Exemple #1
def editnetwork():
        isValid = False
        cityList = QueryData.citylist()
        while(not isValid):

            user_city = raw_input("Type a valid city to edit, or type 0 or exit to quit")
            isValid = user_city in cityList
            if user_city == "exit" or user_city == "quit" or user_city == "q" or user_city == "0":


            s = "Type the number for corresponding options:\n" \
                "1. Edit current city's code\n" \
                "2. Edit current city's country\n" \
                "3. Edit current city's continent\n" \
                "4. Edit current city's timezone\n" \
                "5. Edit current city's region\n" \
                "6. Edit current city's population\n" \
                "0. Quit"

            print s

            i = raw_input("Enter the number.")
            i = int(i)

            if i == 1:
                newcode = raw_input("Type the new code of the city.")
                editcode(user_city, newcode)

            elif i == 2:
                newcountry = raw_input("Type the new country of the city.")
                editcountry(user_city, newcountry)

            elif i == 3:
                newcont = raw_input("Type the new continent of the city.")
                editcontinent(user_city, newcont)

            elif i == 4:
                newzone = raw_input("Type the new timezone of the city.")
                edittimezone(user_city, newzone)

            elif i == 5:
                newreg = raw_input("Type the new region of the city.")
                editregion(user_city, newreg)

            elif i == 6:
                newpop = raw_input("Type the new population of the city.")
                editpop(user_city, newpop)

            elif i == 0:

                print "Invalid Number!"
Exemple #2
def routeinfo():

    cityList = QueryData.citylist()
    isValid = False
    while not isValid:
        print "Type the first valid city of new route."
        startcity = raw_input()
        isValid = startcity in cityList
        if startcity == "exit" or startcity == "quit" or startcity == "q" or startcity == "0":

    legs = []
    stops = []

    # Gather dest city
    while (True):
        isValid = False
        while not isValid:
            endcity = raw_input(
                "Type the next valid city of route, or type exit to end")
            isValid = endcity in cityList or endcity == "exit" or endcity == "q"
            if not isValid:
                print "Wrong city. Not counted."

        if endcity == "exit" or endcity == "q":

        startcode = QueryData.nametocode(startcity)
        endcode = QueryData.nametocode(endcity)
        for route in GraphLibrary.route_list:

            if route.startportcode == startcode and \
            route.endportcode == endcode:

                dist = route.distance

        startcity = endcity

    # after getting all the list
    print "Total Distance = " + str(totaldistance(legs)) + " km"
    print "Total Cost = $" + str(totalcost(legs))
    print "Total Time = " + str(totaltime(legs, stops)) + " hrs"
Exemple #3
def routeinfo():

    cityList = QueryData.citylist()
    isValid = False
    while not isValid:
        print "Type the first valid city of new route."
        startcity = raw_input()
        isValid = startcity in cityList
        if startcity == "exit" or startcity == "quit" or startcity == "q" or startcity == "0":

    legs = []
    stops = []

    # Gather dest city
        isValid = False
        while not isValid:
            endcity = raw_input("Type the next valid city of route, or type exit to end")
            isValid = endcity in cityList or endcity == "exit" or endcity == "q"
            if not isValid:
                print "Wrong city. Not counted."

        if endcity == "exit" or endcity == "q":

        startcode = QueryData.nametocode(startcity)
        endcode = QueryData.nametocode(endcity)
        for route in GraphLibrary.route_list:

            if route.startportcode == startcode and \
            route.endportcode == endcode:

                dist = route.distance

        startcity = endcity

    # after getting all the list
    print "Total Distance = " + str(totaldistance(legs)) + " km"
    print "Total Cost = $" + str(totalcost(legs))
    print "Total Time = " + str(totaltime(legs, stops)) + " hrs"
Exemple #4
def addnetwork():


        cityList = QueryData.citylist()
        s = "Type the number for corresponding options:\n" \
            "1. Remove a city\n" \
            "2. Remove a route\n" \
            "3. Add a city\n" \
            "4. Add a route\n" \
            "0. Quit"

        print s

        i = raw_input("Enter the number.")
        i = int(i)

        if i == 1:

            isValid = False
            while(not isValid):
                print "Type a valid city to remove, or type 0 or exit to quit"
                user_city = raw_input()
                isValid = user_city in cityList
                if user_city == "exit" or user_city == "quit" or user_city == "q" or user_city == "0":


        elif i == 2:

            isValid = False
            while(not isValid):
                print "Type the first valid city of route."
                user_city = raw_input()
                isValid = user_city in cityList
                if user_city == "exit" or user_city == "quit" or user_city == "q" or user_city == "0":
            isValid = False
            while(not isValid):
                city2 = raw_input("Type the second valid city of route.")
                isValid = city2 in cityList

            removeroute(user_city, city2)

        elif i == 3:
            newcode = raw_input("Type the new code of city.")
            newname = raw_input("Type the new name of city.")
            newcountry = raw_input("Type the new country of city.")
            newcont = raw_input("Type the new continent of city.")
            newzone = raw_input("Type the new timezone of city.")
            newcoord1 = raw_input("Type the Latitude of city.")
            newcoord2 = raw_input("Type the longitude of city.")
            newpop = raw_input("Type the population of city.")
            newdist = raw_input("Type the distance of city.")
            newreg = raw_input("Type the region of city.")

            newpop = int(newpop)
            newdist = int(newdist)
            newreg = int(newreg)
            if newpop > 0 and newdist > 0 and newreg > 0:
                addcity(newcode, newname, newcountry, newcont, newzone, newcoord1, newcoord2, newpop, newreg)
                print "Invalid info on population/distance/region."

        elif i == 4:
            isValid = False
            while not isValid:
                print "Type the first valid city of new route, or type exit to quit."
                city1 = raw_input()
                isValid = city1 in cityList
                if city1 == "exit" or city1 == "quit" or city1 == "q" or city1 == "0":

            isValid = False
            while not isValid:
                city2 = raw_input("Type the second valid city of route.")
                isValid = city2 in cityList
                if city2 == "q" or city2 == "exit":

            newdist = raw_input("Type the distance of city.")
            newdist = int(newdist)
            newstart = QueryData.nametocode(city1)
            newend = QueryData.codetoname(city2)

            if newdist > 0:
                addroute(newstart, newend, newdist)
                print "Invalid distance."

        elif i == 0:

            print "Invalid Number!"