def main(): v = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_parse_options(srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options(varParam), use_sys_argv=True) op = set_optics(v) = True v.ss_pl = 'e' = True v.sm_pl = 'e' = True v.pw_pl = 'xy' = True v.si_pl = 'xy' = True v.tr_pl = 'xz' = True v.ws_pl = 'xy' mag = None if v.rs_type == 'm': mag = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC() mag.arXc.append(0) mag.arYc.append(0) mag.arMagFld.append( srwlib.SRWLMagFldM(v.mp_field, v.mp_order, v.mp_distribution, v.mp_len)) mag.arZc.append(v.mp_zc) srwl_bl.SRWLBeamline(, _mag_approx=mag).calc_all(v, op)
def run_experiment(other_params, propagation_params, set_up_funcs, plot=False): """ names - [list] the name list of instruments. setting_params - [list] the meta information of the experiment. physics_params - [list] . propagation_params - [list] . """ varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options(other_params + propagation_params) v = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_parse_options(varParam, use_sys_argv=True) op = None for n, func in enumerate(set_up_funcs): value = func(v) if func.__name__ == 'set_optics': op = value if op is None: raise ValueError( "set_optics() function should be included in set_up_funcs") # this part is different for different beamline? = True if plot: v.ws_pl = 'xy' mag = None if v.rs_type == 'm': mag = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC() mag.arXc.append(0) mag.arYc.append(0) mag.arMagFld.append( srwlib.SRWLMagFldM(v.mp_field, v.mp_order, v.mp_distribution, v.mp_len)) mag.arZc.append(v.mp_zc) srwl_bl.SRWLBeamline(, _mag_approx=mag).calc_all(v, op) # remove saved image. if plot: else: for file in glob.glob('*.png'): os.remove(file) plt.close('all') return
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'Sample from Image', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder [ 'fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files' ], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name'], [ 'ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final' ], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], [ 'ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]' ], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], [ 'ebm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]' ], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], [ 'ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]' ], [ 'ebm_dr', 'f', -1.54, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation' ], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.00089, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], [ 'ebm_emx', 'f', 5.500000000000001e-10, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]' ], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 2.02, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 1.06, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]'], ['ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]'], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 0.88770981, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], [ 'und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true' ], [ 'und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true' ], ['und_per', 'f', 0.02, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 3.0, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], [ 'und_sx', 'i', 1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_sy', 'i', -1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_g', 'f', 6.72, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)' ], [ 'und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up' ], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], [ 'und_mfs', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file' ], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], [ 'tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], [ 'tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], [ 'tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data' ], [ 'tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot' ], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy [ 'ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time' ], [ 'ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) [ 'sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)' ], [ 'sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], [ 'sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], [ 'pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")' ], [ 'pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position [ 'si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true' ], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation [ 'ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation [ 'wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], [ 'w_e', 'f', 9000.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_rx', 'f', 0.0005, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ry', 'f', 0.0005, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_smpf', 'f', 1.0, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy' ], [ 'w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_nm', 'i', 1000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation' ], [ 'wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y; 40- intensity(s0), mutual intensity cuts and degree of coherence vs X & Y' ], [ 'wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)' ], [ 'wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef' ], [ 'wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance' ], [ 'wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #to add options [ 'op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]' ], # Former appParam: [ 'rs_type', 's', 'u', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam' ], #---Beamline optics: # Sample: sample ['op_Sample_file_path', 's', 'sample.tif', 'imageFile'], ['op_Sample_outputImageFormat', 's', 'tif', 'outputImageFormat'], ['op_Sample_position', 'f', 20.0, 'position'], ['op_Sample_resolution', 'f', 2.480469e-09, 'resolution'], ['op_Sample_thick', 'f', 1e-05, 'thickness'], ['op_Sample_delta', 'f', 3.738856e-05, 'refractiveIndex'], ['op_Sample_atten_len', 'f', 3.38902e-06, 'attenuationLength'], [ 'op_Sample_horizontalCenterCoordinate', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalCenterCoordinate' ], [ 'op_Sample_verticalCenterCoordinate', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalCenterCoordinate' ], ['op_Sample_rotateAngle', 