent( i_value + 1, pmt_waveform.get_pmt_waveform()[i_value]) temp_hist.Write() del temp_hist del pmt_waveform new_waveform_bool = False line_number_int += 1 pmt_data_file.close()