def getSession(self, sessionId, name) -> Any: """ return the session refered to by a request. If the session is no longer authenticated then the AuthenticationError is raised. this method also handles verifying the current request. To implement, handle the AuthenticationError :param sessionId: the session id returned to user when session created :param name: :return: """ hashed_username = make_id(name) currentTime = time() if currentTime - float(sessionId) > int( os.getenv('SESSION_TIMEOUT', 1000)):'user session timed out') raise AuthenticationError() ref = '{}_{}'.format(sessionId, str(hashed_username)) #print(self.sessions[ref]) # TODO handle no sessions byb cathcing keyerror on ref try:"user is logged in") logging.debug("user {} logged in with {}".format(name, ref)) #return self.sessions[ref] except: logging.debug("user {} failed logged in with {}".format(name, ref))'unauthenticated user request') raise AuthenticationError()
def startSession(self, name, password): """ create a new session in the sessions dictionary and return the sessionId to the client if password is correct raise authentication error :param name: plain name string :param password: hashed password :return: """ user = self.getUser(name) if password == user.password: currentSession = Session(str(make_id(name))) self.sessions['{}_{}'.format(currentSession.serverTime, str(make_id(name)))] = currentSession return str(currentSession.serverTime) else: raise AuthenticationError()
def make_user(): """ make a single user with a random name and password and return a dict representation to append to a file :param out: the list :return: """ password = randomString(8) name = names.get_first_name().lower() out = {'name': name, 'password': password} sessionManager.makeUser(name, str(make_id(password))) return out
def updateMeasurement(self, name, measurement) -> None: """ find a users measurement and add one observation to it based on a session :param session: :param measurement: :return: """ # TODO implement find_and_modify x = self.service.measurement.find_one({"_id": str(make_id(name))}) try: x['measurement'].append(measurement) except: raise MeasurementNotFound() y = self.service.measurement.replace_one( filter={"_id": str(make_id(name))}, replacement=x)"Updated measurement for user {}".format( str(make_id(name)))) if y.acknowledged == None: logging.error("could not add measurement for user {}".format( str(make_id(name))))
def getUser(self, name: str) -> User: """ Get details of a user return details of a user :param name: the plain name string :return: """ user_list = [] hashedUserName = make_id(name) userObject = self.service.users.find_one({'_id': str(hashedUserName)}) print(userObject) user = userObject['_id'] password = userObject['password'] return User(username=user, password=password)
def checkUser(self, name: str): """ Check DB for user """ user_list = [] hashedUserName = make_id(name) try: userObject = self.service.users.find_one( {'_id': str(hashedUserName)}) print(userObject) user = userObject['_id'] user_list.append(user) except: pass if len(user_list) == 0: return 'available' return 'not available'
def makeUser(self, name, password): """ Create a new user and empty measurement, keyed by the hashed id of plain string name. The name is as it appears in the Session object. Measurements for a user are queried using a session object If a user is created with a name already in use, a conflict is returned :param name: :param password: :return: """ new_user = User(username=str(make_id(name)), password=password) try: self.service.users.insert_one(new_user.__dict__) self.service.measurement.insert_one({ "_id": new_user._id, "measurement": [] }) except DuplicateKeyError as e: raise DuplicateUser()
from src.main.domain.methods import make_id # 0b87e21afd1e2640e9f14f8c # hyrcvbjn # 5e18b1f60e5678ab3f497703 # 9b938710211168f2902f9ed4 # a5a49108230cb2aad89ae67c if __name__ == '__main__': x = make_id('sean') print(x)
password = randomString(8) name = names.get_first_name().lower() out = {'name': name, 'password': password} sessionManager.makeUser(name, str(make_id(password))) return out if __name__ == '__main__': out = [] # TODO Sean check me out: test data loader. Make a function to pick random string from list for measurement items for i in range(10): print(i) user = make_user() out.append(user) sessionId = sessionManager.startSession(user['name'], str(make_id(user['password']))) for j in range(4): measurement = { "comment": "free text comment", "date": "27-01-38", "frequency": 1, "location": "Left hand", "severity": 1, "specific": "Constipation", "time": "Morning", "trigger": "Skin" } session = sessionManager.getSession(sessionId, str(make_id(user['name']))) measurementManager.updateMeasurement(user['name'], measurement) with open('users.txt', 'w') as file: