def test_ik_spherical_wrist_fk_based(expected_joints, calc_all, dh_melfa_rv_4a, benchmark):
    Check that the joints used in the FK can be reconstructed by the IK
    :param expected_joints:
    :param calc_all:
    :param dh_melfa_rv_4a:
    :param benchmark:
    expected_joints = np.deg2rad(expected_joints)

    # Calculate roboter pose
    tform_under_test = forward_kinematics(dh_melfa_rv_4a, expected_joints)

    # Calculate pose flags
    flags = calculate_pose_flags(dh_melfa_rv_4a, expected_joints)

    # Calculate inverse kinematics
    if calc_all:
        solutions = benchmark(ik_spherical_wrist, dh_melfa_rv_4a, tform_under_test, pose_flags=None)
        solutions = benchmark(ik_spherical_wrist, dh_melfa_rv_4a, tform_under_test, pose_flags=flags)

    print(f'Solutions found for flags: {sorted(solutions.keys())}')
    actual_joints = solutions[flags]
    print(f'Actual:  {[f"{actual:+.5f}" for actual in actual_joints]}')
    print(f'Expect:  {[f"{expect:+.5f}" for expect in expected_joints]} Flags: {flags}')
    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_joints, expected_joints, atol=HUNDREDTH_DEGREE)
Exemple #2
def test_frr(home):
    robot = melfa_rv_4a(rtoff=50, atoff=200)
    tuning = [0.005, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01]
    home = [i / 180 * pi for i in home]
    new_joints = frr(robot, home, weights=tuning)

    tcp_pos = forward_kinematics(robot, home)
    tcp_pos_new = forward_kinematics(robot, new_joints)
    tcp_pos_dev = tcp_pos_new - tcp_pos

    print(f'\nOriginal joints:\t{[f"{i:+.3f}" for i in home]}')
    print(f'New joints:\t\t\t{[f"{i:+.3f}" for i in new_joints]}')
    print(f'TCP Pos Deviation:\t{[f"{i:+.3f}" for i in tcp_pos_dev[0:3, 3]]}')
    print(f'TCP ZDIR Deviation:\t{[f"{i:+.3f}" for i in tcp_pos_dev[0:3, 2]]}')

    # Compare rotation around tool axis / z-axis in base frame
    np.testing.assert_allclose(np.zeros((3, )), tcp_pos_dev[0:3, 2], atol=1e-3)

    # Compare TCP position
    np.testing.assert_allclose(np.zeros((3, )), tcp_pos_dev[0:3, 3], atol=1)
def test_ik_spherical_wrist(xdir, ydir, zdir, pos, expected_joints, flags, exc, dh_melfa_rv_4a):
    Test that for a given TCP-pose the correct joint angles are determined.
    :param xdir: Unit vector of the x-axis of TCP coordinate system expressed in base system
    :param ydir: Unit vector of the y-axis of TCP coordinate system expressed in base system
    :param zdir: Unit vector of the z-axis of TCP coordinate system expressed in base system
    :param pos: TCP position expressed in base system
    :param expected_joints: List of expected joint angles in degrees
    :param dh_melfa_rv_4a: Joint configuration for Mitsubishi Melfa RV-4A
    # Convert the vectors to a homogeneous matrixy
    tform = get_tform(xdir, ydir, zdir, pos)

    # Calculate the inverse kinematics
    print('\n\nCalculating inverse kinematics...')
    if exc is None:
        # Regular solution should be possible
        solutions = ik_spherical_wrist(dh_melfa_rv_4a, tform, pose_flags=None)
        act_joints = solutions[flags]

        for key, val in sorted(solutions.items(), key=lambda d: d[0]):
            print(f'Solution for flag {key}:  {[f"{actual:+.5f}" for actual in val]}')

        # Test the solution
        expected_joints = np.deg2rad(expected_joints)
        print('\nChecking results...')
        print(f'Actual ({flags}):\t{[f"{actual:+.5f}" for actual in act_joints]}')
        print(f'Expect:\t{[f"{expect:+.5f}" for expect in expected_joints]}')

        non_flip = bool((flags & 1) == 1)
        up = bool((flags & 2) == 2)
        right = bool((flags & 4) == 4)

        print(f'EFlags:\t{"R" if right else "L"},{"A" if up else "B"},{"N" if non_flip else "F"}')

        # Reconvert the joint angles to a pose
        print('\n\nCalculating forward kinematics from solution...')
        tform_fk = forward_kinematics(dh_melfa_rv_4a, act_joints)

