Exemple #1
def test_dsct():
    population = create_empty_population_dataframe(2001, 2061)
    cohorts = Cohorts(data=population, columns=['pop'])
    test_value = cohorts.get_value((0, 0, 2060), 'dsct')
    #    print test_value
    assert test_value <= 1
Exemple #2
def test_dsct():
    population = create_empty_population_dataframe(2001, 2061)
    cohorts = Cohorts(data=population, columns=["pop"])
    test_value = cohorts.get_value((0, 0, 2060), "dsct")
    #    print test_value
    assert test_value <= 1
Exemple #3
    def population_project(self,
        Continuation of population to provide convergent present values
        year_length : int, default None
                      Duration to continue the population projection
        method : str, default None
                 The value must be 'stable' or 'exp_growth'  

        if 'pop' not in self.columns:
            raise Exception('pop is not a column of cohort')
        if year_length is None:
            raise Exception('a duration in years should be provided')
        if method is None:
            raise Exception('a method should be specified')
        years = self.index_sets['year']
        first_year = min(years)
        last_year = max(years)

        if (first_year + year_length) > last_year:
            new_last_year = first_year + year_length

        if method == 'stable':
            last_pop = self.xs(last_year, level='year', axis=0)
            pop = DataFrame(self['pop'])
            years = range(last_year + 1, new_last_year + 1)
            list_df = [last_pop] * len(years)

            pop = concat(list_df, keys=years, names=['year'])
            pop = pop.reorder_levels(['age', 'sex', 'year'], axis=0)
            combined = self.combine_first(pop)
            self.__init__(data=combined, columns=['pop'])

        if method == 'exp_growth':
            if growth_rate is None:
                raise Exception(
                    'a growth rate must be provided for the method')

            last_pop = self.xs(last_year, level='year', axis=0)
            pop = DataFrame(self['pop'])
            years = range(last_year + 1, new_last_year + 1)
            list_df = [last_pop] * len(years)

            pop = concat(list_df, keys=years, names=['year'])
            pop = pop.reorder_levels(['age', 'sex', 'year'], axis=0)
            pop = Cohorts(pop)
            pop['pop'] *= pop['grth']
            del pop['grth']

            combined = self.combine_first(pop)
            self.__init__(data=combined, columns=['pop'])
Exemple #4
    def extract_generation(self, year, typ, age = None):
        Returns a dataframe containning chosen data to follow the evolution of a given group over time.
        year : Int
                A year of reference contained in the cohort.
        typ : Str
              A column or a list of columns of the cohort that one wants to follow
        age : Int
              Default is zero. The age of reference of the group one is interested in.
        generation_cohort : a cohort dataframe with the data of the group of people 
                            whose given references belong to. 
        if year is None:
            raise Exception('a year of reference is needed')
        if year not in list(self.index_sets['year']):
            raise Exception('The given year is not valid')
        year_min = array(list(self.index_sets['year'])).min()
        year_max = array(list(self.index_sets['year'])).max()
        if typ not in self.columns:
            raise Exception('the given column is not in the cohort')

        #Normalizing the age if not given
        if age is None:
            age = 0
        pvm = self.xs(0, level='sex')
        pvf = self.xs(1, level='sex')
        #Creating lower bounds for the filter generation
        if age > 0:
            if year-age >= year_min:
                start_age = 0
                year_start = year - age
                start_age = age - (year - year_min)
                year_start = year_min
            start_age = age
            year_start = year
        #Creating upper bounds for filter_list
        if year + (100-age) >= year_max:
            year_end = year_max
            end_age = age + (year_max - year)
            year_end = year + 100 - age
            end_age = 100
        #Creating the filtering list
        filter_list = zip(range(start_age, end_age+1), range(year_start, year_end+1))
#         Generation the generation DataFrame
        generation_data_male = pvm.loc[filter_list, typ]
        generation_data_female = pvf.loc[filter_list, typ]
        pieces = [generation_data_male, generation_data_female]
        res =  concat(pieces, keys = [0,1], names = ["sex"] )
        res = res.reorder_levels(['age','sex','year'])
        generation_cohort = Cohorts(res)
        generation_cohort.columns = [typ]
        return generation_cohort