class AssignmentClass(object): s = def min_free_slot(self): res = self.s.filter('term', status=STATUS_FREE).aggs.metric( 'assign_slot', 'min', field=SLOT_NO).execute() if res: return int(res.aggregations.assign_slot.value) else: return False def max_occupied_slot_plus_one(self): try: res = self.s.filter('term', status=STATUS_OCCUPIED).aggs.metric( 'assign_slot', 'max', field=SLOT_NO).execute() except AttributeError: return 1 else: if res.aggregations.assign_slot.value >= MAX_NO_OF_SLOTS: return False else: return int(res.aggregations.assign_slot.value + 1) def assign_slot(self): assigned_slot = self.min_free_slot() return assigned_slot or self.max_occupied_slot_plus_one()
def regsearch(self, reg_no): try: s= slot = s.filter("term", registration_no = reg_no).execute()[0] print slot, slot.registration_no, slot.slot_no except NotFoundError: return False else: return dict(registration_no=slot.registration_no, slot_no=slot.slot_no, colour= slot.colour)
def coloursearch(self, colour): try: s= slot = s.filter("term", colour = colour).execute() except NotFoundError: return False else: slots = [] for car in slot: slots.append(dict(registration_no=car.registration_no, slot_no=car.slot_no)) return slots
def regsearch(self, reg_no): try: s = slot = s.filter("term", registration_no=reg_no).execute()[0] except NotFoundError: return False else: return { 'registration_no': slot.registration_no, 'slot_no': slot.slot_no, 'colour': slot.colour }
def coloursearch(self, colour): try: s = slot = s.filter("term", colour=colour).execute() except NotFoundError: return False else: slots = [] for car in slot: slots.append({ 'registration_no': car.registration_no, 'slot_no': car.slot_no, }) return slots
class AvailabilityClass(object): s = def search_free(self): return self.s.filter('term', status=STATUS_FREE).execute() def search_occupied(self): return self.s.filter('term', status=STATUS_OCCUPIED).execute() def is_max_slot_no_reached(self): max_slot_no = assignmentclass.max_occupied_slot_plus_one() return max_slot_no or False def is_available(self): """ to check if parking space is available :return: bool """ is_free = self.search_free() return is_free or self.is_max_slot_no_reached() def allfree(self): """ finds all the free slots :return: list """ slots = self.search_free() available_slots = [] for slot in slots: available_slots.append({'Slot_no': slot.slot_no}) max_slot_no = self.is_max_slot_no_reached() if max_slot_no: for i in range(max_slot_no + 1, MAX_NO_OF_SLOTS + 1): available_slots.append({'Slot_no': i}) return available_slots or 'All Occupied'
def is_duplicate(reg_no): return bool('term', registration_no=reg_no).execute())
def is_duplicate(reg_no): s = if s.filter("term", registration_no=reg_no).execute(): return True else: return False