class GUI():
    def __init__(self):
        self.piece = ''
        self.player = Player()

    def drawBoard(self, player):
        self.player = player
        self.currentPlayer = self.player.getCurrentPlayer()
        self.pieceList = self.player.getCurrentPieceList()
        # print(self.pieceList)
        # print(self.pieceList)
        for col in range(1, 10):
            print("\t{}\t".format(col), end=('\n' if col == 9 else ''))

        for row in range(1, 11):
            print("\n{}".format(row), end='')
            for col in range(1, 10):
                self.findPiece(row, col)
                      end=('\n' if col == 9 else ''))
            if row == 5:

    def drawRiver(self):
        for row in range(2):
            for col in range(1, 10):
                print("\t~~\t", end=('\n' if col == 9 else ''))

    def findPiece(self, row, col):
        # print(self.pieceList)
        self.piece = ''
        # print(player.Pieces[0][:][0])
        pos = (row, col)
        for i in range(len(self.pieceList)):
            # print(type(self.pieceList['Pos'][i]))
            if self.pieceList[i]['Pos'] == pos:
                # print("curr :",self.current_BoardState['Symbol'][i])
                self.piece = self.pieceList[i]['Symbol']
        if self.piece == '':
            self.piece = "*"
class GUI:
    This class handle the simulation interface of the system
    def __init__(self):
        self.piece = ''
        self.player = Player()

    def drawBoard(self, player):
        This function draws the board of the game which includes adding the river and chess pieces
        :param player: This object is used to get the current chess piece list to draw the pieces on the board
        self.player = player
        self.currentPlayer = self.player.getCurrentPlayer()
        self.pieceList= self.player.getCurrentPieceList()

        for col in range(1,10):
            print("\t{}\t".format(col), end=('\n' if col == 9 else ''))

        for row in range(1,11):
            print("\n{}".format(row), end='')
            for col in range (1,10):
                print("\t{}\t".format(self.piece),end=('\n' if col == 9 else ''))
            if row == 5:

    def drawRiver(self):
        This function draw the river on the board with symbol (~~)
        for row in range(2):
            for col in range (1,10):
                print("\t~~\t",end=('\n' if col == 9 else ''))

    def findPiece(self, row, col):
        This function draw the chess piece using symbol in the chess piece list
        or draw (*) if the position is empty.
        This function will be called for each location on the chess board.

        :param row, col: Board position variable which will be compared with
        the position of the chess piece in the chess piece list.


        pos =(row, col)
        for i in range(len(self.pieceList)):

            if self.pieceList[i]['Pos'] == pos:
                self.piece = self.pieceList[i]['Symbol']


        if self.piece == '':
            self.piece = "*"