# FAKING step.run()
    step._status = 'Running'
    step.declareLogFile()  # Ensures that the logical step dir and log exist
    step.log.out("--- Beginning '" + stepName + "' [" +
                 datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X (%A)") + '] ---')

    # For posterity

    # Outputs of sampling will be found in the named tmpDir dir,
    # NOTE: sampledStats could be /dev/null as it is not examined
    e3.log.out('\n# fastqStatsAndSubsample [unversioned]:')
    err = e3.runCmd('> some command', log=step.log)
    if err != 0:
        step.log.out('>>> Failure on some command.')

    # All fastqc outputs will be found in the named resultsDir dir,
    # but a single html file in a subdir is wanted by galaxy
    version = e3.getCmdOut(fastqcToolPath + 'fastqc -version')
    e3.log.out('\n# fastqc [' + version + ']:')
    e3.log.out('> some other command')
    if err != 0:
        step.log.out('>>> Failure on some other command.')

    # step succeeds so this should handle cleanup.

    print "======== end '" + sys.argv[0] + "' test ========"
    step._status = 'Running'
    step.declareLogFile() # Ensures that the logical step dir and log exist
    step.log.out("--- Beginning '" + stepName + "' [" + 
               datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X (%A)")+ '] ---')

    # For posterity

    # Outputs of sampling will be found in the named tmpDir dir, 
    # NOTE: sampledStats could be /dev/null as it is not examined 
    e3.log.out('\n# fastqStatsAndSubsample [unversioned]:')
    err = e3.runCmd('> some command',log=step.log)
    if err != 0:
        step.log.out('>>> Failure on some command.')

    # All fastqc outputs will be found in the named resultsDir dir, 
    # but a single html file in a subdir is wanted by galaxy
    version = e3.getCmdOut(fastqcToolPath + 'fastqc -version')
    e3.log.out('\n# fastqc [' + version + ']:')
    e3.log.out('> some other command')
    if err != 0:
        step.log.out('>>> Failure on some other command.')

    # step succeeds so this should handle cleanup.
    print "======== end '" + sys.argv[0] + "' test ========"