Exemple #1
def test_comparison():
    print 'Entering the comparison function'
    simulation = Simulation()
    population_scenario_alt = "projpop0760_FECbasESPbasMIGbas"
    population_scenario = "projpop0760_FECbasESPbasMIGbas"
    simulation.load_population(population_filename, population_scenario)
    simulation.load_population(population_filename, population_scenario_alt, default=False)
    # Adding missing population data between 1996 and 2007 :
    store_pop = HDFStore(os.path.join(SRC_PATH, 'countries', country, 'sources',
                                           'Carole_Bonnet', 'pop_1996_2006.h5'))
    corrected_pop = store_pop['population']
    simulation.population = concat([corrected_pop, simulation.population])
    simulation.population_alt = concat([corrected_pop.iloc[0:101, :], corrected_pop.iloc[1111:1212,:]]) #concat([corrected_pop, simulation.population_alt])
    #Loading profiles :
    year_length = 250
    Default Hypothesis set : 
    actualization rate r = 3%
    growth rate g = 1%
    net_gov_wealth = -3217.7e+09 (unit : Franc Français (FRF) of 1996)
    non ventilated government spendings in 1996 : 1094e+09 FRF

    r = 0.03
    g = 0.01
    n = 0.00
    pi = 0.01
    net_gov_wealth = -3217.7e+09
    year_gov_spending = (1094)*1e+09
    taxes_list = ['tva', 'tipp', 'cot', 'irpp', 'impot', 'property']
    payments_list = ['chomage', 'retraite', 'revsoc', 'maladie', 'educ']
    simulation.set_population_projection(year_length=simulation.year_length, method="exp_growth")
    simulation.set_tax_projection(method="desynchronized", rate=g, inflation_rate=pi, typ=taxes_list, payments_list=payments_list)
    simulation.set_gov_spendings(year_gov_spending, default=True, compute=True)

    simulation.cohorts.compute_net_transfers(name = 'net_transfers', taxes_list = taxes_list, payments_list = payments_list)
    simulation.create_present_values('net_transfers', default=True)
    Alternate Hypothesis set : 
    actualization rate r = 3%
    growth rate g = 1%
    net_gov_wealth = -3217.7e+09 (unit : Franc Français (FRF) of 1996)
    non ventilated government spendings in 1996 : 1094e+09 FRF

    r_alt = 0.03
    g_alt = 0.01
    n_alt = 0.00
    pi_alt = 0.01
    net_gov_wealth_alt = -3217.7e+09
    year_gov_spending_alt = (1094)*1e+09

    simulation.set_tax_projection(method="desynchronized", rate=g_alt, inflation_rate=pi_alt, typ=taxes_list, payments_list=payments_list)
    simulation.set_growth_rate(g_alt, default=False)
    simulation.set_discount_rate(r_alt, default=False) 
    simulation.set_population_growth_rate(n_alt, default=False)
    simulation.set_gov_wealth(net_gov_wealth_alt, default=False)
    simulation.set_gov_spendings(year_gov_spending_alt, default=False, compute=True)
    #simulation.cohorts_alt.loc[(0,0,2014):, 'cot'] *= (1+0.1)
    simulation.cohorts_alt.compute_net_transfers(name = 'net_transfers', taxes_list = taxes_list, payments_list = payments_list)
    simulation.create_present_values('net_transfers', default=False)

    #Creating age classes
    cohorts_age_class = simulation.create_age_class(typ = 'net_transfers', step = 5)
    cohorts_age_class._types = [u'tva', u'tipp', u'cot', u'irpp', u'impot', u'property', u'chomage', u'retraite', u'revsoc', u'maladie', u'educ', u'net_transfers']
    age_class_pv_fe = cohorts_age_class.xs((1, 1996), level = ['sex', 'year'])
    cohorts_age_class_alt = simulation.create_age_class(typ = 'net_transfers', step = 5, default=False)
    cohorts_age_class_alt._types = [u'tva', u'tipp', u'cot', u'irpp', u'impot', u'property', u'chomage', u'retraite', u'revsoc', u'maladie', u'educ', u'net_transfers']
    age_class_pv_fe_alt = cohorts_age_class_alt.xs((1, 1996), level = ['sex', 'year'])
    print "AGE CLASS PV"
    print age_class_pv_fe.head(20)
    print age_class_pv_fe_alt.head(20)
    # Calculating the Intertemporal Public Liability
    ipl = simulation.compute_ipl(typ = 'net_transfers')
    ipl_alt = simulation.compute_ipl(typ = 'net_transfers', default = False)

