def main(params): # Obtain configuration path exp_path = os.path.join("results", params["dataset"], params["model_type"], params["experiment"]) config_path = os.path.join(exp_path, "config.yml") params["config_path"] = config_path # prepare model and dataset M, dataset, config = cmf.prepare_experiment(params) # evaluate on GT config["evaluation"]["use_gt"] = params["evaluate_on_gt"] # evaluate on Top 1000 proposals if params["evaluate_on_top1000"]: config["evaluation"]["use_gt"] = False config["evaluation"]["apply_nms"] = False if len(params["proposal"]) > 0: config["evaluation"]["precomputed_proposal_sequence"] = params[ "proposal"] # create logger epoch_logger = cmf.create_logger(config, "EPOCH", "test.log") """ Build data loader """ loader_config = io_utils.load_yaml(params["loader_config_path"]) if params["test_on_server"]: loader_config = loader_config["test_loader"] test_on = "Test_Server" else: loader_config = loader_config["val_loader"] test_on = "Test" dsets, L = cmf.get_loader(dataset, split=["test"], loader_configs=[loader_config], num_workers=params["num_workers"]) config = M.override_config_from_dataset(config, dsets["test"], mode="Test") config["model"]["resume"] = True tensorboard_path = config["misc"]["tensorboard_dir"] config["misc"]["tensorboard_dir"] = "" # config["misc"]["debug"] = params["debug_mode"] """ Evaluating networks """ e0 = params["start_epoch"] e1 = params["end_epoch"] es = params["epoch_stride"] io_utils.check_and_create_dir(tensorboard_path + "_test_s{}_e{}".format(e0, e1)) summary = PytorchSummary(tensorboard_path + "_test_s{}_e{}".format(e0, e1)) for epoch in range(e0, e1 + 1, es): """ Build network """ config["model"]["checkpoint_path"] = \ os.path.join(exp_path, "checkpoints", "epoch_{:03d}.pkl".format(epoch)) net, _ = cmf.factory_model(config, M, dsets["test"], None) net.set_tensorboard_summary(summary) cmf.test(config, L["test"], net, epoch, None, epoch_logger, on=test_on)
def create_tensorboard_summary(self, tensorboard_dir): self.use_tf_summary = True self.summary = PytorchSummary(tensorboard_dir)
class AbstractNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, logger=None, verbose=False): super(AbstractNetwork, self).__init__() # Must call super __init__() # update configuration config = self.model_specific_config_update(config) # create internal variables self.optimizer = None self.models_to_update = None self.training_mode = True self.best_score = None self.use_tf_summary = False = 0 # it: iteration # for gpu use use_gpu = config["model"].get("use_gpu", True) if not torch.cuda.is_available: use_gpu = False self.device = torch.device("cuda" if use_gpu else "cpu") # save configuration for later network reproduction if verbose: save_config_path = os.path.join(config["misc"]["result_dir"], "config.yml") io_utils.write_yaml(save_config_path, config) config["model"]["dataset"] = config["train_loader"]["dataset"] self.config = config # prepare loggin self.log = print if logger is not None: self.log = self.log(json.dumps(config, indent=2)) self.verbose = verbose """ methods for forward/backward """ @abstractmethod def forward(self, net_inps): """ Forward network Args: net_inps: inputs for network; dict() Returns: net_outs: dictionary including inputs for criterion, etc """ pass def loss_fn(self, crit_inp, gts, count_loss=True): """ Compute loss Args: crit_inp: inputs for criterion which is outputs from forward(); dict() gts: ground truth count_loss: flag of accumulating loss or not (training or inference) Returns: loss: results of self.criterion; dict() """ self.loss = self.criterion(crit_inp, gts) for name in self.loss.keys(): self.status[name] = self.loss[name].item() if count_loss: for name in self.loss.keys(): self.counters[name].add(self.status[name], 1) return self.loss def update(self, loss): """ Update the network Args: loss: loss to train the network; dict() """ = + 1 # initialize optimizer if self.optimizer == None: self.create_optimizer() self.optimizer.zero_grad() # set gradients as zero before update total_loss = loss["total_loss"] total_loss.backward() if self.scheduler is not None: self.scheduler.step() self.optimizer.step() self.optimizer.zero_grad( ) # set gradients as zero before updating