def test_list_to_string(self):
     self.assertEqual('1, 2, 3', utils.list_to_string([1, 2, 3], endsep=""))
         '"1", "2", "3"',
         utils.list_to_string([1, 2, 3], endsep="", addquote=True))
     self.assertEqual('1, 2 and 3', utils.list_to_string([1, 2, 3]))
         '"1", "2" and "3"',
         utils.list_to_string([1, 2, 3], endsep="and", addquote=True))
Exemple #2
def cmdhandler(called_by, raw_string, _testing=False, callertype="session", sessid=None, **kwargs):
    This is the main function to handle any string sent to the engine.

    called_by - object on which this was called from. This is either a Session, a Player or an Object.
    raw_string - the command string given on the command line
    _testing - if we should actually execute the command or not.
              if True, the command instance will be returned instead.
    callertype - this is one of "session", "player" or "object", in decending
                 order. So when the Session is the caller, it will merge its
                 own cmdset into cmdsets from both Player and eventual puppeted
                 Object (and cmdsets in its room etc). A Player will only
                 include its own cmdset and the Objects and so on. Merge order
                 is the same order, so that Object cmdsets are merged in last,
                 giving them precendence for same-name and same-prio commands.
    sessid - Relevant if callertype is "player" - the session id will help
             retrieve the correct cmdsets from puppeted objects.
    **kwargs - other keyword arguments will be assigned as named variables on the
               retrieved command object *before* it is executed. This is unuesed
               in default Evennia but may be used by code to set custom flags or
               special operating conditions for a command as it executes.

    Note that this function returns a deferred!

    raw_string = to_unicode(raw_string, force_string=True)

    session, player, obj = None, None, None
    if callertype == "session":
        session = called_by
        player = session.player
        if player:
            obj = yield _GA(player.dbobj, "get_puppet")(session.sessid)
    elif callertype == "player":
        player = called_by
        if sessid:
            obj = yield _GA(player.dbobj, "get_puppet")(sessid)
    elif callertype == "object":
        obj = called_by
        raise RuntimeError("cmdhandler: callertype %s is not valid." % callertype)

    # the caller will be the one to receive messages and excert its permissions.
    # we assign the caller with preference 'bottom up'
    caller = obj or player or session

    try:  # catch bugs in cmdhandler itself
        try:  # catch special-type commands

            cmdset = yield get_and_merge_cmdsets(caller, session, player, obj,
                                                  callertype, sessid)
            if not cmdset:
                # this is bad and shouldn't happen.
                raise NoCmdSets
            unformatted_raw_string = raw_string
            raw_string = raw_string.strip()
            if not raw_string:
                # Empty input. Test for system command instead.
                syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_NOINPUT)
                sysarg = ""
                raise ExecSystemCommand(syscmd, sysarg)
            # Parse the input string and match to available cmdset.
            # This also checks for permissions, so all commands in match
            # are commands the caller is allowed to call.
            matches = yield _COMMAND_PARSER(raw_string, cmdset, caller)

            # Deal with matches

            if len(matches) > 1:
                # We have a multiple-match
                syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_MULTIMATCH)
                sysarg = _("There were multiple matches.")
                if syscmd:
                    # use custom CMD_MULTIMATCH
                    syscmd.matches = matches
                    # fall back to default error handling
                    sysarg = yield at_multimatch_cmd(caller, matches)
                raise ExecSystemCommand(syscmd, sysarg)

            if len(matches) == 1:
                # We have a unique command match. But it may still be invalid.
                match = matches[0]
                cmdname, args, cmd = match[0], match[1], match[2]

                # check if we allow this type of command
                if cmdset.no_channels and hasattr(cmd, "is_channel") and cmd.is_channel:
                    matches = []
                if cmdset.no_exits and hasattr(cmd, "is_exit") and cmd.is_exit:
                    matches = []

            if not matches:
                # No commands match our entered command
                syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_NOMATCH)
                if syscmd:
                    # use custom CMD_NOMATH command
                    sysarg = raw_string
                    # fallback to default error text
                    sysarg = _("Command '%s' is not available.") % raw_string
                    suggestions = string_suggestions(raw_string,
                                    cutoff=0.7, maxnum=3)
                    if suggestions:
                        sysarg += _(" Maybe you meant %s?") % utils.list_to_string(suggestions, _('or'), addquote=True)
                        sysarg += _(" Type \"help\" for help.")
                raise ExecSystemCommand(syscmd, sysarg)

