def create_shop_menu(stock, gold): entries = [] row = [] for i, it in enumerate(stock): entry = { 'type': 'item_button', 'item': it['item'], 'price': it['item'].price, 'quantity': it['quantity'], 'index': i, 'id': BuyMenu.INTERAC_BUY } row.append(entry) if len(row) == 2: entries.append(row) row = [] if row: entries.append(row) # Gold at end entry = [{ 'type': 'text', 'text': 'Your gold : ' + str(gold), 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT'] }] entries.append(entry) return InfoBox("Shop - Buying", BuyMenu, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, ITEM_MENU_WIDTH, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION, title_color=ORANGE)
def create_main_menu(initialization_phase, pos): # Transform pos tuple into rect tile = pg.Rect(pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1) entries = [[{ 'name': 'Save', 'id': MainMenu.SAVE }], [{ 'name': 'Suspend', 'id': MainMenu.SUSPEND }]] if initialization_phase: entries.append([{'name': 'Start', 'id': MainMenu.START}]) else: entries.append([{'name': 'End Turn', 'id': MainMenu.END_TURN}]) for row in entries: for entry in row: entry['type'] = 'button' return InfoBox("Main Menu", MainMenu, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, ACTION_MENU_WIDTH, el_rect_linked=tile)
def create_inventory_menu(items, gold, for_sell=False): entries = [] row = [] method_id = SellMenu.INTERAC_SELL if for_sell else InventoryMenu.INTERAC_ITEM for i, it in enumerate(items): entry = {'type': 'item_button', 'item': it, 'index': i, 'id': method_id} # Test if price should appeared if for_sell and it: entry['price'] = it.resell_price row.append(entry) if len(row) == 2: entries.append(row) row = [] if row: entries.append(row) # Gold at end entry = [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'Your gold : ' + str(gold), 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT']}] entries.append(entry) title = "Shop - Selling" if for_sell else "Inventory" menu_id = SellMenu if for_sell else InventoryMenu title_color = ORANGE if for_sell else WHITE return InfoBox(title, menu_id, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, ITEM_MENU_WIDTH, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION, title_color=title_color)
def create_trade_item_menu(item_button_pos, item, players): entries = [[{ 'name': 'Info', 'id': ItemMenu.INFO_ITEM }], [{ 'name': 'Trade', 'id': ItemMenu.TRADE_ITEM, 'args': players }]] formatted_item_name = str(item) for row in entries: for entry in row: entry['type'] = 'button' item_rect = pg.Rect(item_button_pos[0] - 20, item_button_pos[1], ITEM_BUTTON_SIZE[0], ITEM_BUTTON_SIZE[1]) return InfoBox(formatted_item_name, ItemMenu, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, ACTION_MENU_WIDTH, el_rect_linked=item_rect, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION)
def create_item_menu(item_button_pos, item, is_equipped=False): entries = [[{ 'name': 'Info', 'id': ItemMenu.INFO_ITEM }], [{ 'name': 'Throw', 'id': ItemMenu.THROW_ITEM }]] formatted_item_name = str(item) if isinstance(item, Consumable): entries.insert(0, [{'name': 'Use', 'id': ItemMenu.USE_ITEM}]) elif isinstance(item, Equipment): if is_equipped: entries.insert(0, [{ 'name': 'Unequip', 'id': ItemMenu.UNEQUIP_ITEM }]) else: entries.insert(0, [{'name': 'Equip', 'id': ItemMenu.EQUIP_ITEM}]) for row in entries: for entry in row: entry['type'] = 'button' item_rect = pg.Rect(item_button_pos[0] - 20, item_button_pos[1], ITEM_BUTTON_SIZE[0], ITEM_BUTTON_SIZE[1]) return InfoBox(formatted_item_name, ItemMenu, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, ACTION_MENU_WIDTH, el_rect_linked=item_rect, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION)
def create_reward_menu(mission): entries = [[{ 'type': 'text', 'text': 'Congratulations ! Objective has been completed !', 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT'] }]] if entries.append([{ 'type': 'text', 'text': 'Earned gold : ' + str( + ' (all characters)' }]) for item in mission.items: entries.append([{ 'type': 'text', 'text': 'Earned item : ' + str(item) }]) return InfoBox(mission.desc, "", "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, REWARD_MENU_WIDTH, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION)