the network def forward_update(self, net_inps, gts): """ Forward and update the network at the same time Args: net_inps: inputs for network; dict() gts: ground truth; dict() Returns: {loss, net_output}: two items of dictionary - loss: results from self.criterion(); dict() - net_output: output from self.forward(); dict() """ net_out = self.forward(net_inps) loss = self.loss_fn(net_out, gts, count_loss=True) self.update(loss) return {"loss": loss, "net_output": net_out} def compute_loss(self, net_inps, gts): """ Compute loss and network's output at once Args: net_inps: inputs for network; dict() gts: ground truth; dict() Returns: {loss, net_output}: two items of dictionary - loss: results from self.criterion(); dict() - net_output: first output from self.forward(); dict() """ net_out = self.forward(net_inps) loss = self.loss_fn(net_out, gts, count_loss=True) return {"loss": loss, "net_output": net_out} def forward_only(self, net_inps): """ Compute loss and network's output at once Args: net_inps: inputs for network; dict() gts: ground truth; dict() Returns: {loss, net_output}: two items of dictionary - loss: results from self.criterion(); dict() - net_output: first output from self.forward(); dict() """ net_out = self.forward(net_inps) return {"net_output": net_out} def get_lr(self): for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups: return param_group["lr"] def create_optimizer(self): """ Create optimizer for training phase Currently supported optimizer list: [SGD, Adam] Args: lr: learning rate; int """ # setting optimizer lr = self.config["optimize"]["init_lr"] opt_type = self.config["optimize"]["optimizer_type"] if opt_type == "SGD": self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( self.get_parameters(), lr=lr, momentum=self.config["optimize"]["momentum"], weight_decay=self.config["optimize"]["weight_decay"]) elif opt_type == "Adam": betas = self.config["optimize"].get("betas", (0.9, 0.999)) weight_decay = self.config["optimize"].get("weight_decay", 0.0) self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.get_parameters(), lr=lr, betas=betas, weight_decay=weight_decay) elif opt_type == "Adadelta": self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adadelta(self.get_parameters(), lr=lr) elif opt_type == "RMSprop": self.optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop(self.get_parameters(), lr=lr) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Not supported optimizer [{}]".format(opt_type)) # setting scheduler self.scheduler = None scheduler_type = self.config["optimize"].get("scheduler_type", "") decay_factor = self.config["optimize"]["decay_factor"] decay_step = self.config["optimize"]["decay_step"] if scheduler_type == "step": self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR( self.optimizer, decay_step, decay_factor) elif scheduler_type == "multistep": milestones = self.config["optimize"]["milestones"] self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR( self.optimizer, milestones, decay_factor) elif scheduler_type == "exponential": self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR( self.optimizer, decay_factor) elif scheduler_type == "lambda": lambda1 = lambda it: it // decay_step lambda2 = lambda it: decay_factor**it self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR( self.optimizer, [lambda1, lambda2]) elif scheduler_type == "warmup": raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def _build_network(self): pass def _build_evaluator(self): self.dataset = self.config["train_loader"].get("dataset", "charades") self.evaluator = eval_utils.get_evaluator(self.dataset) @abstractmethod def prepare_batch(self, batch): """ Prepare batch to be used for network e.g., shipping batch to gpu Args: batch: batch data; dict() Returns: net_inps: network inputs; dict() gts: ground-truths; dict() """ pass @abstractmethod def apply_curriculum_learning(self): pass def save_results(self, prefix, mode="Train"): pass """ Method for status (losses, metrics) """ def _get_score(self): return self.counters[self.evaluator.get_metric()].get_average() def renew_best_score(self): cur_score = self._get_score() if (self.best_score is None) or (cur_score > self.best_score): self.best_score = cur_score self.log("Iteration {}: New best score {:4f}".format(, self.best_score)) return True self.log("Iteration {}: Current score {:4f}".format(, cur_score)) self.log("Iteration {}: Current best score {:4f}".format(, self.best_score)) return False def reset_status(self, init_reset=False): """ Reset (initialize) metric scores or losses (status). """ if init_reset: self.status = OrderedDict() self.status["total_loss"] = 0 for k, v in self.criterion.get_items(): self.status[k] = 0 for k in self.evaluator.metrics: self.status[k] = 0 else: for k in self.status.keys(): self.status[k] = 0 @abstractmethod def compute_status(self, net_outs, gts, mode="Train"): """ Compute metric scores or losses (status). You may need to implement this method. Args: net_outs: output of network. gts: ground-truth """ pass def _get_print_list(self, mode): if mode == "Train": print_list = copy.deepcopy(self.criterion.get_names()) print_list.append("total_loss") else: print_list = copy.deepcopy(self.evaluator.metrics) return print_list def print_status(self, enter_every=3): """ Print current metric scores or losses (status). You are encouraged to implement this method. Args: epoch: current epoch """ val_list = self._get_print_list("Train") # print status information txt = "Step {} ".format( for i, (k) in enumerate(val_list): v = self.status[k] if (i + 1) % enter_every == 0: txt += "{} = {:.4f}, ".format(k, float(v)) self.log(txt) txt = "" else: txt += "{} = {:.4f}, ".format(k, float(v)) if len(txt) > 0: self.log(txt) """ methods for counters """ def _create_counters(self): self.counters = OrderedDict() self.counters["total_loss"] = accumulator.Accumulator("total_loss") for k, v in self.criterion.get_items(): self.counters[k] = accumulator.Accumulator(k) for k in self.evaluator.metrics: self.counters[k] = accumulator.Accumulator(k) def reset_counters(self): for k, v in self.counters.items(): v.reset() def print_counters_info(self, logger, epoch, mode="Train"): val_list = self._get_print_list(mode) txt = "[{}] {} epoch {} iter".format(mode, epoch, for k in val_list: v = self.counters[k] txt += ", {} = {:.4f}".format(v.get_name(), v.get_average()) if logger: else: self.log(txt) if self.use_tf_summary: self.write_counter_summary(epoch, mode) # reset counters self.reset_counters() """ methods for checkpoint """ def load_checkpoint(self, ckpt_path, load_crit=False): """ Load checkpoint of the network. Args: ckpt_path: checkpoint file path; str """ self.log("Checkpoint is loaded from {}".format(ckpt_path)) model_state_dict = torch.load( ckpt_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) self.log("[{}] are in checkpoint".format("|".join( model_state_dict.keys()))) for m in model_state_dict.keys(): if (not load_crit) and (m == "criterion"): continue if m in self.model_list: self.log("Initializing [{}] from checkpoint".format(m)) self[m].load_state_dict(model_state_dict[m]) else: self.log("{} is not in {}".format(m, "|".join(self.model_list))) def save_checkpoint(self, ckpt_path, save_crit=False): """ Save checkpoint of the network. Args: ckpt_path: checkpoint file path """ model_state_dict = { m: self[m].state_dict() for m in self.model_list if m != "criterion" } if save_crit: model_state_dict["criterion"] = self["criterion"].state_dict(), ckpt_path) self.log("Checkpoint [{}] is saved in {}".format( " | ".join(model_state_dict.keys()), ckpt_path)) """ methods for tensorboard """ def create_tensorboard_summary(self, tensorboard_dir): self.use_tf_summary = True self.summary = PytorchSummary(tensorboard_dir) def set_tensorboard_summary(self, summary): self.use_tf_summary = True self.summary = summary def write_counter_summary(self, epoch, mode): for k, v in self.counters.items(): self.summary.add_scalar(mode + '/counters/' + v.get_name(), v.get_average(), global_step=epoch) """ wrapper methods of nn.Modules """ def get_parameters(self): if self.models_to_update is None: for name, param in self.named_parameters(): yield param else: for m in self.models_to_update: if isinstance(self[m], dict): for k, v in self[m].items(): for name, param in v.named_parameters(): yield param else: for name, param in self[m].named_parameters(): yield param def cpu_mode(self): sel.log("Setting