            # Check if this is a Channel-cmd match.
            if hasattr(cmd, 'is_channel') and cmd.is_channel:
                # even if a user-defined syscmd is not defined, the
                # found cmd is already a system command in its own right.
                syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_CHANNEL)
                if syscmd:
                    # replace system command with custom version
                    cmd = syscmd
                cmd.sessid = session.sessid if session else None
                sysarg = "%s:%s" % (cmdname, args)
                raise ExecSystemCommand(cmd, sysarg)

            # A normal command.

            # Assign useful variables to the instance
            cmd.caller = caller
            cmd.cmdstring = cmdname
            cmd.args = args
            cmd.cmdset = cmdset
            cmd.sessid = session.sessid if session else sessid
            cmd.session = session
            cmd.player = player
            cmd.raw_string = unformatted_raw_string
            #cmd.obj  # set via on-object cmdset handler for each command,
                      # since this may be different for every command when
                      # merging multuple cmdsets

            if hasattr(cmd, 'obj') and hasattr(cmd.obj, 'scripts'):
                # cmd.obj is automatically made available by the cmdhandler.
                # we make sure to validate its scripts.
                yield cmd.obj.scripts.validate()

            if _testing:
                # only return the command instance

            # assign custom kwargs to found cmd object
            for key, val in kwargs.items():
                setattr(cmd, key, val)

            # pre-command hook
            abort = yield cmd.at_pre_cmd()
            if abort:
                # abort sequence

            # Parse and execute
            yield cmd.parse()
            # (return value is normally None)
            ret = yield cmd.func()

            # post-command hook
            yield cmd.at_post_cmd()

            if cmd.save_for_next:
                # store a reference to this command, possibly
                # accessible by the next command.
                caller.ndb.last_cmd = yield copy(cmd)
                caller.ndb.last_cmd = None

            # Done! This returns a deferred. By default, Evennia does
            # not use this at all.

        except ExecSystemCommand, exc:
            # Not a normal command: run a system command, if available,
            # or fall back to a return string.
            syscmd = exc.syscmd
            sysarg = exc.sysarg
            if syscmd:
                syscmd.caller = caller
                syscmd.cmdstring = syscmd.key
                syscmd.args = sysarg
                syscmd.cmdset = cmdset
                syscmd.sessid = session.sessid if session else None
                syscmd.raw_string = unformatted_raw_string

                if hasattr(syscmd, 'obj') and hasattr(syscmd.obj, 'scripts'):
                    # cmd.obj is automatically made available.
                    # we make sure to validate its scripts.
                    yield syscmd.obj.scripts.validate()

                if _testing:
                    # only return the command instance

                # parse and run the command
                yield syscmd.parse()
                yield syscmd.func()
            elif sysarg:
                # return system arg

        except NoCmdSets:
            # Critical error.
            string = "No command sets found! This is a sign of a critical bug.\n"
            string += "The error was logged.\n"
            string += "If logging out/in doesn't solve the problem, try to "
            string += "contact the server admin through some other means "
            string += "for assistance."
            logger.log_errmsg("No cmdsets found: %s" % caller)

        except Exception:
            # We should not end up here. If we do, it's a programming bug.
            string = "%s\nAbove traceback is from an untrapped error."
            string += " Please file a bug report."
            caller.msg(string % format_exc())
Exemple #3
 def test_list_to_string(self):
     self.assertEqual('1, 2, 3', utils.list_to_string([1,2,3], endsep=""))
     self.assertEqual('"1", "2", "3"', utils.list_to_string([1,2,3], endsep="", addquote=True))
     self.assertEqual('1, 2 and 3', utils.list_to_string([1,2,3]))
     self.assertEqual('"1", "2" and "3"', utils.list_to_string([1,2,3], endsep="and", addquote=True))
Exemple #4
def cmdhandler(called_by,
    This is the main function to handle any string sent to the engine.