'f', 0.0, 'rotateAngle'], ['op_Sample_cutoffBackgroundNoise', 'f', 0.5, 'cutoffBackgroundNoise'], ['op_Sample_cropArea', 'i', 1, 'cropArea'], ['op_Sample_extTransm', 'i', 1, 'transmissionImage'], ['op_Sample_areaXStart', 'i', 0, 'areaXStart'], ['op_Sample_areaXEnd', 'i', 1280, 'areaXEnd'], ['op_Sample_areaYStart', 'i', 0, 'areaYStart'], ['op_Sample_areaYEnd', 'i', 834, 'areaYEnd'], ['op_Sample_rotateReshape', 'i', 0, 'rotateReshape'], ['op_Sample_backgroundColor', 'i', 0, 'backgroundColor'], ['op_Sample_tileImage', 'i', 0, 'tileImage'], ['op_Sample_tileRows', 'i', 1, 'tileRows'], ['op_Sample_tileColumns', 'i', 1, 'tileColumns'], ['op_Sample_shiftX', 'i', 0, 'shiftX'], ['op_Sample_shiftY', 'i', 0, 'shiftY'], ['op_Sample_invert', 'i', 0, 'invert'], #---Propagation parameters [ 'op_Sample_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 100.0, 1.0, 100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Sample' ], [ 'op_fin_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0.005, 20.0, 0.005, 20.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters' ], #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented) #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'NSLS-II ESM beamline', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder ['fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files'], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', 'NSLS-II Low Beta Final', 'standard electron beam name'], ['ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final'], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], ['ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]'], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], ['ebm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]'], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], ['ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]'], ['ebm_dr', 'f', -1.86675, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation'], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.00089, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], ['ebm_emx', 'f', 5.5e-10, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]'], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 2.02, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 1.06, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]'], ['ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]'], # Definition of the beam through Moments: ['ebm_sigx', 'f', 3.3331666625e-05, 'horizontal RMS size of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_sigy', 'f', 2.91204395571e-06, 'vertical RMS size of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_sigxp', 'f', 1.65008250619e-05, 'horizontal RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]'], ['ebm_sigyp', 'f', 2.74721127897e-06, 'vertical RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]'], ['ebm_mxxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_myyp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]'], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 0.187782, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]'], ['und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]'], ['und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true'], ['und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true'], ['und_per', 'f', 0.057, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 3.5055, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], ['und_sx', 'i', 1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position'], ['und_sy', 'i', 1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position'], ['und_g', 'f', 6.72, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)'], ['und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up'], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], ['und_mfs', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file'], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], ['tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'], ['tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], ['tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data'], ['tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot'], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy ['ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"'], ['ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time'], ['ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'], ['ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) ['sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)'], ['sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], ['sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], ['pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")'], ['pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'], ['pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'], ['pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution'], ['pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true'], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation ['ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation ['wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'], ['w_e', 'f', 1000.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_rx', 'f', 0.002, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ry', 'f', 0.002, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_smpf', 'f', 1.0, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'], ['si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy'], ['w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'], ['wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'], ['wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation'], ['wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y'], ['wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)'], ['wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'], ['wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'], ['wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef'], ['wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance'], ['wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], #to add options ['op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]'], # Former appParam: ['source_type', 's', 'u', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam'], #---Beamline optics: # M1: mirror ['op_M1_hfn', 's', 'mirror_1d.dat', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_M1_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_M1_ang', 'f', 