    print "------------------------------------"
    print "IPL par défaut =", ipl
    print "IPL alternatif =", ipl_alt
    print "share of the GDP : ", ipl/8050.6e+09*100, "%"
    print "-alternative share-", ipl_alt/8050.6e+09*100, "%"
    print "------------------------------------"
    print "INTERNAL CHECKS :"
    print simulation.net_gov_spendings, simulation.net_gov_spendings_alt
    print simulation.net_gov_wealth, simulation.net_gov_wealth_alt
    age_class_pv = cohorts_age_class.xs(1996, level = "year").unstack(level="sex")
    age_class_pv = age_class_pv['net_transfers']
    age_class_pv.columns = ['men' , 'women']
    age_class_pv_alt = cohorts_age_class_alt.xs(1996, level = "year").unstack(level="sex")
    age_class_pv_alt = age_class_pv_alt['net_transfers']
    age_class_pv_alt.columns = ['men_alt' , 'women_alt']
    age_class_pv['men_alt'] = age_class_pv_alt['men_alt'] ; age_class_pv['women_alt'] = age_class_pv_alt['women_alt']
    age_class_pv.plot(style = '--') ; plt.legend()
#     age_class_pv_alt.plot(style = '--') ; plt.legend()
    plt.axhline(linewidth=2, color='black')

#     #Plotting profiles :
#     profiles_to_plot = simulation.cohorts.xs(90, level = "age").unstack(level="sex")
#     profiles_to_plot = profiles_to_plot['net_transfers']
#     profiles_to_plot.columns = ['men' , 'women']
#     profiles_to_plot_alt = simulation.cohorts_alt.xs(90, level = "age").unstack(level="sex")
#     profiles_to_plot_alt = profiles_to_plot_alt['net_transfers']
#     profiles_to_plot_alt.columns = ['men_alt' , 'women_alt']
#     profiles_to_plot['men_alt'] = profiles_to_plot_alt['men_alt'] ; profiles_to_plot['women_alt'] = profiles_to_plot_alt['women_alt']
#     profiles_to_plot.plot(style = '--') ; plt.legend()
# #     age_class_pv_alt.plot(style = '--') ; plt.legend()
#     plt.axhline(linewidth=2, color='black')
#     cohorts_age_class.xs(2020, level = "year").unstack(level="sex").plot(subplots=True)
#     plt.show()

    #Saving the decomposed ipl:
    to_save = simulation.break_down_ipl(typ='net_transfers', default=False, threshold=60)
#     to_save = age_class_pv
    xls = "C:/Users/Utilisateur/Documents/GitHub/ga/src/countries/france/sources/Carole_Bonnet/stationnaire_alt.xlsx"
    to_save.to_excel(xls, 'ipl')
Exemple #2
def test():
    print "Entering the simulation of C. Bonnet"

    simulation = Simulation()
    population_scenario = "projpop0760_FECbasESPbasMIGbas"
    simulation.load_population(population_filename, population_scenario)

    # Adding missing population data between 1996 and 2007 :
    store_pop = HDFStore(os.path.join(SRC_PATH, "countries", country, "sources", "Carole_Bonnet", "pop_1996_2006.h5"))
    corrected_pop = store_pop["population"]
    print simulation.population.head().to_string()
    print corrected_pop.head().to_string()
    print "    longueurs des inputs"
    print "prévisions insee", len(simulation.population), "population corrigée", len(corrected_pop)

    simulation.population = concat([corrected_pop, simulation.population])
    print "    longueur après combinaison", len(simulation.population)

    # Loading profiles :
    xls = ExcelFile(CBonnet_results)

    Hypothesis set #1 : 
    actualization rate r = 3%
    growth rate g = 1%
    net_gov_wealth = -3217.7e+09 (unit : Franc Français (FRF) of 1996)
    non ventilated government spendings in 1996 : 1094e+09 FRF

    # Setting parameters :
    year_length = 250
    simulation.year_length = year_length
    r = 0.03
    g = 0.01
    n = 0.00
    net_gov_wealth = -3217.7e09
    year_gov_spending = (1094) * 1e09

