class Author(Resource): def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) self.book_service = BookService() self.author_service = AuthorService() @api_app.doc(responses={200: "OK", 400: "Invalid argument"}, params={"id": "Specify author Id"}) def get(self, id): try: author = self.author_service.get_author_by_id(id) result = { "message": "Found author by id: {0}".format(id), "name":, "surname": author.surname } return result except Exception as e: book_namespace.abort(400, e.__doc__, status="Could not find author by id", statusCode="400") @api_app.doc(responses={200: "OK", 400: "Invalid argument"}, params={"id": "Specify author Id to remove"}) def delete(self, id): try: self.author_service.delete_author_by_id(str(id)) self.book_service.clear_author_books(str(id)) return { "message": "Removed author by id: {0}".format(id) } except Exception as e: book_namespace.abort(400, e.__doc__, status="Could not remove author by id", statusCode="400")
class Book(Resource): def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) self.book_service = BookService() @api_app.doc(responses={200: "OK", 400: "Invalid argument"}, params={"id": "Specify book Id"}) def get(self, id): try: book = self.book_service.get_book_by_id(id) result = { "message": "Found book by id: {0}".format(id), "author_id": book.author_id, "title": book.title, "year": book.year } return result except Exception as e: book_namespace.abort(400, e.__doc__, status="Could not find book by id", statusCode="400") @api_app.doc(responses={200: "OK", 400: "Invalid argument"}, params={"id": "Specify book Id to remove"}) def delete(self, id): try: self.book_service.delete_book(id) return { "message": "Removed book by id: {0}".format(id) } except Exception as e: book_namespace.abort(400, e.__doc__, status="Could not remove book by id", statusCode="400")
class BookFile(Resource): def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) self.book_service = BookService() new_file_book_model = api_app.model("File model", { "book_id": fields.Integer(required=True, description="Book's Id ", help="Book's Id cannot be null"), "file": fields.String(required=True, description="Attachment file", help="Title cannot be null"), }) @api_app.doc(responses={200: "OK", 400: "Invalid argument"}, params={"id": "Specify book Id for which you want to add a file"}) @api_app.expect(new_file_book_model) def post(self, id): try: id = request.form.get('book_id') file = request.files.get('file') app.logger.debug("ID: {0}.".format(file.filename)) saved_book_id = self.book_service.add_file_to_book(id, file) result = {"message": "Added new file to book", "book_id": saved_book_id} return result except KeyError as e: book_namespace.abort(400, e.__doc__, status="Could not save new file", statusCode="400") except BookAlreadyHaveFileExeption as e: book_namespace.abort(409, e.__doc__, status="Could not save new file to book. File already exists", statusCode="409") @api_app.doc(responses={200: "OK", 400: "Invalid argument"}, params={"id": "Specify book Id"}) def get(self, id): app.logger.debug("GETTING FILE") try: return self.book_service.get_book_file(id) except Exception as e: book_namespace.abort(400, e.__doc__, status="Could not find book by id", statusCode="400") @api_app.doc(responses={200: "OK", 400: "Invalid argument"}, params={"id": "Specify book Id for which you want delete the file"}) def delete(self, id): try: self.book_service.delete_file_to_book(id) return { "message": "Removed file to book with id: {0}".format(id) } except Exception as e: book_namespace.abort(400, e.__doc__, status="Could not remove file for book with id", statusCode="400")
class BookList(Resource): def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) self.book_service = BookService() self.author_service = AuthorService() new_book_model = api_app.model("Book model", { "title": fields.String(required=True, description="Book title", help="Title cannot be null", example="Bieguni"), "year": fields.Integer(required=True, description="Year of publication", help="Year cannot be null", example="2007"), "author_id": fields.Integer(required=True, description="Author's Id ", help="Author's Id cannot be null") }) @api_app.param(START, "The data will be returned from this position.") @api_app.param(LIMIT, "The max size of returned data.") @api_app.doc(responses={200: "OK"}) def get(self): start = self.parse_request_arg_or_zero(request, START, "0") start = max(1, start) limit = self.parse_request_arg_or_zero(request, LIMIT, "50") paginated_book_response = self.book_service.get_paginated_books_response(start, limit) return paginated_book_response.get_json(request.base_url) def parse_request_arg_or_zero(self, request, param, default_value): val = request.args.get(param, default_value) val = int(val) if val.isdigit() else 0 return val @api_app.expect(new_book_model) def post(self): try: book_req = BookRequest(request) app.logger.debug("id author: {0}".format(book_req.author_id)) app.logger.debug("title: {0}".format(book_req.title)) app.logger.debug("year: {0}".format(book_req.year)) author = self.author_service.get_author_by_id(book_req.author_id) saved_book_id = self.book_service.add_book(book_req) result = {"message": "Added new book", "saved_book_id": saved_book_id} return result except KeyError as e: book_namespace.abort(400, e.__doc__, status="Could not save new book", statusCode="400") except BookAlreadyExistsException as e: book_namespace.abort(409, e.__doc__, status="Could not save new book. Already exists", statusCode="409") except AuthorNotFoundByIdException as e: book_namespace.abort(404, e.__doc__, status="Could not save new book. Author (by id) does not exist.", statusCode="404")
def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) self.book_service = BookService() self.author_service = AuthorService()