def cve_found(cve_items, cve):
    """Look for CVE in security node."""
    for cve_item in cve_items:
        check_attribute_presence(cve_item, "CVE")
        if cve_item["CVE"] == cve:
            return True
    return False
def check_stack_analyses_request_status_attribute(context):
    """Check if the status is set to success in the JSON response."""
    response = context.response
    json_data = response.json()

    check_attribute_presence(json_data, 'status')

    assert json_data['status'] == "success"
def check_for_distinct_license(context, licenses):
    """Verify lisense analysis data."""
    json_data = get_json_data(context)
    check_attribute_presence(json_data, 'license_analysis')
    license_analysis = json_data['license_analysis']
    license_found = False
    for lic in license_analysis['distinct_licenses']:
        if lic == licenses:
            license_found = True
    assert license_found, "The Given License was not found."
Exemple #4
def check_component_digest_data(context, package, version, ecosystem):
    """Check the digest data for the given package, version, and ecosystem."""
    data = context.s3_data

    check_release_attribute(data, ecosystem, package, version)
    check_schema_attribute(data, "digests", "1-0-0")

    check_attribute_presence(data, "details")
Exemple #5
def check_keywords_tagging_file(context, package, ecosystem):
    """Check that the tagging metadata are correct for given package and ecosystem."""
    data = context.s3_data

    check_release_attribute(data, ecosystem, package)

    details = get_details_node(context)
    check_attribute_presence(details, "package_name")
    check_attribute_presence(details, "repository_description")
Exemple #6
def validate_result_post_registration(context):
    """Check that json response contains appropriate data."""
    json_data = context.response.json()
    assert context.response.status_code == 200
    assert json_data

    check_attribute_presence(json_data, "user_key")
    endpoints = check_and_get_attribute(json_data, "endpoints")

    prod_url = check_and_get_attribute(endpoints, "prod")
    assert prod_url.startswith("https://")
def check_analyzed_packages_count_at_least(context, num=1):
    """Check number of analyzed packages."""
    json_data = context.response.json()

    check_attribute_presence(json_data, "result")
    result = json_data["result"]

    check_attribute_presence(result, "data")
    data = result["data"]
    assert len(data) >= num, \
        "At least {} packages expected, but found {} instead".format(num, len(data))
Exemple #8
def check_weight_for_word_in_keywords_tagging(context, word, where):
    """Check that the given word and its weight can be found in the tagging report."""
    selector = S3Interface.selector_to_key(where)
    assert selector in [
        "package_name", "repository_description", "description"

    details = get_details_node(context)
    word_dict = check_and_get_attribute(details, selector)

    check_attribute_presence(word_dict, word)
    assert float(word_dict[word]) > 0.0
Exemple #9
def check_github_details_file(context, package, ecosystem):
    """Check all relevant attributes stored in the JSON with GitHub details."""
    data = context.s3_data

    check_release_attribute(data, ecosystem, package)

    check_attribute_presence(data, "summary")
    check_attribute_presence(data, "details")

    check_schema_attribute(data, "github_details", "2-0-1")
def check_analyzed_packages(context, package, ecosystem):
    """Check the package in component analysis."""
    json_data = context.response.json()

    package_data = get_value_using_path(json_data, "result/data/0/package")
    assert package_data is not None

    check_attribute_presence(package_data, "ecosystem")
    assert package_data["ecosystem"][0] == ecosystem

    check_attribute_presence(package_data, "name")
    assert package_data["name"][0] == package
def verify_premium_feilds(context):
    """I should verify the registered user feilds in result."""
    json_data = get_json_data(context)
    check_attribute_presence(json_data, 'analyzed_dependencies')
    for dep in json_data['analyzed_dependencies']:
        if dep['public_vulnerabilities'] != []:
            for vuln in dep['public_vulnerabilities']:
        elif dep['private_vulnerabilities'] != []:
            for vuln in dep['private_vulnerabilities']:
def check_stack_analysis_id(context):
    """Check the ID of stack analysis."""
    previous_id = context.stack_analysis_id

    json_data = context.response.json()
    assert json_data is not None

    check_attribute_presence(json_data, "request_id")
    request_id = json_data["request_id"]

    assert previous_id is not None
    assert request_id is not None
    assert previous_id == request_id
def check_get_request_id(context):
    """Check the ID of stack analysis."""
    previous_id = context.stack_analysis_id
    assert previous_id is not None

    json_data = get_json_data(context)

    id_name = 'external_request_id'
    check_attribute_presence(json_data, id_name)
    request_id = json_data[id_name]
    logger.debug('Post id: {} Get id: {}'.format(previous_id, request_id))
    assert request_id is not None
    assert previous_id == request_id
def verify_valid_data_companion(context, component, latest_version):
    """Check valid data in companion packages."""
    json_data = get_json_data(context)
    check_attribute_presence(json_data, 'recommendation')