0.0436332, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_M1_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_M1_size_x', 'f', 0.001, 'horizontalTransverseSize'], ['op_M1_size_y', 'f', 0.001, 'verticalTransverseSize'], # M1_Grating: drift ['op_M1_Grating_L', 'f', 20.634, 'length'], # Grating: grating ['op_Grating_size_tang', 'f', 0.2, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_Grating_size_sag', 'f', 0.015, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_Grating_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_Grating_nvy', 'f', 0.99991607766, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_Grating_nvz', 'f', -0.0129552165771, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_Grating_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_Grating_tvy', 'f', 0.0129552165771, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_Grating_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Grating_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], ['op_Grating_m', 'f', 1.0, 'diffractionOrder'], ['op_Grating_grDen', 'f', 1800.0, 'grooveDensity0'], ['op_Grating_grDen1', 'f', 0.08997, 'grooveDensity1'], ['op_Grating_grDen2', 'f', 3.004e-06, 'grooveDensity2'], ['op_Grating_grDen3', 'f', 9.73e-11, 'grooveDensity3'], ['op_Grating_grDen4', 'f', 0.0, 'grooveDensity4'], # GA: aperture ['op_GA_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_GA_Dx', 'f', 0.015, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_GA_Dy', 'f', 0.00259104331543, 'verticalSize'], ['op_GA_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_GA_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # GA_M3A: drift ['op_GA_M3A_L', 'f', 34.63, 'length'], # M3A: aperture ['op_M3A_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_M3A_Dx', 'f', 0.01832012956, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_M3A_Dy', 'f', 0.02, 'verticalSize'], ['op_M3A_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_M3A_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # M3: ellipsoidMirror ['op_M3_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_M3_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_M3_p', 'f', 89.63, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_M3_q', 'f', 8.006, 'focalLength'], ['op_M3_ang', 'f', 0.0436332, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_M3_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_M3_size_tang', 'f', 0.42, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_M3_size_sag', 'f', 0.02, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_M3_nvx', 'f', 0.999048222947, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_M3_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_M3_nvz', 'f', -0.0436193560953, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_M3_tvx', 'f', -0.0436193560953, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_M3_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_M3_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_M3_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # M3_SSA: drift ['op_M3_SSA_L', 'f', 8.006, 'length'], # SSA: aperture ['op_SSA_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_SSA_Dx', 'f', 0.0015, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_SSA_Dy', 'f', 0.0015, 'verticalSize'], ['op_SSA_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_SSA_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # SSA_KBAperture: drift ['op_SSA_KBAperture_L', 'f', 6.01, 'length'], # KBAperture: aperture ['op_KBAperture_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_KBAperture_Dx', 'f', 0.0130858068286, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_KBAperture_Dy', 'f', 0.003, 'verticalSize'], ['op_KBAperture_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_KBAperture_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # KBh: ellipsoidMirror ['op_KBh_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_KBh_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_KBh_p', 'f', 6.01, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_KBh_q', 'f', 0.911, 'focalLength'], ['op_KBh_ang', 'f', 0.0872665, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_KBh_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_KBh_size_tang', 'f', 0.3, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_KBh_size_sag', 'f', 0.05, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_KBh_nvx', 'f', 0.996194694832, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_KBh_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_KBh_nvz', 'f', -0.0871557800056, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_KBh_tvx', 'f', -0.0871557800056, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_KBh_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_KBh_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_KBh_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # KBh_KBv: drift ['op_KBh_KBv_L', 'f', 0.5, 'length'], # KBv: ellipsoidMirror ['op_KBv_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_KBv_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_KBv_p', 'f', 6.51, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_KBv_q', 'f', 0.411, 'focalLength'], ['op_KBv_ang', 'f', 0.0872665, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_KBv_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_KBv_size_tang', 'f', 0.3, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_KBv_size_sag', 'f', 0.05, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_KBv_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_KBv_nvy', 'f', 0.996194694832, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_KBv_nvz', 'f', -0.0871557800056, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_KBv_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_KBv_tvy', 'f', -0.0871557800056, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_KBv_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_KBv_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # KBv_Sample: drift ['op_KBv_Sample_L', 'f', 0.411, 'length'], #---Propagation parameters ['op_M1_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'M1'], ['op_M1_Grating_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.2, 3.5, 1.2, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'M1_Grating'], ['op_Grating_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'Grating'], ['op_GA_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'GA'], ['op_GA_M3A_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'GA_M3A'], ['op_M3A_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'M3A'], ['op_M3_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'M3'], ['op_M3_SSA_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 3.