Exemple #1
class _Agent(abc.ABC):
    """ Abstract agent class. An agent unifies the three cornerstones of the system:
            - an environment in which the agent acts
            - a policy that it uses to make decisions about how to act
            - a representation module that converts an environment state into a latent representation.
        Implementations of the agent class provide methods for training the latter components for the purpose of acting
        in the environment.

    representation_learner: _RepresentationLearner
    policy: _Policy
    environments: List[Env]

    def __init__(self, representation_learner: _RepresentationLearner,
                 policy: _Policy, environments: List[Env]):
        self.environments = environments
        self.policy = policy
        self.representation_learner = representation_learner
        self.start_episode = 0
        self.path_manager = PathManager()
        self.logger = Logger('logs', self.get_config_name())

        # check if environments given as list
        if not isinstance(environments, list):
            raise ValueError(
                "Need to provide list of environment. For single environment training provide single-element list."

        # check if the environments are having same action space
        if not len(set([env.action_space.n
                        for env in self.environments])) == 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "All environments need to have the same amount of available actions!"

        # check if the environments are having same state space
        if not len(
                     for env in self.environments])) == 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "All environments need to have the same state dimensionality!")

    def train_agent(self,
                    episodes: int,
                    ckpt_to_load: str = None,
                    episodes_per_saving: int = None,
                    plot_every: int = None,
                    log: bool = False) -> None:
        """ Train the agent for some number of episodes. The max length of episodes is specified in the environment.

        Optionally save or load checkpoints from previous trainings.

        :param episodes: the number of episodes
        :param ckpt_to_load: loading checkpoint. Default: None
        :param episodes_per_saving: number of episodes between saving checkpoint. Default: None
        :param plot_every: number of steps that will happen between the plotting of the space representation
        :param log: whether logging is done. Default: False
        raise NotImplementedError

    def act(self, current_state: Tensor,
            env: Env) -> Tuple[Tensor, float, bool]:
        Method that makes the agent choose an action given the actual state. This method will imply the encoding
        of the state if a representation learner is capable of doing so.

        :param current_state: current state of the environment
        :return: next state of the environment along with the reward and a flag that indicates if
        the episode is finished

        action = self.policy.choose_action_policy(current_state)
        next_state, step_reward, env_done, _ = step_env(action, env)

        return next_state, step_reward, env_done

    def report_progress(self, episode, total_episodes, start_time,
                        last_rewards, last_repr_losses, last_policy_losses):
        numb_reported_episodes = len(last_rewards)
            f"\t|-- {int(round(episode / total_episodes * 100)):3d}% ({episode}); "
            f"r-avg: {(sum(last_rewards) / numb_reported_episodes):8.2f}; "
            f"r-peak: {int(max(last_rewards)):4d}; "
            f"r-slack: {int(min(last_rewards)):4d}; "
            f"r-median: {int(statistics.median(last_rewards)):4d}; "
            f"Avg. repr_loss: {sum(last_repr_losses) / numb_reported_episodes:10.4f}; "
            f"Avg. policy_loss: {sum(last_policy_losses) / numb_reported_episodes:15.4f}; "
            f"Time elapsed: {(time.time()-start_time)/60:6.2f} min; "
            f"Eps: {self.policy.memory_epsilon_calculator.value(self.policy.total_steps_done - self.policy.memory_delay):.5f}"

    def test(self,
             env: Env,
             numb_runs: int = 1,
             render: bool = False,
             visual=True) -> None:
        Run a test in the environment using the current policy without exploration.

        :param numb_runs: number of test to be done.
        :param render: render the environment

        all_rewards = []
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
        for i in range(numb_runs):
            ims = []
            done = False
            state = reset_env(env)
            step = 0
            total_reward = 0
            while not done:
                state, reward, done = self.act(state, env)
                step += 1
                total_reward += reward
                if visual:
                if render:
                f"Tested episode {i} took {step} steps and gathered a reward of {total_reward}."
            if not render and visual:
                ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig,
            f'Average max score after {numb_runs} testruns: {sum(all_rewards) / len(all_rewards)} with a peak of {max(all_rewards)} at episode {all_rewards.index(max(all_rewards))}'

    def get_config_name(self):
        return "_".join([
            "_".join([env.spec.id for env in self.environments]),

    def save(self,
             episode: int,
             save_repr_learner: bool = True,
             save_policy_learner: bool = True) -> None:
        ckpt_dir = self.path_manager.get_ckpt_dir(self.get_config_name())