        # Check that the matrices are the same
        print('\nChecking results...')

        np.testing.assert_allclose(tform_fk, tform, atol=TENTH_MM, err_msg='FK result deviated by > 0.1 mm')
        np.testing.assert_allclose(act_joints, expected_joints, atol=ONE_DEGREE, err_msg='IK result off by > 1 deg')
        # Singularity expected
        with pytest.raises(exc):
            act_joints = ik_spherical_wrist(dh_melfa_rv_4a, tform, pose_flags=flags)[flags]
            print(f'Actual:  {[f"{actual:+.3f}" for actual in act_joints]}')
    print('All good!')
def test_tform2euler(dh_melfa_rv_4a, joints_deg, a, b, c):
    # Convert to radian
    joints_rad = [np.deg2rad(i) for i in joints_deg]

    # Calculate actual coordinates
    tcp_pose = forward_kinematics(dh_melfa_rv_4a, joints_rad)

    # Calculate euler angles
    actual_angles = tform2euler(tcp_pose)
    actual_angles = np.rad2deg(actual_angles)
    a_actual, b_actual, c_actual = actual_angles

    digits = 5
        f'Actual: A:{a_actual:.{digits}f}° B:{b_actual:.{digits}f}° C:{c_actual:.{digits}f}°'
    print(f'Expected: A:{a:.{digits}f}° B:{b:.{digits}f}° C:{c:.{digits}f}°')

    # Check
    diff_to_gimbal_lock = abs(abs(b) - 90)

    # Different tolerance depending on distance to gimbal lock
    if diff_to_gimbal_lock == 0.0:
        # Gimbal lock!
        assert round(b - b_actual, 3) % 360 == pytest.approx(0, abs=0.01)
        assert round(a - a_actual + c - c_actual, 3) % 360 == pytest.approx(
            0, abs=1.5)
        if diff_to_gimbal_lock > 0.1:
            # Normal
            atol = 0.01
            # Very close
            atol = 1.0

        # Rounding to many digits is still necessary to get the modulo right
        r = 10

        # Angles match or are off by 360 degrees
        assert (a == pytest.approx(
            a_actual, abs=atol)) or (round(a - a_actual, r) % 360
                                     == pytest.approx(0, abs=atol))
        assert (b == pytest.approx(
            b_actual, abs=atol)) or (round(b - b_actual, r) % 360
                                     == pytest.approx(0, abs=atol))
        assert (c == pytest.approx(
            c_actual, abs=atol)) or (round(c - c_actual, r) % 360
                                     == pytest.approx(0, abs=atol))
def test_forward_kinematics_two_translational_joints(
        simple_translational_joint, joint_coordinate):
    Validate that the correct position and orientation is obtained for transformations for two translational joints.
    :param simple_translational_joint:
    :param joint_coordinate:
    # Calculate the forward kinematics
    transformation = forward_kinematics([simple_translational_joint] * 2,
                                        [joint_coordinate] * 2)

    validate_vec('X', transformation, [1, 0, 0])
    validate_vec('Y', transformation, [0, 1, 0])
    validate_vec('Z', transformation, [0, 0, 1])
    validate_vec('pos', transformation, [0, 0, 2 * joint_coordinate])
def _calc_j2_dependants(conf: List[BaseJoint], non_flip: Optional[bool], p14: np.ndarray, flag_sum: int, j1: float,
                        j2_solutions: Dict[bool, float], tf12: np.ndarray, xdir: np.ndarray, zdir: np.ndarray) \
        -> JointSolution:
    Calculate all dependant angles (3-6) for given j2 solutions
    :param conf: Tuple of joints, offsets are considered
    :param non_flip: Non-flip flag. If None all possible configurations are calculated.
    :param p14: Vector from frame origin in joint 2 to wrist center
    :param flag_sum: Sum of previous levels. All solutions from here are have flag = flagsum + k, k=0..3
    :param j1: Value of calculated J1 angle
    :param j2_solutions: Dict of J2 solutions. Boolean values of right flag are keys, angles are values.
    :param tf12: Transformation matrix from joint 1 to joint 2
    :param xdir: TCP frame x-direction unit vector
    :param zdir: TCP frame z-direction unit vector
    :return: Dictionary of complete IK solutions. Pose flags are key, lists of angles are values.
    out = {}

    # The solutions of theta 2 contain the corresponding elbow flag
    for idx2, (elbow_up, j2) in enumerate(j2_solutions.items()):
        # No common setup required
            # Calculate theta 3
            j3 = _ik_spherical_wrist_joint3(conf, elbow_up, p14)

            # Calculate transformation from joint 1 to joint 4
            tf24 = forward_kinematics(conf[1:3], [j2, j3],
            tf14 =, tf24)

            # Calculate theta 5 (requires theta 1 - 3)
            j5_solutions = _ik_spherical_wrist_joint5(non_flip, tf14, zdir)

            # Add the flag summand of the current level
            flag_sum += 2 * elbow_up

            # Calculate all angles depending on the j5 solutions
            inner_out = _calc_j5_dependants(conf, flag_sum, [j1, j2, j3],
                                            j5_solutions, tf14, xdir, zdir)

