def test_smooth(decode_times, apply_chunk, add_encoding_var, add_dim,
    ds = xr_ds_ex(decode_times, nyrs=nyrs, var_const=True)
    if apply_chunk:
        ds = ds.chunk({"time": 12})
    da = ds["var_ex"]
    if add_dim:
        da = da.expand_dims(dim={"dim2": 2}, axis=-1)
    if add_encoding_var:
        da.encoding["_FillValue"] = 1.0e30
    da_smooth = smooth(da, filter_len)

    # verify shape, dims, attrs, and encoding of smooth output
    assert da_smooth.shape == da.shape
    assert da_smooth.dims == da.dims
    assert da_smooth.attrs == da.attrs
    assert da_smooth.encoding == da.encoding
    # chunks are not preserved if da is chunked and filter_len % 2 == 0
    if not apply_chunk or filter_len % 2 == 1:
        assert da_smooth.chunks == da.chunks

    # verify that non-na values are close to original values
    # this is the case because var_const=True
    assert np.all(np.isclose(da_smooth.fillna(da).values, da.values))

    # verify proper number of fill values
    nan_cnt = filter_len - (filter_len % 2)
    assert np.all(da_smooth.load().isnull().sum("time").values == nan_cnt)
def test_compute_ann_mean(decode_times, add_encoding_var, unlimited_dim,
    ds = xr_ds_ex(decode_times, nyrs=nyrs, var_const=var_const)
    if add_encoding_var:
        ds["var_ex"].encoding["_FillValue"] = 1.0e30
    if unlimited_dim:
        ds.encoding["unlimited_dims"] = "time"
    if not var_const:
        # values whose weighted average is identically 0.0
        ds["var_ex"].values[0:12] = np.array([
            30.0, 0.0, 30.0, -31.0, 30.0, -31.0, 30.0, 0.0, -31.0, 0.0, -31.0,

    ds_out = compute_ann_mean(ds)

    # verify dims, attrs, and encoding are preserved for all variables
    for varname in ds.variables:
        assert ds_out[varname].dims == ds[varname].dims
        assert ds_out[varname].attrs == ds[varname].attrs
        assert ds_out[varname].encoding == ds[varname].encoding

    # verify global (non-history) attrs and encoding are preserved
    skip_attr_list = ["history"]
    assert dict_skip_keys(ds_out.attrs, skip_attr_list) == dict_skip_keys(
        ds.attrs, skip_attr_list)
    assert ds_out.encoding == ds.encoding

    # verify compute_ann_mean time:bounds and time values
    if decode_times:
        units = ds_out["time"].encoding["units"]
        calendar = ds_out["time"].encoding["calendar"]
        target_year_bounds_vals = cftime.num2date(year_bounds_vals, units,
        target_time_vals = cftime.num2date(year_mid_vals, units, calendar)
        target_year_bounds_vals = year_bounds_vals
        target_time_vals = year_mid_vals
    tb_name = ds["time"].attrs["bounds"]
    assert np.all(ds_out[tb_name].values == target_year_bounds_vals)
    assert np.all(ds_out["time"].values == target_time_vals)

    # verify compute_ann_mean var_ex values are correct
    if var_const:
        assert np.all(ds_out["var_ex"].values == 1.0)
        assert np.all(ds_out["var_ex"].values[0] == 0.0)

    # verify that results are the same if ds is chunked in time
    # sleep, to ensure a different timestamp in history attribute
    ds_chunk_out = compute_ann_mean(ds.chunk({"time": 12}))
    assert ds_chunk_out.attrs["history"] != ds_out.attrs["history"]
    skip_attr_list = ["history"]
    assert ds_identical_skip_attr_list(ds_out, ds_chunk_out, skip_attr_list)
def test_repl_coord(decode_times1, decode_times2, apply_chunk1):
    ds1 = time_set_mid(xr_ds_ex(decode_times1, nyrs=nyrs, var_const=var_const),
    if apply_chunk1:
        ds1 = ds1.chunk({"time": 12})

    # change time:bounds attribute variable rename corresponding variable
    tb_name_old = ds1["time"].attrs["bounds"]
    tb_name_new = tb_name_old + "_new"
    ds1["time"].attrs["bounds"] = tb_name_new
    ds1 = ds1.rename({tb_name_old: tb_name_new})

    # verify that repl_coord on xr_ds_ex gives same results as
    # 1) executing time_set_mid
    # 2) manually changing bounds
    ds2 = repl_coord("time", ds1,
                     xr_ds_ex(decode_times2, nyrs=nyrs, var_const=var_const))
    assert ds2.identical(ds1)

    assert ds2["time"].encoding == ds1["time"].encoding
    assert ds2["time"].chunks == ds1["time"].chunks
def test_time_set_mid(decode_times, deep, apply_chunk):
    ds = xr_ds_ex(decode_times, nyrs=nyrs, var_const=var_const, time_mid=False)
    if apply_chunk:
        ds = ds.chunk({"time": 12})

    mid_month_values = gen_time_bounds_values(nyrs).mean(axis=1)
    if decode_times:
        time_encoding = ds["time"].encoding
        expected_values = cftime.num2date(mid_month_values,
        expected_values = mid_month_values

    ds_out = time_set_mid(ds, "time", deep)

    assert ds_out.attrs == ds.attrs
    assert ds_out.encoding == ds.encoding
    assert ds_out.chunks == ds.chunks

    for varname in ds.variables:
        assert ds_out[varname].attrs == ds[varname].attrs
        assert ds_out[varname].encoding == ds[varname].encoding
        assert ds_out[varname].chunks == ds[varname].chunks
        if varname == "time":
            assert np.all(ds_out[varname].values == expected_values)
            assert np.all(ds_out[varname].values == ds[varname].values)
            assert (ds_out[varname].data is ds[varname].data) == (not deep)

    # verify that values are independent of ds being chunked in time
    ds_chunk = xr_ds_ex(decode_times,
                        time_mid=False).chunk({"time": 6})
    ds_chunk_out = time_set_mid(ds_chunk, "time")
    assert ds_chunk_out.identical(ds_out)
def test_regression_slope():
    ds = xr_ds_ex(decode_times=True, nyrs=nyrs, var_const=False)
    da_1d = ds["var_ex"]

    x_vals = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 3)
    x = xr.DataArray(x_vals, dims=("x"), coords={"x": x_vals})
    y_vals = np.linspace(1.0, 2.0, 5)
    y = xr.DataArray(y_vals, dims=("y"), coords={"y": y_vals})
    expected_slope = x * y
    offset = x + y

    da_nd = expected_slope * da_1d + offset

    slope = regression_slope(da_1d, da_nd)
    assert np.all(np.isclose(slope.values, expected_slope.values))
def test_conv_units(apply_chunk, add_encoding):
    da = xr_ds_ex()["var_ex"]
    da.attrs["units"] = "kg"
    da.attrs["long_name"] = "var_ex"
    if apply_chunk:
        da = da.chunk({"time": 12})
    if add_encoding:
        da.encoding["_FillValue"] = None

    da_out = conv_units(da, "g")

    skip_attr_list = ["units"]
    assert dict_skip_keys(da_out.attrs, skip_attr_list) == dict_skip_keys(
        da.attrs, skip_attr_list)
    assert da_out.attrs["units"] == "g"
    assert da_out.encoding == da.encoding
    assert da_out.chunks == da.chunks
    assert np.all(da_out.values == 1000.0 * da.values)
def test_da_w_lags(decode_times, add_encoding_var):
    ds = xr_ds_ex(decode_times, nyrs=nyrs, var_const=var_const)

    da = ds["var_ex"]
    if add_encoding_var:
        da.encoding["_FillValue"] = 1.0e30
    lag_values = range(-12, 6 + 1, 3)
    da2 = da_w_lags(da, lag_values=lag_values)

    # verify shape, dims, attrs, and encoding of da_w_lags output
    assert da2.shape == (len(lag_values), nyrs * 12)
    assert da2.dims == ("lag", ) + da.dims
    assert da2.attrs == da.attrs
    assert da2.encoding == da.encoding

    # verify proper number of fill values for each lag
    assert np.all(da2.isnull().sum("time") == abs(np.array(lag_values)))

    # verify that selecting on da_w_lags output is the same as time slice of da
    itime = 1 - min(lag_values)
    assert np.all(
        da2.isel(time=itime).values == da.isel(time=itime +
def test_time_year_plus_frac(decode_times):
    ds = xr_ds_ex(decode_times, nyrs=nyrs, var_const=var_const)

    # call time_year_plus_frac to ensure that it doesn't raise an exception
    ty = time_year_plus_frac(ds, "time")