cpu() for [{}]".format(" | ".join(self.model_list))) self.cpu() def gpu_mode(self): #cudnn.benchmark = False if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.log("Setting gpu() for [{}]".format(" | ".join( self.model_list))) self.cuda() else: raise NotImplementedError("Available GPU not exists") def train_mode(self): self.train() self.training_mode = True if self.verbose: self.log("Setting train() for [{}]".format(" | ".join( self.model_list))) def eval_mode(self): self.eval() self.training_mode = False if self.verbose: self.log("Setting eval() for [{}]".format(" | ".join( self.model_list))) """ related to configuration or dataset """ def bring_dataset_info(self, dset): print("You would need to implement 'bring_dataset_info'") pass def model_specific_config_update(self, config): print("You would need to implement 'model_specific_config_update'") return config @staticmethod def dataset_specific_config_update(config, dset): print("You would need to implement 'dataset_specific_config_update'") return config """ basic methods """ def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): return setattr(self, key, value)
def create_tensorboard_summary(self, tensorboard_dir): self.use_tf_summary = True self.summary = PytorchSummary(tensorboard_dir) if self.debug_mode: self.write_params_summary(epoch=0)
class VirtualNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(VirtualNetwork, self).__init__() # Must call super __init__() self.models_to_update = None self.sample_data = None self.optimizer = None self.training_mode = True self.is_main_net = True self.counters = None self.status = None self.use_tf_summary = False = 0 # it: iteration self.update_every = 1 self.debug_mode = False self.qsts = None self._create_counters() self._get_loggers() self.reset_status(init_reset=True) = timer.Timer() # tm: timer """ methods for forward/backward """ def forward(self, data): """ Forward network Args: data: list of two components [inputs for network, image information] - inputs for network: should be variables Returns: criterion_inp: input list for criterion """ raise NotImplementedError("Should override a method (forward)") def loss_fn(self, criterion_inp, gt, count_loss=True): """ Compute loss Args: criterion_inp: inputs for criterion which is outputs from forward(); list gt: ground truth count_loss: flag whether accumulating loss or not (training or inference) """ self.loss = self.criterion(criterion_inp, gt) self.status["loss"] = net_utils.get_data(self.loss)[0] if count_loss: self.counters["loss"].add(self.status["loss"], 1) return self.loss def update(self, loss, lr): """ Update the network Args: loss: loss to train the network lr: learning rate """ if self.optimizer == None: self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.get_parameters(), lr=lr) self.optimizer.zero_grad( ) # set gradients as zero while initializing += 1 loss = loss / self.update_every loss.backward() for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups: param_group["lr"] = lr if % self.update_every == 0: self.optimizer.step() self.optimizer.zero_grad( ) # set gradients as zero before updating the network def forward_update(self, batch, lr): """ Forward and update the network at the same time Args: batch: list of two components [inputs for network, image information] - inputs for network: should be tensors lr: learning rate """ # convert data (tensors) as Variables data = self.tensor2variable(batch) # Note that return value is a list of at least two items # where the 1st and 2nd items should be loss and inputs for criterion # (e.g. logits), and remaining items would be intermediate values of network # that you want to show or check outputs = self.forward(data) loss = self.loss_fn(outputs[0], data[-1], count_loss=True) self.update(loss, lr) return [loss, *outputs] def evaluate(self, batch): """ Compute loss and network's output at once Args: batch: list of two components [inputs for network, image information] - inputs for network: should be tensors """ # convert data (tensors) as Variables data = self.tensor2variable(batch) # Note that return value is a list of at least two items # where the 1st and 2nd items should be loss and inputs for criterion layer # (e.g. logits), and