import NanoImagingPack as nip # Optionally, tweak styles. mpl.rc('figure', figsize=(8, 6)) mpl.rc('image', cmap='gray') if (1): if (1): var_tvc = 1e-11 var_tv = 1e-1 experiments.regularizer = 'L1' #for var_tv in (1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1e-0, 1e1, 1e2): #for var_tvc in (1e-10, 1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-4, 1e-2): np_meas_file = './Data/PHANTOM/HeLa_cell_mat_obj_100.mat' matname = 'HeLa_cell_mat' obj_real = data.import_realdata_h5(filename=np_meas_file, matname=matname) obj_absorption = obj_real * 0 obj_guess = (obj_real + 1j * obj_absorption) #%% '''Define some stuff related to infrastructure''' mytimestamp ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') basepath = "" is_aberration = False is_aberation_iterstart = 0 # When to start optimizing for aberration? is_padding = False is_optimization = True is_absorption = 0 is_obj_init_tikhonov = False # intialize the is_norm = False # Want to have a floating value for the background? is_recomputemodel = True # TODO: Make it automatic! is_estimatepsf = False
savepath = basepath + experiments.resultpath + mytimestamp + '_' + '_PSFmodel_' + psf_model + experiments.regularizer + '_' + str( experiments.lambda_reg) + '_eps_' + str( experiments.myepstvval) + '_' + 'Shift_x-' + str( experiments.shiftIcX) + 'Shift_y-' + str(experiments.shiftIcY) tf_helper.mkdir(savepath) print('My path is: ' + savepath) ''' MODELLING StARTS HERE''' if is_recomputemodel: tf.reset_default_graph() # need to figure out why this holds somehow true - at least produces reasonable results ''' 1.) Read in the parameters of the dataset ''' if (experiments.obj_meas_filename.find('mat') == -1): obj_meas = np.load(experiments.obj_meas_filename) else: obj_meas = data.import_realdata_h5( filename=experiments.obj_meas_filename, matname=experiments.matlab_val_name, is_complex=True) # If Z-is odd numbered if (np.mod(obj_meas.shape[0], 2) == 1): obj_meas = obj_meas[0:obj_meas.shape[0] - 1, :, :] obj_meas = obj_meas[:, :, :, ] # Eventually add an imaginary background to synchronize to methods if (psf_model == 'BORN'): obj_meas = obj_meas + experiments.mybackgroundval ''' 2.) Read (optional) referecne object for PSF calibration ''' if (is_estimatepsf ): # if we know the object already, we only need to update the PSF obj_meas = data.import_realdata_h5( filename=experiments.matlab_obj_file,
dn = .105 #(1.437-1.3326)#/np.pi myfac = 1 #- 1e-6 #muscat.NAo = .95 = 0.1625*2#muscat.lambda0/4 #muscat.dy = .2; muscat.dx = muscat.dy#muscat.lambda0/4 #muscat.dx = 0.1560#muscat.lambda0/4 #muscat.Nx = 50; muscat.Ny = 50; muscat.Nz = 50 #muscat.Nx = 64; muscat.Ny = 64; muscat.Nz = 70 = muscat.lambda0/4 #muscat.Nz = 36 mymatfile = '/Users/bene/Dropbox/Dokumente/Promotion/PROJECTS/BOSTON/MUSCAT/MATLAB/MuScat/mtfs.mat' matatf = data.import_realdata_h5(filename = mymatfile, matname='myatf', is_complex=True) matasf = data.import_realdata_h5(filename = mymatfile, matname='myasf', is_complex=True) ''' Adjust some parameters to fit it in the memory ''' muscat.mysize = (muscat.Nz,muscat.Nx,muscat.Ny) # ordering is (Nillu, Nz, Nx, Ny) ''' Create a 3D Refractive Index Distributaton as a artificial sample''' mydiameter = 5 if(1): obj_real= tf_go.generateObject(mysize=muscat.mysize, obj_dim=1, obj_type ='sphere', diameter = mydiameter, dn = dn, nEmbb = muscat.nEmbb)#)dn) obj_absorption = tf_go.generateObject(mysize=muscat.mysize, obj_dim=1, obj_type ='sphere', diameter = mydiameter, dn = .0, nEmbb = 0.01) elif(1): obj_real = tf_go.generateObject(mysize=muscat.mysize, obj_dim=1, obj_type ='hollowsphere', diameter = mydiameter, dn = dn, nEmbb = muscat.nEmbb)#)dn) obj_absorption = tf_go.generateObject(mysize=muscat.mysize, obj_dim=muscat.dx, obj_type ='sphere', diameter = mydiameter, dn = .0) elif(0):
np.abs(zernikefactors) > 0 ) * 1 #!= np.array((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, , 1, 1, 1, 1))# mask which factors should be updated '''START CODE''' tf.reset_default_graph() # just in case there was an open session # Generate Test-Object ''' File which stores the experimental parameters from the Q-PHASE setup 1.) Read in the parameters of the dataset ''' matlab_pars = data.import_parameters_mat(filename=matlab_par_file, matname=matlab_par_name) ''' 2.) Read in the parameters of the dataset ''' if (matlab_val_file.find('mat') == -1): matlab_val = np.load(matlab_val_file) else: matlab_val = data.import_realdata_h5(filename=matlab_val_file, matname=matlab_val_name, is_complex=True) if (np.mod(matlab_val.shape[0], 2) == 1): matlab_val = matlab_val[0:matlab_val.shape[0] - 1, :, :] #roisize=50 #roicenter = np.array((215,201)) #matlab_val = np.flip(matlab_val[0:100,roicenter[0]-roisize:roicenter[0]+roisize,roicenter[1]-roisize:roicenter[1]+roisize],0) ''' Create the Model''' muscat = mus.MuScatModel(matlab_pars, is_optimization=is_optimization) # Correct some values - just for the puprose of fitting in the RAM muscat.Nx, muscat.Ny, muscat.Nz = matlab_val.shape[1], matlab_val.shape[ 2], matlab_val.shape[0] muscat.shiftIcY = shiftIcY muscat.shiftIcX = shiftIcX muscat.dn = dn
