def channel_details_v2(token, channel_id): ''' Summary: Given a Channel with ID channel_id that the authorised user is part of, provide basic details about the channel Args: token (string): A user session token channel_id (int): A channel_id number Returns: a dictionary which contains: name of the channel the is_public status of the channel (True for public, False for private) a list of owner_member for the channel a list of members for a channel Raises: InputError when: Channel ID is not a valid channel AccessError when: Authorised user is not a member of channel with channel_id ''' global users, channels assert check_token(token) auth_user = user_from_token(token) if valid_channel(channel_id) == False: raise InputError(f"Channel ID {channel_id} is not a valid channel") current_channel = find_channel( channel_id) #current channel with the given channel id if auth_user['u_id'] not in current_channel['all_members']: raise AccessError( f"Authorised user {auth_user['u_id']} is not a member of channel with channel_id {channel_id}" ) owner_members = [] all_members = [] for u_id in current_channel['all_members']: for user in users: if user['u_id'] == u_id: user_details = {} user_details['u_id'] = user['u_id'] user_details['email'] = user['email'] user_details['name_first'] = user['name_first'] user_details['name_last'] = user['name_last'] user_details['handle_str'] = user['handle_str'] user_details['profile_img_url'] = user['profile_img_url'] all_members.append(user_details) if u_id in current_channel['owner_members']: owner_members.append(user_details) return { #give the name of the dictonary then the values 'name': current_channel['name'], 'is_public': current_channel['is_public'], 'owner_members': owner_members, 'all_members': all_members }
def standup_start_v1(token, channel_id, length): ''' Summary: For a given channel, start the standup period whereby for the next "length" seconds if someone calls "standup_send" with a message, it is buffered during the X second window then at the end of the X second window a message will be added to the message queue in the channel from the user who started the standup. X is an integer that denotes the number of seconds that the standup occurs for Args: token (string): A user session token channel_id (int): A channel_id number length (int): A length of how long the standup runs Returns: dictionary which contains the time_finished Raises: InputError when: Channel ID is not a valid channel An active standup is currently running in this channel AccessError when: Authorised user is not in the channel ''' global channels check_token(token) if valid_channel(channel_id) == False: raise InputError(f'Channel ID {channel_id} is not a valid channel') auth_user_id = user_from_token(token)['u_id'] if is_channel_member(auth_user_id, channel_id) == False: raise AccessError(f'Authorised user is not in the channel') current_channel = find_channel(channel_id) if current_channel['standup']['is_active'] == True: raise InputError( f'An active standup is currently running in this channel') standup_period_finish = timezone.utc) + timedelta(seconds=length) timestamp = standup_period_finish.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() # what will i add to the message here #dummy = '' #message_id = message_sendlater_v1(token, channel_id, dummy, timestamp) #message id here or standup send #standup_info = {} #create the standup dicitonary in channel create current_channel['standup']['is_active'] = True current_channel['standup']['creator'] = auth_user_id current_channel['standup']['messages'] = [] current_channel['standup']['time_finish'] = timestamp #current_channel['standup'] = standup_info return {'time_finish': timestamp}
def channel_invite_v2(token, channel_id, u_id): ''' Summary: Invites a user (with user id u_id) to join a channel with ID channel_id. Once invited the user is added to the channel immediately. Args: token (string): A user session token channel_id (int): A channel_id number u_id (int): A user id Returns: empty dictionary Raises: InputError when: channel_id does not refer to a valid channel u_id does not refer to a valid user AccessError when: the authorised user is not already a member of the channel ''' global users, channels assert check_token(token) auth_user = user_from_token(token) if valid_channel(channel_id) == False: raise InputError(f"Channel ID {channel_id} is not a valid channel") if valid_user(u_id) == False: raise InputError(f"u_id {u_id} does not refer to a valid user") current_channel = find_channel( channel_id) #current channel with the given channel id invitee = user_from_id(u_id) if auth_user['u_id'] not in current_channel['all_members']: raise AccessError( f"Authorised user {auth_user['u_id']} is not a member of channel with channel_id {channel_id}" ) if u_id in current_channel['all_members']: raise AccessError( f"u_id {u_id} you are inviting is already inside the channel") current_channel['all_members'].append(u_id) if invitee[ 'permission'] == 1: # Dreams owner is automatically channel owner current_channel['owner_members'].append(u_id) invitee['channels'].append(channel_id) update_user_channel_stats(invitee['u_id']) send_channel_added_notification(auth_user['handle_str'], u_id, current_channel['channel_id']) return {}