def create_options_menu(params): entries = [[ load_parameter_entry("Move speed : ", [{ 'label': 'Slow', 'value': ANIMATION_SPEED // 2 }, { 'label': 'Normal', 'value': ANIMATION_SPEED }, { 'label': 'Fast', 'value': ANIMATION_SPEED * 2 }], params['move_speed'], OptionsMenu.CHANGE_MOVE_SPEED) ], [ load_parameter_entry("Screen mode : ", [{ 'label': 'Window', 'value': SCREEN_SIZE // 2 }, { 'label': 'Full', 'value': SCREEN_SIZE }], params['screen_size'], OptionsMenu.CHANGE_SCREEN_SIZE) ]] return InfoBox("Options", OptionsMenu, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, START_MENU_WIDTH, close_button=1)
def create_equipment_menu(equipments): entries = [] body_parts = [['head'], ['body'], ['right_hand', 'left_hand'], ['feet']] for part in body_parts: row = [] for member in part: equipment = None index = -1 for i, eq in enumerate(equipments): if member == eq.body_part: equipment = eq index = i break entry = { 'type': 'item_button', 'item': equipment, 'index': index, 'size': ITEM_BUTTON_SIZE_EQ, 'id': EquipmentMenu.INTERAC_EQUIPMENT } row.append(entry) entries.append(row) return InfoBox("Equipment", EquipmentMenu, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, EQUIPMENT_MENU_WIDTH, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION)
def create_status_entity_menu(ent): keywords_display = ent.get_formatted_keywords() if isinstance(ent, Foe) else '' entries = [[{'type': 'text', 'text': keywords_display, 'font': fonts['ITALIC_ITEM_FONT']}], [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'LEVEL : ' + str(ent.lvl), 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT']}], [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'ATTACK', 'font': fonts['MENU_SUB_TITLE_FONT'], 'color': DARK_GREEN, 'margin': (20, 0, 20, 0)}, {}, {}, {'type': 'text', 'text': 'LOOT', 'font': fonts['MENU_SUB_TITLE_FONT'], 'color': DARK_GREEN, 'margin': (20, 0, 20, 0)} if isinstance(ent, Foe) else {}, {}], [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'TYPE :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(ent.attack_kind.value)}, {}, {}, {}], [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'REACH :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': ent.get_formatted_reach()}, {}, {}, {}], [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}], [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}], [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'STATS', 'font': fonts['MENU_SUB_TITLE_FONT'], 'color': DARK_GREEN, 'margin': (10, 0, 10, 0)}, {}, {}, {'type': 'text', 'text': 'SKILLS', 'font': fonts['MENU_SUB_TITLE_FONT'], 'color': DARK_GREEN, 'margin': (10, 0, 10, 0)}, {}], [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'HP :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(ent.hp) + ' / ' + str(ent.hp_max), 'color': determine_hp_color(ent.hp, ent.hp_max)}, {}, {}, {}], [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'MOVE :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(ent.max_moves)}, {}, {}, {}], [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'ATTACK :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(ent.strength)}, {}, {}, {}], [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'DEFENSE :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(ent.defense)}, {}, {}, {}], [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'MAGICAL RES :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(ent.res)}, {}, {}, {}], [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'ALTERATIONS', 'font': fonts['MENU_SUB_TITLE_FONT'], 'color': DARK_GREEN, 'margin': (10, 0, 10, 0)}]] alts = ent.alterations if not alts: entries.append([{'type': 'text', 'text': 'None'}]) for alt in alts: entries.append([{'type': 'text_button', 'name': str(alt), 'id': StatusMenu.INFO_ALTERATION, 'color': WHITE, 'color_hover': TURQUOISE, 'obj': alt}]) if isinstance(ent, Foe): loot = ent.potential_loot i = 3 for (item, probability) in loot: name = str(item) entries[i][3] = {'type': 'text', 'text': name} entries[i][4] = {'type': 'text', 'text': ' (' + str(probability * 100) + '%)'} i += 1 # Display skills i = 7 for skill in ent.skills: entries[i][3] = {'type': 'text', 'text': '> ' + skill.formatted_name} i += 1 return InfoBox(str(ent), StatusMenu, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, FOE_STATUS_MENU_WIDTH, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION)
