def test_dl_dry_cancel(): bdl = bd.BulkDownloader('', './dl') assert len(bdl.list_mp3()) > 0 cb = Callback() cb.cancel() bdl.download_mp3(dry_run=True, cb=cb)
def download_with_resume(url: str, path: str, cb: Callback = None) -> bool: """ Download a file pointed by url to a local path @param url: URL to download @param path: Local file to be saved @param cb: Callback object @return: True if the file was completely downloaded """ logging.debug("Downloading {} to {}".format(url, path)) # Clean existing file if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) if cb and cb.is_cancelled(): return False try: r = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True) except requests.exceptions as e: logging.error(e) return False if r.status_code < 200 or r.status_code > 302: logging.error("Failed to reach {}, status is {}".format(url, r.status_code)) r.close() return False expected_size = int(r.headers.get("content-length")) r.close() if cb and cb.is_cancelled(): return False chunk_size = 2**20 last_byte = 0 with open(path, 'wb') as f: while last_byte < expected_size: if cb and cb.is_cancelled(): return False logging.debug("{} vs {}".format(last_byte, expected_size)) logging.debug("Starting download with already {}% of the file". format((100*last_byte)/expected_size)) resume_header = {'Range': 'bytes=%d-' % last_byte} resume_request = requests.get(url, headers=resume_header, stream=True, verify=True, allow_redirects=True) for data in resume_request.iter_content(chunk_size): last_byte += len(data) if cb and cb.is_cancelled(): return False if cb: cb.progress(100 * (last_byte / expected_size)) f.write(data) resume_request.close() if cb and cb.is_cancelled(): return False if cb: cb.progress(100) return True
def __init__(self, path=""): self.configpath = path self.root = Tk() self.cameras = Camera() self.parser = Parser() self.gui = GUI(root=self.root) self.callback = Callback(self.root) self.isImage_active = False self.isVideo_active = False self.isCamera_active = False self.isObject_active = False
def list_mp3(self, cb: Callback = None, verbose: bool = False) -> List[Episode]: """ Will fetch the RSS or directory info and return the list of available MP3s @param cb: Callback object @param verbose: Outputs more logs @return: List of MP3 urls """ try: r = requests.get(self._url) except requests.RequestException as exc: err_str = 'Failed to connect to URL ({})'.format(exc) logging.error(err_str) raise BulkDownloaderException(err_str) if r.status_code != 200: err_str = 'Failed to access URL (code {})'.format(r.status_code) logging.error(err_str) raise BulkDownloaderException(err_str) page = r.content if cb and cb.is_cancelled(): return [] if self._page_is_rss(page):'Processing RSS document') to_download = self._get_episodes_to_download_from_rss(page) # We trim the list if needed if 0 < self._last_n < len(to_download): to_download = to_download[0:self._last_n] else: err_str = 'Content is not RSS' logging.error(err_str) raise BulkDownloaderException(err_str) if cb and cb.is_cancelled(): return [] if verbose:'{} episodes found in the feed:'.format(len(to_download))) for elem in to_download: return to_download
def try_download(url, path, max_try=3, sleep_time=5, cb: Callback = None) -> bool: """ Try to download the file multiple times, in case of connection failures @param url: URL to download @param path: Local file to be saved @param max_try: Number of download tries @param sleep_time: Wait time between tries in second @param cb: Callback object @return: True if the file was completely downloaded """ count = 0 while count < max_try: if download_with_resume(url, path, cb): return True if cb and cb.is_cancelled(): return False count += 1 sleep(sleep_time) logging.error('Download of {} failed after {} tries'.format(url, max_try)) return False
def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master) master.title('Podcast Bulk Downloader v{}'.format(pbd_version)) # master.geometry('500x800') style = ttk.Style() self._style = StringVar() if 'vista' in style.theme_names(): self._style.set('vista') else: self._style.set('default') style.theme_use(self._style.get()) # Layout configuration columns = 0 while columns < 10: master.columnconfigure(columns, weight=1) columns += 1 rows = 0 while rows < 5: w = 1 if rows != 3 else 5 master.rowconfigure(rows, weight=w) rows += 1 # First line self._label_rss = ttk.Label(master, text='Feed') self._label_rss.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=2, pady=2, sticky=W + E) self._entry_rss = ttk.Entry(master) self._entry_rss.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=2, pady=2, columnspan=9, sticky=W + E) # Second line self._label_folder = ttk.Label(master, text='Folder') self._label_folder.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=2, sticky=W + E) self._entry_folder = ttk.Entry(master) self._entry_folder.