Exemple #1
def formulate(module_name):

    m = ilib.import_module(module_name)

    prob = DipProblem()

    arc_vars = LpVariable.dicts("UseArc", m.ARCS, 0, 1, LpBinary)

    # objective
    prob += lpSum(m.ARC_COSTS[x] * arc_vars[x] for x in m.ARCS)

    # degree constraints
    for city in m.CITIES:
        prob += lpSum(arc_vars[x] for x in m.CITY_ARCS[city]) \
                == 2

    # dictionary for symmetric arcs, can be
    # accessed using (i, j) and (j, i)
    symmetric = {}
    for i in m.CITIES:
        for j in m.CITIES:
            if i < j:
                symmetric[(i, j)] = (i, j)
                symmetric[(j, i)] = (i, j)

    prob.CITIES = m.CITIES
    prob.symmetric = symmetric
    prob.arc_vars = arc_vars

    return prob
Exemple #2
def formulate(module_name):

    m = ilib.import_module(module_name)

    lines = m.gap_data.splitlines()
    line = lines[1].split()  #first line is blank
    NUM_MACHINES = int(line[0])
    NUM_TASKS = int(line[1])
    MACHINES = list(range(NUM_MACHINES))
    TASKS = list(range(NUM_TASKS))
    MACHINES_TASKS = [(m, t) for m in MACHINES for t in TASKS]

    COSTS = []
    line_num = 2
    for m in MACHINES:
        line = lines[line_num].split()
        assert len(line) == NUM_TASKS
        COSTS.append([int(f) for f in line])
        line_num += 1

    for m in MACHINES:
        line = lines[line_num].split()
        assert len(line) == NUM_TASKS
        RESOURCE_USE.append([int(f) for f in line])
        line_num += 1

    line = lines[line_num].split()
    assert len(line) == NUM_MACHINES
    CAPACITIES = [int(f) for f in line]

    assignVars = []
    for m in MACHINES:
        v = []
        for t in TASKS:
            v.append(LpVariable("M%dT%d" % (m, t), cat=LpBinary))

    prob = DipProblem("GAP")

    # objective
    prob += lpSum(assignVars[m][t] * COSTS[m][t]
                  for m, t in MACHINES_TASKS), "min"

    # machine capacity (knapsacks, relaxation)
    for m in MACHINES:
        prob.relaxation[m] += lpSum(assignVars[m][t] * RESOURCE_USE[m][t]
                                    for t in TASKS) <= CAPACITIES[m]

        # assignment
    for t in TASKS:
        prob += lpSum(assignVars[m][t] for m in MACHINES) == 1

    prob.assignVars = assignVars
    prob.TASKS = TASKS

    return prob
Exemple #3
def formulate(cp):

    prob = DipProblem("Coke", display_mode='xdot', display_interval=None)

    # create variables
    LOC_SIZES = [(l, s) for l in cp.LOCATIONS for s in cp.SIZES]
    buildVars = LpVariable.dicts("Build", LOC_SIZES, cat=LpBinary)

    # create arcs
    flowVars = LpVariable.dicts("Arcs", cp.ARCS)
    BIG_M = max(sum(cp.supply.values()), sum(cp.demand.values()))
    for a in cp.ARCS:
        flowVars[a].bounds(0, BIG_M)

    # objective
    prob += 1e6 * lpSum(buildVars[(l, s)] * cp.build_costs[s] \
                        for (l, s) in LOC_SIZES) + \
                  lpSum(flowVars[(s, d)] * cp.transport_costs[(s, d)] \
                        for (s, d) in cp.ARCS), "min"

    # plant availability - assumes that SIZES are numeric,
    # which they should be
    for loc in cp.LOCATIONS:
        prob += lpSum(flowVars[(loc, i)] for i in cp.CUSTOMERS) \
             <= lpSum(buildVars[(loc, s)] * s for s in cp.SIZES)

    # one size
    for loc in cp.LOCATIONS:
        prob += lpSum(buildVars[(loc, s)] for s in cp.SIZES) == 1

    # conserve flow (mines)
    # flows are in terms of tonnes of coke
    for m in cp.MINES:
        prob += lpSum(flowVars[(m, j)] for j in cp.LOCATIONS) \
             <= cp.supply[m]

