def deactivate(self): """ De-initializes the frame. :return: None """ LoggerGui.debug("FrameRunServer deactivated") self.stop_server()
def deactivate(self): LoggerGui.debug("FrameTab deactivate called") self.status_message["text"] = "" self.getting_psk = False if self.wpa_supplicant: self.wpa_supplicant.stop() self.wpa_supplicant = None
def get_psk(self, code, interface): LoggerGui.debug("Attempting to get PSK") # Don't log code CliMain.create_temp_config_file() self.wpa_supplicant = WpaSupplicant() self.wpa_supplicant.add_status_change_listener(self.wpa_status_changed) self.wpa_supplicant.get_psk(constants.PATH_CONF_CONNECT_TMP, interface, code)
def activate(self): LoggerGui.debug("FrameTab activate called") self.getting_psk = False self.set_code_text("") if not self.wpa_supplicant or not self.wpa_supplicant.get_status(): self.status_message["text"] = "" self.dropdown_wii_u[ "values"] = InterfaceUtil.get_wiiu_compatible_interfaces()
def backend_status_changed(self, status): """ Handles backend status changes. :param status: status message :return: None """ LoggerGui.debug("Backend status changed to %s", status) self.label_backend_status.config(text=status) if status == DrcSimC.STOPPED: self.stop_server()
def on_tab_changed(self, event): """ Close the previous tab and initialize a new one :param event: tab event :return: None """ tab_id = tab_index = self.notebook.index(tab_id) tab_name =, "text") LoggerGui.debug("Notebook tab changed to \"%s\" with id %d", tab_name, tab_index) self.tab_id = tab_id.split(".")[len( tab_id.split(".")) - 1] # Parse notebook/tab id to only tab id if self.notebook.children[self.tab_id].kill_other_tabs(): for tab in self.notebook.children: if tab != self.tab_id: self.notebook.children[tab].deactivate() self.notebook.children[self.tab_id].activate()
def activate(self): """ Initializes the frame. :return: None """ LoggerGui.debug("FrameRunServer activated") self.dropdown_wiiu_interface[ "values"] = InterfaceUtil.get_wiiu_compatible_interfaces() self.dropdown_normal_interface[ "values"] = InterfaceUtil.get_all_interfaces() self.dropdown_region["values"] = ["NONE", "NA"] self.label_wpa_status["text"] = self.wpa_supplicant.get_status() \ if self.wpa_supplicant and self.wpa_supplicant.get_status() else WpaSupplicant.DISCONNECTED self.label_backend_status["text"] = self.drc_sim_c.get_status() \ if self.drc_sim_c and self.drc_sim_c.get_status() else DrcSimC.STOPPED self.button_start.config(state="normal") self.button_stop.config(state="normal") self.label_interface_info.config(text="")
def button_clicked(self, event): if self.getting_psk: messagebox.showerror("Running", "A pairing attempt is already im progress.") return number = str(event.widget.number) LoggerGui.debug( "A suit button was clicked" ) # Don't log numbers as the code can be derived from that code = self.entry_pair_code.get() code += number self.set_code_text(code) wii_u_interface = self.dropdown_wii_u.get() if not wii_u_interface: messagebox.showerror("No Interface", "An interface must be selected.") self.activate() return try: InterfaceUtil.get_mac(wii_u_interface) except ValueError: messagebox.showerror( "Interface Error", "The selected Interface is no longer available.") self.activate() return if InterfaceUtil.is_managed_by_network_manager(wii_u_interface): set_unmanaged = messagebox.askokcancel( "Managed Interface", "This interface is managed by Network Manager. To use it with DRC Sim it needs " "to be set to unmanaged. Network Manager will not be able to control the interface" " after this.\nSet %s to unmanaged?" % wii_u_interface) if set_unmanaged: InterfaceUtil.set_unmanaged_by_network_manager(wii_u_interface) else: messagebox.showerror( "Managed Interface", "Selected Wii U interface is managed by Network Manager.") self.activate() return if len(code) == 4: self.getting_psk = True self.set_code_text("") self.get_psk(code, wii_u_interface)