            # Collect the solutions
        except ValueError:
            if len(out) == 0 and idx2 == len(j2_solutions) - 1:
                # IK failed for all theta 2 solutions so failed for current theta 1 only
    return out
def _calc_j5_dependants(conf: List[BaseJoint], flag_sum: int,
                        theta123: List[float], j5_solutions: Dict[bool, float],
                        tf14: np.ndarray, xdir: np.ndarray,
                        zdir: np.ndarray) -> JointSolution:
    Calculate the dependant last joint for given j5 solutions
    :param conf: Tuple of joints, offsets are considered
    :param flag_sum: Sum of previous levels. All solutions from here are have flag = flagsum + k, k=0..1
    :param theta123: List of angles j1-j3
    :param j5_solutions: Dict of J5 solutions. Boolean values of right flag are keys, angles are values.
    :param tf14: Transformation matrix from joint 1 to joint 4
    :param xdir: TCP frame x-direction unit vector
    :param zdir: TCP frame z-direction unit vector
    :return: Dictionary of complete IK solutions. Pose flags are key, lists of angles are values.
    out = {}

    # The solutions of theta 5 contain the corresponding non flip flag
    for idx5, (non_flip, theta5) in enumerate(j5_solutions.items()):
            # Calculate theta 4
            theta4 = _ik_spherical_wrist_joint4(non_flip, tf14, zdir)

            # Calculate transformation from joint 1 to joint 6
            tf46 = forward_kinematics(conf[3:5], [theta4, theta5],
            tf16 =, tf46)

            # Calculate theta 6 (requires theta 1 - 5)
            theta6 = _ik_spherical_wrist_joint6(tf16, xdir)
        except ValueError:
            # Solution failed
            if len(out) == 0 and idx5 == len(j5_solutions) - 1:
                # IK failed for all theta 5 solutions so failed for current theta 2 only
            # Bundle all the angles and wrap them to (-pi, pi]
            theta = theta123 + [theta4, theta5, theta6]
            theta = [
                wrap_to_pi(angle - joint.zero_offset)
                for angle, joint in zip(theta, conf)

            # Append to solutions using the pose flags as key
            out[flag_sum + non_flip] = theta
    return out
def _calc_j1_dependants(config: List[BaseJoint], elbow_up: Optional[bool], non_flip: Optional[bool], p04: np.ndarray,
                        j1_solutions: Dict[bool, float], xdir: np.ndarray, zdir: np.ndarray) \
        -> JointSolution:
    Calculate all dependant angles (2-6) for given j1 solutions
    :param config: Tuple of joints, offsets are considered
    :param elbow_up: Elbow-up flag. If None all possible configurations are calculated.
    :param non_flip: Non-flip flag. If None all possible configurations are calculated.
    :param p04: Wrist center position given in base frame
    :param j1_solutions: Dict of J1 solutions. Boolean values of right flag are keys, angles are values.
    :param xdir: TCP frame x-direction unit vector
    :param zdir: TCP frame z-direction unit vector
    :return: Dictionary of complete IK solutions. Pose flags are key, lists of angles are values.
    out = {}
    # The solutions of theta 1 contain the corresponding flag_sum flag
    for idx1, (right, theta1) in enumerate(j1_solutions.items()):
        # Get the vector from origin of joint 2 (frame 1) to wrist center
        tjoint12 = forward_kinematics([config[0]], [theta1],
        p01 = tjoint12[0:3, 3]
        p14 = p04 - p01

            # Calculate theta 2 for the current flag_right value
            j2_solutions = _ik_spherical_wrist_joint2(config, right, elbow_up,
                                                      tjoint12, p14)

            # Calculate the flag summand of the current level
            flag_sum = 4 * right

            # Calculate all angles depending on the j2 solutions
            inner_out = _calc_j2_dependants(config, non_flip, p14, flag_sum,
                                            theta1, j2_solutions, tjoint12,
                                            xdir, zdir)

            # Collect the solutions
        except ValueError:
            # This is only an issue if this is the last iteration of j1 and no solution has been found yet
            if len(out) == 0 and idx1 == len(j1_solutions) - 1:
                # IK failed for all theta 1 solutions so failed completely
    return out
def test_forward_kinematics_rotational_joint(simple_rotational_joint,
    Validate that the correct position and orientation is obtained for transformations for one rotational joint.
    :param simple_rotational_joint:
    :param joint_coordinate:
    # Calculate the forward kinematics
    transformation = forward_kinematics([simple_rotational_joint],