    # conserve flow (locations)
    # convert from coal to coke
    for loc in cp.LOCATIONS:
        prob += lpSum(flowVars[(m, loc)] for m in cp.MINES) - \
                cp.conversion_factor * \
                lpSum(flowVars[(loc, c)] for c in cp.CUSTOMERS) \
             >= 0

    for c in cp.CUSTOMERS:
        prob += lpSum(flowVars[(loc, c)] for loc in cp.LOCATIONS) \
             >= cp.demand[c]

    prob.cp = cp
    prob.buildVars = buildVars
    prob.flowVars = flowVars

    return prob
Exemple #4
def Solver(args):

    global x, y

    prob = DipProblem("CVPMP",

    X = [(i, j) for i in V for j in V]
    x = LpVariable.dicts("x", X, 0, 1, LpBinary)
    y = LpVariable.dicts("y", V, 0, 1, LpBinary)

    prob += (lpSum(d[i, j] * x[(i, j)] for i in V for j in V), "min")

    #linking constraints
    for j in V:
        prob += lpSum(x[(i, j)] for i in V) == 1

    for i in V:
        prob.relaxation[i] += lpSum(w[j] * x[(i, j)] for j in V) <= s[i] * y[i]

    prob += lpSum(y[i] for i in V) == p

    if args.useCustomSolver:
        prob.relaxed_solver = solve_subproblem

    dippyOpts = addDippyOpts(args)

    Solve(prob, dippyOpts)

    #Make solution
    solution = []
    for i in V:
        if y[i].varValue:
            cluster = []
            for j in V:
                if x[(i, j)].varValue:

            solution.append((i, cluster))

    return round(prob.objective.value()), solution
Exemple #5
def formulate(bpp, args):

    prob = DipProblem("Bin Packing")

    assign_vars = LpVariable.dicts("x", [(i, j) for i in bpp.BINS
                                         for j in bpp.ITEMS],
    use_vars = LpVariable.dicts("y", bpp.BINS, cat=LpBinary)
    waste_vars = LpVariable.dicts("w", bpp.BINS, 0, None)

    prob += lpSum(waste_vars[i] for i in bpp.BINS), "min_waste"

    for j in bpp.ITEMS:
        prob += lpSum(assign_vars[i, j] for i in bpp.BINS) == 1

    for i in bpp.BINS:
        prob.relaxation[i] += (lpSum(bpp.volume[j] * assign_vars[i, j]
                                     for j in bpp.ITEMS) +
                               waste_vars[i] == bpp.capacity * use_vars[i])

    for i in bpp.BINS:
        for j in bpp.ITEMS:
            prob.relaxation[i] += assign_vars[i, j] <= use_vars[i]

    if args.antisymmetryCutsBins:
        for m in range(0, len(bpp.BINS) - 1):
            prob += use_vars[bpp.BINS[m]] >= use_vars[bpp.BINS[m + 1]]

    if args.antisymmetryCutsItems:
        for m in range(0, len(bpp.BINS)):
            for n in range(0, len(bpp.ITEMS)):
                if m > n:
                    i = bpp.BINS[m]
                    j = bpp.ITEMS[n]
                    prob += assign_vars[i, j] == 0

    # Attach the problem data and variable dictionaries
    # to the DipProblem
    prob.bpp = bpp
    prob.assign_vars = assign_vars
    prob.use_vars = use_vars
    prob.waste_vars = waste_vars
    prob.tol = pow(pow(2, -24), old_div(2.0, 3.0))

    return prob
Exemple #6
def formulate(args):

    prob = DipProblem("MILP")

    numBlocks = args.numBlocks
    numBlockVars = [args.numVarsPerBlock for i in range(numBlocks)]
    numBlockCons = [args.numConsPerBlock for j in range(numBlocks)]
    numVars = sum(numBlockVars)
    numCons = sum(numBlockCons) + args.numLinkingCons