def create_alteration_info_menu(alteration): turns_left = alteration.get_turns_left() entries = [[{'type': 'text', 'text': alteration.desc, 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT'], 'margin': (20, 0, 20, 0)}], [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'Turns left : ' + str(turns_left), 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT'], 'margin': (0, 0, 10, 0), 'color': ORANGE}]] return InfoBox(str(alteration), "", "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, STATUS_INFO_MENU_WIDTH, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION)
def create_save_menu(): entries = [] for i in range(SAVE_SLOTS): entries.append([{'type': 'button', 'name': 'Save ' + str(i + 1), 'id': SaveMenu.SAVE, 'args': [i]}]) return InfoBox("Save Game", SaveMenu, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, START_MENU_WIDTH, close_button=1)
def create_start_menu(): entries = [[{'name': 'New game', 'id': StartMenu.NEW_GAME}], [{'name': 'Load game', 'id': StartMenu.LOAD_GAME}], [{'name': 'Options', 'id': StartMenu.OPTIONS}], [{'name': 'Exit game', 'id': StartMenu.EXIT}]] for row in entries: for entry in row: entry['type'] = 'button' return InfoBox("In the name of the Five Cats", StartMenu, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, START_MENU_WIDTH)
def create_item_sell_menu(item_button_pos, item): entries = [ [{'name': 'Sell', 'id': ItemMenu.SELL_ITEM, 'type': 'button'}], [{'name': 'Info', 'id': ItemMenu.INFO_ITEM, 'type': 'button'}] ] formatted_item_name = str(item) item_rect = pg.Rect(item_button_pos[0] - 20, item_button_pos[1], ITEM_BUTTON_SIZE[0], ITEM_BUTTON_SIZE[1]) return InfoBox(formatted_item_name, ItemMenu, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, ACTION_MENU_WIDTH, el_rect_linked=item_rect, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION)
def create_trade_menu(first_player, second_player): # Extract data from players items_max = first_player.nb_items_max items_first = list(first_player.items) free_spaces = items_max - len(items_first) items_first += [None] * free_spaces items_max = first_player.nb_items_max items_second = list(second_player.items) free_spaces = items_max - len(items_second) items_second += [None] * free_spaces entries = [] method_id = TradeMenu.INTERAC_ITEM # We assume that first player and second player items lists have the same size and are even for i in range(len(items_first) // 2): row = [] for owner_i, items in enumerate([items_first, items_second]): for j in range(2): entry = {'type': 'item_button', 'item': items[i * 2 + j], 'index': i, 'subtype': 'trade', 'id': method_id, 'args': [first_player, second_player, owner_i]} row.append(entry) entries.append(row) # Buttons to trade gold method_id = TradeMenu.SEND_GOLD entry = [ {'type': 'button', 'name': '50G ->', 'size': (90, 30), 'margin': (30, 0, 0, 0), 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT'], 'id': method_id, 'args': [first_player, second_player, 0, 50]}, {'type': 'button', 'name': '200G ->', 'size': (90, 30), 'margin': (30, 0, 0, 0), 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT'], 'id': method_id, 'args': [first_player, second_player, 0, 200]}, {'type': 'button', 'name': 'All ->', 'size': (90, 30), 'margin': (30, 0, 0, 0), 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT'], 'id': method_id, 'args': [first_player, second_player, 0,]}, {'type': 'button', 'name': '<- 50G', 'size': (90, 30), 'margin': (30, 0, 0, 0), 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT'], 'id': method_id, 'args': [first_player, second_player, 1, 50]}, {'type': 'button', 'name': '<- 