Exemple #1
    def get_end_eff_xy_basestate_coords_from_xy_yaw(self, xy_yaw_deg):
        :param xy_yaw_deg:

        yaw_rad = np.deg2rad(xy_yaw_deg[2])
        x = xy_yaw_deg[0]
        y = xy_yaw_deg[1]
        base = (parameters.BASE_STATE_END_EFF_DX_FROM_TORSO,

        fl = MathUtils._2d_rotation_transformation(base[0], base[1], yaw_rad)
        fr = MathUtils._2d_rotation_transformation(base[0], -base[1], yaw_rad)
        bl = MathUtils._2d_rotation_transformation(-base[0], base[1], yaw_rad)
        br = MathUtils._2d_rotation_transformation(-base[0], -base[1], yaw_rad)

        fl_x = x + fl[0]
        fl_y = y + fl[1]
        fr_x = x + fr[0]
        fr_y = y + fr[1]
        bl_x = x + bl[0]
        bl_y = y + bl[1]
        br_x = x + br[0]
        br_y = y + br[1]

        fl_z = self.height_map.height_at_xy(fl_x, fl_y)
        fr_z = self.height_map.height_at_xy(fr_x, fr_y)
        bl_z = self.height_map.height_at_xy(bl_x, bl_y)
        br_z = self.height_map.height_at_xy(br_x, br_y)
        return (fl_x, fl_y, fl_z), (fr_x, fr_y, fr_z), (br_x, br_y,
                                                        br_z), (bl_x, bl_y,
Exemple #2
 def save_high_density_xy_yaw_path(self):
     num_to_add_between_points = parameters.HLTRAJ_NB_POINTS_BTWN_PATH_NODES
     extended_xy_yaw_path = MathUtils.list_extender(
         self.xy_yaw_path, num_to_add_between_points)
     self.higher_density_xy_yaw_path = extended_xy_yaw_path
     ave_dist = 0
     for i in range(0, len(extended_xy_yaw_path) - 2):
         xy_yaw1 = extended_xy_yaw_path[i]
         xy_yaw2 = extended_xy_yaw_path[i + 1]
         ave_dist += MathUtils._2d_euclidian_distance(xy_yaw1, xy_yaw2)
     ave_dist /= len(extended_xy_yaw_path)
     self.ave_higher_density_xy_yaw_path_distance_change = ave_dist
Exemple #3
    def save_smoothed_path(self):
        if settings.STEPSEQ_VERBOSITY >= 3:
            for xy_yaw in self.xy_yaw_path:
                print("  ", Logger.pp_list(xy_yaw))
            smoothed_path = MathUtils._3d_pointlist_cubic_interprolation(
        except TypeError:
            Logger.log("Error: 'm > k must hold'", "FAIL")
            smoothed_path = self.xy_yaw_path

        self.smoothed_path = smoothed_path
        ave_dist = 0
        for i in range(0, len(smoothed_path) - 2):
            xy_yaw1 = smoothed_path[i]
            xy_yaw2 = smoothed_path[i + 1]
            ave_dist += MathUtils._2d_euclidian_distance(xy_yaw1, xy_yaw2)
        ave_dist /= len(smoothed_path)
        self.ave_smooth_path_distance_change = ave_dist
    def __init__(self, height_map_obj):

        # super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
        OutputSuperclass.__init__(self, "gradient map")

        self.x_vars = height_map_obj.x_vars
        self.y_vars = height_map_obj.y_vars

        self.x_start = height_map_obj.x_vars[0]
        self.x_end = height_map_obj.x_vars[1]
        self.x_granularity = height_map_obj.x_vars[2]
        self.y_start = height_map_obj.y_vars[0]
        self.y_end = height_map_obj.y_vars[1]
        self.y_granularity = height_map_obj.y_vars[2]

        self.x_indices = int((self.x_end - self.x_start) / self.x_granularity)
        self.y_indices = int((self.y_end - self.y_start) / self.y_granularity)

        self.hm_x_gradient, self.hm_y_gradient = MathUtils.xy_gradient(
        self.hm_x_slope, self.hm_y_slope = MathUtils.gradient_to_slope_arr(
            self.hm_x_gradient), MathUtils.gradient_to_slope_arr(
    def parse_hm(self, pcd_fname, visualize=False, debug=False):