remaining items would be intermediate values of network # that you want to show or check outputs = self.forward(data) loss = self.loss_fn(outputs[0], data[-1], count_loss=True) return [loss, *outputs] def predict(self, batch): """ Compute only network's output Args: batch: list of two components [inputs for network, image information] - inputs for network: should be tensors """ # convert data (tensors) as Variables data = self.tensor2variable(batch) outputs = self.forward(data) return [*outputs] def tensor2variable(self, tensors): """ Convert tensors to variables Args: tensors: input tensors fetched from data loader """ raise NotImplementedError( "Should override this function (tensor2variable)") """ methods for checkpoint """ def load_checkpoint(self, ckpt_path): """ Load checkpoint of the network. Args: ckpt_path: checkpoint file path """ self.logger["train"].info( "Checkpoint is loaded from {}".format(ckpt_path)) model_state_dict = torch.load( ckpt_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) for m in model_state_dict.keys(): if m in self.model_list: self[m].load_state_dict(model_state_dict[m]) else: self.logger["train"].info("{} is not in {}".format( m, " | ".join(self.model_list))) self.logger["train"].info( "[{}] are initialized from checkpoint".format(" | ".join( model_state_dict.keys()))) def save_checkpoint(self, cid): """ Save checkpoint of the network. Args: cid: id of checkpoint; e.g. epoch """ ckpt_path = os.path.join(self.config["misc"]["result_dir"], \ "checkpoints", "epoch_{:03d}.pkl") ckpt_path = ckpt_path.format(cid) model_state_dict = OrderedDict() for m in self.model_list: model_state_dict[m] = self[m].state_dict(), ckpt_path) self.logger["train"].info( "Checkpoint is saved in {}".format(ckpt_path)) def _get_loggers(self): """ Create logging variables. """ self.logger = {} self.logger["train"] = io_utils.get_logger("Train") self.logger["epoch"] = io_utils.get_logger("Epoch") self.logger["eval"] = io_utils.get_logger("Evaluate") def _set_sample_data(self, data): if self.sample_data == None: self.sample_data = copy.deepcopy(data) """ method for status (metrics) """ def reset_status(self, init_reset=False): """ Reset (initialize) metric scores or losses (status). """ if self.status == None: self.status = OrderedDict() self.status["loss"] = 0 else: for k in self.status.keys(): self.status[k] = 0 def compute_status(self, logits, gts): """ Compute metric scores or losses (status). You may need to implement this method. Args: logits: output logits of network. gts: ground-truth """ self.logger["train"].warning( "You may need to implement method (compute_status).") return def print_status(self, epoch, iteration, prefix="", is_main_net=True): """ Print current metric scores or losses (status). You may need to implement this method. Args: epoch: current epoch iteration: current iteration prefix: identity to distinguish models; if is_main_net, this is not needed is_main_net: flag about whether this network is root (main) """ if is_main_net: # prepare txt to print txt = "epoch {} step {}".format(epoch, iteration) for k, v in self.status.items(): txt += ", {} = {:.3f}".format(k, v) # print learning information self.logger["train"].debug(txt) if self.use_tf_summary and self.training_mode: self.write_status_summary(iteration) """ methods for tensorboard """ def create_tensorboard_summary(self, tensorboard_dir): self.use_tf_summary = True self.summary = PytorchSummary(tensorboard_dir) if self.debug_mode: self.write_params_summary(epoch=0) def write_params_summary(self, epoch): if self.models_to_update is None: for name, param in self.named_parameters(): self.summary.add_histogram("model/{}".format(name), net_utils.get_data(param).numpy(), global_step=epoch) else: for m in self.models_to_update: for name, param in self[m].named_parameters(): self.summary.add_histogram( "model/{}/{}".format(m, name), net_utils.get_data(param).numpy(), global_step=epoch) def write_status_summary(self, iteration): for k, v in self.status.items(): self.summary.add_scalar('status/' + k, v, global_step=iteration) def write_counter_summary(self, epoch, mode): for k, v in self.counters.items(): self.summary.add_scalar(mode + '/counters/' + v.get_name(), v.get_average(), global_step=epoch) """ methods for counters """ def _create_counters(self): self.counters = OrderedDict() self.counters["loss"] = accumulator.Accumulator("loss") def reset_counters(self): for k, v in self.counters.items(): v.reset() def print_counters_info(self, epoch, logger_name="epoch", mode="train"): # prepare txt to print txt = "[{}] {} epoch".format(mode, epoch) for k, v in self.counters.items(): txt += ", {} = {:.5f}".format(v.get_name(), v.get_average()) # print learning information at this epoch assert logger_name in self.logger.keys(), \ "{} does not belong to loggers".format(logger_name) self.logger[logger_name].info(txt) if self.use_tf_summary: self.write_counter_summary(epoch, mode) # reset counters self.reset_counters() def bring_loader_info(self, loader): self.logger["train"].warning( "You may need to implement method (bring_loader_info)") return """ wrapper methods of nn.Modules """ def get_parameters(self): if self.models_to_update is None: for name, param in self.named_parameters(): yield param else: for m in self.models_to_update: for name, param in self[m].named_parameters(): yield param def cpu_mode(self): self.logger["train"].info("Setting cpu() for [{}]".format(" | ".join( self.model_list))) self.cpu() def gpu_mode(self): if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.logger["train"].info("Setting gpu() for [{}]".format( " | ".join(self.model_list))) self.cuda() else: raise NotImplementedError("Available GPU not exists") cudnn.benchmark = True def train_mode(self): self.train() self.training_mode = True self.logger["train"].info("Setting train() for [{}]".format(" | ".join( self.model_list))) def eval_mode(self): self.eval() self.training_mode = False self.logger["train"].info("Setting eval() for [{}]".format(" | ".join( self.model_list))) def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): return setattr(self, key, value) @staticmethod def override_config_from_params(config, params): config["misc"]["debug"] = params["debug_mode"] config["misc"]["dataset"] = params["dataset"] config["misc"]["num_workers"] = params["num_workers"] exp_prefix = utils.get_filename_from_path(params["config_path"], delimiter="options/") \ if "options" in params["config_path"] \ else utils.get_filename_from_path(params["config_path"], delimiter="results/")[:-7] config["misc"]["exp_prefix"] = exp_prefix config["misc"]["result_dir"] = os.path.join("results", exp_prefix) config["misc"]["tensorboard_dir"] = os.path.join( "tensorboard", exp_prefix) config["misc"]["model_type"] = params["model_type"] return config
class AbstractNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, logger=None, verbose=False): super(AbstractNetwork, self).__init__() # Must call super __init__() # update configuration config = self.model_specific_config_update(config) self.optimizer, self.sample_data, self.models_to_update = None, None, None self.training_mode = True self.evaluate_after = config["evaluation"].get("evaluate_after", 1) = 0 # it: iteration = timer.Timer() # tm: timer self.grad_clip = config["optimize"].get("gradient_clip", 10) self.update_every = config["optimize"].get("update_every", 1) self.use_gpu = config["model"].get( "use_gpu", True if torch.cuda.is_available else False) self.device = torch.device("cuda" if self.use_gpu else "cpu") if len(config["misc"]["tensorboard_dir"]) > 0: self.create_tensorboard_summary(config["misc"]["tensorboard_dir"]) # save configuration for later network reproduction resume = config["model"].get("resume", False) if not resume: save_config_path = os.path.join(config["misc"]["result_dir"], "config.yml") io_utils.write_yaml(save_config_path, config) self.config = config # prepare logging if logger is not None: self.log = else: self.log = print self.log(json.dumps(config, indent=2)) """ methods for forward/backward """ @abstractmethod def forward(self, net_inps): """ Forward network Args: net_inps: inputs for network; dict() Returns: [crit_inp, misc]: two items of list - inputs for criterion; dict() - intermediate values for visualization, etc; dict() """ pass def loss_fn(self, crit_inp, gts, count_loss=True): """ Compute loss Args: crit_inp: inputs for criterion which is outputs from