200G', 'size': (90, 30), 'margin': (30, 0, 0, 0), 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT'], 'id': method_id, 'args': [first_player, second_player, 1, 200]}, {'type': 'button', 'name': '<- All', 'size': (90, 30), 'margin': (30, 0, 0, 0), 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT'], 'id': method_id, 'args': [first_player, second_player, 1,]}] entries.append(entry) # Gold at end entry = [{'type': 'text', 'text': str(first_player) + '\'s gold : ' + str(, 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT']}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(second_player) + '\'s gold : ' + str(, 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT']}] entries.append(entry) title = "Trade" menu_id = TradeMenu title_color = WHITE return InfoBox(title, menu_id, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, TRADE_MENU_WIDTH, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION, sep=True, title_color=title_color)
def load_game(self, game_id): try: save = open(f"saves/save_{game_id}.xml", "r") # Test if there is a current saved game if save: tree_root = etree.parse(save).getroot() index = tree_root.find("level/index").text.strip() level_name = 'maps/level_' + index + '/' game_status = tree_root.find("level/phase").text.strip() turn_nb = 0 if game_status != 'I': turn_nb = int(tree_root.find("level/turn").text.strip()) # Load level with current game status, foes states, and team self.level_id = int(index) level = Level(level_name, self.level_id, LevelStatus[game_status], turn_nb, tree_root.find("level/entities")) save.close() return except FileNotFoundError: # No saved game self.background_menus.append([self.active_menu, True]) name = "Load Game" entries = [[{ 'type': 'text', 'text': "No saved game.", 'font': fonts['MENU_SUB_TITLE_FONT'] }]] width = self.screen.get_width() // 2 self.active_menu = InfoBox(name, "", "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, width, close_button=1)
def create_status_menu(player): entries = [[{}, {'type': 'text', 'color': GREEN, 'text': 'Name :', 'font': fonts['ITALIC_ITEM_FONT']}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(player)}, {}], [{}, {}, {'type': 'text', 'color': DARK_GREEN, 'text': 'SKILLS', 'font': fonts['MENU_SUB_TITLE_FONT'], 'margin': (10, 0, 10, 0)}], [{'type': 'text', 'color': GREEN, 'text': 'Class :', 'font': fonts['ITALIC_ITEM_FONT']}, {'type': 'text', 'text': player.get_formatted_classes()}], [{'type': 'text', 'color': GREEN, 'text': 'Race :', 'font': fonts['ITALIC_ITEM_FONT']}, {'type': 'text', 'text': player.get_formatted_race()}], [{'type': 'text', 'color': GREEN, 'text': 'Level :', 'font': fonts['ITALIC_ITEM_FONT']}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(player.lvl)}], [{'type': 'text', 'color': GOLD, 'text': ' XP :', 'font': fonts['ITALIC_ITEM_FONT']}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(player.xp) + ' / ' + str(player.xp_next_lvl)}], [{'type': 'text', 'color': DARK_GREEN, 'text': 'STATS', 'font': fonts['MENU_SUB_TITLE_FONT'], 'margin': (10, 0, 10, 0)}], [{'type': 'text', 'color': WHITE, 'text': 'HP :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(player.hp) + ' / ' + str(player.hp_max), 'color': determine_hp_color(player.hp, player.hp_max)}], [{'type': 'text', 'color': WHITE, 'text': 'MOVE :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(player.max_moves) + player.get_formatted_stat_change('speed')}], [{'type': 'text', 'color': WHITE, 'text': 'CONSTITUTION :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(player.constitution)}], [{'type': 'text', 'color': WHITE, 'text': 'ATTACK :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(player.strength) + player.get_formatted_stat_change('strength')}], [{'type': 'text', 'color': WHITE, 'text': 'DEFENSE :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(player.defense) + player.get_formatted_stat_change('defense')}], [{'type': 'text', 'color': WHITE, 'text': 'MAGICAL RES :'}, {'type': 'text', 'text': str(player.res) + player.get_formatted_stat_change('resistance')}], [{'type': 'text', 