def noti(a="0", title='Now Runnng at', tail=" mode"): def work(): n.send(( title, a + tail, )) go(work)
def cook_clipboard_pic(vistor): ans = 0 def work(): nonlocal ans imgpath = ImageGrab() with open(imgpath, "rb") as f: ans = vistor( os.remove(imgpath) go(work) # return pyperclip.paste() return ans
def caller(a): def calling(sysTrayIcon, a=a): if 0 <= a < len(ops): mode[0] = a if mode[1] == -1: mode[1] = 0 if a < 2 and mode[2] == 1: mode[2] = 0 noti("OCR only") else: if mode[2] != 1: noti(ops[a]) elif a == len(ops): if mode[2] == 1: noti("Translate only") mode[2] = 0 elif mode[2] == 0: noti("OCR&Translate") mode[2] = 1 elif a == len(ops) + 1: if mode[1] != -1: mode[1] = -1 noti("Listening Paused") else: mode[1] = 0 noti("Listening Recoverd") elif a == len(ops) + 2: mode[3] = (mode[3] + 1) % 2 elif a == -1: mode[1] = 1 n.send(("Info", "Exiting")) #print(mode[0], mode[1], mode[2], mode[3]) return lambda sysTrayIcon: go(calling, args=(sysTrayIcon,))
def clipper(mode, n): # c1r # try: def noti(a="0", title='Now Runnng at', tail=" mode"): def work(): n.send(( title, a + tail, )) go(work) action = [pic2text, pic2latex] + [vendor2engine(i) for i in mtVendors] # #print(action) old = pyperclip.paste() def test(): try: nonlocal old pyperclip.copy("test") val = pyperclip.paste() ans = action[2](val) pyperclip.copy(ans) # print(ans) noti("Initlized Successfully!", title="Info", tail="") pyperclip.copy(old) except: pyperclip.copy(old) noti("Initlization Failed!", title="Info", tail="") go(test) def worker(): nonlocal old val = pyperclip.paste(re=1) # def reg(): # nonlocal val # txt = val # txt = str(txt).strip() # # 字符串按行分割 # txt = txt.splitlines() # n = len(txt) # # 用空格拼接每行 # txt = ' '.join(txt) # # 将所有长度大于1的空白符转为1个空格 # txt = ' '.join(txt.split()) # reg() if old == val: return if mode[2] == 0: try: ans = action[mode[0]](val) if mode[0] < 2: noti("OCR Successfully!", title="Info", tail="") except: ans = action[2](val) elif mode[2] == 1: try: dans = action[0](val) except: dans = val if mode[0] < 2: eng = 2 else: eng = mode[0] ans = action[eng](dans) noti("OCR&TRanslation Successfully!", title="Info", tail="") pyperclip.copy(ans, re=1) # print(ans) old = pyperclip.paste(re=1) if old == "pic": old = time.time() while True: if mode[1] == -1: old = pyperclip.paste() if mode[1] == 1: break if mode[1] == 0: go(worker)
mode[0] = 2 # function mode mode[1] = 0 # listening mode mode[2] = 0 # OCR and translate mode mode[3] = 0 # No notification mode n1, n2 = Pipe() clipper = Process(target=clipper, args=(mode, n2)) tray = trayer(ops, mode, n2) # observer = Process(target=clipboard_observer, args=(c1l, mode)) clipper.start() def sub(): nowNotice = None while True: if mode[1] == 1: clipper.kill() tray.shutdown() if nowNotice != None: nowNotice.kill() break title, msg = n1.recv() if nowNotice != None: nowNotice.kill() nowNotice = Process(target=WindowsBalloonTip, args=(msg, title)).start() go(sub) except: pass