def wpa_status_changed(self, status): """ Handles wpa status changes. Initializes backend server if a connection is made. :param status: status message :return: None """ LoggerGui.debug("Wpa changed status to %s", status) self.label_wpa_status.config(text=status) if status == WpaSupplicant.CONNECTED: LoggerGui.debug("Routing") InterfaceUtil.dhclient(self.wii_u_interface) InterfaceUtil.set_metric(self.normal_interface, 0) InterfaceUtil.set_metric(self.wii_u_interface, 1) LoggerGui.debug("Starting backend") self.drc_sim_c = DrcSimC() self.drc_sim_c.add_status_change_listener( self.backend_status_changed) self.drc_sim_c.set_region(self.dropdown_region.get()) self.drc_sim_c.start() self.label_interface_info.config( text="Server IP: " + InterfaceUtil.get_ip(self.normal_interface) + "\n" + os.uname()[1]) elif status in (WpaSupplicant.DISCONNECTED, WpaSupplicant.TERMINATED): self.stop_server() elif status == WpaSupplicant.NOT_FOUND: self.stop_server() messagebox.showerror("Scan Error", "No Wii U found.") elif status == WpaSupplicant.FAILED_START: self.stop_server() messagebox.showerror( "Cannot Connect", "Failed to start wpa_supplicant_drc. This could mean there is a " "configuration error or wpa_supplicant_drc is not installed. " "Check %s for details." % constants.PATH_LOG_WPA)
def stop_server(self, event=None): """ Stops active threads. :param event: Determines if this is a user initiated stop :return: None """ if event: LoggerGui.debug("User clicked stop server button") LoggerGui.debug("Stop server called") if event and (self.label_wpa_status["text"] in (WpaSupplicant.DISCONNECTED, WpaSupplicant.TERMINATED) and self.label_backend_status["text"] == DrcSimC.STOPPED): messagebox.showerror("Stop", "Server is not running.") return if self.drc_sim_c: self.drc_sim_c.stop() self.drc_sim_c = None if self.wpa_supplicant: self.wpa_supplicant.stop() self.wpa_supplicant = None self.activate()
def wpa_status_changed(self, status): LoggerGui.debug("Wpa status changed to %s", status) if status == WpaSupplicant.NOT_FOUND: self.deactivate() self.activate() messagebox.showerror("Scan", "No Wii U found.") elif status == WpaSupplicant.TERMINATED: self.deactivate() self.activate() messagebox.showerror( "Auth Fail", "Could not authenticate. Check the entered PIN.") elif status == WpaSupplicant.FAILED_START: self.deactivate() self.activate() messagebox.showerror("Error", "An unexpected error occurred.") elif status == WpaSupplicant.DISCONNECTED: self.deactivate() self.activate() messagebox.showerror("Auth Saved", "Successfully paired with Wii U.") elif status == WpaSupplicant.SCANNING: self.status_message["text"] = "Scanning" elif status == WpaSupplicant.CONNECTING: self.status_message["text"] = "Connecting"
def start_server(self, event=None): """ Try to start wpa_supplicant and connect to a Wii U. :param event: Determines if this was a user initiated start. :return: None """ if event: LoggerGui.debug("User clicked start server button") LoggerGui.debug("Start server called") if self.label_backend_status["text"] != DrcSimC.STOPPED and \ (self.label_wpa_status["text"] not in (WpaSupplicant.DISCONNECTED, WpaSupplicant.TERMINATED)): messagebox.showerror("Running", "Server is already running") return if not os.path.exists(constants.PATH_CONF_CONNECT): messagebox.showerror( "Auth Error", "No auth details found. Use the \"Get Key\" tab to pair with a Wii U." ) self.activate() return self.normal_interface = self.dropdown_normal_interface.get() self.wii_u_interface = self.dropdown_wiiu_interface.get() if not self.normal_interface or not self.wii_u_interface: messagebox.showerror("Interface Error", "Two interfaces need to be selected.") self.activate() return if self.normal_interface == self.wii_u_interface: messagebox.showerror( "Interface Error", "The selected normal and Wii U interfaces must be different.") self.activate() return try: InterfaceUtil.get_mac(self.normal_interface) InterfaceUtil.get_mac(self.wii_u_interface) except ValueError: messagebox.showerror( "Interface Error", "The selected Interface is no longer available.") self.activate() return if InterfaceUtil.is_managed_by_network_manager(self.wii_u_interface): set_unmanaged = messagebox.askokcancel( "Managed Interface", "This interface is managed by Network Manager. To use it with DRC Sim it needs " "to be set to unmanaged. Network Manager will not be able to control the interface" " after this.\nSet %s to unmanaged?" % self.wii_u_interface) if set_unmanaged: InterfaceUtil.set_unmanaged_by_network_manager( self.wii_u_interface) else: messagebox.showerror( "Managed Interface", "Selected Wii U interface is managed by Network Manager.") self.activate() return LoggerGui.debug("Starting wpa supplicant") self.wpa_supplicant = WpaSupplicant() self.wpa_supplicant.add_status_change_listener(self.wpa_status_changed) self.wpa_supplicant.connect(constants.PATH_CONF_CONNECT, self.wii_u_interface) self.label_backend_status.config(text="WAITING")