    VARIABLES = dict(((i, j), 0) for i in range(numBlocks) 
                 for j in range(numBlockVars[i]))  

    for k in range(numBlocks):
        CONSTRAINTS.append(["C"+str(k)+"_"+str(j) for j in range(numCons)])
    CONSTRAINTS.append(["C"+str(numBlocks)+"_"+str(j) for j in range(numCons)])

    #Generate random MILP
    var = LpVariable.dicts("x", VARIABLES, 0, 1, LpBinary)

    OBJ, MAT, RHS = GenerateRandomBlock(VARIABLES, CONSTRAINTS[numBlocks],
                                        rand_seed = args.randomSeed, tightness = args.tightness,
                                        density = args.density)

    prob += -lpSum([OBJ[i]*var[i] for i in var]), "Objective"

    #Linking constraints
    for j in CONSTRAINTS[numBlocks]:
        prob += lpSum([MAT[i, j]*var[i] for i in var]) <= RHS[j], j

    for k in range(numBlocks):
        OBJ, MAT, RHS = GenerateRandomBlock([(k, i) for i in range(numBlockVars[k])], 
        for j in CONSTRAINTS[k]:
            prob.relaxation[k] += (lpSum([MAT[(k, i), j]*var[k, i] for i in
                                          range(numBlockVars[k])]) <=RHS[j], j)
    return prob
Exemple #7
def formulate(args):

    FIXED_COST = None

    if args.module:
        m = ilib.import_module(args.module)
        DEMAND = m.DEMAND
        if hasattr(m, 'FIXED_COST'):
            FIXED_COST = m.FIXED_COST
        if hasattr(m, 'ASSIGNMENTS'):
        if hasattr(m, 'ASSIGNMENT_COSTS'):
        LOCATIONS = range(args.numLocations)
        PRODUCTS = range(args.numProducts)
        DEMAND = [int(i) for i in args.demands]
        CAPACITY = args.capacity
        if args.fixedCosts != None:
            FIXED_COST = [int(i) for i in args.fixedCosts]

    if FIXED_COST == None:
        FIXED_COST = {i: 1 for i in LOCATIONS}
    if ASSIGNMENTS == None:
        ASSIGNMENTS = [(i, j) for i in LOCATIONS for j in PRODUCTS]
    if ASSIGNMENT_COSTS == None:
        ASSIGNMENT_COSTS = {i: 0 for i in ASSIGNMENTS}

    prob = DipProblem("Facility Location")

    assign_vars = LpVariable.dicts("x", ASSIGNMENTS, 0, 1, LpBinary)
    use_vars = LpVariable.dicts("y", LOCATIONS, 0, 1, LpBinary)

    prob += (lpSum(use_vars[i] * FIXED_COST[i] for i in LOCATIONS) +
             lpSum(assign_vars[j] * ASSIGNMENT_COSTS[j]
                   for j in ASSIGNMENTS), "min")

    # assignment constraints
    for j in PRODUCTS:
        prob += lpSum(assign_vars[(i, j)] for i in LOCATIONS) == 1

    # Aggregate capacity constraints
    for i in LOCATIONS:
        prob.relaxation[i] += lpSum(
            assign_vars[(i, j)] * DEMAND[j]
            for j in PRODUCTS) <= CAPACITY * use_vars[i]

    # Disaggregate capacity constraints
    for i, j in ASSIGNMENTS:
        prob.relaxation[i] += assign_vars[(i, j)] <= use_vars[i]

    prob.assign_vars = assign_vars
    prob.use_vars = use_vars

    return prob
Exemple #8
args = parser.parse_args()

#create the set of possible tables
tables = list(range(max_tables))

possible_seatings = [(g, t) for g in guests for t in tables]

#create a binary variable to model if a guest sits at a particular table
x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('possible_seatings',

seating_model = DipProblem("Wedding Seating Model (DIP)",

#specify the maximum number of guests per table
for table in tables:
    seating_model.relaxation[table] += sum([x[(guest, table)]
                                            for guest in guests]) <= \
                                            max_table_size, \

#A guest must seated at one and only one table
for guest in guests:
    seating_model += (sum([x[(guest, table)]
                           for table in tables]) == 1, "Must_seat_%s" % guest)

#create a set of variables to model the objective function