    validate_vec('X', transformation,
                  sin(joint_coordinate), 0])
    validate_vec('Y', transformation,
                  cos(joint_coordinate), 0])
    validate_vec('Z', transformation, [0, 0, 1])
    validate_vec('pos', transformation, [0, 0, 0])
Exemple #10
def is_node_free_and_within(config: List[BaseJoint],
                            collider: MatlabCollisionChecker,
                            jcurr: List[float], clim: List[float]) -> bool:
    Check whether a node is not in collision and within the cartesian boundaries
    :param config: List of joints containing coordinate transformations.
    :param collider: Matlab collision checking interface
    :param jcurr: Joint coordinates for the given node
    :param clim: Cartesian boundaries
    :return: Flag to indicate whether the node is free and within the cartesian boundaries
    # Check cartesian position
    pose = forward_kinematics(config, jcurr)
    cviolation = get_violated_boundaries(pose[0:3, 3], clim)
    if cviolation:
        # Point is outside of allowed cuboid, generate new node
        return False

    # Check node for collisions
    collisions = collider.check_collisions(jcurr, visual=False)
    return not collisions[0]
Exemple #11
def frr(config: List[BaseJoint], initial_joints: List[float], weights=None, stop_threshold: float = 1e-5) \
        -> List[float]:
    Functional Redundancy Resolution
    :param config: Tuple of joints, offsets are considered
    :param initial_joints: Tuple of joint coordinate values (either mm or radian)
    :param weights:
    :param stop_threshold:
    # Obtain tool column vector as z-axis of endeffector frame
    total_tform = forward_kinematics(config, initial_joints)
    e = total_tform[0:3, 2]
    e = e[:, None]

    # Calculate projector onto tool axis
    t_proj = e @ e.T

    joint_limits = [
        -2.7925, 2.7925, -1.5708, 2.4435, +0.2618, 2.9496, -2.7925, 2.7925,
        -2.0944, 2.0944, -3.4907, 3.4907
    median = [(lower + upper) / 2
              for lower, upper in zip(joint_limits[::2], joint_limits[1::2])]

    # Initialize current joint column vector
    current_joints = np.asarray(initial_joints)
    current_joints = current_joints[:, None]

    # Optimize the joint vector in the orthogonal space
    while True:
        # Calculate jacobian and its righ-hand pseudo-inverse for current joint values
        jac = geometric_jacobian(config, current_joints[:, 0].tolist())
        pinv_jac = right_generalized_inverse_jacobian(jac)

        # Create the manipulation column vector
        manip = [
            qm - q for qm, q in zip(median, current_joints[:, 0].tolist())
        h = np.asarray(manip)
        h = h[:, None]

        if h.shape != (len(initial_joints), 1):
            raise TypeError(f'h must be a {len(initial_joints)}x1 vector.')

        # Set weights as diagonal matrix
        if weights is None:
            weights = [0.1] * len(initial_joints)
        elif any((i >= 1 for i in weights)):
            raise ValueError(
                'Weights need to be < 1 for the algorithm to converge.')
        w = np.diag(weights)

        # Calculate delta for iteration
        effect = np.linalg.multi_dot([t_proj, jac[3:, :], w, h])
        delta_joints = pinv_jac @ np.vstack([np.zeros((3, 1)), effect])
        current_joints += delta_joints

        if np.linalg.norm(delta_joints) < stop_threshold:
            # Stop when the correcting effort is below a certain threshold

    # Return flat list
    return current_joints[:, 0].tolist()
Exemple #12
    return current_joints[:, 0].tolist()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Define test data
    robot = melfa_rv_4a(rtoff=-50, atoff=200)
    home = [0, 0, pi / 2, 0, pi / 2, pi]
    tuning = [0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01]

    # Do optimization and print joints
    new_joints = frr(robot, home, weights=tuning)
    print(f'Original joints:\t{[f"{i:+.3f}" for i in home]}')
    print(f'New joints:\t\t\t{[f"{i:+.3f}" for i in new_joints]}')

    # Validate new position
    tcp_pos = forward_kinematics(robot, home)
    tcp_pos_new = forward_kinematics(robot, new_joints)
    tcp_pos_dev = tcp_pos_new - tcp_pos
    print(f'TCP Pos Deviation:\t{[f"{i:+.3f}" for i in tcp_pos_dev[0:3, 3]]}')
    print(f'TCP ZDIR Deviation:\t{[f"{i:+.3f}" for i in tcp_pos_dev[0:3, 2]]}')

def expand_task_trajectory(task_trajectory: List[CartesianTrajSegment],
                           dphi: float) -> List[CartesianTrajSegment]:
    Expand the task trajectory by adding equivalent points obtained by applying constant per segment rotation around
    the tool axis.
    :param task_trajectory:
    :param dphi:
def test_forward_kinematics_unequal_length(dh_melfa_rv_4a):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        forward_kinematics(dh_melfa_rv_4a, [0] * (len(dh_melfa_rv_4a) - 1))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        forward_kinematics(dh_melfa_rv_4a, [0] * (len(dh_melfa_rv_4a) + 1))