Exemple #1
 async def unban(self, ctx, mention):
     """Unban the player."""
     id = await get_id(ctx, mention)
     await ctx.send(embed=Embed(
         description=f"{mention} has been unbanned ! Check !bans"))
Exemple #2
    async def set_pick_mode(self, ctx, mode, new_mode):
        """Set the pick_mode to the new_mode set

        new mode:
            0: random teams
            1: balanced teams
            2: random cap, picks 1-1 1-1
            3: best cap, picks 1-1 1-1
            4: random cap, picks 1-2 2-1
            5: best cap, picks 1-2 2-1
        game = get_game(ctx)
        new_mode = int(new_mode)
        if split_with_numbers(mode)[1] == 't':
            await ctx.send("Can't set a pick_mode for team vs team")
        if new_mode not in range(6):
            await ctx.send("Wrong new_mode given, read help pick_mode")
        pick_modes = ["random teams", "balanced random", "random cap (1-1)",
                      "best cap (1-1)", "random cap (1-2 2-1)", "best cap (1-2 2-1)"]
        game.queues[mode].mode = new_mode
        if len(game.queues[mode].modes) <= 4:  # backward compatibility
        game.queues[mode].pick_function = game.queues[mode].modes[new_mode]
        await ctx.send(f"Pick mode changed to {pick_modes[new_mode]} !")
Exemple #3
 async def del_rank(self, ctx, mode, name):
     """Delete the rank of a specific mode via its name."""
     game = get_game(ctx)
     if game.ranks[mode].pop(name, None) is None:
         await ctx.send("The rank couldn't be found.")
         await ctx.send(f"The rank {name} was successfully deleted from mode {mode}.")
Exemple #4
    async def register(self, ctx, mode):
        """Register the player to the elo embed_leaderboard.

        Example: !r N or !r N all
        This command will register the user into the game mode set in argument.
        The game mode needs to be the N in NvsN, and it needs to already exist.
        This command can be used only in the register channel.
        The command will fail if the mode doesn't exist (use !modes to check)."""

        game = get_game(ctx)
        name = ctx.author.id
        if name in game.leaderboard(mode):
            await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x000000,
                                       description=f"There's already a played called <@{name}>."))
        if len(game.leaderboard(mode)) < game.limit_leaderboards:
            game.leaderboard(mode)[name] = Player(ctx.author.name, ctx.author.id)
            await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x00FF00,
                                       description=f"<@{name}> has been registered."))
            num = split_with_numbers(mode)[0]
            role = discord.utils.get(
                ctx.guild.roles, name=f"{num}vs{num} Elo Player")
            await ctx.author.add_roles(role)
            await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x000000,
                                       description="This server doesn't have premium, hence, it is limited to 10 "
                                                   "users only.\n Get premium here: https://discord.gg/E2ZBNSx to "
                                                   "get unlimited users !"))
Exemple #5
    async def graph(self, ctx, mode, mention="", stat_key="elo"):
        """Show the graph of previous elo points.

        This doesn't count the boosts due to double xp or win streaks.
        Name MUST be given if you want to make a graph based on the wlr.
        game = get_game(ctx)
        player = await get_player_by_mention(ctx, mode, mention) if mention\
            else await get_player_by_id(ctx, mode, ctx.author.id)
        values = list(game.archive[mode].values())
        y_list = []
        if stat_key == "elo":
            y_list = self.build_elo_graph(values, player)
        elif stat_key == "wlr":
            y_list = self.build_wlr_graph(values, player)

        x_list = [x for x in range(len(y_list))]