    is_component_present = False
    for dep in json_data['recommendation']['companion']:
        if dep['name'] == component:
            is_component_present = True
            actual_version = dep['latest_version']
            assert actual_version == latest_version, \
                'Component {} have {} but expected {}'.format(component, actual_version,
    assert is_component_present, 'Component {} not present'.format(component)
def verify_vulnerability_count(context, component, vulnerability, expected):
    """Check vulnerabiltiy count for given type of vulnerability."""
    json_data = get_json_data(context)
    check_attribute_presence(json_data, 'analyzed_dependencies')

    is_component_present = False
    for dep in json_data['analyzed_dependencies']:
        if dep['name'] == component:
            is_component_present = True
            actual = len(dep[vulnerability])
            assert actual == expected, \
                'Component {} have {} {} but expected {}'.format(component, actual,
                                                                 vulnerability, expected)
    assert is_component_present, 'Component {} not present'.format(component)
def perform_alternate_components_validation(json_data):
    """Check the user components and alternate components."""
    user_components = get_user_components(json_data)

    # in order to use the 'in' operator later we need to have a sequence
    # of dictionaries with 'name' and 'version' keys
    user_components = [{
        "name": c["package"],
        "version": c["version"]
    } for c in user_components]
    alternate_components = get_alternate_components(json_data)

    for alternate_component in alternate_components:

        check_attribute_presence(alternate_component, "name")

        check_attribute_presence(alternate_component, "replaces")
        replaces = alternate_component["replaces"]

        for replace in replaces:
            check_attribute_presence(replace, "name")
            r_name = replace["name"]

            check_attribute_presence(replace, "version")
            r_version = replace["version"]

            assert replace in user_components,  \
                "The component %s version %s does not replace any user " \
                "component" % (r_name, r_version)
def check_recommended_version_if_cve_is_detected(context):
    """Check the existence of recommended version in case the CVE is detected."""
    json_data = context.response.json()

    check_attribute_presence(json_data, "result")
    result = json_data["result"]

    check_attribute_presence(result, "recommendation")
    recommendation = result["recommendation"]

    if "component_analyses" in recommendation:
        assert "change_to" in recommendation, \
            "The new version should be recommended for the component"
def verify_license_data(context, component, license_c):
    """Licenses check."""
    json_data = get_json_data(context)
    check_attribute_presence(json_data, 'analyzed_dependencies')
    is_component_present = False
    for dep in json_data['analyzed_dependencies']:
        if dep['name'] == component:
            is_component_present = True
            assert "licenses" in dep, 'Licenses not found'
            licenses = dep["licenses"]
            for lic in licenses:
                if lic == license_c:
                    assert lic == license_c
    assert is_component_present, 'Component {} not present'.format(component)
def check_recommended_version_for_cve(context):
    """Check that all E/P/V with CVE detected also have recommended versions."""
    # retrieve all components
    components = get_analyzed_components(context)

    # retrieve components with CVE record(s)
    components_with_cve = get_components_with_cve(components)

    # check if at least one recommendation is found for a component with CVE
    for component_with_cve in components_with_cve:
        recommended = component_with_cve["recommended_latest_version"]
        assert len(recommended) >= 1
def verify_dependency_count(context, component, expected):
    """Check dependency count for given component."""
    json_data = get_json_data(context)
    check_attribute_presence(json_data, 'analyzed_dependencies')

    is_component_present = False
    for dep in json_data['analyzed_dependencies']:
        if dep['name'] == component:
            is_component_present = True
            dependencies = dep['dependencies']
            actual = len(dependencies)
            assert actual == expected, \
                'Component {} have {} deps but expected {}'.format(component, actual,
    assert is_component_present, 'Component {} not present'.format(component)
def check_request_id_value_in_json_response(context, attribute_name):
    """Check the request ID attribute in the JSON response.

    Check if ID is stored in a format like: '71769af6-0a39-4242-94be-1f84f04c8a56'
    response = context.response
    assert response is not None

    json_data = response.json()
    assert json_data is not None

    check_attribute_presence(json_data, attribute_name)
    id_attribute = json_data[attribute_name]

    assert id_attribute is not None
    assert check_uuid(id_attribute)
def check_security_issue_nonexistence(context, package):
    """Check than none security issue can be found for the given analyzed package."""
    components = get_analyzed_components(context)

    for component in components:
        if component["name"] == package:
            check_attribute_presence(component, "security")
            cve_items = component["security"]
            if cve_items:
                raise Exception(
                    'Found security issue(s) for the package {p}'.format(
        raise Exception(
            'Could not find the analyzed package {p}'.format(p=package))
Exemple #23
def check_package_toplevel_file(context, package, ecosystem):
    """Check the content of package toplevel file."""
    data = context.s3_data