'color': DARK_GREEN, 'text': 'ALTERATIONS', 'font': fonts['MENU_SUB_TITLE_FONT'], 'margin': (10, 0, 10, 0)}]] alts = player.alterations if not alts: entries.append([{'type': 'text', 'color': WHITE, 'text': 'None'}]) for alt in alts: entries.append([{'type': 'text_button', 'name': str(alt), 'id': StatusMenu.INFO_ALTERATION, 'color': WHITE, 'color_hover': TURQUOISE, 'obj': alt}]) # Display skills i = 2 for skill in player.skills: skill_displayed = {'type': 'text_button', 'name': skill.formatted_name, 'id': StatusMenu.INFO_SKILL, 'color': WHITE, 'color_hover': TURQUOISE, 'obj': skill} entries[i].append(skill_displayed) i += 1 for j in range(i, len(entries)): entries[j].append({}) return InfoBox("Status", StatusMenu, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, STATUS_MENU_WIDTH, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION)
def create_skill_info_menu(skill): entries = [[{ 'type': 'text', 'text': skill.desc, 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT'], 'margin': (20, 0, 20, 0) }], [{ 'type': 'text', 'text': '', 'margin': (0, 0, 10, 0) }]] return InfoBox(skill.formatted_name, "", "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, STATUS_INFO_MENU_WIDTH, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION)
def create_item_desc_menu(item): item_title = str(item) entries = [[{'type': 'text', 'text': item.desc, 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT'], 'margin': (20, 0, 20, 0)}]] if isinstance(item, Equipment): if item.restrictions != {}: entries.append(create_item_desc_stat('RESERVED TO', item.get_formatted_restrictions())) if item.atk > 0: entries.append(create_item_desc_stat('POWER', str(item.atk))) if item.defense > 0: entries.append(create_item_desc_stat('DEFENSE', str(item.defense))) if item.res > 0: entries.append(create_item_desc_stat('MAGICAL RES', str(item.res))) if isinstance(item, Weapon): # Compute reach reach_txt = "" for nb in item.reach: reach_txt += str(nb) + ', ' reach_txt = reach_txt[:len(reach_txt) - 2] entries.append(create_item_desc_stat('TYPE OF DAMAGE', str(item.attack_kind.value))) entries.append(create_item_desc_stat('REACH', reach_txt)) for possible_effect in item.effects: entries.append(create_item_desc_stat('EFFECT', str(possible_effect['effect']) + ' (' + str(possible_effect['probability']) + '%)')) strong_against_formatted = item.get_formatted_strong_against() if strong_against_formatted: entries.append(create_item_desc_stat('STRONG AGAINST', strong_against_formatted)) if isinstance(item, Shield): entries.append(create_item_desc_stat('PARRY RATE', str(item.parry) + '%')) if isinstance(item, Weapon) or isinstance(item, Shield): entries.append(create_item_desc_stat('DURABILITY', str(item.durability) + ' / ' + str(item.durability_max))) entries.append(create_item_desc_stat('WEIGHT', str(item.weight))) elif isinstance(item, Consumable): for eff in item.effects: entries.append(create_item_desc_stat('EFFECT', eff.get_formatted_desc())) return InfoBox(item_title, "", "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, ITEM_INFO_MENU_WIDTH, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION)
def create_diary_menu(entries): return InfoBox("Diary", "", "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, BATTLE_SUMMARY_WIDTH, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION)
def create_player_menu(player, buildings, interact_entities, missions, foes): entries = [[{ 'name': 'Inventory', 'id': CharacterMenu.INV }], [{ 'name': 'Equipment', 'id': CharacterMenu.EQUIPMENT }], [{ 'name': 'Status', 'id': CharacterMenu.STATUS }], [{ 'name': 'Wait', 'id': CharacterMenu.WAIT }]] # Options flags chest_option = False portal_option = False fountain_option = False talk_option = False trade_option = False pick_lock_option = False door_option = False case_pos = (player.pos[0], player.pos[1] - TILE_SIZE) if (0, 0) < case_pos < (MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT): for building in buildings: if building.pos == case_pos: entries.insert(0, [{ 'name': 'Visit', 'id': CharacterMenu.VISIT }]) break for ent in