        coordinate_frame_mesh = o3d.geometry.create_mesh_coordinate_frame(
            size=0.6, origin=[0, 0, 0])

        voxel_size = 0.01

        # pcd: o3d.geometry.PointCloud = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(pcd_fname)
        pcd: o3d.geometry.PointCloud = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(pcd_fname)
        pcd: o3d.geometry.PointCloud = o3d.geometry.voxel_down_sample(
            pcd, voxel_size=voxel_size)
        pc_xyzs = np.asarray(pcd.points)

        x_width_rob_mask = 1.7
        y_width_rob_mask = 1
        robot_mask = np.logical_and(
            np.abs(pc_xyzs[:, 0]) < x_width_rob_mask,
            np.abs(pc_xyzs[:, 1]) < y_width_rob_mask)

        pc_xyzs_norobot = pc_xyzs[np.logical_not(robot_mask)]
        no_robot_pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
        no_robot_pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pc_xyzs_norobot)
        pcd, _ = o3d.geometry.statistical_outlier_removal(no_robot_pcd,

        T = self.get_transformation(pcd_fname)

        pc_xyzs = np.asarray(pcd.points)
        floor_z = PCloudParser.get_ground_z(pc_xyzs)
        if debug:
            print(f"ground z: {floor_z}")

        x_min = np.min(pc_xyzs[:, 0])
        y_min = np.min(pc_xyzs[:, 1])
        pcd.translate([-x_min, -y_min, -floor_z])
        pc_xyzs = np.asarray(pcd.points)

        if debug:
            print(f" pc pre cieling mask filter has {len(pc_xyzs)} points")

        # Filter all points above k meters
        cieling_mask = pc_xyzs[:, 2] < 2.5
        pc_xyzs = pc_xyzs[cieling_mask]

        if debug:
            print(f" pc post cieling mask filter has {len(pc_xyzs)} points")
            print("new ground z: ", PCloudParser.get_ground_z(pc_xyzs))

        floor_threshold = 0.04
        floor_mask = np.abs(pc_xyzs[:, 2]) < floor_threshold

        floor_points_xyz = pc_xyzs[floor_mask]
        floor_pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
        floor_pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(floor_points_xyz)

        # non_floor_mask = np.logical_not(floor_mask)
        non_floor_mask = pc_xyzs[:, 2] > floor_threshold + 0.025
        non_floor_points_xyz = pc_xyzs[non_floor_mask]
        non_floor_pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
        non_floor_pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(non_floor_points_xyz)

        a0, b0, c0, x0, y0, z0 = PCloudParser.best_fitting_plane(
            floor_points_xyz, debug=False)
        ang_to_zaxis_rad = MathUtils.angle_between_two_3d_vectors([a0, b0, c0],
                                                                  [0, 0, 1])
        ang_to_zaxis_deg = np.rad2deg(ang_to_zaxis_rad)
        round_amt = 6
        if debug:
                "a0, b0, c0 :",
                round(a0, round_amt),
                round(b0, round_amt),
                round(c0, round_amt),
                " angle to <0, 0, 1>:",
                round(ang_to_zaxis_deg, 3),
                " degrees",

        planar_pc = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
        planar_pc.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(
            self.planar_point_cloud(0, 0, 1, 5, 5, 0, 10, 25, 10, 25))

        if visualize:
            planar_pc.paint_uniform_color([1, 0, 0])
            floor_pcd.paint_uniform_color([1, 0.706, 0])
                [floor_pcd, non_floor_pcd, planar_pc, coordinate_frame_mesh])