    called_by - object on which this was called from. This is either a Session, a Player or an Object.
    raw_string - the command string given on the command line
    _testing - if we should actually execute the command or not.
              if True, the command instance will be returned instead.
    callertype - this is one of "session", "player" or "object", in decending
                 order. So when the Session is the caller, it will merge its
                 own cmdset into cmdsets from both Player and eventual puppeted
                 Object (and cmdsets in its room etc). A Player will only
                 include its own cmdset and the Objects and so on. Merge order
                 is the same order, so that Object cmdsets are merged in last,
                 giving them precendence for same-name and same-prio commands.
    sessid - Relevant if callertype is "player" - the session id will help
             retrieve the correct cmdsets from puppeted objects.
    **kwargs - other keyword arguments will be assigned as named variables on the
               retrieved command object *before* it is executed. This is unuesed
               in default Evennia but may be used by code to set custom flags or
               special operating conditions for a command as it executes.

    Note that this function returns a deferred!

    raw_string = to_unicode(raw_string, force_string=True)

    session, player, obj = None, None, None
    if callertype == "session":
        session = called_by
        player = session.player
        if player:
            obj = yield _GA(player.dbobj, "get_puppet")(session.sessid)
    elif callertype == "player":
        player = called_by
        if sessid:
            obj = yield _GA(player.dbobj, "get_puppet")(sessid)
    elif callertype == "object":
        obj = called_by
        raise RuntimeError("cmdhandler: callertype %s is not valid." %

    # the caller will be the one to receive messages and excert its permissions.
    # we assign the caller with preference 'bottom up'
    caller = obj or player or session

    try:  # catch bugs in cmdhandler itself
        try:  # catch special-type commands

            cmdset = yield get_and_merge_cmdsets(caller, session, player, obj,
                                                 callertype, sessid)
            if not cmdset:
                # this is bad and shouldn't happen.
                raise NoCmdSets
            unformatted_raw_string = raw_string
            raw_string = raw_string.strip()
            if not raw_string:
                # Empty input. Test for system command instead.
                syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_NOINPUT)
                sysarg = ""
                raise ExecSystemCommand(syscmd, sysarg)
            # Parse the input string and match to available cmdset.
            # This also checks for permissions, so all commands in match
            # are commands the caller is allowed to call.
            matches = yield _COMMAND_PARSER(raw_string, cmdset, caller)

            # Deal with matches

            if len(matches) > 1:
                # We have a multiple-match
                syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_MULTIMATCH)
                sysarg = _("There were multiple matches.")
                if syscmd:
                    # use custom CMD_MULTIMATCH
                    syscmd.matches = matches
                    # fall back to default error handling
                    sysarg = yield at_multimatch_cmd(caller, matches)
                raise ExecSystemCommand(syscmd, sysarg)

            if len(matches) == 1:
                # We have a unique command match. But it may still be invalid.
                match = matches[0]
                cmdname, args, cmd = match[0], match[1], match[2]

                # check if we allow this type of command
                if cmdset.no_channels and hasattr(
                        cmd, "is_channel") and cmd.is_channel:
                    matches = []
                if cmdset.no_exits and hasattr(cmd, "is_exit") and cmd.is_exit:
                    matches = []

            if not matches:
                # No commands match our entered command
                syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_NOMATCH)
                if syscmd:
                    # use custom CMD_NOMATH command
                    sysarg = raw_string
                    # fallback to default error text
                    sysarg = _("Command '%s' is not available.") % raw_string
                    suggestions = string_suggestions(
                    if suggestions:
                        sysarg += _(
                            " Maybe you meant %s?") % utils.list_to_string(
                                suggestions, _('or'), addquote=True)
                        sysarg += _(" Type \"help\" for help.")
                raise ExecSystemCommand(syscmd, sysarg)

            # Check if this is a Channel-cmd match.
            if hasattr(cmd, 'is_channel') and cmd.is_channel:
                # even if a user-defined syscmd is not defined, the
                # found cmd is already a system command in its own right.
                syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_CHANNEL)
                if syscmd:
                    # replace system command with custom version
                    cmd = syscmd
                cmd.sessid = session.sessid if session else None
                sysarg = "%s:%s" % (cmdname, args)
                raise ExecSystemCommand(cmd, sysarg)