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'M3_SSA'], ['op_SSA_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0.4, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'SSA'], ['op_SSA_KBAperture_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'SSA_KBAperture'], ['op_KBAperture_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'KBAperture'], ['op_KBh_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'KBh'], ['op_KBh_KBv_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'KBh_KBv'], ['op_KBv_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'KBv'], ['op_KBv_Sample_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'KBv_Sample'], ['op_fin_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 1, 0.07, 1.5, 0.07, 6.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters'], #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented) #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'long trace', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder [ 'fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files' ], ['gbm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'average horizontal coordinates of waist [m]'], ['gbm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'average vertical coordinates of waist [m]'], ['gbm_z', 'f', 0.0, 'average longitudinal coordinate of waist [m]'], ['gbm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'average horizontal angle at waist [rad]'], ['gbm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'average verical angle at waist [rad]'], ['gbm_ave', 'f', 9000.0, 'average photon energy [eV]'], ['gbm_pen', 'f', 0.001, 'energy per pulse [J]'], ['gbm_rep', 'f', 1, 'rep. rate [Hz]'], [ 'gbm_pol', 'f', 1, 'polarization 1- lin. hor., 2- lin. vert., 3- lin. 45 deg., 4- lin.135 deg., 5- circ. right, 6- circ. left' ], [ 'gbm_sx', 'f', 3e-06, 'rms beam size vs horizontal position [m] at waist (for intensity)' ], [ 'gbm_sy', 'f', 3e-06, 'rms beam size vs vertical position [m] at waist (for intensity)' ], ['gbm_st', 'f', 1e-13, 'rms pulse duration [s] (for intensity)'], [ 'gbm_mx', 'f', 0, 'transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in horizontal direction' ], [ 'gbm_my', 'f', 0, 'transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in vertical direction' ], [ 'gbm_ca', 's', 'c', 'treat _sigX, _sigY as sizes in [m] in coordinate representation (_presCA="c") or as angular divergences in [rad] in angular representation (_presCA="a")' ], [ 'gbm_ft', 's', 't', 'treat _sigT as pulse duration in [s] in time domain/representation (_presFT="t") or as bandwidth in [eV] in frequency domain/representation (_presFT="f")' ], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], [ 'tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], [ 'tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], [ 'tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data' ], [ 'tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot' ], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy [ 'ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time' ], [ 'ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) [ 'sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)' ], [ 'sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], [ 'sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], [ 'pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")' ], [ 'pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position [ 'si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true' ], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation [ 'ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation [ 'wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], [ 'w_e', 'f', 9000.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ef', 'f', -1., 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_rx', 'f', 0.002, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_nx', 'i', 2048, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ry', 'f', 0.002, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ny', 'i', 2048, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_smpf', 'f', 0, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_meth', 'i', 2, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy' ], [ 'w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation' ], [ 'wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y' ], [ 'wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)' ], [ 'wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef' ], [ 'wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #to add options [ 'op_r', 'f', 500000.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]' ], # Former appParam: [ 'source_type', 's', 'g', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam' ], ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'Sample from Image', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder [ 'fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files' ], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', 'NSLS-II Low Beta Final', 'standard electron beam name'], [ 'ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final' ], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], [ 'ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]' ], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], [ 'ebm_xp', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]' ], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], [ 'ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]' ], [ 'ebm_dr', 'f', -1.54, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation' ], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.00089, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], ['ebm_emx', 'f', 5.5e-10, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]'], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 2.02, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 1.06, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]'], ['ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]'], # Definition of the beam through Moments: [ 'ebm_sigx', 'f', 3.3331666625e-05, 'horizontal RMS size of electron beam [m]' ], [ 'ebm_sigy', 'f', 2.91204395571e-06, 'vertical RMS size of electron beam [m]' ], [ 'ebm_sigxp', 'f', 1.65008250619e-05, 'horizontal RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]' ], [ 'ebm_sigyp', 'f', 2.74721127897e-06, 'vertical RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]' ], [ 'ebm_mxxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]' ], [ 'ebm_myyp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]' ], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 0.88770981, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], [ 'und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true' ], [ 'und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true' ], ['und_per', 'f', 0.02, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 3.0, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], [ 'und_sx', 'i', 1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_sy', 'i', -1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_g', 'f', 6.72, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)' ], [ 'und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up' ], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], [ 'und_mfs', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file' ], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], [ 'tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], [ 'tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], [ 'tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data' ], [ 'tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot' ], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy [ 'ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time' ], [ 'ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) [ 'sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)' ], [ 'sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], [ 'sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], [ 'pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")' ], [ 'pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position [ 'si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true' ], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation [ 'ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation [ 'wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], [ 'w_e', 'f', 9000.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ef', 'f', -1., 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_rx', 'f', 0.0005, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ry', 'f', 0.0005, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_smpf', 'f', 1.0, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy' ], [ 'w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation' ], [ 'wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y' ], [ 'wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)' ], [ 'wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef' ], [ 'wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], # Beamline optics: ['op_sample1', 's', 'sample.tif', 'input file of the sample #1'], #to add options [ 'op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]' ], # Former appParam: [ 'source_type', 's', 'u', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam' ], ])
def get_reset_varParam(): """ Code from Sirepo's SRW code, adapted to a function to give each process their own copy of the default parameters to run """ varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'RIXS-ARI 250eV 02 2', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder [ 'fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files' ], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name'], [ 'ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final' ], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], [ 'ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]' ], [ 'ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]' ], [ 'ebm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]' ], [ 'ebm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]' ], [ 'ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]' ], [ 'ebm_dr', 'f', -0.001, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation' ], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.00089, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], ['ebm_emx', 'f', 7.6e-10, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]'], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 1.84, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 1.17, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], [ 'ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]' ], [ 'ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]' ], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 0.425, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], [ 'und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true' ], [ 'und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true' ], ['und_per', 'f', 0.07, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 2.0, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', -1.25, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], [ 'und_sx', 'i', -1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_sy', 'i', 1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_g', 'f', 6.72, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)' ], [ 'und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up' ], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], [ 'und_mfs', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file' ], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], [ 'tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], [ 'tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], [ 'tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data' ], [ 'tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot' ], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy [ 'ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'ss_ei', 'f', 10.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ef', 'f', 2100.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ne', 'i', 2000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time' ], [ 'ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) [ 'sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'sm_ei', 'f', 10.