        if save_repr_learner:
                            episode, ckpt_dir, 'repr')

        if save_policy_learner:
            save_checkpoint(self.policy.get_current_training_state(), episode,
                            ckpt_dir, 'policy')

    def load(self,
             ckpt_dir: str,
             load_repr_learner: bool = True,
             load_policy_learner: bool = True,
             gpu: bool = True) -> None:

        if load_repr_learner and load_policy_learner:
            self.start_episode = apply_checkpoint(

        elif load_repr_learner:
            self.start_episode = apply_checkpoint(
                ckpt_dir, repr=self.representation_learner, gpu=gpu)

        elif load_policy_learner:
            self.start_episode = apply_checkpoint(ckpt_dir,
Exemple #2
class DAO:

    def __init__(self, train_file_name=TRAIN_2016_DATA_FILE_NAME, test_file_name=TEST_2016_DATA_FILE_NAME, new_features=[]):
        self.pm = PathManager()

        train_df_file_path = self.pm.get_data_dir(train_file_name)
        self.data_train = self.load_data(train_df_file_path, new_features=new_features)

        test_df_file_path = self.pm.get_data_dir(test_file_name)
        self.data_test = self.load_data(test_df_file_path, new_features=new_features)

    def load_data(self, df_file_path, new_features=[]):
        df = pd.read_csv(df_file_path, low_memory=False)
        df = df.set_index(df["parcelid"])
        del df["parcelid"]

        for new_feature in new_features:
            path = PathManager().get_new_features_dir() + new_feature + ".csv"
            new_feature_df = pd.read_csv(path, low_memory=False)
            new_feature_df = new_feature_df.set_index(new_feature_df["parcelid"])

            df = df.merge(new_feature_df, left_index=True, right_index=True, how="left")

        return df

    def get_data(self, cols_type=None, inputation=None, dataset="train", max_na_count_columns=1):

        cols_type: None or 'numeric' values are accepted.
                None: returns all columns
                'numeric': returns only numeric columns

        max_na_count_columns: Set the NAs threshold for the maximum NAs proportion.
                Example: 1 to return columns that have NAs proportion less or equal than 100%
                Example: 0.25 to return columns that have NAs proportion less or equal than 25%


        if dataset == "train":
            use_data = self.data_train
        elif dataset == "test":
            use_data = self.data_test

        if cols_type == "numeric":
            numeric_cols = self.infer_numeric_cols(use_data)
            use_data = use_data[numeric_cols]

        use_cols = self.less_na_cols(use_data, threshold=max_na_count_columns)


        df = use_data[use_cols]

        if inputation == "drop":
            df = df.dropna()
        elif inputation == "fill_0":
            df = df.fillna(0)
        elif inputation == "column_mean":
            df = col_mean_inputer(df)
        elif inputation == "column_mean_fine":
            df = col_mean_inputer_fine(df)

        return df

    def get_normalized_data(self, dataset="train", inputation=None, max_na_count_columns=1):
        Returns normalize data.
        Only numeric data will be returned.

        IMPORTANT: Defatul value for inputation means that remaining ROWS with any NA values are removed.

        max_na_count_columns: Set the NAs threshold for the maximum NAs proportion.
                Example: 1 to return COLUMNS that have NAs proportion less or equal than 100%
                Example: 0.25 to return COLUMNS that have NAs proportion less or equal than 25%
        df = self.get_data(cols_type="numeric", inputation=inputation, dataset=dataset, max_na_count_columns=max_na_count_columns)

        if dataset == "train":
            target = df["logerror"]
            del df["logerror"]

        parcelid_index = df.index

        x = df.values
        min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
        x_scaled = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(x)
        df_norm = pd.DataFrame(x_scaled)

        df_norm.columns = df.columns
        df_norm = df_norm.set_index(parcelid_index)

        if dataset == "train":
            df_norm["logerror"] = target.tolist()
        return df_norm

    def infer_numeric_cols(self, df):
        numeric_cols = []

        for col in df.columns:
            except ValueError:

        return numeric_cols

    def less_na_cols(self, data, threshold=1):
            Return column names with NAs count less or equal than threshold

        na_df = pd.Series(data.isnull().sum() / len(data)).sort_values(ascending=False)
        cols = na_df[na_df <= threshold].index.tolist()

        return cols