def __init__(self, dictionary): self.dictionary = dictionary self.running = True self.isGameOver = False self.score = 0 # Init the screen screenWidth = FIELD_WIDTH + 2 * FIELD_MARGIN screenHeight = FIELD_HEIGHT + 2 * FIELD_MARGIN self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screenWidth, screenHeight)) # Prepare the background self.background = pygame.Surface(self.screen.get_size()) self.background = self.background.convert() self.background.fill(BACKGROUND_COLOR) # Add hud fields self.hudTitle = HudText(FIELD_MARGIN, 5, 300, "Intellectual Snake!") self.hudGameStatus = HudText(FIELD_MARGIN + FIELD_WIDTH - 150, FIELD_MARGIN + FIELD_HEIGHT + 5, 300, "") self.hudScore = HudText(FIELD_MARGIN + FIELD_WIDTH - 100, 5, 100, "Score: 0") # Init The Snake headX = SEGMENT_SIZE * COLUMNS / 2 headY = SEGMENT_SIZE * ROWS / 2 self.head = Head(headX, headY) self.segments = [] for i in xrange(0, INIT_SNAKE_LENGTH): self.segments.append(Segment(headX - i * SEGMENT_SIZE, headY)) # Init direction controls self.directionControls = \ DirectionControl(headX, headY, UP), \ DirectionControl(headX, headY, DOWN), \ DirectionControl(headX, headY, LEFT), \ DirectionControl(headX, headY, RIGHT) for control in self.directionControls: control.setLetter(self.generateNewDirectionLetter()) # Init Group of field objects that should not collide self.fieldObjects = pygame.sprite.Group() self.fieldObjects.add(self.segments) # Add initial food to the field self.addNewFood() # Add walls marking up the field self.fieldObjects.add(( Wall(-1, -1, FIELD_WIDTH + 2, 1), Wall(FIELD_WIDTH + 2, -1, 1, FIELD_HEIGHT + 2), Wall(-1, FIELD_HEIGHT + 2, FIELD_WIDTH + 2, 1), Wall(-1, -1, 1, FIELD_HEIGHT) )) # Init empty array of obstacles self.obstacles = [] # Init Bonus word self.bonusWord = None
class IntellectualSnake: def __init__(self, dictionary): self.dictionary = dictionary self.running = True self.isGameOver = False self.score = 0 # Init the screen screenWidth = FIELD_WIDTH + 2 * FIELD_MARGIN screenHeight = FIELD_HEIGHT + 2 * FIELD_MARGIN self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screenWidth, screenHeight)) # Prepare the background self.background = pygame.Surface(self.screen.get_size()) self.background = self.background.convert() self.background.fill(BACKGROUND_COLOR) # Add hud fields self.hudTitle = HudText(FIELD_MARGIN, 5, 300, "Intellectual Snake!") self.hudGameStatus = HudText(FIELD_MARGIN + FIELD_WIDTH - 150, FIELD_MARGIN + FIELD_HEIGHT + 5, 300, "") self.hudScore = HudText(FIELD_MARGIN + FIELD_WIDTH - 100, 5, 100, "Score: 0") # Init The Snake headX = SEGMENT_SIZE * COLUMNS / 2 headY = SEGMENT_SIZE * ROWS / 2 self.head = Head(headX, headY) self.segments = [] for i in xrange(0, INIT_SNAKE_LENGTH): self.segments.append(Segment(headX - i * SEGMENT_SIZE, headY)) # Init direction controls self.directionControls = \ DirectionControl(headX, headY, UP), \ DirectionControl(headX, headY, DOWN), \ DirectionControl(headX, headY, LEFT), \ DirectionControl(headX, headY, RIGHT) for control in self.directionControls: control.setLetter(self.generateNewDirectionLetter()) # Init Group of field objects that should not collide self.fieldObjects = pygame.sprite.Group() self.fieldObjects.add(self.segments) # Add initial food to the field self.addNewFood() # Add walls marking up the field self.fieldObjects.add(( Wall(-1, -1, FIELD_WIDTH + 2, 1), Wall(FIELD_WIDTH + 2, -1, 1, FIELD_HEIGHT + 2), Wall(-1, FIELD_HEIGHT + 2, FIELD_WIDTH + 2, 1), Wall(-1, -1, 1, FIELD_HEIGHT) )) # Init empty array of obstacles self.obstacles = [] # Init Bonus word self.bonusWord = None def update(self, time): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: self.running = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: self.running = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN and not self.isGameOver: self.handleKeyDown(event.key) if self.isGameOver: return # Update the snake self.head.update(time) for segment in self.segments: segment.update(time) # Update the direction controls for control in self.directionControls: control.update(time) # Generate random obstacle if didOccur(OBSTACLE_RATE, time): self.addNewObstacle() # Generate random bonus word if self.bonusWord is None and didOccur(BONUS_WORD_RATE, time): self.addNewBonusWord() if self.head.moved: eatenFood = False # Check for collisions for sprite in pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.head, self.fieldObjects, False): if type(sprite) is Food: self.fieldObjects.remove(sprite) self.addNewFood() eatenFood = True self.score += 1 self.hudScore.setContent("Score: %d" % self.score) elif type(sprite) is Segment or type(sprite) is Obstacle: self.hudGameStatus.setContent("Game over :-(") self.isGameOver = True # Move the snake's body (possibly extend it if some food was eaten) self.moveBody(eatenFood) # Move direction controls to follow the snake's head for control in self.directionControls: control.setHeadPosition(self.head.rect.x, self.head.rect.y) def render(self): # Render field objects on a separate Surface (which allows us to work in an independent # coordinate system) field = pygame.Surface([FIELD_WIDTH, FIELD_HEIGHT]) field.fill(FIELD_COLOR) field.blit(self.head.image, self.head.rect) self.fieldObjects.draw(field) # Render the game field and other UI objects directly on the screen self.screen.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) self.screen.blit(field, (FIELD_MARGIN, FIELD_MARGIN)) for control in self.directionControls: self.screen.blit(control.image, control.rect) self.screen.blit(self.hudTitle.image, self.hudTitle.rect) self.screen.blit(self.hudGameStatus.image, self.hudGameStatus.rect) self.screen.blit(self.hudScore.image, self.hudScore.rect) if self.bonusWord is not None: self.screen.blit(self.bonusWord.image, self.bonusWord.rect) def isRunning(self): return self.running def handleKeyDown(self, key): letter = # Find direction control matching the pressed letter. If found, change the snake's # direction according to the control control = self.findControlByLetter(letter) if control: if self.head.changeDirection(control.direction): control.setLetter(self.generateNewDirectionLetter()) # Update the obstacles with the current letter for obstacle in self.obstacles: if obstacle.typeLetter(letter): self.obstacles.remove(obstacle) self.fieldObjects.remove(obstacle) # Update Bonus word with the current letter if self.bonusWord is not None: if self.bonusWord.typeLetter(letter): self.removeTail(len(self.bonusWord.word)) self.bonusWord = None def generateNewDirectionLetter(self): letter = getRandomLetter() # The new letter must be different from the previous one and must be unique across all # direction letters (to avoid ambiguity) while len(filter(lambda control: control.letter == letter, self.directionControls)) > 0: letter = getRandomLetter() return letter def addNewFood(self): food = self.generateRandomFood() while pygame.sprite.spritecollide(food, self.fieldObjects, False): food = self.generateRandomFood() self.fieldObjects.add(food) def generateRandomFood(self): x, y = generateRandomFieldPosition() return Food(x, y) def addNewObstacle(self): obstacle = self.generateRandomObstacle() while pygame.sprite.spritecollide(obstacle, self.fieldObjects, False): obstacle = self.generateRandomObstacle() self.fieldObjects.add(obstacle) self.obstacles.append(obstacle) def generateRandomObstacle(self): x, y = generateRandomFieldPosition() word = random.choice(self.dictionary) orientation = random.choice((HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL)) return Obstacle(x, y, word, orientation) def addNewBonusWord(self): self.bonusWord = BonusWord(FIELD_MARGIN, FIELD_MARGIN + FIELD_HEIGHT + 10, random.choice(self.dictionary)) def findControlByLetter(self, letter): controls = [control for control in self.directionControls if control.letter == letter] if not controls: return False else: return controls[0] def moveBody(self, eatenFood): # Add new segment to the end of the snake's body (the position of the last segment) and then # let it smoothly move to the head's position. newSegment = Segment( self.head.rect.x - self.head.direction[0] * SEGMENT_SIZE, self.head.rect.y - self.head.direction[1] * SEGMENT_SIZE) newSegment.moveTo(self.head.rect.x, self.head.rect.y) self.segments[0].setDirection(self.head.direction) self.segments.insert(0, newSegment) self.fieldObjects.add(newSegment) # Unless food was eaten, Remove tail and let the last segment smoothly move in the # body direction. if not eatenFood: self.removeTail(1) def removeTail(self, length): for i in xrange(length): if len(self.segments) > 1: self.fieldObjects.remove(self.segments.pop()) self.segments[-1].moveInDirection(self.segments[-1].direction)