def test_check_errors():
    from src.controllers.account import Account
    e = Account().check_errors({
        "name": "check!!!",
        "email": "",
        "password": "******",
        "lang": "asdf"
    fields = e.to_dict()['fields']
    assert fields['name'] == 'Name contains non-alphanumeric characters'
    assert fields['email'] == 'Email does not contain @'
    assert fields['password'] == 'Password length must be at least 6'
    assert fields['lang'] == 'Language length must be at most 3'
def test_update_dne():
    from src.controllers.account import Account
        uid = Account().update(1000, "update1", "*****@*****.**",
                               "password123", "fr")
    except WebException as e:
        assert e.to_dict()['message'] == 'User does not exist'
def test_update_error():
    from src.controllers.account import Account
        uid = Account().update(5, "bad!!!", "", "bad", "asdf")
    except WebException as e:
        fields = e.to_dict()['fields']
        assert fields['name'] == 'Name contains non-alphanumeric characters'
        assert fields['email'] == 'Email does not contain @'
        assert fields['password'] == 'Password length must be at least 6'
        assert fields['lang'] == 'Language length must be at most 3'
def test_update():
    from src.controllers.account import Account
    from src.models.user import User
    uid = Account().update(4, "update1", "*****@*****.**", "password123",
    assert uid is not None
    u = User.query.get(uid)
    assert == "update1"
    assert == "*****@*****.**"
    assert u.check_password("password123")
    assert u.lang == "fr"
def test_create():
    from src.controllers.account import Account
    uid = Account().create("create1", "*****@*****.**", "password1", "en")
    assert uid is not None
def test_check_name(app):
    from src.controllers.account import Account
    assert Account().check("name", "testy123")
    assert Account().check(
        "name", "bad!!!!") == 'Name contains non-alphanumeric characters'
def test_check_lang():
    from src.controllers.account import Account
    assert Account().check("lang", "en")
    assert Account().check("lang",
                           "asdf") == 'Language length must be at most 3'
def test_check_password():
    from src.controllers.account import Account
    assert Account().check("password", "password1234")
    assert Account().check("password",
                           "a") == 'Password length must be at least 6'
def test_purge_error():
    from src.controllers.account import Account
    except WebException as e:
        assert e.to_dict()['message'] == 'User does not exist'
def test_purge():
    from src.controllers.account import Account
    from src.models.user import User
    u = User.query.get(5)
    assert u is None
def test_check_email():
    from src.controllers.account import Account
    assert Account().check("email", "*****@*****.**")
    assert Account().check("email",
                           "") == 'Email does not contain @'
def test_delete():
    from src.controllers.account import Account
    from src.models.user import User
    u = User.query.get(5)
    assert u.deleted