Exemple #1
class Decoder:

	def __init__(self, corpus_name, rarity=5):
		"""Initialize parameters using a corpus

		Parameters q (transition) and e (emission) are calculated by eponymous
		functions from the class Parameters using counts over the corpus.
		See parameters_class.py for details.

		The corpus must be from the Penn WSJ treebank

		corpus_name can be one of three names:
			"train" uses /Users/ischeinfeld/Documents/Code/WSJ/train.txt
			"develop" uses /Users/ischeinfeld/Documents/Code/WSJ/develop.txt"
			"test" uses /Users/ischeinfeld/Documents/Code/WSJ/test.txt"

		or corpus_name can be a complete path to the corpus text:
			ex. /dir/dir/dir/file(.txt)

		### Create instance of Parameters with the given corpus
		# Note that this completes all the counts for q and e

		self.corpus = import_wsj(corpus_name)
		self.params = Parameters(self.corpus)

	def decode(self, sentence):
		"""Decode a sentence

		Input: a sentence (str)

		Output: a tuple with lists of tokens and tags

		if isinstance(sentence, str):
			token_seq = self.prep_sentence(sentence) # Tokenize sentence
			#print("decoder_class_log, token_seq from string", token_seq)
			token_seq = sentence[0] # Already tokenized
			#print("decoder_class_log, token_seq from list", token_seq)

		for i in range(len(token_seq)):          # Replace rare words
			token_seq[i] = self.params.rep_rare_input(token_seq[i])

		print("Token sequence after replacing rarities:", token_seq)

		### Calculate pi values (log probabilities) and store back pointers

		pi = []
		bp = []
		tags = self.params.tags

		pi[0]['<START>'] = {}
		pi[0]['<START>']['<START>'] = 0 # pi[k][u][v] = 0 because log1 = 0

		bp[0]['<START>'] = {}
		bp[0]['<START>']['<START>'] = None # pi[k][u][v]

		for k in range(1, len(token_seq) + 1):
			pi.append({}) # pi[k] = {}
			bp.append({}) # bp[k] = {}
			for u in tags:
				pi[k][u] = {}
				bp[k][u] = {}
				for v in tags:
					max = float('-inf')
					pi[k][u][v] = max # Pi value
					bp[k][u][v] = None # back pointer value
					for w in pi[k-1].keys():
							log_prob = (pi[k-1][w][u] + log(self.params.q(v, w, u))
									+ log(self.params.e(token_seq[k - 1],v)))
									# token_seq[k-1] is the token at v
						except KeyError:
							log_prob = float('-inf')
						except ValueError:
							log_prob = float('-inf')

						if log_prob >= max: # Explicit
							max = log_prob
							pi[k][u][v] = log_prob # New max log probability
							bp[k][u][v] = w # Backpointer to w

		### Find last two tags, using <STOP> transition probability

		max = float('-inf')
		for u in tags:
			for v in tags:
					log_prob = (pi[len(token_seq)][u][v]
								+ log(self.params.q('<STOP>', u, v)))
				except KeyError:
					log_prob = float('-inf')
				except ValueError:
					log_prob = float('-inf')

				if log_prob >= max: # Explicit
					max = log_prob
					yn, yn_1 = v, u #  | yn is y sub n |  yn_1 is y sub (n-1)

		### Get tag sequence using backtracking

		tag_seq = [] # Replace with ['<START>', '<START>'] if desired
		for word in token_seq:

		tag_seq[-1] = yn
		tag_seq[-2] = yn_1

		for i in range(len(tag_seq) - 3, -1, -1):
			tag_seq[i] = bp[i+3][tag_seq[i+1]][tag_seq[i+2]]

		print("Log probability is:", max)
		print("Probability is:", exp(max))
		return (token_seq, tag_seq)

	def prep_sentence(self, sentence):
		"""Tokenizes a sentence string"""
		sentence_list = TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize(sentence)
		return sentence_list
Exemple #2
class Decoder:
    def __init__(self, corpus_name, rarity=5):
        """Initialize parameters using a corpus

		Parameters q (transition) and e (emission) are calculated by eponymous
		functions from the class Parameters using counts over the corpus.
		See parameters_class.py for details.