    check_attribute_presence(data, 'id')
    assert int(data['id'])

    check_attribute_presence(data, 'package_id')
    assert int(data['package_id'])

    check_attribute_presence(data, 'analyses')

    check_attribute_presence(data, 'started_at')

    check_attribute_presence(data, 'finished_at')
def check_security_issue_existence(context, cve, package):
    """Check if the security issue CVE-yyyy-xxxx can be found for the given analyzed package."""
    components = get_analyzed_components(context)

    for component in components:
        if component["name"] == package:
            check_attribute_presence(component, "security")
            cve_items = component["security"]
            if cve_found(cve_items, cve):
                # CVE for the component has been found - > let's finish this check
                raise Exception('Could not find the CVE {c} for the '
                                'package {p}'.format(c=cve, p=package))
        raise Exception(
            'Could not find the analyzed package {p}'.format(p=package))
def check_id_value_in_json_response(context, id_attribute_name):
    """Check the ID attribute in the JSON response.

    Check if ID is stored in a format like: '477e85660c504b698beae2b5f2a28b4e'
    ie. it is a string with 32 characters containing 32 hexadecimal digits
    response = context.response
    assert response is not None

    json_data = response.json()
    assert json_data is not None

    check_attribute_presence(json_data, id_attribute_name)
    id_attribute = json_data[id_attribute_name]

    assert id_attribute is not None
    assert isinstance(id_attribute, str) and len(id_attribute) == 32
    assert all(char in string.hexdigits for char in id_attribute)
def check_unexpected_properties_in_results(context, properties):
    """Check if only given optional properties can be found in all packages returned by Gremlin."""
    data, meta = get_results_from_gremlin(context)

    expected_properties = split_comma_separated_list(properties)

    for package in data:
        check_attribute_presence(package, "properties")
        properties = package["properties"].keys()

        assert properties is not None

        for prop in properties:
            # check that the property is contained in a list of expected properties
            if prop not in expected_properties:
                raise Exception(
                    "Unexpected property has been found: {prop}".format(
Exemple #27
def check_latest_package_version_publication(context, version, date):
    """Check the latest package version and publication date."""
    releases = _get_releases_node_from_libraries_io(context)

    latest_release = check_and_get_attribute(releases, 'latest')

    check_attribute_presence(latest_release, "version")
    check_attribute_presence(latest_release, "published_at")

    stored_version = latest_release["version"]
    stored_date = latest_release["published_at"]

    assert stored_version == version, \
        "Package latest version differs, {v} is expected, but {f} is found instead".\
        format(v=version, f=stored_version)

    assert latest_release["published_at"] == date, \
        "Package latest release data differs, {d} is expected, but {f} is found instead".\
        format(d=date, f=stored_date)
def retrieve_stacks_from_report(context, num):
    """Retrieve stacks from Gemini stacks report."""
    response = context.response.json()
    assert not context.history

    check_attribute_presence(response, "report")
    stacks_details = check_and_get_attribute(response, "stacks_details")
    i = 0
    stacks = []
    for stack_detail in stacks_details:
        ecosystem = check_and_get_attribute(stack_detail, "ecosystem")
        stack = stack_detail["stack"]
        i += 1
        if i > num:
        item = {"ecosystem": ecosystem, "stack": stack}


    context.stacks = stacks
def verify_severity_analyzed_deps(context, component, title, severity,
    """Check valid vulenerability title and severity."""
    json_data = get_json_data(context)
    check_attribute_presence(json_data, 'analyzed_dependencies')
    is_component_present = False
    for dep in json_data['analyzed_dependencies']:
        if dep['name'] == component:
            is_component_present = True
            if vulenerability == 'public_vulnerabilities':
                for vuln in dep['public_vulnerabilities']:
                    if vuln['title'] == title:
                        assert vuln[
                            'severity'] == severity, "severity not matched"
            elif vulenerability == 'private_vulnerabilities':
                for vuln in dep['private_vulnerabilities']:
                    if vuln['title'] == title:
                        assert vuln[
                            'severity'] == severity, "severity not matched"
    assert is_component_present, 'Component {} not present'.format(component)
def check_properties_in_results(context, properties):
    """Check if all given properties can be found in all packages returned by Gremlin."""
    data, meta = get_results_from_gremlin(context)

    expected_properties = split_comma_separated_list(properties)

    # we need to check if all expected properties are really returned by the Gremlin
    for package in data:
        check_attribute_presence(package, "properties")
        properties = package["properties"].keys()

        assert properties is not None

        for expected_property in expected_properties:
            if expected_property not in properties:
                # print examined data so users would know what happened
                formatted_data = pprint.pformat(package)
                message = "Required property could not be found: {prop}\n" \
                          "Tested Gremlin results:\n{r}"
                raise Exception(
                    message.format(prop=expected_property, r=formatted_data))