            # A normal command.

            # Assign useful variables to the instance
            cmd.caller = caller
            cmd.cmdstring = cmdname
            cmd.args = args
            cmd.cmdset = cmdset
            cmd.sessid = session.sessid if session else sessid
            cmd.session = session
            cmd.player = player
            cmd.raw_string = unformatted_raw_string
            #cmd.obj  # set via on-object cmdset handler for each command,
            # since this may be different for every command when
            # merging multuple cmdsets

            if hasattr(cmd, 'obj') and hasattr(cmd.obj, 'scripts'):
                # cmd.obj is automatically made available by the cmdhandler.
                # we make sure to validate its scripts.
                yield cmd.obj.scripts.validate()

            if _testing:
                # only return the command instance

            # assign custom kwargs to found cmd object
            for key, val in kwargs.items():
                setattr(cmd, key, val)

            # pre-command hook
            abort = yield cmd.at_pre_cmd()
            if abort:
                # abort sequence

            # Parse and execute
            yield cmd.parse()
            # (return value is normally None)
            ret = yield cmd.func()

            # post-command hook
            yield cmd.at_post_cmd()

            if cmd.save_for_next:
                # store a reference to this command, possibly
                # accessible by the next command.
                caller.ndb.last_cmd = yield copy(cmd)
                caller.ndb.last_cmd = None

            # Done! This returns a deferred. By default, Evennia does
            # not use this at all.

        except ExecSystemCommand, exc:
            # Not a normal command: run a system command, if available,
            # or fall back to a return string.
            syscmd = exc.syscmd
            sysarg = exc.sysarg
            if syscmd:
                syscmd.caller = caller
                syscmd.cmdstring = syscmd.key
                syscmd.args = sysarg
                syscmd.cmdset = cmdset
                syscmd.sessid = session.sessid if session else None
                syscmd.raw_string = unformatted_raw_string

                if hasattr(syscmd, 'obj') and hasattr(syscmd.obj, 'scripts'):
                    # cmd.obj is automatically made available.
                    # we make sure to validate its scripts.
                    yield syscmd.obj.scripts.validate()

                if _testing:
                    # only return the command instance

                # parse and run the command
                yield syscmd.parse()
                yield syscmd.func()
            elif sysarg:
                # return system arg

        except NoCmdSets:
            # Critical error.
            string = "No command sets found! This is a sign of a critical bug.\n"
            string += "The error was logged.\n"
            string += "If logging out/in doesn't solve the problem, try to "
            string += "contact the server admin through some other means "
            string += "for assistance."
            logger.log_errmsg("No cmdsets found: %s" % caller)

        except Exception:
            # We should not end up here. If we do, it's a programming bug.
            string = "%s\nAbove traceback is from an untrapped error."
            string += " Please file a bug report."
            caller.msg(string % format_exc())
Exemple #5
def cmdhandler(caller, raw_string, testing=False, sessid=None):
    This is the main function to handle any string sent to the engine.

    caller - calling object
    raw_string - the command string given on the command line
    testing - if we should actually execute the command or not.
              if True, the command instance will be returned instead.
    sessid - the session id calling this handler, if any
    Note that this function returns a deferred!
    try: # catch bugs in cmdhandler itself
        try: # catch special-type commands

            cmdset = yield get_and_merge_cmdsets(caller)
            if not cmdset:
                # this is bad and shouldn't happen.
                raise NoCmdSets
            unformatted_raw_string = raw_string
            raw_string = raw_string.strip()
            if not raw_string:
                # Empty input. Test for system command instead.
                syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_NOINPUT)
                sysarg = ""
                raise ExecSystemCommand(syscmd, sysarg)
            # Parse the input string and match to available cmdset.
            # This also checks for permissions, so all commands in match
            # are commands the caller is allowed to call.
            matches = yield _COMMAND_PARSER(raw_string, cmdset, caller)

            # Deal with matches

            if len(matches) > 1:
                # We have a multiple-match
                syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_MULTIMATCH)
                sysarg = _("There were multiple matches.")
                if syscmd:
                    syscmd.matches = matches
                    sysarg = yield at_multimatch_cmd(caller, matches)
                raise ExecSystemCommand(syscmd, sysarg)

            if len(matches) == 1:
                # We have a unique command match.
                match = matches[0]
                cmdname, args, cmd = match[0], match[1], match[2]