        return pc_xyzs, non_floor_points_xyz
 def get_end_affector_xyz_coords_from_xy_yaw_deg_at_base_state(
     yaw_rad = np.deg2rad(xy_yaw_deg[2])
     x = xy_yaw_deg[0]
     y = xy_yaw_deg[1]
     base = (parameters.BASE_STATE_END_EFF_DX_FROM_TORSO,
     fl = MathUtils._2d_rotation_transformation(base[0], base[1], yaw_rad)
     fr = MathUtils._2d_rotation_transformation(base[0], -base[1], yaw_rad)
     bl = MathUtils._2d_rotation_transformation(-base[0], base[1], yaw_rad)
     br = MathUtils._2d_rotation_transformation(-base[0], -base[1], yaw_rad)
     fl_x = x + fl[0]
     fl_y = y + fl[1]
     fr_x = x + fr[0]
     fr_y = y + fr[1]
     bl_x = x + bl[0]
     bl_y = y + bl[1]
     br_x = x + br[0]
     br_y = y + br[1]
     if ((not self.xy_inbound(fl_x,
             or (not self.xy_inbound(fr_x,
             or (not self.xy_inbound(br_x,
             or (not self.xy_inbound(bl_x,
         if debug:
                 " value error in get end effector xyz coords at base state!"
         return False, False, False, False
     if visualize:
         self.visualize_cost(fl_x, fl_y, 1, "FRONT LEFT")
         self.visualize_cost(fr_x, fr_y, 1, "FRONT RIGHT")
         self.visualize_cost(bl_x, bl_y, 1, "BACK LEFT")
         self.visualize_cost(br_x, br_y, 1, "BACK RIGHT")
     if debug:
             "\nin get_end_affector_xy_coords_from_xy_yaw_at_base_state()")
         print("\n    input x:", x)
         print("          y:", y)
         print("          yaw:", xy_yaw_deg[2])
         print("\n  fl:", Logger.pp_list([fl_x, fl_y]))
         print("  fr:", Logger.pp_list([fr_x, fr_y]))
         print("  br:", Logger.pp_list([br_x, br_y]))
         print("  bl:", Logger.pp_list([bl_x, bl_y]))
     fl_z = self.height_map.height_at_xy(fl_x, fl_y)
     fr_z = self.height_map.height_at_xy(fr_x, fr_y)
     bl_z = self.height_map.height_at_xy(bl_x, bl_y)
     br_z = self.height_map.height_at_xy(br_x, br_y)
     return (fl_x, fl_y, fl_z), (fr_x, fr_y, fr_z), (br_x, br_y,
                                                     br_z), (bl_x, bl_y,
    def xy_centroid_from_o_3dgeoms(self, o_2DGeometry_objs, closest_to=None):
        @summary returns the centroid of the intersection area of numrerous _2D_xxx support ibjects
        @param o_2D_objects:
        intersection_poly = self.get_shapely_intersection_from_o_3dgeoms(
        # VisUtils.visualize_shapely_poly(intersection_poly, add_z=.25, color=VisUtils.TURQ)

        intersection_centroid = intersection_poly.centroid.coords
                intersection_poly = intersection_poly.geoms[1]
            except IndexError:
                Logger.log("2d objects do not intersect", "FAIL")
                return None
        except AttributeError:

        if closest_to:

            d = 0.001
            intersection_poly_centroid = intersection_poly.centroid.coords[0]
            v = MathUtils.normalize([
                closest_to[0] - intersection_poly_centroid[0],
                closest_to[1] - intersection_poly_centroid[1]
            xy = intersection_poly_centroid
            while intersection_poly.contains(Point(xy)):
                xy = MathUtils.add_scaled_vector_to_pt(xy, v, d)
                # print(f"xy: {xy}\t inside: {intersection_poly.contains(Point(xy))}")

            xy = MathUtils.add_scaled_vector_to_pt(xy, v, -d)
            # print(f"Done. xy: {xy}\t inside: {intersection_poly.contains(Point(xy))}")
            return xy

            # point = Point(closest_to[0], closest_to[1])
            # pol_ext = LinearRing(intersection_poly.exterior.coords)

            # d = pol_ext.project(point)
            # p = pol_ext.interpolate(d)
            # closest_point_coords = list(p.coords)[0]
            # print(type(closest_point_coords))
            # print(closest_point_coords)
            # return closest_point_coords

            # p1, p2 = nearest_points(intersection_poly, point)
            # print("intersection_poly.contains(p1): ",intersection_poly.contains(p1))
            # print("intersection_poly.contains(p2): ",intersection_poly.contains(p2))
            # return p1.x, p1.y