interact_entities: if abs(ent.pos[0] - player.pos[0]) + abs(ent.pos[1] - player.pos[1]) == TILE_SIZE: if isinstance(ent, Player): if not trade_option: entries.insert(0, [{ 'name': 'Trade', 'id': CharacterMenu.TRADE }]) trade_option = True elif isinstance(ent, Chest): if not ent.opened and not chest_option: entries.insert(0, [{ 'name': 'Open Chest', 'id': CharacterMenu.OPEN_CHEST }]) chest_option = True if 'lock_picking' in player.skills and not pick_lock_option: entries.insert(0, [{ 'name': 'Pick Lock', 'id': CharacterMenu.PICK_LOCK }]) pick_lock_option = True elif isinstance(ent, Door): if not door_option: entries.insert(0, [{ 'name': 'Open Door', 'id': CharacterMenu.OPEN_DOOR }]) door_option = True if 'lock_picking' in player.skills and not pick_lock_option: entries.insert(0, [{ 'name': 'Pick Lock', 'id': CharacterMenu.PICK_LOCK }]) pick_lock_option = True elif isinstance(ent, Portal): if not portal_option: entries.insert(0, [{ 'name': 'Use Portal', 'id': CharacterMenu.USE_PORTAL }]) portal_option = True elif isinstance(ent, Fountain): if not fountain_option: entries.insert(0, [{ 'name': 'Drink', 'id': CharacterMenu.DRINK }]) fountain_option = True elif isinstance(ent, Character): if not talk_option: entries.insert(0, [{ 'name': 'Talk', 'id': CharacterMenu.TALK }]) talk_option = True # Check if player is on mission position for mission in missions: if mission.type is MissionType.POSITION or mission.type is MissionType.TOUCH_POSITION: if mission.pos_is_valid(player.pos): entries.insert(0, [{'name': 'Take', 'id': CharacterMenu.TAKE}]) # Check if player could attack something, according to weapon range if player.can_attack(): w_range = [ 1 ] if player.get_weapon() is None else player.get_weapon().reach end = False for foe in foes: for reach in w_range: if abs(foe.pos[0] - player.pos[0]) + abs( foe.pos[1] - player.pos[1]) == TILE_SIZE * reach: entries.insert(0, [{ 'name': 'Attack', 'id': CharacterMenu.ATTACK }]) end = True break if end: break for row in entries: for entry in row: entry['type'] = 'button' return InfoBox("Select an action", CharacterMenu, "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, ACTION_MENU_WIDTH, el_rect_linked=player.get_rect())
def create_event_dialog(dialog_el): entries = [[{'type': 'text', 'text': s, 'font': fonts['ITEM_DESC_FONT']}] for s in dialog_el['talks']] return InfoBox(dialog_el['title'], "", "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, DIALOG_WIDTH, close_button=UNFINAL_ACTION, title_color=ORANGE)
class StartScreen: screen_size = SCREEN_SIZE def __init__(self, screen): self.screen = screen self.menu_screen = self.screen.copy() # Start screen loop background_image = pg.image.load( 'imgs/interface/main_menu_background.jpg').convert_alpha() self.background = pg.transform.scale(background_image, screen.get_size()) # Creating menu self.active_menu = menuCreatorManager.create_start_menu() self.background_menus = [] # Memorize if a game is currently being performed self.level = None self.levels = [0, 1, 2, 3] self.level_id = None # Load current saved parameters StartScreen.load_options() self.exit = False @staticmethod def load_options(): # Load current move speed Movable.move_speed = int(StartScreen.read_options_file("move_speed")) StartScreen.screen_size = int( StartScreen.read_options_file("screen_size")) @staticmethod def read_options_file(el_to_read): tree = etree.parse("saves/options.xml").getroot() el = tree.find(".//" + el_to_read) return el.text.strip() @staticmethod def modify_options_file(el_to_edit, new_value): tree = etree.parse("saves/options.xml") el = tree.find(".//" + el_to_edit) el.text = str(new_value) tree.write("saves/options.xml") def display(self): if self.level: self.screen.fill(BLACK) self.level.display(self.screen) else: self.screen.