                # check if we allow this type of command
                if cmdset.no_channels and hasattr(cmd, "is_channel") and cmd.is_channel:
                    matches = []
                if cmdset.no_exits and hasattr(cmd, "is_exit") and cmd.is_exit:
                    matches = []

            if not matches:
                # No commands match our entered command
                syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_NOMATCH)
                if syscmd:
                    sysarg = raw_string
                    sysarg = _("Command '%s' is not available.") % raw_string
                    suggestions = string_suggestions(raw_string, cmdset.get_all_cmd_keys_and_aliases(caller), cutoff=0.7, maxnum=3)
                    if suggestions:
                        sysarg += _(" Maybe you meant %s?") % utils.list_to_string(suggestions, _('or'), addquote=True)
                        sysarg += _(" Type \"help\" for help.")
                raise ExecSystemCommand(syscmd, sysarg)

            # Check if this is a Channel match.
            if hasattr(cmd, 'is_channel') and cmd.is_channel:
                # even if a user-defined syscmd is not defined, the
                # found cmd is already a system command in its own right.
                syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_CHANNEL)
                if syscmd:
                    # replace system command with custom version
                    cmd = syscmd
                cmd.sessid = sessid
                sysarg = "%s:%s" % (cmdname, args)
                raise ExecSystemCommand(cmd, sysarg)

            # A normal command.

            # Assign useful variables to the instance
            cmd.caller = caller
            cmd.cmdstring = cmdname
            cmd.args = args
            cmd.cmdset = cmdset
            cmd.sessid = sessid
            cmd.raw_string = unformatted_raw_string

            if hasattr(cmd, 'obj') and hasattr(cmd.obj, 'scripts'):
                # cmd.obj is automatically made available.
                # we make sure to validate its scripts.
                yield cmd.obj.scripts.validate()

            if testing:
                # only return the command instance

            # pre-command hook
            yield cmd.at_pre_cmd()

            # Parse and execute
            yield cmd.parse()
            # (return value is normally None)
            ret = yield cmd.func()

            if hasattr(cmd, "func_parts"):
                # yield on command parts (for multi-part delayed commands)
                for func_part in make_iter(cmd.func_parts):
                    err = yield func_part()
                    # returning anything but a deferred/None will kill the chain
                    if err: break

            # post-command hook
            yield cmd.at_post_cmd()

            if cmd.save_for_next:
                # store a reference to this command, possibly
                # accessible by the next command.
                caller.ndb.last_cmd = yield copy(cmd)
                caller.ndb.last_cmd = None
            # Done! This returns a deferred. By default, Evennia does
            # not use this at all.

        except ExecSystemCommand, exc:
            # Not a normal command: run a system command, if available,
            # or fall back to a return string.
            syscmd = exc.syscmd
            sysarg = exc.sysarg
            if syscmd:
                syscmd.caller = caller
                syscmd.cmdstring = syscmd.key
                syscmd.args = sysarg
                syscmd.cmdset = cmdset
                syscmd.sessid = sessid
                syscmd.raw_string = unformatted_raw_string

                if hasattr(syscmd, 'obj') and hasattr(syscmd.obj, 'scripts'):
                    # cmd.obj is automatically made available.
                    # we make sure to validate its scripts.
                    yield syscmd.obj.scripts.validate()

                if testing:
                    # only return the command instance

                # parse and run the command
                yield syscmd.parse()
                yield syscmd.func()
            elif sysarg:
                # return system arg

        except NoCmdSets:
            # Critical error.
            string = "No command sets found! This is a sign of a critical bug.\n"
            string += "The error was logged.\n"
            string += "If logging out/in doesn't solve the problem, try to "
            string += "contact the server admin through some other means "
            string += "for assistance."
            logger.log_errmsg("No cmdsets found: %s" % caller)

        except Exception:
            # We should not end up here. If we do, it's a programming bug.
            string = "%s\nAbove traceback is from an untrapped error."
            string += " Please file a bug report."
            caller.msg(string % format_exc())