def channel_join_v2(token, channel_id): ''' Summary: Given a channel_id of a channel that the authorised user can join, add them to that channel members Args: token (string): A user session token channel_id (int): A channel_id number Returns: a empty dictionary Raises: InputError when: Channel ID is not a valid channel AccessError when: channel_id refers to a channel that is private (when the authorised user is not a global owner) ''' global users, channels assert check_token(token) auth_user = user_from_token(token) if valid_channel(channel_id) == False: raise InputError(f"Channel ID {channel_id} is not a valid channel") current_channel = find_channel( channel_id) #current channel with the given channel id is_dreams_owner = auth_user['permission'] == 1 not_in_current_channel = auth_user['u_id'] not in current_channel[ 'all_members'] if current_channel['is_public'] == True: if not_in_current_channel: if is_dreams_owner: current_channel['owner_members'].append(auth_user['u_id']) current_channel['all_members'].append(auth_user['u_id']) auth_user['channels'].append(channel_id) update_user_channel_stats(auth_user['u_id']) else: if is_dreams_owner and not_in_current_channel: current_channel['owner_members'].append(auth_user['u_id']) current_channel['all_members'].append(auth_user['u_id']) auth_user['channels'].append(channel_id) update_user_channel_stats(auth_user['u_id']) else: raise AccessError( f"channel_id {channel_id} refers to a channel that is private ( authorised user is not a global owner)" ) return {}
def channel_addowner_v1(token, channel_id, u_id): ''' Summary: Make user with user id u_id an owner of this channel Args: token (string): A user session token channel_id (int): A channel_id number u_id (int): A user id number Returns: a empty dictionary Raises: InputError when: Channel ID is not a valid channel When user with user id u_id is already an owner of the channel AccessError when: the authorised user is not an owner of the **Dreams**, or an owner of this channel ''' global users, channels assert check_token(token) assert valid_user(u_id) if valid_channel(channel_id) == False: raise InputError(f"Channel ID is not a valid channel") auth_user = user_from_token(token) current_channel = find_channel( channel_id) #current channel with the given channel id if not is_channel_owner(auth_user['u_id'], channel_id) and not is_dreams_owner( auth_user['u_id']): raise AccessError( f"the authorised user is not an owner of the channel or Dreams") if is_channel_owner(u_id, channel_id) == True: raise InputError( f"User with user id {u_id} is already an owner of the channel") target_user = user_from_id(u_id) current_channel['owner_members'].append(u_id) if u_id not in current_channel['all_members']: current_channel['all_members'].append(u_id) target_user['channels'].append(channel_id) update_user_channel_stats(u_id) send_channel_added_notification(auth_user['handle_str'], u_id, current_channel['channel_id']) return {}
def standup_send_v1(token, channel_id, message): check_token(token) sender = user_from_token(token) u_id = sender['u_id'] # InputError when Channel ID is not a valid channel if valid_channel(channel_id) == False: raise InputError(f"Channel ID {channel_id} is not a valid channel") # InputError when Message is more than 1000 characters (not including the username and colon) if len(message) > 1000: raise InputError(f"Message more than 1000 characters") # AccessError when The authorised user is not a member of the channel that the message is within if is_channel_member(u_id, channel_id) == False: raise AccessError( f"The authorised user {u_id} is not a member of the channel that the message is within" ) for channel in channels: if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id: # InputError when An active standup is not currently running in this channel if channel['standup']['is_active'] == False: raise InputError( "An active standup is not currently running in this channel" ) else: message_dict = { 'author_handle': sender['handle_str'], 'message': message } channel['standup']['messages'].append(message_dict) return {}
def message_send_v2(token, channel_id, message): ''' Summary: Send a message from authorised_user to the channel specified by channel_id. Note: Each message should have it's own unique ID. I.E. No messages should share an ID with another message, even if that other message is in a different channel. Args: token (string): A user session token channel_id (int): A channel_id number message (string): a message string Returns: empty dictionary which contains the message_id Raises: InputError when: Message is more than 1000 characters AccessError when: the authorised user has not joined the channel they are trying to post to ''' global users, channels, next_message_id, messages assert check_token(token) assert valid_channel(channel_id) auth_user = user_from_token(token) current_channel = find_channel( channel_id) #current channel with the given channel id if current_channel['standup']['is_active']: standup_send_v1(token, channel_id, message) return if len(message) > 1000: raise InputError(f"Message more than 1000 characters") if auth_user['u_id'] not in current_channel['all_members']: raise AccessError( f"the authorised user has not joined the channel they are trying to post to" ) current_time = current_unix_timestamp() #gives us the current timestamp current_message = {} current_message['message_id'] = next_message_id['id'] #message_id current_message['channel_id'] = channel_id current_message[ 'dm_id'] = -1 #this is a channel message not dm so for all dm's give -1 current_message['author_id'] = auth_user['u_id'] current_message['message'] = message current_message['reacts'] = [] current_message['time_created'] = current_time current_message['is_pinned'] = False current_channel['messages'].append(current_message['message_id']) next_message_id[ 