		The corpus must be from the Penn WSJ treebank

		corpus_name can be one of three names:
			"train" uses /Users/ischeinfeld/Documents/Code/WSJ/train.txt
			"develop" uses /Users/ischeinfeld/Documents/Code/WSJ/develop.txt"
			"test" uses /Users/ischeinfeld/Documents/Code/WSJ/test.txt"

		or corpus_name can be a complete path to the corpus text:
			ex. /dir/dir/dir/file(.txt)

        ### Create instance of Parameters with the given corpus
        # Note that this completes all the counts for q and e

        self.corpus = import_wsj(corpus_name)
        self.params = Parameters(self.corpus)

    def decode(self, sentence):
        """Decode a sentence

		Input: a sentence (str)

		Output: a tuple with lists of tokens and tags

        if isinstance(sentence, str):
            token_seq = self.prep_sentence(sentence)  # Tokenize sentence
            #print("decoder_class_log, token_seq from string", token_seq)
            token_seq = sentence[0]  # Already tokenized
            #print("decoder_class_log, token_seq from list", token_seq)

        for i in range(len(token_seq)):  # Replace rare words
            token_seq[i] = self.params.rep_rare_input(token_seq[i])

        print("Token sequence after replacing rarities:", token_seq)

        ### Calculate pi values (log probabilities) and store back pointers

        pi = []
        bp = []
        tags = self.params.tags

        pi[0]['<START>'] = {}
        pi[0]['<START>']['<START>'] = 0  # pi[k][u][v] = 0 because log1 = 0

        bp[0]['<START>'] = {}
        bp[0]['<START>']['<START>'] = None  # pi[k][u][v]

        for k in range(1, len(token_seq) + 1):
            pi.append({})  # pi[k] = {}
            bp.append({})  # bp[k] = {}
            for u in tags:
                pi[k][u] = {}
                bp[k][u] = {}
                for v in tags:
                    max = float('-inf')
                    pi[k][u][v] = max  # Pi value
                    bp[k][u][v] = None  # back pointer value
                    for w in pi[k - 1].keys():
                            log_prob = (
                                pi[k - 1][w][u] + log(self.params.q(v, w, u)) +
                                log(self.params.e(token_seq[k - 1], v)))
                            # token_seq[k-1] is the token at v
                        except KeyError:
                            log_prob = float('-inf')
                        except ValueError:
                            log_prob = float('-inf')

                        if log_prob >= max:  # Explicit
                            max = log_prob
                            pi[k][u][v] = log_prob  # New max log probability
                            bp[k][u][v] = w  # Backpointer to w

        ### Find last two tags, using <STOP> transition probability

        max = float('-inf')
        for u in tags:
            for v in tags:
                    log_prob = (pi[len(token_seq)][u][v] +
                                log(self.params.q('<STOP>', u, v)))
                except KeyError:
                    log_prob = float('-inf')
                except ValueError:
                    log_prob = float('-inf')

                if log_prob >= max:  # Explicit
                    max = log_prob
                    yn, yn_1 = v, u  #  | yn is y sub n |  yn_1 is y sub (n-1)

        ### Get tag sequence using backtracking

        tag_seq = []  # Replace with ['<START>', '<START>'] if desired
        for word in token_seq:

        tag_seq[-1] = yn
        tag_seq[-2] = yn_1

        for i in range(len(tag_seq) - 3, -1, -1):
            tag_seq[i] = bp[i + 3][tag_seq[i + 1]][tag_seq[i + 2]]

        print("Log probability is:", max)
        print("Probability is:", exp(max))
        return (token_seq, tag_seq)

    def prep_sentence(self, sentence):
        """Tokenizes a sentence string"""
        sentence_list = TreebankWordTokenizer().tokenize(sentence)
        return sentence_list
Exemple #3
"""Tests the functionality of parameters_class"""

from src.preprocessing import import_wsj
from src.parameters import Parameters

sentences = import_wsj('train')

params = Parameters(sentences)

## examples of parameteres
print("q(<STOP>|NN,.): ", params.q('<STOP>', 'NN', '.'))

print("e(the|DT): ", params.e("the", "DT"))

print("If the time between now ...")
params.q('NN', 'DT', 'NN')
params.q('NN', 'DT', 'NN')
params.q('NN', 'DT', 'NN')
params.q('NN', 'DT', 'NN')
params.q('NN', 'DT', 'NN')
print("... and now is not long, than the class is preserving counts.")