            # if type(intersection_poly) == type(GeometryCollection):
            #     for i in intersection_poly.geoms:
            #         if type(i) == type(Polygon):
            #             intersection_poly = i
            # pol_ext = LinearRing(intersection_poly.exterior.coords)
            # closest_to_point = Point(closest_to[0], closest_to[1])
            # d = pol_ext.project(closest_to_point)
            # p = pol_ext.interpolate(d)
            # closest_point_coords = list(p.coords)[0]
            # return closest_point_coords

                x = intersection_centroid.xy[0][0]
                y = intersection_centroid.xy[1][0]
                return [x, y]
            except AttributeError:
                Logger.log("2d objects do not intersect", "FAIL")
                return None
    def enforce_safety_margin(self, scaling_factor):

        points = list(self.shapely_poly.exterior.coords)
        P1 = points[0]
        P2 = points[1]
        P3 = points[2]  # 0, 10
        V1 = MathUtils.get_vector_between_points(P1, P2)
        V1_neg = MathUtils.flip_vector(V1)
        V2 = MathUtils.get_vector_between_points(P2, P3)
        V2_neg = MathUtils.flip_vector(V2)
        V3 = MathUtils.get_vector_between_points(P3, P1)
        V3_neg = MathUtils.flip_vector(V3)
        v1_prime = MathUtils.scalar_multiply_vector(MathUtils.vector_adder(V1_neg, V3), scaling_factor)
        v2_prime = MathUtils.scalar_multiply_vector(MathUtils.vector_adder(V1, V2_neg), scaling_factor)
        v3_prime = MathUtils.scalar_multiply_vector(MathUtils.vector_adder(V2, V3_neg), scaling_factor)
        P_ret1 = MathUtils.add_scaled_vector_to_pt(P1, v1_prime, 1)
        P_ret2 = MathUtils.add_scaled_vector_to_pt(P2, v2_prime, 1)
        P_ret3 = MathUtils.add_scaled_vector_to_pt(P3, v3_prime, 1)
        self.points = [P_ret1, P_ret2, P_ret3]
        self.shapely_poly = Polygon(self.points)
        self.shapely_poly.exterior.coords = self.points
 def save_incenter_xyr(self):
     self.incenterx, self.incentery, self.incenterr = MathUtils.incenter_circle_xy_R(
         self.points[0], self.points[1], self.points[2]
    def build_costmap(self,
        returns runtime
        if debug:
            print("calculating footstep location costs")
        start_t = time.time()

        x_idxs_per_step = parameters.CMAP_STEP_SIZEX
        y_idxs_per_step = parameters.CMAP_STEP_SIZEY

        x_idxs_per_step_on2 = x_idxs_per_step / 2.0
        y_idxs_per_step_on2 = y_idxs_per_step / 2.0

        #         x_idxs_per_step = parameters.CMAP_STEP_SIZEX / self.hm_obj.x_granularity
        #         x_idxs_per_step_on2 = x_idxs_per_step / 2.0

        #         y_idxs_per_step = parameters.CMAP_STEP_SIZEY / self.hm_obj.y_granularity
        #         y_idxs_per_step_on2 = y_idxs_per_step / 2.0

        #         print(
        #             f"parameters.CMAP_STEP_SIZEX / hm_obj.x_granularity: {parameters.CMAP_STEP_SIZEX} / {self.hm_obj.x_granularity}"
        #         )
        #         print(f"x_idxs_per_step:  {x_idxs_per_step}")
        #         print(f"x_idxs_per_step_on2: {x_idxs_per_step_on2}")

        #         print(
        #             f"\nparameters.CMAP_STEP_SIZEY / hm_obj.y_granularity: {parameters.CMAP_STEP_SIZEY} / {self.hm_obj.y_granularity}"
        #         )
        #         print(f"y_idxs_per_step:  {y_idxs_per_step}")
        #         print(f"y_idxs_per_step_on2: {y_idxs_per_step_on2}")
        print("x_idxs_per_step:", x_idxs_per_step)
        print("y_idxs_per_step:", y_idxs_per_step)
        assert (
            abs(int(x_idxs_per_step) - x_idxs_per_step) < 1e-5
        ), "CMAP_STEP_SIZE_X doesnt resolve into discrete indexes. make sure the value is a multiple of x_granularity"
        assert (
            abs(int(y_idxs_per_step) - y_idxs_per_step) < 1e-5
        ), "CMAP_STEP_SIZE_Y doesnt resolve into discrete indexes. make sure the value is a multiple of y_granularity"
        assert (
            abs(int(x_idxs_per_step_on2) - x_idxs_per_step_on2) < 1e-5
        ), "CMAP_STEP_SIZE_X /2 doesnt resolve into discrete indexes. make sure the value is a multiple of 2*x_granularity"
        assert (
            abs(int(y_idxs_per_step_on2) - y_idxs_per_step_on2) < 1e-5
        ), "CMAP_STEP_SIZE_Y/2 doesnt resolve into discrete indexes. make sure the value is a multiple of 2*y_granularity"