    #     avg_gov_spendings = 0
    #     # List w/ the economic affairs
    #     spending_list = [241861, 246856, 245483, 251110, 261752, 271019,
    #                      286330,    290499,    301556,    315994,    315979,    332317,
    #                      343392,    352239,    356353,    356858]
    #     count = 0
    #     for spent in spending_list:
    #         year_gov_spending = spent*1e+06*((1+g)/(1+r))**count*6.55957
    #         print year_gov_spending
    #         net_gov_spendings += year_gov_spending
    #         avg_gov_spendings += year_gov_spending
    #         count += 1

    #     avg_gov_spendings /= (count)
    #     print 'avg_gov_spendings = ', avg_gov_spendings

    # Loading simulation's parameters :
    simulation.set_population_projection(year_length=year_length, method="stable")
    simulation.set_tax_projection(method="per_capita", rate=g)
    simulation.set_gov_spendings(year_gov_spending, default=True, compute=True)

    # Calculating net transfers :
    # Net_transfers = tax paid to the state minus money recieved from the state
    taxes_list = ["tva", "tipp", "cot", "irpp", "impot", "property"]
    payments_list = ["chomage", "retraite", "revsoc", "maladie", "educ"]
    simulation.cohorts.compute_net_transfers(name="net_transfers", taxes_list=taxes_list, payments_list=payments_list)

    Reproducing the table 2 : Comptes générationnels par âge et sexe (Compte central)
    # Generating generationnal accounts :
    year = 1996
    print "PER CAPITA PV"
    print simulation.percapita_pv.xs(0, level="age").head(10)
    print simulation.percapita_pv.xs((0, year), level=["sex", "year"]).head(10)

    # Calculating the Intertemporal Public Liability
    ipl = simulation.compute_ipl(typ="net_transfers")
    print "------------------------------------"
    print "IPL =", ipl
    print "share of the GDP : ", ipl / 8050.6e09 * 100, "%"
    print "------------------------------------"

    # Calculating the generational imbalance
    gen_imbalance = simulation.compute_gen_imbalance(typ="net_transfers")
    print "----------------------------------"
    print "[n_1/n_0=", gen_imbalance, "]"
    print "----------------------------------"

    # Creating age classes
    cohorts_age_class = simulation.create_age_class(typ="net_transfers", step=5)
    cohorts_age_class._types = [
    age_class_pv_fe = cohorts_age_class.xs((1, year), level=["sex", "year"])
    age_class_pv_ma = cohorts_age_class.xs((0, year), level=["sex", "year"])

    print "AGE CLASS PV"
    print age_class_pv_fe.head()
    print age_class_pv_ma.head()

    age_class_pv = concat([age_class_pv_fe, age_class_pv_ma], axis=1)
    print age_class_pv
    age_class_pv.to_excel(str(xls_adress) + "\calibration.xlsx", "compte_generation")

    # Plotting
    age_class_pv = cohorts_age_class.xs(year, level="year").unstack(level="sex")
    age_class_pv = age_class_pv["net_transfers"]
    age_class_pv.columns = ["men", "women"]
    #     age_class_pv['total'] = age_class_pv_ma['net_transfers'] + age_class_pv_fe['net_transfers']
    #     age_class_pv['total'] *= 1.0/2.0
    age_class_theory = xls.parse("Feuil1", index_col=0)

    age_class_pv["men_CBonnet"] = age_class_theory["men_Cbonnet"]
    age_class_pv["women_CBonnet"] = age_class_theory["women_Cbonnet"]
    plt.axhline(linewidth=2, color="black")
Exemple #3
def test():
    print 'Entering the simulation of C. Bonnet'

    simulation = Simulation()
    population_scenario = "projpop0760_FECbasESPbasMIGbas"
    simulation.load_population(population_filename, population_scenario)
    # Adding missing population data between 1996 and 2007 :
    store_pop = HDFStore(os.path.join(SRC_PATH, 'countries', country, 'sources',
                                           'Carole_Bonnet', 'pop_1996_2006.h5'))
    corrected_pop = store_pop['population']
    print simulation.population.head().to_string()
    print corrected_pop.head().to_string()
    print '    longueurs des inputs'
    print 'prévisions insee', len(simulation.population), 'population corrigée', len(corrected_pop)
    simulation.population = concat([corrected_pop, simulation.population])
    print '    longueur après combinaison',len(simulation.population)