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=2, columnspan=8, sticky=W + E) self._btn_nav = ttk.Button(master, text='...', command=self.browse_directory) self._btn_nav.grid(row=1, column=9, padx=2, pady=2, sticky=W + E) # Third line self._overwrite = IntVar() self._cb_overwrite = ttk.Checkbutton(master, text='Overwrite existing files', variable=self._overwrite, onvalue=1, offvalue=0) self._cb_overwrite.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self._btn_fetch = ttk.Button(master, text='Fetch', command=self.fetch) self._btn_fetch.grid(row=2, column=7, columnspan=1, sticky=W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self._btn_download = ttk.Button(master, text='Download', self._btn_download.grid(row=2, column=8, columnspan=1, sticky=W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self._btn_cancel = ttk.Button(master, text='Cancel', command=self.cancel) self._btn_cancel.grid(row=2, column=9, columnspan=1, sticky=W + E, padx=2, pady=2) # Fourth line self._progress_bar = ttk.Progressbar(master, orient='horizontal', mode='determinate') self._progress_bar.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=10, sticky=W + E + N + S, padx=2, pady=2) self._progress_bar["maximum"] = 100 # Fifth line self._text = Text(master) self._text.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=10, sticky=W + E + N + S, padx=2, pady=2) self._text.configure(state=DISABLED) self._logger = Log2Text(self._text) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger().addHandler(self._logger) # Utilities self._dl = BulkDownloader(self._entry_rss.get(), self._entry_folder.get()) self._dl_thread = Thread(target=None) self._fetch_thread = Thread(target=None) self._callback = Callback(self._progress_bar) # Launch background task self.reset_buttons()
class PDBApp(Frame): def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master) master.title('Podcast Bulk Downloader v{}'.format(pbd_version)) # master.geometry('500x800') style = ttk.Style() self._style = StringVar() if 'vista' in style.theme_names(): self._style.set('vista') else: self._style.set('default') style.theme_use(self._style.get()) # Layout configuration columns = 0 while columns < 10: master.columnconfigure(columns, weight=1) columns += 1 rows = 0 while rows < 5: w = 1 if rows != 3 else 5 master.rowconfigure(rows, weight=w) rows += 1 # First line self._label_rss = ttk.Label(master, text='Feed') self._label_rss.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=2, pady=2, sticky=W + E) self._entry_rss = ttk.Entry(master) self._entry_rss.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=2, pady=2, columnspan=9, sticky=W + E) # Second line self._label_folder = ttk.Label(master, text='Folder') self._label_folder.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=2, sticky=W + E) self._entry_folder = ttk.Entry(master) self._entry_folder.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=2, columnspan=8, sticky=W + E) self._btn_nav = ttk.Button(master, text='...', command=self.browse_directory) self._btn_nav.grid(row=1, column=9, padx=2, pady=2, sticky=W + E) # Third line self._overwrite = IntVar() self._cb_overwrite = ttk.Checkbutton(master, text='Overwrite existing files', variable=self._overwrite, onvalue=1, offvalue=0) self._cb_overwrite.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self._btn_fetch = ttk.Button(master, text='Fetch', command=self.fetch) self._btn_fetch.grid(row=2, column=7, columnspan=1, sticky=W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self._btn_download = ttk.Button(master, text='Download', self._btn_download.grid(row=2, column=8, columnspan=1, sticky=W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self._btn_cancel = ttk.Button(master, text='Cancel', command=self.cancel) self._btn_cancel.grid(row=2, column=9, columnspan=1, sticky=W + E, padx=2, pady=2) # Fourth line self._progress_bar = ttk.Progressbar(master, orient='horizontal', mode='determinate') self._progress_bar.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=10, sticky=W + E + N + S, padx=2, pady=2) self._progress_bar["maximum"] = 100 # Fifth line self._text = Text(master) self._text.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=10, sticky=W + E + N + S, padx=2, pady=2) self._text.configure(state=DISABLED) self._logger = Log2Text(self._text) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger().addHandler(self._logger) # Utilities self._dl = BulkDownloader(self._entry_rss.get(), self._entry_folder.get()) self._dl_thread = Thread(target=None) self._fetch_thread = Thread(target=None) self._callback = Callback(self._progress_bar) # Launch background task self.reset_buttons() def reset_buttons(self): if not self._fetch_thread.is_alive() and not self._dl_thread.is_alive( ): self._switch_action(False) self._callback.reset() self.after(100, self.reset_buttons) def browse_directory(self): cur_dir = self._entry_folder.get() initial_dir = cur_dir if os.path.exists( cur_dir) else os.path.expanduser('~') directory = filedialog.askdirectory(title='Select directory', initialdir=initial_dir) if directory: self._entry_folder.delete(0, END) self._entry_folder.insert(0, directory) def _clean_text_box(self): try: self._text.configure(state=NORMAL) self._text.delete('1.0', END) self._text.configure(state=DISABLED) except TclError as exc: logging.warning('Can\'t clean text ({})'.format(exc)) def _update_dl_with_fields(self): self._dl._url = self._entry_rss.get() self._dl.folder(self._entry_folder.get()) self._dl.overwrite(self._overwrite.get() == 1) def _switch_action(self, action: bool): state_f_dl = DISABLED if action else NORMAL state_cancel = NORMAL if action else DISABLED self._btn_download.configure(state=state_f_dl) self._btn_fetch.configure(state=state_f_dl) self._btn_cancel.configure(state=state_cancel) def download(self): self._clean_text_box() self._update_dl_with_fields()"Start download") self._dl_thread = Thread(target=self._dl.download_mp3, kwargs={'cb': self._callback}) self._switch_action(True) self._dl_thread.start() def fetch(self): self._clean_text_box() self._update_dl_with_fields()"Fetch info") self._fetch_thread = Thread(target=self._dl.list_mp3, kwargs={ 'verbose': True, 'cb': self._callback }) self._switch_action(True) self._fetch_thread.start() def cancel(self): self._callback.cancel()'Action cancelled by user, waiting for threads to end...') if self._fetch_thread.is_alive(): self._fetch_thread.join() if self._dl_thread.is_alive(): self._dl_thread.join() self._callback.reset() self._switch_action(False)'Threads have ended')
def test_list_mp3(): bdl = bd.BulkDownloader('', './dl') cb = Callback() assert len(bdl.list_mp3(cb, True)) > 0
def test_try_download_cancel(tmp_directory): cb = Callback() cb.cancel() assert not bd.try_download('', os.path.join(tmp_directory, 't.xml'), 1, 1, cb)
def test_try_download_ok(tmp_directory): cb = Callback() assert bd.try_download('', os.path.join(tmp_directory, 'newban.jpg'), 2, 1, cb)
def download_mp3(self, cb: Callback = None, dry_run: bool = False): """ Will get the list of MP3s and download them into the specified folder @param cb: Callback object @param dry_run: Will not actually download anythin (for test purposes only) @return: None """ if not self.folder(): err_str = 'No folder is defined for the download' logging.error(err_str) raise BulkDownloaderException(err_str) to_download = self.list_mp3(cb)'{} files will be downloaded'.format(len(to_download))) if cb and cb.is_cancelled(): return if cb: cb.progress(0) count = 0 downloads_successful = 0 downloads_skipped = 0 nb_downloads = len(to_download) step = 100. / nb_downloads for episode in to_download: if cb: if cb.is_cancelled(): continue cb.progress(count * step) # Getting the name and path path = os.path.join(self.folder(), episode.get_filename()) # Check if we should skip the file if not self.overwrite() and os.path.isfile(path):'Skipping {} as the file already exists at {}' .format(episode.get_filename(), path)) downloads_skipped += 1 count += 1 continue # Download file'Saving {} to {} from {}'.format(episode.get_filename(), path, episode.url())) if cb: cb.set_function(lambda x: (count + x / 100) * step) if not dry_run and try_download(episode.url(), path, cb=cb): downloads_successful += 1 if cb: cb.set_function(lambda x: x) count += 1 if cb and cb.is_cancelled(): return if cb: cb.progress(100)'{}/{} episodes were successfully downloaded'.format(downloads_successful, nb_downloads))'{}/{} episodes were skipped because files already existed' .format(downloads_skipped, nb_downloads))
class Main: def __init__(self, path=""): self.configpath = path self.root = Tk() self.cameras = Camera() self.parser = Parser() self.gui = GUI(root=self.root) self.callback = Callback(self.root) self.isImage_active = False self.isVideo_active = False self.isCamera_active = False self.isObject_active = False #---------- Local callback ----------# def openwithimage_callback(self, event=None): if self.gui.panel != None: self.gui.destroyPanel() path = self.callback.openwithimage_callback() if path != None: self.cameras.readImage(path, flag=None) self.cameras.frame = self.cameras.resize(self.cameras.getFrame, (400, 400)) width, height = self.cameras.getSize() image = self.cameras.convert2tk(self.cameras.getFrame) self.gui.createPanel(image, width=width, height=height) self.isImage_active = True self.isVideo_active = False self.isCamera_active = False def openwithvideo_callback(self, event=None): if self.gui.panel != None: self.gui.destroyPanel() path = self.callback.openwithvideo_callback(event=event) if path != None: self.cameras.startVideo(path) startCapture = self.cameras.readCapture() startCapture = self.cameras.BGR2RGBA(startCapture) startCapture = self.cameras.convert2tk(startCapture) width, height = self.cameras.getSize() self.gui.createPanel(startCapture, width=width, height=height) self.captureVideo(loop=True) self.isImage_active = False self.isVideo_active = True self.isCamera_active = False def openwithcamera_callback(self, event=None): if self.gui.panel != None: self.gui.destroyPanel() settings = self.parser.parseCameraSettings() src = settings["src"] try: self.cameras.startVideo(src=src) startCapture = self.cameras.readCapture() startCapture = self.cameras.BGR2RGB(startCapture) startCapture = self.cameras.convert2tk(startCapture) width, height = self.cameras.getSize() self.gui.createPanel(startCapture, width=width, height=height) self.captureVideo(loop=False) self.isImage_active = False self.isVideo_active = False self.isCamera_active = True except error: self.gui.message("Failed to open camera with device " + str(src), 2) # self.gui.destroyPanel() def detectBarcode_callback(self, event=None): self.isObject_active = True if self.isObject_active: if self.cameras.getFrame is None: self.gui.message("No object") else: if self.isCamera_active is None: newframe = self.detectBarcode() newframe = self.cameras.convert2tk(newframe) self.gui.update(newframe) #---------- Edit menu ----------# def clearframe_callback(self, event=None): self.callback.clearframe_callback(self.gui) #---------- Capture Video ----------# def captureVideo(self, loop=False): try: captured = self.cameras.readCapture(islopp=loop, gui=self.gui) captured = self.cameras.BGR2RGB(captured) self.cameras.frame = captured if captured is None: pass else: if self.isObject_active: frame = self.detectBarcode( customFrame=self.cameras.getFrame) if frame is None: frame = self.cameras.getFrame else: frame = self.cameras.getFrame newframe = self.cameras.convert2tk(frame) self.gui.update(newframe) self.gui.delay(15, self.captureVideo) except error: self.gui.message("Asserting failed, please check your camera!") self.gui.destroyPanel() #---------- Detect barcode ----------# def detectBarcode(self, customFrame=None): if customFrame is None: customFrame = self.cameras.getFrame image = self.cameras.BGR2Gray(self.cameras.getFrame) barcode = pyzbar.decode(image) if len(barcode) == 0: return None for data in barcode: points = data.polygon x, y, w, h = data.rect pts = self.cameras.cv2array(points) pts = pts.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) newframe = self.cameras.createpolygon(self.cameras.frame, pts) code ="utf-8") newframe = self.cameras.setText(newframe, text=code, position=(x, y)) return newframe #---------- Setup menbubars function ----------# def setupMenubars(self): menubars = Menu(self.root) #---------- File bars ----------# fileBars = Menu(menubars, tearoff=0) menubars.add_cascade(label="File", menu=fileBars) fileBars.add_command(label="Open with image file", command=self.openwithimage_callback) fileBars.add_command(label="Open with video file", command=self.openwithvideo_callback) fileBars.add_command(label="Open with camera", command=self.openwithcamera_callback) fileBars.add_separator() fileBars.add_command(label="Save barcode", command=print) fileBars.add_separator() fileBars.add_command(label="Quit", command=self.callback.quit_callback) #---------- CTRL + O (Open with image file) ----------# self.root.bind("<Control-o>", self.openwithimage_callback) self.root.bind("<Control-O>", self.openwithimage_callback) #---------- CTRL + Shift + O (Open with video file) ----------# self.root.bind("<Control-Shift-o>", self.openwithvideo_callback) self.root.bind("<Control-Shift-O>", self.openwithvideo_callback) #---------- CTRL + Q (Quit) ----------# self.root.bind("<Control-Q>", self.callback.quit_callback) self.root.bind("<Control-q>", self.callback.quit_callback) #---------- Edit bars ----------# editbars = Menu(menubars, tearoff=0) menubars.add_cascade(label="Edit", menu=editbars) editbars.add_command(label="Clear frame", command=self.clearframe_callback) editbars.add_command(label="Detect barcode", command=self.detectBarcode_callback) #---------- CTRL + Shift + C (Clear Frame) ----------# self.root.bind("<Control-Shift-c>", self.clearframe_callback) self.root.bind("<Control-Shift-C>", self.clearframe_callback) #---------- Settings bar ---------- settingbars = Menu(menubars, tearoff=0) menubars.add_cascade(label="Settings", menu=settingbars) settingbars.add_command(label="Settings camera", command=self.callback.setCameraDevice_callback) self.root.config(menu=menubars) #---------- Setup function ----------# def setup(self): callback = [ self.openwithimage_callback, self.openwithvideo_callback, self.openwithcamera_callback, self.clearframe_callback, self.detectBarcode_callback ] w, h = self.gui.getWindowSize() # get window size self.gui.setTitle("QrScanner") self.gui.setScreensize(size=convert2geometry(w=w, h=h)) self.setupMenubars() self.gui.createButton(command=callback) def run(self): self.root.mainloop()