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) for menu in self.background_menus: if menu[1]: menu[0].display(self.screen) if self.active_menu: self.active_menu.display(self.screen) def play(self, level): # Modify screen flags = pg.FULLSCREEN if StartScreen.screen_size == 2 else 0 self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT), flags) self.level = level def update_state(self): if self.level: status = self.level.update_state() if status is LevelStatus.ENDED_VICTORY and (self.level_id + 1) in self.levels: self.level_id += 1 team = self.level.passed_players + self.level.players for player in team: # Players are fully restored between level player.healed(player.hp_max) # Reset player's state player.new_turn(), team)) elif status is LevelStatus.ENDED_VICTORY or status is LevelStatus.ENDED_DEFEAT: # TODO: Game win dialog? self.screen = pg.display.set_mode( (MAIN_WIN_WIDTH, MAIN_WIN_HEIGHT)) self.level = None @staticmethod def load_level(level, team=None): if team is None: team = [] return Level('maps/level_' + str(level) + '/', level, players=team) def new_game(self): # Init the first level self.level_id = 0 def load_game(self, game_id): try: save = open(f"saves/save_{game_id}.xml", "r") # Test if there is a current saved game if save: tree_root = etree.parse(save).getroot() index = tree_root.find("level/index").text.strip() level_name = 'maps/level_' + index + '/' game_status = tree_root.find("level/phase").text.strip() turn_nb = 0 if game_status != 'I': turn_nb = int(tree_root.find("level/turn").text.strip()) # Load level with current game status, foes states, and team self.level_id = int(index) level = Level(level_name, self.level_id, LevelStatus[game_status], turn_nb, tree_root.find("level/entities")) save.close() return except FileNotFoundError: # No saved game self.background_menus.append([self.active_menu, True]) name = "Load Game" entries = [[{ 'type': 'text', 'text': "No saved game.", 'font': fonts['MENU_SUB_TITLE_FONT'] }]] width = self.screen.get_width() // 2 self.active_menu = InfoBox(name, "", "imgs/interface/PopUpMenu.png", entries, width, close_button=1) def load_menu(self): self.background_menus.append([self.active_menu, False]) self.active_menu = menuCreatorManager.create_load_menu() def options_menu(self): self.background_menus.append([self.active_menu, False]) self.active_menu = menuCreatorManager.create_options_menu({ 'move_speed': int(self.read_options_file('move_speed')), 'screen_size': int(self.read_options_file('screen_size')) }) def exit_game(self): self.exit = True def main_menu_action(self, method_id, args): # Execute action if method_id is StartMenu.NEW_GAME: self.new_game() elif method_id is StartMenu.LOAD_GAME: self.load_menu() elif method_id is StartMenu.OPTIONS: self.options_menu() elif method_id is StartMenu.EXIT: self.exit_game() else: print(f"Unknown action : {method_id}") def load_menu_action(self, method_id, args): # Execute action if method_id is LoadMenu.LOAD: self.load_game(args[2][0]) else: print(f"Unknown action: {method_id}") @staticmethod def options_menu_action(method_id, args): # Execute action if method_id is OptionsMenu.CHANGE_MOVE_SPEED: Movable.move_speed = args[2][0] StartScreen.modify_options_file("move_speed", args[2][0]) elif method_id is OptionsMenu.CHANGE_SCREEN_SIZE: StartScreen.screen_size = args[2][0] StartScreen.modify_options_file("screen_size", args[2][0]) else: print(f"Unknown action : {method_id}") def execute_action(self, menu_type, action): if not action: return method_id = action[0] args = action[1] # Test if the action is a generic one (according to the method_id) # Close menu : Active menu is closed if method_id is GenericActions.CLOSE: self.active_menu = self.background_menus.pop( )[0] if self.background_menus else None return if menu_type is StartMenu: self.main_menu_action(method_id, args) elif menu_type is OptionsMenu: StartScreen.options_menu_action(method_id, args) elif menu_type is LoadMenu: self.load_menu_action(method_id, args) else: print(f"Unknown menu : {menu_type}") def motion(self, pos): if self.level is None: self.active_menu.motion(pos) else: self.level.motion(pos) def click(self, button, pos): if self.level is None: if button == 1: self.execute_action(self.active_menu.type, else:, pos) return self.exit def button_down(self, button, pos): if self.level is not None: self.level.button_down(button, pos)