def plot_healthy_and_damaged_at_operating_condition():
    fig,axs = plt.subplots(2,2)
    response_list = []
    for oc in enumerate([5,10]):
        for health in enumerate([0, 0.5
            # oc = (oc[0],10)
            # health = (health[0],0)
            stiffness_reduction = np.array([health[1]])
            obj = g_maps.Chen2011(theta, stiffness_reduction)
            t = obj.constants["t_range"][obj.samples_before_fault:]
            y = obj.get_y(np.array([oc[1]]))

    max_oc_0 = np.max([np.max(response_list[0]), np.max(response_list[1])])
    min_oc_0 = np.min([np.min(response_list[0]), np.min(response_list[1])])
    max_oc_1 = np.max([np.max(response_list[2]), np.max(response_list[3])])
    min_oc_1 = np.min([np.min(response_list[2]), np.min(response_list[3])])

    count = 0
    for oc in enumerate(["5 Nm","10 Nm"]):
        for health in enumerate(["Healthy","Damaged"]):
            axs[oc[0], health[0]].plot(t,response_list[count],"k")
            axs[oc[0], health[0]].set_xlabel("time [s]")
            axs[oc[0], health[0]].set_ylabel(r"ring acceleration [m/$s^2$]")
            axs[oc[0], health[0]].set_title(health[1] + " " + oc[1])
            if oc[0]>0:
                axs[oc[0], health[0]].set_ylim(min_oc_1,max_oc_1)
                axs[oc[0], health[0]].set_ylabel(r"acceleration [m/$s^2$]")
                axs[oc[0], health[0]].set_ylim(min_oc_0,max_oc_0)
                axs[oc[0], health[0]].set_ylabel(r"acceleration [m/$s^2$]")

            # Plot the time varying stiffness
    #     tvms = np.array([obj.tvms(ti, stiffness_reduction) for ti in t])
    #     plt.plot(t,tvms, label = str(stiff_red) + " N/m reduction")

    # plt.legend(loc= "lower right")
    plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.53)
def plot_healthy_and_damged_TVMS():
    plt.xlabel("Time [s]")
    plt.ylabel("Meshing stiffness [N/m]")

    for stiff_red in np.linspace(0,1,4):
        stiffness_reduction = np.array([stiff_red])*0.5
        obj = g_maps.Chen2011(theta, stiffness_reduction,cycles_before_fault=2)
        t = np.linspace(0,obj.constants["t_range"][-1]*2,1000)
        # Plot the time varying stiffness
        k_at_first_transition_end = obj.smooth_square(obj.first_transition_end_time) - obj.x*1e8
        k_at_second_transition_start = obj.smooth_square(obj.second_transition_start_time) - obj.x*1e8
        first_transition_gradient = (obj.k_at_first_transition_start - k_at_first_transition_end) /obj.transition_time
        second_transition_gradient = (k_at_second_transition_start - obj.k_at_second_transition_end) / obj.transition_time

        tvms = np.array([obj.tvms(ti, first_transition_gradient,second_transition_gradient,k_at_second_transition_start) for ti in t])

        plt.plot(t,tvms, label = str(np.round(stiffness_reduction[0],3)) + "e8 N/m reduction")

    plt.legend(loc= "lower right")
Exemple #3
import numpy as np

t_start = time.time()
# Define the true model parameters
theta_real = np.array([1.116, 6.405]) # theta = [m_ring, I_ring, k1 ,k2] # I is adjusted for 1e-3
phi_real = np.array([np.sin(np.deg2rad(20))])  # Measurement model transfer function is multiplication by constant.
# Fraction of pressure angle

# Define  healthy state of health
x_real_d0 = np.array([0])  # 0 N/m mean stiffness reduction (healthy)

# Define the real measurement model (Independent of health state)
h_real = h_maps.Constant(phi_real)

# Define the real physics based model g for healthy and damaged states
g_real_d0 = g_maps.Chen2011(theta_real, x_real_d0)

# Define the system
sys_real_d0 = sys_model.System(g_real_d0, h_real)

# Define the operating conditions where measurements were made
c = [np.array([i]) for i in np.linspace(10, 1, 4) * 1]  # c is applied moment 10Nm-100Nm
#c = [np.array([i]) for i in [5]]  # c is applied moment 10Nm-100Nm

# Get the Measured data under healthy conditions
noise = {"sd": 0.1}  # Small noise

z_real_d0 = sys_real_d0.simulate(c, noise=noise, plot=True)  # INFO: Toggle if plot
#plt.title("Measured data at healthy condition")
#plt.ylabel("Acceleration of ring gear")
Exemple #4
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import src.models.h_mappings as h_maps
import src.models.g_mappings as g_maps
import src.models.system_modeller as sys_model
import numpy as np

#1 get tvms with a fault
#     if t_fault_start<t<t_fault_end
#     use a completely different profile
#     Just make sure your synchronize the periods

obj = g_maps.Chen2011(np.array([22]), np.array([33]))
opperating_condition = 12

t = obj.constants["t_range"]
frequency = 10  #Hz
k = np.array([obj.tvms(t_inc, 500) for t_inc in t])
plt.plot(t, k)

# y = obj.get_y(opperating_condition)
# Plot the time varying stiffness

# Plot the lumped mass response. First transients and then the steady state response
# t = obj.constants["t_range"]
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(t, y)
# plt.xlabel("time [s]")
# plt.ylabel(r"Measured ring gear acceleration [$m/s^2$]")