        x = np.array(x_list)
        y = np.array(y_list)
        arr = np.vstack((x, y))
        plt.plot(arr[0], arr[1])
        plt.title(f'{player.name}\'s {stat_key} Graph')
        plt.xlabel("Number of games")
        plt.ylabel(f"{stat_key} points")
        await ctx.send(file=discord.File('plot.png'))
Exemple #6
    async def set_all_stats(self, ctx, mode, name, *stats):
        """Set the stats to the player in the specific mode.
        Let any stat to -1 to not let it change.
        In order:
            [elo, wins, losses, nb_matches, wlr, most_wins_in_a_row,
            most_losses_in_a_row, current_win_streak,
            The wlr will anyway be calculated at the end.
        player = get_game(ctx).leaderboard(mode)[int(name[3:-1])]
        stats_name = Player.STATS[1:-2]
        if len(stats) > len(stats_name):
            await ctx.send(
                "Too much arguments ! I'll cancel in case you messed up")

        for i, stat in enumerate(stats):
                stat = int(stat)
                if stat >= 0:
                    setattr(player, stats_name[i], stat)
            except ValueError:
                await ctx.send(f"Wrong format for {stats_name[i]}.")

        player.wlr = player.wins / player.losses if player.losses != 0 else 0
        await ctx.send("Worked!")
Exemple #7
    async def overall_stats(self, ctx, mode):
        """Show the number of wins of red/blue."""
        archive = get_game(ctx).archive[mode]
        wins = [0, 0, 0]
        y_dlist, y_rlist, y_blist = [], [], []
        for _, winner, _ in archive.values():
            wins[0] += winner == 0
            wins[1] += winner == 1
            wins[2] += winner == 2

        total = sum(wins)

        x = np.arange(total)
        plt.plot(x, y_dlist)
        plt.plot(x, y_rlist)
        plt.plot(x, y_blist)
        plt.title(f'Teams wins Graph')
        plt.xlabel("Number of games")
        plt.legend(['Draw', 'Red', 'Blue'], loc='upper left')
        await ctx.send(file=discord.File('plot.png'))
    async def most(self,
        """Show who you played the most with.

        Example: !most losses @Anddy with
        Will show the leaderboard of the people with who you lost the most.
        order_key must € [games, draws, wins, losses]
        is the key the table will be ordered by."""
        game = get_game(ctx)

        player = await get_player_by_mention(ctx, mode, mention) if mention \
            else await get_player_by_id(ctx, mode, ctx.author.id)

        if order_key not in ("games", "draws", "wins", "losses"):
            raise commands.errors.BadArgument(order_key)
        if with_or_vs not in ("with", "vs"):
            raise commands.errors.BadArgument(with_or_vs)

        # most_played_with = build_most_played_with(game, mode, name)
        msg = await ctx.send(embed=most_stat_embed(
            game, mode, player, order_key, with_or_vs=with_or_vs))
        await add_scroll(msg)
Exemple #9
 async def force_remove(self, ctx, mention):
     """Remove the player from the current queue."""
     mode = get_channel_mode(ctx)
     player = await get_player_by_mention(ctx, mode, mention)
     game = get_game(ctx)
     queue = game.queues[mode]
     await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x00FF00,
 async def limit(self, ctx):
     """Show the current limit to amount of users."""
     game = get_game(ctx)
     msg = '\n'.join([
         f"{mode}: **[{len(users)} / {game.limit_leaderboards}]** players"
         for mode, users in game.get_leaderboards().items()
     await ctx.send(embed=Embed(
         color=0x00FF00, title="Amount of users", description=msg))
Exemple #11
    async def canceled(self, ctx, mode):
        """Display every canceled games of a specific mode.

        Example: !cl 2
        Will show every canceled games in 2vs2.
        game = get_game(ctx)
        msg = await ctx.send(embed=game.embed_canceled(mode))
        await add_scroll(msg)
Exemple #12
    async def undecided(self, ctx, mode):
        """Display every undecided games.

        Example: !undecided 2
        Will show every undecided games in 2vs2, with the format below.
        id: [id], Red team: [player1, player2], Blue team: [player3, player4]."""
        game = get_game(ctx)
        msg = await ctx.send(embed=game.embed_undecided(mode))
        await add_scroll(msg)
Exemple #13
    async def uncancel(self, ctx, mode, id_game):
        """Uncancel the game given in arg.