Niter = 5000 Ndisplay = 10 '''START CODE''' tf.reset_default_graph() # just in case there was an open session ''' File which stores the experimental parameters from the Q-PHASE setup 1.) Read in the parameters of the dataset ''' matlab_pars = data.import_parameters_mat(filename = matlab_par_file, matname='myParameterNew') ''' 2.) Read in the parameters of the dataset ''' if(matlab_val_file.find('mat')==-1): matlab_val = np.load(matlab_val_file) else: matlab_val = data.import_realdata_h5(filename = matlab_val_file, matname='allAmp_red', is_complex=True) if(is_flip): np_meas = np.flip(matlab_val,0) print('Attention: We are flipping the data!') else: np_meas = matlab_val print('do we need to flip the data?! -> Observe FFT!!') ''' Create the Model''' muscat = mus.MuScatModel(matlab_pars, is_optimization=is_optimization, is_optimization_psf = is_optimization_psf) muscat.Nx,muscat.Ny = int(np.squeeze(matlab_pars['Nx'].value)), int(np.squeeze(matlab_pars['Ny'].value)) muscat.shiftIcY=0 muscat.shiftIcX=0 muscat.dn = dn
# need to figure out why this holds somehow true - at least produces reasonable results '''START CODE''' tf.reset_default_graph() # just in case there was an open session # Generate Test-Object ''' File which stores the experimental parameters from the Q-PHASE setup 1.) Read in the parameters of the dataset ''' matlab_pars = data.import_parameters_mat(filename=configs.matlab_par_file, matname=configs.matlab_par_name) ''' 2.) Read in the parameters of the dataset ''' if (configs.matlab_val_file.find('mat') == -1): matlab_val = np.load(configs.matlab_val_file) else: matlab_val = data.import_realdata_h5(filename=configs.matlab_val_file, matname=configs.matlab_val_name, is_complex=True) if (np.mod(matlab_val.shape[0], 2) == 1): matlab_val = matlab_val[0:matlab_val.shape[0] - 1, :, :] matlab_val = matlab_val + configs.mybackgroundval #roisize=50 #roicenter = np.array((215,201)) #matlab_val = np.flip(matlab_val,0 )#[0:100,roicenter[0]-roisize:roicenter[0]+roisize,roicenter[1]-roisize:roicenter[1]+roisize],0) ''' Create the Model''' muscat = mus.MuScatModel(matlab_pars, is_optimization=configs.is_display) # Correct some values - just for the puprose of fitting in the RAM muscat.Nx, muscat.Ny, muscat.Nz = matlab_val.shape[1], matlab_val.shape[ 2], matlab_val.shape[0]
#tf.reset_default_graph() ''' File which stores the experimental parameters from the Q-PHASE setup 1.) Read in the parameters of the dataset ''' matlab_par_name = 'myParameter' #'./Data/DROPLETS/myParameterNew.mat';matname='myParameterNew' #'./Data/DROPLETS/myParameterNew.mat' matlab_par_file = './Data/DROPLETS/S19_multiple/Parameter.mat'; matname='myParameter' matlab_pars = data.import_parameters_mat(filename = matlab_par_file, matname=matlab_par_name) ''' Create a 3D Refractive Index Distributaton as a artificial sample 2.) Read in the virtual sample ''' # Fake Cheek-Cell matlab_val_file = './Data/PHANTOM/HeLa_cell_mat_obj.mat'; matname='HeLa_cell_mat' obj_real = data.import_realdata_h5(filename = matlab_val_file, matname=matname) if(0): mysize = np.array((128,128,128)) mydiameter=1 obj_real= tf_go.generateObject(mysize=mysize, obj_dim=1, obj_type ='twosphere', diameter = mydiameter, dn = .02, nEmbb = 1.33)#)dn) #TF_obj = tf.cast(tf.complex(obj_real,obj_real*0), tf.complex64) TF_obj = tf.cast(tf.placeholder_with_default(obj_real, obj_real.shape), tf.complex64) # etract scattering subroi-region mysize = obj_real.shape mysize_sub = ((32,32,32)); mycenter = ((mysize[0]//2,mysize[1]//2,mysize[1]//2)) # Region around the nuclei TF_obj_sub = tf_helper.extract((TF_obj-1.33)*2*np.pi, mysize_sub, mycenter)
except (FileExistsError): print('Folder exists already') #%% optimize over the hyperparameters for i_epoch in range(Nepoch): for i_file in range(len(my_meas_files)): mylambdatv = lambda_tv myepstvval = eps_tv # for eps_tv in eps_tv: print('Evtl unwrap it!') # this is the initial guess of the reconstruction ''' 2.) Read in the parameters of the dataset ''' print('Now feeding file: ' + my_meas_files[i_file]) print('Now feeding file: ' + my_gt_files[i_file]) np_meas = data.import_realdata_h5(filename=my_meas_files[i_file], matname='allAmp_red', is_complex=True) np_obj = data.import_realdata_h5(filename=my_gt_files[i_file], matname='mysphere', is_complex=False) ''' Create a 3D Refractive Index Distributaton as a artificial sample''' obj = np_obj * dn obj_absorption = np_obj * .001 obj = obj + 1j * obj_absorption init_guess = obj if (False): # This won't make much sense here! # run the fwd model once '''Numpy to Tensorflow''' my_fwd =