    #Loading profiles :
    xls = ExcelFile(CBonnet_results)
    Hypothesis set #1 : 
    actualization rate r = 3%
    growth rate g = 1%
    net_gov_wealth = -3217.7e+09 (unit : Franc Français (FRF) of 1996)
    non ventilated government spendings in 1996 : 1094e+09 FRF

    #Setting parameters :
    year_length = 250
    simulation.year_length = year_length
    r = 0.03
    g = 0.01
    n = 0.00
    net_gov_wealth = -3217.7e+09
    year_gov_spending = (1094)*1e+09

#     avg_gov_spendings = 0
#     # List w/ the economic affairs
#     spending_list = [241861, 246856, 245483, 251110, 261752, 271019,    
#                      286330,    290499,    301556,    315994,    315979,    332317,
#                      343392,    352239,    356353,    356858]
#     count = 0
#     for spent in spending_list:
#         year_gov_spending = spent*1e+06*((1+g)/(1+r))**count*6.55957
#         print year_gov_spending
#         net_gov_spendings += year_gov_spending
#         avg_gov_spendings += year_gov_spending
#         count += 1

#     avg_gov_spendings /= (count)
#     print 'avg_gov_spendings = ', avg_gov_spendings

    # Loading simulation's parameters :
    simulation.set_population_projection(year_length=year_length, method="stable")
    simulation.set_tax_projection(method="per_capita", rate=g)
    simulation.set_gov_spendings(year_gov_spending, default=True, compute=True)

    #Calculating net transfers :
    #Net_transfers = tax paid to the state minus money recieved from the state
    taxes_list = ['tva', 'tipp', 'cot', 'irpp', 'impot', 'property']
    payments_list = ['chomage', 'retraite', 'revsoc', 'maladie', 'educ']
    simulation.cohorts.compute_net_transfers(name = 'net_transfers', taxes_list = taxes_list, payments_list = payments_list)
    Reproducing the table 2 : Comptes générationnels par âge et sexe (Compte central)
    #Generating generationnal accounts :
    year = 1996
    simulation.create_present_values(typ = 'net_transfers')
    print "PER CAPITA PV"
    print simulation.percapita_pv.xs(0, level = 'age').head(10)
    print simulation.percapita_pv.xs((0, year), level = ['sex', 'year']).head(10)

    # Calculating the Intertemporal Public Liability
    ipl = simulation.compute_ipl(typ = 'net_transfers')
    print "------------------------------------"
    print "IPL =", ipl
    print "share of the GDP : ", ipl/8050.6e+09*100, "%"
    print "------------------------------------"
    #Calculating the generational imbalance
    gen_imbalance = simulation.compute_gen_imbalance(typ = 'net_transfers')
    print "----------------------------------"
    print "[n_1/n_0=", gen_imbalance,"]"
    print "----------------------------------"    
    #Creating age classes
    cohorts_age_class = simulation.create_age_class(typ = 'net_transfers', step = 5)
    cohorts_age_class._types = [u'tva', u'tipp', u'cot', u'irpp', u'impot', u'property', u'chomage', u'retraite', u'revsoc', u'maladie', u'educ', u'net_transfers']
    age_class_pv_fe = cohorts_age_class.xs((1, year), level = ['sex', 'year'])
    age_class_pv_ma = cohorts_age_class.xs((0, year), level = ['sex', 'year'])
    print "AGE CLASS PV"
    print age_class_pv_fe.head()
    print age_class_pv_ma.head()
    age_class_pv = concat([age_class_pv_fe, age_class_pv_ma], axis=1)
    print age_class_pv
    age_class_pv.to_excel(str(xls_adress)+'\calibration.xlsx', 'compte_generation')
    age_class_pv = cohorts_age_class.xs(year, level = "year").unstack(level="sex")
    age_class_pv = age_class_pv['net_transfers']
    age_class_pv.columns = ['men' , 'women']
#     age_class_pv['total'] = age_class_pv_ma['net_transfers'] + age_class_pv_fe['net_transfers']
#     age_class_pv['total'] *= 1.0/2.0
    age_class_theory = xls.parse('Feuil1', index_col = 0)
    age_class_pv['men_CBonnet'] = age_class_theory['men_Cbonnet']
    age_class_pv['women_CBonnet'] = age_class_theory['women_Cbonnet']
    age_class_pv.plot(style = '--') ; plt.legend()
    plt.axhline(linewidth=2, color='black')