        x_idxs_per_step = int(x_idxs_per_step)
        y_idxs_per_step = int(y_idxs_per_step)
        x_idxs_per_step_on2 = int(x_idxs_per_step_on2)
        y_idxs_per_step_on2 = int(y_idxs_per_step_on2)

        x_idx = int(x_idxs_per_step_on2)
        y_idx = int(y_idxs_per_step_on2)

        # discontinuity_degree_threshold - slopes greater than this will be considered discontinuities and ignored by this heuristic.

        x_idxs_in_step_fn_search_area = int(
            parameters.CMAP_STEP_COSTFN_SEARCH_SIZE /
        y_idxs_in_step_fn_search_area = int(
            parameters.CMAP_STEP_COSTFN_SEARCH_SIZE /

        hm_np_arr = self.hm_obj.get_np_hm_array()
        # grad_x_np_arr = self.gradient_map.get_np_x_gradient()
        # grad_y_np_arr = self.gradient_map.get_np_y_gradient()


        # this should cover whole search area
        while x_idx < self.x_indices:
            while y_idx < self.y_indices:

                # world_x = self.hm_obj.get_x_from_xindex(x_idx)
                # world_y = self.hm_obj.get_y_from_yindex(y_idx)

                x0 = x_idx - x_idxs_in_step_fn_search_area
                xf = x_idx + x_idxs_in_step_fn_search_area
                y0 = y_idx - y_idxs_in_step_fn_search_area
                yf = y_idx + y_idxs_in_step_fn_search_area
                if x0 < 0:
                    x0 = 0
                if xf >= self.x_indices:
                    xf = self.x_indices - 1
                if y0 < 0:
                    y0 = 0
                if yf >= self.y_indices:
                    yf = self.y_indices - 1

                hm_sub_arr = hm_np_arr[x0:xf, y0:yf]
                # grad_x_sub_arr = grad_x_np_arr[x0:xf, y0:yf]
                # grad_y_sub_arr = grad_x_np_arr[x0:xf, y0:yf]

                slope_cost = 0
                step_cost = 0
                roughness_cost = 0

                # _____ Slope Cost
                if not exlude_slope:

                    x_grad, y_grad = self.gradient_map.get_grad_at_xy_idx(
                        x_idx, y_idx)
                    abs_x_slope_deg, abs_y_slope_deg = np.abs(
                        MathUtils.gradient_to_slope_deg(x_grad)), np.abs(

                    x_cost = abs_x_slope_deg - parameters.CMAP_MAX_NONPENALIZED_SLOPE
                    y_cost = abs_y_slope_deg - parameters.CMAP_MAX_NONPENALIZED_SLOPE

                    # Filter height map discontinuities and non penalized slopes
                    if (abs_x_slope_deg > parameters.
                            or abs_x_slope_deg <
                        x_cost = 0

                    if (abs_y_slope_deg > parameters.
                            or abs_y_slope_deg <
                        y_cost = 0

                    slope_cost = parameters.CMAP_SLOPE_HEURISTIC_COEFF * (
                        x_cost + y_cost) / 2

                    # if c > 0:
                    #     print(f" {round(world_x, 2)},  {round(world_y, 2)}, abs slope x: {round(abs_x_slope_deg,2)}\t y: {round(abs_y_slope_deg,2)}")

