Exemple #1
def setup_exam(page, elem, dummy_uid):
    vlam = elem.attrib['title']
    vlam_info = parse_vlam(vlam)
    exam_name = vlam_info['name']
    if 'name' not in vlam_info or 'start' not in vlam_info or 'duration' not in vlam_info:
        print("not a valid exam")
        now = time.time()
        start_time_tuple = time.strptime(vlam_info['start'],'%Y-%m-%d_%X')
        start_time = time.mktime(start_time_tuple)
        #print time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime(now))
        now_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime(now))
        start_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime(start_time))
        if now < start_time:
            elem.text = """It is %s. The exam is not started.
It will start at %s""" % (now_str, start_str)
            # the following test should not be needed in production code
            # as the exam would not have yet been created.  However, we should
            # keep it as it is useful for testing - editing the html page,
            # changing time to see if the exam is allowed to take place or not.
            if page.username in exams:
                if exam_name in exams[page.username]:
                    del exams[page.username][exam_name]
        elif now > start_time + 60 * int(vlam_info['duration'][:-1]):
            elem.text = """Sorry, the time to complete the exam is over.
It was started at %s and lasted %s minutes.""" % (
                    time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X',start_time_tuple), vlam_info['duration'][:-1])
            if page.username in exams:
                if exam_name in exams[page.username]:
                    del exams[page.username][exam_name]
        # record the exam name which is in progress
        if page.username not in exams:
            exams[page.username] = {}
        if exam_name not in exams[page.username]:
            exams[page.username][exam_name] = {}
        exams[page.username][exam_name]['problems'] = []
        elem.text = "The Exam %s, started at %s (Duration: %s minutes.)\n" % (
                exam_name, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X',start_time_tuple),
        elem.text += "It is currently %s." % now_str
Exemple #2
def setup_exam(page, elem, dummy_uid):
    vlam = elem.attrib['title']
    vlam_info = parse_vlam(vlam)
    exam_name = vlam_info['name']
    if 'name' not in vlam_info or 'start' not in vlam_info or 'duration' not in vlam_info:
        print("not a valid exam")
        now = time.time()
        start_time_tuple = time.strptime(vlam_info['start'], '%Y-%m-%d_%X')
        start_time = time.mktime(start_time_tuple)
        #print time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime(now))
        now_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime(now))
        start_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime(start_time))
        if now < start_time:
            elem.text = """It is %s. The exam is not started.
It will start at %s""" % (now_str, start_str)
            # the following test should not be needed in production code
            # as the exam would not have yet been created.  However, we should
            # keep it as it is useful for testing - editing the html page,
            # changing time to see if the exam is allowed to take place or not.
            if page.username in exams:
                if exam_name in exams[page.username]:
                    del exams[page.username][exam_name]
        elif now > start_time + 60 * int(vlam_info['duration'][:-1]):
            elem.text = """Sorry, the time to complete the exam is over.
It was started at %s and lasted %s minutes.""" % (time.strftime(
                '%Y-%m-%d %X', start_time_tuple), vlam_info['duration'][:-1])
            if page.username in exams:
                if exam_name in exams[page.username]:
                    del exams[page.username][exam_name]
        # record the exam name which is in progress
        if page.username not in exams:
            exams[page.username] = {}
        if exam_name not in exams[page.username]:
            exams[page.username][exam_name] = {}
        exams[page.username][exam_name]['problems'] = []
        elem.text = "The Exam %s, started at %s (Duration: %s minutes.)\n" % (
            exam_name, time.strftime(
                '%Y-%m-%d %X', start_time_tuple), vlam_info['duration'][:-1])
        elem.text += "It is currently %s." % now_str
Exemple #3
def doctest_widget_callback(page, elem, uid):
    """Handles embedding suitable code into the page in order to display and
    run doctests"""
    vlam = elem.attrib["title"]
    log_id = extract_log_id(vlam)

    vlam_info = parse_vlam(vlam)
    limit_time = vlam_info.get("time", None)
    exam_name = vlam_info.get("exam_name", None)
    # We check to see if an exam name has been defined (in exam_mode.py).
    # This is only defined when a test has started.
    if exam_name:
        if page.username not in exams:
        elif exam_name not in exams[page.username]:

    if log_id:
        t = 'doctest'
        config[page.username]['logging_uids'][uid] = (log_id, t)

    # When a security mode is set to "display ...", we only parse the
    # page, but no Python execution from is allowed from that page.
    # If that is the case, we won't include javascript either, to make
    # thus making the source easier to read.
    if 'display' not in config[page.username]['page_security_level'](page.url):
        if not page.includes("doctest_included") :

    # next, we style the code, also extracting it in a useful form ...
    elem.attrib['title'] = "pycon"
    doctestcode, show_vlam = plugin['services'].style(page, elem, None, vlam)
    # remove trailing white spaces, which may mess the expected output...
    doctestcode_lines = doctestcode.split('\n')
    for i in range(len(doctestcode_lines)):
        doctestcode_lines[i] = doctestcode_lines[i].rstrip()
    doctestcode = '\n'.join(doctestcode_lines)

    elem.attrib['title'] = vlam

    if log_id:
        config[page.username]['log'][log_id] = [tostring(elem)]
    # which we store
    doctests[uid] = doctestcode

    wrap_in_div(elem, uid, vlam, "doctest", show_vlam)
    if config[page.username]['popups']:
        # insert popup helper
        img = Element("img", src="/images/help.png", style="height:32px;",
                title = "cluetip Hello %s! "%page.username + "This is a doctest.;  click for more",
                rel = "/docs/popups/doctest.html")
        plugin['services'].insert_cluetip(page, img, uid)

    # call the insert_editor_subwidget service to insert an editor:
    plugin['services'].insert_editor_subwidget(page, elem, uid)
    #some spacing:
    SubElement(elem, "br")
    # the actual button used for code execution:
    btn = SubElement(elem, "button")
    btn.attrib["id"] = "run_doctest_btn_" + uid
    btn.text = _("Run Doctest")
    btn.attrib["onclick"] = "exec_doctest('%s')" % uid
    if "analyzer_score" in vlam:
        plugin['services'].add_scoring(page, btn, uid)
    if "analyzer_report" in vlam:
        plugin['services'].insert_analyzer_button(page, elem, uid)
    SubElement(elem, "br")
    if limit_time:
        page.add_js_code("window.addEventListener('load', function(e){count_down('%s', get_doctest_time('%s'));}, false);" %(uid, uid))
    # finally, an output subwidget:
    plugin['services'].insert_io_subwidget(page, elem, uid)