def get_item(ctx=None, data=None, error=None): if ctx is not None and not error: if data is not None: this.setState({"data": data, "loading": False}) if not this.state.pages: this.get_page_count(gid=data.gallery_id) this.get_pages(gid=data.gallery_id) else: if not utils.get_query("retry"): utils.go_to(this.props.history, this.get_page_url(1), query={"retry": True}, push=False) elif error:"Failed to fetch item ({})".format(, level="error") else: gid = int(this.props.match.params.gallery_id) number = int(this.props.match.params.page_number) client.log("Fetching page: " + number) if and number == client.log("Current page data is the same") return if this.state.pages: if number in this.state.pages: client.log("Retrieving cached page") this.setState({'data': this.state.pages[number]['data']}) return client.log("Retrieving new page") if gid: client.call_func("get_page", this.get_item, gallery_id=gid, number=number, ctx=True) this.setState({'loading': True})
def pagination_receive_props(n_props): n_page = int(utils.get_query("page", this.state.current_page)) if this.props.query and\ n_props.location != this.props.location and\ n_page != this.state.current_page and \ n_page != this.props.current_page: this.change_page(n_page)
__pragma__("notconv") ScanPage = createReactClass({ 'displayName': 'ScanPage', 'scan_cmd': None, 'view_cmd': None, 'getInitialState': lambda: { 'config': {}, 'limit': 50, 'page': utils.get_query("page", 1), 'loading': False, 'view_loading': False, 'progress_data': None, 'view_progress_data': None, 'view_id': utils.session_storage.get("scan_view_id", None), 'view_data': {}, 'path': "", 'submitted_path': '', 'gallery.add_to_inbox': js_undefined, 'scan.skip_existing_galleries': js_undefined, }, 'set_path': lambda e, d: all((this.setState({'path': d.value}), )), 'get_view': get_view,
def pagination_render(): limit = this.props.limit if not limit: limit = 6 pages = this.props.pages if not pages or pages < 1: pages = 1 current_page = this.props.current_page or this.state.current_page if this.props.history and this.props.query and not current_page: current_page = utils.get_query("page", this.state.current_page) if not current_page: current_page = 1 current_page = int(current_page) pages = math.ceil(pages) page_list = range(1, pages + 1) ellipsis_pos = 2 if limit > 2 else 1 nav_back = True nav_next = True first_ellipses = False second_ellipses = False if current_page - 1 == 0: nav_back = False if current_page == len(page_list): nav_next = False if limit and current_page > limit and current_page > ellipsis_pos: first_ellipses = True if (pages - current_page) > limit and pages > ellipsis_pos: second_ellipses = True go_next = this.go_next go_prev = this.go_prev go_page = this.go_page half_limit = int(limit / 2) l_index = current_page - (half_limit if half_limit else 1) r_index = current_page + half_limit + 1 if r_index > len(page_list): r_index = len(page_list) l_index = len(page_list) - (limit + 1) if l_index < 0: l_index = 0 r_index = limit current_pages = page_list[l_index:r_index] if this.props.query: def make_items(i): return [ e( ui.Menu.Item, js_name=str(x), active=current_page == x, onClick=go_page, # noqa: E704 as_=QueryLink, query={'page': x}) for x in i ] # noqa: E704 else: def make_items(i): return [ e( ui.Menu.Item, js_name=str( # noqa: E704 x), active=current_page == x, onClick=go_page) for x in i ] # noqa: E704 items = make_items(current_pages) query_args = {} if this.props.query: query_args = { 'as': QueryLink, 'query': { 'page': this.state.go_to_page } } go_el = e(ui.Popup, e(ui.Form, e( ui.Form.Field, e(ui.Input, onChange=this.go_to_change, size="mini", js_type="number", placeholder=current_page, action=e(ui.Button, js_type="submit", compact=True, icon="share", onClick=this.go_to_page, **query_args), min=0, max=pages), ), onSubmit=this.go_to_page), on="click", hoverable=True, position="top center", trigger=e(ui.Menu.Item, "...")) if first_ellipses: ellip_items = make_items(page_list[:ellipsis_pos]) ellip_items.append(go_el) ellip_items.extend(items) items = ellip_items if second_ellipses: items.append(go_el) items.extend(make_items(page_list[-ellipsis_pos:])) if nav_back: if this.props.query: items.insert( 0, e(ui.Menu.Item, icon="angle left", onClick=go_prev, as_=QueryLink, query={'page': current_page - 1})) else: items.insert(0, e(ui.Menu.Item, icon="angle left", onClick=go_prev)) if nav_next: if this.props.query: items.append( e(ui.Menu.Item, icon="angle right", onClick=go_next, as_=QueryLink, query={'page': current_page + 1})) else: items.append(e(ui.Menu.Item, icon="angle right", onClick=go_next)) return e( ui.Menu, *items, pagination=True, borderless=True, size=this.props.size if utils.defined(this.props.size) else "small", as_=ui.Transition.Group, duration=1000, )
pagination=True, borderless=True, size=this.props.size if utils.defined(this.props.size) else "small", as_=ui.Transition.Group, duration=1000, ) Pagination = createReactClass({ 'displayName': 'Pagination', 'getInitialState': lambda: { 'current_page': this.props.default_page if this.props.default_page else (utils.get_query("page", 1) if this.props.history and this.props.query else 1), 'go_to_page': 1, }, 'change_page': pagination_change, 'go_to_change': lambda e, d: this.setState({'go_to_page': int(d.value)}), 'go_to_page': lambda e, d: this.change_page(int(this.state.go_to_page)), 'go_page': lambda e, d: this.change_page(int(d.js_name)), 'go_prev': lambda e, d: this.change_page( (int(this.props.current_page or this.state.current_page) - 1)),
stats=[ e( ui.Statistic, e(ui.Statistic.Value, this.state.count), e(ui.Statistic.Label, tr(this, "ui.t-total-parodies", "Total parodies"))) ]) __pragma__("notconv") ParodiesPage = createReactClass({ 'displayName': 'ParodiesPage', 'getInitialState': lambda: { 'search_query': utils.get_query("search", "") or this.props. search_query, 'data': [], 'limit': 50, 'page': 1, 'count': 0, 'data_loading': False, }, 'get_items': get_db_parodies, 'get_items_count': get_parodies_count, 'set_page': lambda p: all((this.setState({'page': p}), )), 'update_search': lambda e, d: all(
ItemView = createReactClass( { 'displayName': 'ItemView', 'config_suffix': lambda: this.props.config_suffix or "", 'query': lambda: this.props.query if utils.defined(this.props.query) else True, 'getDefaultProps': lambda: { 'query': True }, 'getInitialState': lambda: { 'page': utils.get_query("page", 1) if this.query() else 1, 'prev_page': 0, 'infinite_scroll':"infinite_scroll" + this.config_suffix(), this. props.infinite_scroll), 'limit': "item_count" + this.config_suffix(), this.props.default_limit or (10 if this.props.related_type == ItemType.Page else 30)), 'items': [], "element": None, "loading": True, "loading_more":
def search_option_change(e, d): this.setState({d.js_name: d.checked}) if this.props.query:"search_{}".format(d.js_name), d.checked) utils.go_to(this.props.history, query={d.js_name: '1' if d.checked else '0'}) Search = createReactClass({ 'displayName': 'Search', 'getInitialState': lambda: { 'query': utils.get_query("search", this.props.search_query) if this.props.query else this.props.search_query, 'case':"search_case", bool(int(utils.get_query("case", 0))) ), 'regex':"search_regex", bool(int(utils.get_query("regex", 0)) )), 'whole':"search_whole", bool(int(utils.get_query("whole", 0)) )), 'all':"search_all", bool(int(utils.get_query("all", 0)))), 'desc':"search_desc", bool(int(utils.get_query("desc", 0))) ),
toggle_config=this.toggle_config, visible_config=this.state.visible_config, config_suffix=this.config_suffix, ), ItemViewPage = createReactClass({ 'displayName': 'ItemViewPage', 'config_suffix': "main", 'default_view': lambda: this.props.view_type or int( utils.get_query( "view_type", utils.session_storage.get( 'view_type',"def_view_type" + this.config_suffix, ViewType.Library)))), 'toggle_config': lambda a: this.setState({'visible_config': not this.state.visible_config}), 'on_item_change': lambda e, d: all(( this.setState({ 'item_type': d.value, 'sort_idx': utils.session_storage.get("sort_idx_{}".format(d.value), this.state .sort_idx) }), utils.session_storage.set("item_type", d.value), )),