                # _____ Step Cost
                if not exlude_step:

                    max_dif = 0
                    for x_i in range(0, xf - x0):
                        y_col = hm_sub_arr[x_i, :]
                        if np.amax(np.abs(np.diff(y_col))) > max_dif:
                            max_dif = np.amax(np.abs(np.diff(y_col)))

                    for y_i in range(0, yf - y0):
                        x_row = hm_sub_arr[:, y_i]
                        if np.amax(np.abs(np.diff(x_row))) > max_dif:
                            max_dif = np.amax(np.abs(np.diff(x_row)))

                    if max_dif > parameters.CMAP_STEP_COSTFN_MIN_HEIGHT_DIF:
                        step_cost = (
                            parameters.CMAP_STEP_COSTFN_BASELINE_COST +
                            parameters.CMAP_STEP_COSTFN_DIF_SLOPE_COEFF *

                    # d = .025
                    # if np.abs(world_x - 5) < d and np.abs(world_y - 1.4) < d:
                    #     print("\n\n______________")
                    #     print("world x:", world_x)
                    #     print("world y:", world_y)
                    #     print("hm array:")
                    #     print(hm_sub_arr)
                    #     print("max_dif:",max_dif)
                    #     print("step_cost:", step_cost)
                    #     print(".CMAP_STEP_COSTFN_DIF_SLOPE_COEFF * max_dif: ", parameters.CMAP_STEP_COSTFN_DIF_SLOPE_COEFF * max_dif)
                    #     print("CMAP_STEP_COSTFN_BASELINE_COST * max_dif: ", parameters.CMAP_STEP_COSTFN_BASELINE_COST)

                # _____ Roughness Cost
                # 'The “roughness” of the location. A measure of the deviation of the surface from the fitted plane.
                # Computed by averaging the difference in height of each cell to the plane’s height at the that cell'
                # Quoted from "Navigation Planning for Legged Robots", Joel Chestnutt

                if not exlude_roughness:

                    if not np.max(hm_sub_arr) == np.min(
                            hm_sub_arr) and step_cost == 0:

                        a, b, c, z0 = MathUtils.best_fitting_plane(hm_sub_arr)
                        specified_plane = MathUtils.hm_specified_by_abc_z0(
                            a, b, c, z0, hm_sub_arr.shape)
                        mse = np.sum(np.abs(specified_plane - hm_sub_arr))
                        # normalized_mse = mse / (hm_sub_arr.shape[0] * hm_sub_arr.shape[1])
                        # roughness_cost = parameters.CMAP_ROUGHNESS_HEURISTIC_COEFF * normalized_mse

                        roughness_cost = parameters.CMAP_ROUGHNESS_HEURISTIC_COEFF * mse

                        # d = .025
                        # if np.abs(world_x - 5) < d and np.abs(world_y - .9) < d:
                        #     print("\n\n______________")
                        #     print("world x:", world_x)
                        #     print("world y:", world_y)
                        #     print("a:", round(a, 4))
                        #     print("b:", round(b, 4))
                        #     print("c:", round(c, 4))
                        #     print("z0:", round(z0, 4))
                        #     print("hm array:")
                        #     print(hm_sub_arr)
                        #     print("mse:",mse)
                        #     # print("normalized mse:", normalized_mse)
                        #     print("cost: ", roughness_cost)
                        # if np.abs(world_x - 4.25) < 2*d and np.abs(world_y - 1) < 2*d:
                        #     print("\n\n______________")
                        #     print("world x:", world_x)
                        #     print("world y:", world_y)
                        #     print("a:", round(a,4))
                        #     print("b:", round(b,4))
                        #     print("v:", round(c,4))
                        #     print("z0:", round(z0,4))
                        #     print("hm array:")
                        #     print(hm_sub_arr)
                        #     print("mse:",mse)
                        #     # print("normalized mse:", normalized_mse)
                        #     print("cost: ", roughness_cost)

                cost = slope_cost + step_cost + roughness_cost
                self.fs_costmap.np_cmap_arr[x_idx - x_idxs_per_step_on2:x_idx +
                                            y_idx - y_idxs_per_step_on2:y_idx +
                                            y_idxs_per_step_on2, ] = cost
                y_idx += y_idxs_per_step
            y_idx = y_idxs_per_step_on2
            x_idx += x_idxs_per_step

        if normalize_cost_arr:
                parameters.CMAP_NORMALIZED_MAX_VALUE, debug=debug)

        self.fs_costmap.runtime = time.time() - start_t
        self.fs_costmap.failed = False

        if debug:
            print("footstep cost map built in:", time.time() - start_t, "s")

        return self.fs_costmap