        Example: !uncancel 1 3
        will uncancel the game with the id 3 in the mode 1vs1.
        game = get_game(ctx)
        await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x00FF00,
                                   description=game.uncancel(mode, int(id_game))))
Exemple #14
    async def archived(self, ctx, mode):
        """Display every games of a specific mode.

        Example: !archived 2
        Will show every games in 2vs2, with the format below.
        id: [id], Winner: Team Red/Blue, Red team: [player1, player2],
        Blue team: [player3, player4]."""
        game = get_game(ctx)
        msg = await ctx.send(embed=game.embed_archived(mode))
        await add_scroll(msg)
Exemple #15
    async def set_fav_pos(self, ctx, *args):
        """The arguments will now be in the list that players can pick as position.

        !set_fav_pos gk dm am st
        will allow the players to use
        !pos st gk am dm
        game = get_game(ctx)
        setattr(game, "available_positions", list(args))
        await ctx.send(f"The available_positions are now {game.available_positions}")
Exemple #16
    async def queue(self, ctx):
        """Show the current queue.

        When using it on a channel in Modes category, the user will see the
        current queue with everyone's Elo.
        Can't be used outside Modes category.
        game = get_game(ctx)
        mode = get_channel_mode(ctx)
        await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x00FF00,
Exemple #17
    async def ban(self, ctx, mention, timeUnity, *reason):
        """Bans the player for a certain time.

        !ban @Anddy 2h code very badly
        unity must be in s, m, h, d (secs, mins, hours, days).


        id = await get_id(ctx, mention)
        time = split_with_numbers(timeUnity)
        unity = ""
        if len(time) == 2:
            time, unity = time
        total_sec = await get_total_sec(ctx, time, unity)
        get_game(ctx).ban_player(id, total_sec, ' '.join(reason))
        await ctx.send(
                        description=f"{mention} has been banned ! Check !bans")
Exemple #18
    async def undo(self, ctx, mode, id_game):
        """Undo a game.

        Example: !undo 1 7
        in the mode 1vs1, in the 7th game.
        This will reset the ranking updates of this match.
        The game will be in undecided.
        game = get_game(ctx)
        await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x00FF00,
                                   description=game.undo(mode, int(id_game))))
    async def rank(self, ctx, mode, name):
        """Show the rank of the name."""
        ranks = get_game(ctx).ranks[mode]
        if name not in ranks:
            await ctx.send(embed=Embed(
                description="Couldn't find the rank with that name."))

        await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x00FF00,
    def predicate(ctx):
        args = ctx.message.content.split(' ')
        if len(args) < 2:
            raise commands.errors.BadArgument("The mode argument is missing.")
        if args[1] not in get_game(ctx).available_modes:
            raise commands.errors.BadArgument(
                f"The mode is incorrect, you wrote {args[1]}\n"
                f"But it must be in {str(get_game(ctx).available_modes)}"
                f"But it must be in {str(list(get_game(ctx).available_modes))}"

        return True
Exemple #21
 async def leave_with(self, ctx):
     game = get_game(ctx)
     mode = get_channel_mode(ctx)
     queue = game.queues[mode]
     player = await get_player_by_id(ctx, mode, ctx.author.id)
     if player in queue.players:
         # The queue is full after the second team gets added so they can't leave anyway
         queue.players = queue.players[queue.max_queue // 2:]
         await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x00FF00,
                                    description="Your team was removed from the queue."))
     await send_error(ctx, "You are not in the queue.")
Exemple #22
    async def cancel(self, ctx, mode, id_game):
        """Cancel the game given in arg.

        Example: !cancel 1 3
        will cancel the game with the id 3 in the mode 1vs1.
        game = get_game(ctx)
        if game.cancel(mode, int(id_game)):
            await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x00FF00,
                                       description=f"The game {id_game} has been canceled"))
            await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x000000,
                                       description=f"Could not find the game {id_game} in the current games."))
Exemple #23
    async def leave(self, ctx):
        """Remove the player from the queue.