'id'] += 1 #update the global message id so we get unique ids message_words = message.split(' ') # Standup start checker # Start a standup if message is exactly "/standup X" where X is a number of seconds if message.startswith('/standup') and len( message_words) == 2 and message_words[1].isdigit(): duration = int(message_words[1]) standup_start_v1(token, channel_id, duration) #notications checker and handler contains_tag = False tag_strings = [] if '@' in message: for word in message_words: if word.startswith('@'): tag_strings.append(word[1:]) contains_tag = True if contains_tag: for user_id in current_channel['all_members']: user = user_from_id(user_id) if user['handle_str'] in tag_strings: send_channel_tag_notification(auth_user['handle_str'], user_id, channel_id, message) messages.append(current_message) update_user_message_stats(auth_user['u_id']) update_message_stats() return { 'message_id': current_message['message_id'] #message_id }
def message_sendlater_v1(token, channel_id, message, time_sent): """Summary Send a message from authorised_user to the channel specified by channel_id automatically at a specified time in the future Args: token (string): A user session token channel_id (int): A channel id number which the message will be sented to message (string): The text with which the user wishes to sent to channel time_sent (int): the time of when this message will be sent Returns: Dictionary: { message_id } the new message Raises: AccessError: the authorised user has not joined the channel they are trying to post to InputError: Channel ID is not a valid channel Message is more than 1000 characters Time sent is a time in the past """ # current_time = current_unix_timestamp() # time_intervel = time_sent - current_time # # InputError: Time sent is a time in the past # if time_intervel < 0: # raise InputError("Time sent is a time in the past") # time.sleep(time_intervel) # message_id = message_send_v2(token, channel_id, message) # return { 'message_id': message_id } global users, channels, next_message_id, messages assert check_token(token) if valid_channel(channel_id) == False: raise InputError(f"Channel ID {channel_id} is not a valid channel") # InputError: Message is more than 1000 characters if len(message) > 1000: raise InputError(f"Message {message} is more than 1000 characters") current_time = current_unix_timestamp() time_intervel = time_sent - current_time # if datetime.fromtimestamp(time_sent) < datetime.fromtimestamp(current_time): # raise InputError("Time sent is a time in the past") # InputError: Time sent is a time in the past if time_intervel < 0: raise InputError("Time sent is a time in the past") auth_user = user_from_token(token) current_channel = find_channel( channel_id) #current channel with the given channel id if auth_user['u_id'] not in current_channel['all_members']: raise AccessError( f"the authorised user has not joined the channel they are trying to post to" ) message_id = next_message_id['id'] next_message_id['id'] += 1 future_message = {} future_message['message_id'] = message_id #message_id future_message['channel_id'] = channel_id future_message[ 'dm_id'] = -1 #this is a channel message not dm so for all dm's give -1 future_message['author_id'] = auth_user['u_id'] future_message['message'] = message future_message['reacts'] = [] future_message['time_created'] = time_sent future_message['is_pinned'] = False future_messages.append(future_message) return { 'message_id': future_message['message_id'] #message_id }
def channel_leave_v1(token, channel_id): ''' <Given a channel ID, the user removed as a member of this channel. Their messages should remain in the channel> Arguments: <token> (<string>) - <the user that is trying to leave from the channel> <channel_id> (<integer>) - <the channel that the user is trying to leave> Exceptions: InputError - Occurs when Channel ID is not a valid channel AccessError - Occurs when Authorised user is not a member of channel with channel_id Return Value: no returns in this function ''' check_token(token) # Channel ID is not a valid channel if not valid_channel(channel_id): raise InputError(f"Channel ID {channel_id} is not a valid channel") ''' user = user_from_token(token) u_id = user['u_id'] # Authorised user is not a member of channel with channel_id if not is_channel_member(u_id, channel_id): raise AccessError(f"Authorised user {u_id} is not a member of channel with channel_id") ''' auth_user = user_from_token(token) if is_channel_member(auth_user['u_id'], channel_id) == False: raise AccessError( f"Authorised user {auth_user['u_id']} is not a member of channel with channel_id" ) for channel in channels: if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id: channel['all_members'].remove(auth_user['u_id']) for owner_member in list(channel['owner_members']): if owner_member == auth_user['u_id']: channel['owner_members'].remove(auth_user['u_id']) auth_user['channels'].remove(channel_id) update_user_channel_stats(auth_user['u_id']) ''' # remove the member from the channel all_member list record = -1 for channel in channels: if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id: members = channel['all_members'] for i in range(len(members)): if members[i] == u_id: record = i if record != -1: members.remove(record) # remove this channel in the user's channels # record is the channel which need to be deleted record = -1 user_channel = user['channels'] for i in range(len(user_channel)): if user_channel[i] == channel_id: record = i # removed the record if record != -1: user_channel.remove(record) ''' return {}