forward(); dict() gts: ground truth count_loss: flag of accumulating loss or not (training or inference) Returns: loss: results of self.criterion; dict() """ self.loss = self.criterion(crit_inp, gts) for name in self.loss.keys(): self.status[name] = self.loss[name].detach().cpu().numpy() if count_loss: for name in self.loss.keys(): self.counters[name].add(self.status[name], 1) return self.loss def update(self, loss): """ Update the network Args: loss: loss to train the network; dict() """ += 1 lr = net_utils.adjust_lr(, self.it_per_epoch, self.config["optimize"]) # initialize optimizer if self.optimizer == None: self.create_optimizer(lr) self.optimizer.zero_grad() # set gradients as zero before update total_loss = loss["total_loss"] / self.update_every total_loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.get_parameters(), self.grad_clip) for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups: param_group["lr"] = lr if % self.update_every == 0: self.optimizer.step() self.optimizer.zero_grad( ) # set gradients as zero before updating the network def forward_update(self, net_inps, gts): """ Forward and update the network at the same time Args: net_inps: inputs for network; dict() gts: ground truth; dict() Returns: {loss, net_output}: two items of dictionary - loss: results from self.criterion(); dict() - net_output: first output from self.forward(); dict() """ outputs = self.forward(net_inps) loss = self.loss_fn(outputs[0], gts, count_loss=True) self.update(loss) return {"loss": loss, "net_output": outputs} def compute_loss(self, net_inps, gts): """ Compute loss and network's output at once Args: net_inps: inputs for network; dict() gts: ground truth; dict() Returns: {loss, net_output}: two items of dictionary - loss: results from self.criterion(); dict() - net_output: first output from self.forward(); dict() """ outputs = self.forward(net_inps) loss = self.loss_fn(outputs[0], gts, count_loss=True) return {"loss": loss, "net_output": outputs} def create_optimizer(self, lr): """ Create optimizer for training phase Currently supported optimizer list: [SGD, Adam] Args: lr: learning rate; int """ opt_type = self.config["optimize"]["optimizer_type"] if opt_type == "SGD": self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( self.get_parameters(), lr=lr, momentum=self.config["optimize"]["momentum"], weight_decay=self.config["optimize"]["weight_decay"]) elif opt_type == "Adam": self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.get_parameters(), lr=lr) elif opt_type == "Adadelta": self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adadelta(self.get_parameters(), lr=lr) elif opt_type == "RMSprop": self.optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop(self.get_parameters(), lr=lr) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Not supported optimizer [{}]".format(opt_type)) @abstractmethod def build_network(self, config): pass @abstractmethod def build_evaluator(self, config): pass @abstractmethod def prepare_batch(self, batch): """ Prepare batch to be used for network e.g., shipping batch to gpu Args: batch: batch data; dict() Returns: batch: batch; dict() """ pass @abstractmethod def check_apply_curriculum(self, epoch=-1): """ Check and apply curriculum learning """ pass """ methods for checkpoint """ def load_checkpoint(self, ckpt_path, load_crit=False): """ Load checkpoint of the network. Args: ckpt_path: checkpoint file path; str """ self.log("Checkpoint is loaded from {}".format(ckpt_path)) model_state_dict = torch.load( ckpt_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) self.log("[{}] are in checkpoint".format("|".join( model_state_dict.keys()))) for m in model_state_dict.keys(): if load_crit and m == "criterion": continue if m in self.model_list: self[m].load_state_dict(model_state_dict[m]) self.log("{} is initialized from checkpoint".format(m)) else: self.log("{} is not in {}".format(m, "|".join(self.model_list))) def save_checkpoint(self, ckpt_path, save_crit=False): """ Save checkpoint of the network. Args: ckpt_path: checkpoint file path """ model_state_dict = { m: self[m].state_dict() for m in self.model_list if m != "criterion" } if save_crit: model_state_dict["criterion"] = self["criterion"].state_dict(), ckpt_path) self.log("Checkpoint [{}] is saved in {}".format( " | ".join(model_state_dict.keys()), ckpt_path)) """ method for status (metrics) """ def reset_status(self, init_reset=False): """ Reset (initialize) metric scores or losses (status). """ if init_reset: self.status = OrderedDict() self.status["total_loss"] = 0 for k, v in self.criterion.get_items(): self.status[k] = 0 else: for k in self.status.keys(): self.status[k] = 0 @abstractmethod def compute_status(self, logits, gts): """ Compute metric scores or losses (status). You may need to implement this method. Args: logits: output logits of network. gts: ground-truth """ pass def print_status(self, epoch, mode="Train", enter_every=2): """ Print current metric scores or losses (status). You are encouraged to implement this method. Args: epoch: current epoch """ # print status information txt = "epoch {} step {} ".format(epoch, for i, (k, v) in enumerate(self.status.items()): if (i + 1) % enter_every == 0: txt += "{} = {:.4f}, ".format(k, float(v)) self.log(txt) txt = "" else: txt += "{} = {:.4f}, ".format(k, float(v)) if len(txt) > 0: self.log(txt) """ methods for counters """ def _create_counters(self): self.counters = OrderedDict() self.counters["total_loss"] = accumulator.Accumulator("total_loss") for k, v in self.criterion.get_items(): self.counters[k] = accumulator.Accumulator(k) def reset_counters(self): for k, v in self.counters.items(): v.reset() def print_counters_info(self, epoch, logger, mode="Train"): if mode != "Train" and epoch < self.evaluate_after: self.reset_counters() return txt = "[{}] {} epoch".format(mode, epoch) for k, v in self.counters.items(): txt += ", {} = {:.4f}".format(v.get_name(), v.get_average()) if self.use_tf_summary: self.write_counter_summary(epoch, mode) # reset counters self.reset_counters() """ methods for tensorboard """ def create_tensorboard_summary(self, tensorboard_dir): self.use_tf_summary = True self.summary = PytorchSummary(tensorboard_dir) #self.write_params_summary(epoch=0) def set_tensorboard_summary(self, summary): self.use_tf_summary = True self.summary = summary def write_params_summary(self, epoch): if self.models_to_update is None: for name, param in self.named_parameters(): self.summary.add_histogram("model/{}".format(name), param, global_step=epoch) else: for m in self.models_to_update: for name, param in self[m].named_parameters(): self.summary.add_histogram("model/{}/{}".format(m, name), param, global_step=epoch) def write_status_summary(self): for k, v in self.status.items(): self.summary.add_scalar('status/' + k, v, def write_counter_summary(self, epoch, mode): for k, v in self.counters.items(): self.summary.add_scalar(mode + '/counters/' + v.get_name(), v.get_average(), global_step=epoch) @abstractmethod def bring_loader_info(self, dataset): pass """ wrapper methods of nn.Modules """ def _get_parameter(self, net): if isinstance(net, dict): for k, v in net.items(): self._get_parameter(v) else: for name, param in net.named_parameters(): yield param def get_parameters(self): if self.models_to_update is None: for name, param in self.named_parameters(): yield param else: for m in self.models_to_update: if isinstance(self[m], dict): for k, v in self[m].items(): for name, param in v.named_parameters(): yield param else: for name, param in self[m].named_parameters(): yield param def cpu_mode(self): sel.log("Setting cpu() for [{}]".format(" | ".join(self.model_list))) self.cpu() def gpu_mode(self): #cudnn.benchmark = False if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.log("Setting gpu() for [{}]".format(" | ".join( self.model_list))) self.cuda() else: raise NotImplementedError("Available GPU not exists") def train_mode(self): self.train() self.training_mode = True self.log("Setting train() for [{}]".format(" | ".join( self.model_list))) def eval_mode(self): self.eval() self.training_mode = False self.log("Setting eval() for [{}]".format(" | ".join(self.model_list))) def _set_sample_data(self, data): if self.sample_data == None: self.sample_data = copy.deepcopy(data) def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): return setattr(self, key, value) def model_specific_config_update(self, config): return config