        As opposite to the !join, the leave will remove the player from the
        queue if he was in.
        Can't be used outside Modes category.
        The user needs to be in the queue for using this command.
        The user can't leave a queue after it went full."""
        game = get_game(ctx)
        mode = get_channel_mode(ctx)
        player = await get_player_by_id(ctx, mode, ctx.author.id)
        await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x00FF00,
Exemple #24
    async def quit_elo(self, ctx):
        """Delete the user from the registered players.

        The user will lose all of his data after the command.
        Can be used only in Bye channel.
        Can't be undone."""
        game = get_game(ctx)
        id = ctx.author.id


        await ctx.send(embed=Embed(color=0x00FF00,
                                   description=f'<@{id}> has been removed from the rankings'))
    async def leaderboard(self, ctx, mode, stat_key="elo"):
        """Show current leaderboard.

        Example: !lb 1 wins
        Will show the leaderboard of the mode 1vs1 based on the wins.
        [mode] can be any mode in !modes.
        [stats key] can be any stat in !info. e.g:
        name, elo, wins, losses, nb_matches, wlr
        most_wins_in_a_row, most_losses_in_a_row.
        By default, if the stats key is missing, the bot will show the elo lb.
        game = get_game(ctx)
        msg = await ctx.send(embed=game.embed_leaderboard(mode, stat_key, 1))
        await add_scroll(msg)
Exemple #26
 async def set_premium(ctx):
     game = get_game(ctx)
     game.limit_leaderboards = math.inf
     time_to_add = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
     if game.date_premium_end == 0:
         game.date_premium_end = time.time() + time_to_add
         print(time.time(), game.date_premium_end)
         game.date_premium_end += time_to_add
     await ctx.send(embed=Embed(
         title="Thanks for supporting me !",
         f"You got your unlimited amount of player for every mode !\n"
         "Any issue ? Ping Anddy#2086 on the main server !."))
Exemple #27
 async def clear_queue(self, ctx):
     """Clear the current queue."""
     game = get_game(ctx)
     mode = get_channel_mode(ctx)
     last_id = game.queues[mode].game_id
     if not game.queues[mode].has_queue_been_full:
         for player in game.queues[mode].players:
             if player in TIMEOUTS:
                 TIMEOUTS.pop(player, None)
         game.queues[mode] = Queue(2 * int(split_with_numbers(mode)[0]),
                                   game.queues[mode].map_mode, last_id)
     await ctx.send(
         embed=Embed(color=0x00FF00, description="The queue is now empty"))
Exemple #28
    async def force_quit(self, ctx, mention):
        """Delete the seized user from the registered players.

        Example: !force_quit @Anddy
        The command is the same than quit_elo except that the user has to make
        someone else quit the Elo.
        Can't be undone."""
        game = get_game(ctx)
        id = await get_id(ctx, mention)

        await ctx.send(embed=Embed(
            description=f'{mention} has been removed from the rankings'))
Exemple #29
    async def rename(self, ctx, *new_name):
        """Will rename the user in every leaderboards.

        With no argument, the user will have his name reset.
        Only usable in #register
        game = get_game(ctx)
        if not new_name:
            new_name = ctx.author.display_name
            new_name = ' '.join(new_name)
        for mode in game.get_leaderboards():
            if ctx.author.id in game.leaderboard(mode):
                game.leaderboard(mode)[ctx.author.id].name = new_name
        await ctx.send(f"You have been renamed to {new_name}")
    async def history(self, ctx, mode, mention=""):
        """Show every matches the user played in.

        Example: !h 1 @Anddy
        With no argument, the !info will show the user's stats.
        With a player_name as argument, if the player exists, this will show
        is stats in the seized mode.
        Can be used only in info_chat channel.
        game = get_game(ctx)
        player = await get_player_by_mention(ctx, mode, mention) if mention \
            else await get_player_by_id(ctx, mode, ctx.author.id)

        msg = await ctx.send(embed=game.embed_history(mode, player))
        await add_scroll(msg)