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ef', 'f', 1000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ne', 'i', 5000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_rx', 'f', 0.008, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ry', 'f', 0.008, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)' ], [ 'sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)' ], [ 'sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position [ 'pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true' ], [ 'pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_rx', 'f', 0.05, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ry', 'f', 0.05, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")' ], [ 'pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position [ 'si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true' ], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation [ 'ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation [ 'wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], [ 'w_e', 'f', 250.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_rx', 'f', 0.006, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ry', 'f', 0.006, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_smpf', 'f', 0.3, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy' ], [ 'w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation' ], [ 'wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y; 40- intensity(s0), mutual intensity cuts and degree of coherence vs X & Y' ], [ 'wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)' ], [ 'wm_x0', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_y0', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef' ], [ 'wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance' ], [ 'wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_fbk', '', '', 'create backup file(s) with propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position and other radiation characteristics', 'store_true' ], #to add options [ 'op_r', 'f', 18.75, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]' ], # Former appParam: [ 'rs_type', 's', 'u', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam' ], #---Beamline optics: # Fixed_Mask: aperture ['op_Fixed_Mask_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_Fixed_Mask_Dx', 'f', 0.006, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_Fixed_Mask_Dy', 'f', 0.006, 'verticalSize'], ['op_Fixed_Mask_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Fixed_Mask_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # Fixed_Mask_Ap_M1: drift ['op_Fixed_Mask_Ap_M1_L', 'f', 8.5, 'length'], # Ap_M1: aperture ['op_Ap_M1_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_Ap_M1_Dx', 'f', 0.0088, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_Ap_M1_Dy', 'f', 0.01, 'verticalSize'], ['op_Ap_M1_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Ap_M1_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # M1: ellipsoidMirror [ 'op_M1_hfn', 's', 'OlegM1_200tan2000sagFractBeta3.txt', 'heightProfileFile' ], ['op_M1_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_M1_p', 'f', 28.5, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_M1_q', 'f', 9.0, 'focalLength'], ['op_M1_ang', 'f', 0.03490658503988659, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_M1_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_M1_size_tang', 'f', 0.25, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_M1_size_sag', 'f', 0.01, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_M1_nvx', 'f', 0.9993908270190958, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_M1_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_M1_nvz', 'f', -0.03489949670250097, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_M1_tvx', 'f', 0.03489949670250097, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_M1_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_M1_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_M1_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # M1_M2: drift ['op_M1_M2_L', 'f', 2.1000000000000014, 'length'], # M2: mirror [ 'op_M2_hfn', 's', 'OlegM2_200tan500sagFractBeta3.txt', 'heightProfileFile' ], ['op_M2_dim', 's', 'y', 'orientation'], ['op_M2_ang', 'f', 0.0440043, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_M2_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_M2_size_x', 'f', 0.4, 'horizontalTransverseSize'], ['op_M2_size_y', 'f', 0.012, 'verticalTransverseSize'], # M2_Before_Grating: drift ['op_M2_Before_Grating_L', 'f', 0.3999999999999986, 'length'], # After_Grating_Before_H_Slit: drift ['op_After_Grating_Before_H_Slit_L', 'f', 6.5, 'length'], # H_Slit: aperture ['op_H_Slit_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_H_Slit_Dx', 'f', 5e-05, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_H_Slit_Dy', 'f', 0.02, 'verticalSize'], ['op_H_Slit_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_H_Slit_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # H_Slit_Aux_1: drift ['op_H_Slit_Aux_1_L', 'f', 0.25, 'length'], # Aux_1_Before_V_Slit: drift ['op_Aux_1_Before_V_Slit_L', 'f', 4.75, 'length'], # V_Slit: aperture ['op_V_Slit_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_V_Slit_Dx', 'f', 0.01, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_V_Slit_Dy', 'f', 2e-05, 'verticalSize'], ['op_V_Slit_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_V_Slit_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # V_Slit_Aux_2: drift ['op_V_Slit_Aux_2_L', 'f', 0.10000000000000142, 'length'], # Aux_2_Before_KBV: drift ['op_Aux_2_Before_KBV_L', 'f', 27.984, 'length'], # KBV: ellipsoidMirror [ 'op_KBV_hfn', 's', 'OlegKBVrixs_200tan500sagFractBeta3.txt', 'heightProfileFile' ], ['op_KBV_dim', 's', 'y', 'orientation'], ['op_KBV_p', 'f', 28.084, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_KBV_q', 'f', 0.416, 'focalLength'], ['op_KBV_ang', 'f', 0.043633229999999995, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_KBV_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_KBV_size_tang', 'f', 0.377, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_KBV_size_sag', 'f', 0.03, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_KBV_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_KBV_nvy', 'f', 0.9990482216385568, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_KBV_nvz', 'f', -0.043619386066714935, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_KBV_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_KBV_tvy', 'f', 0.043619386066714935, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_KBV_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_KBV_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # KBV_KBH: drift ['op_KBV_KBH_L', 'f', 0.29399999999999693, 'length'], # KBH: ellipsoidMirror [ 'op_KBH_hfn', 's', 'OlegKBHrixs_600tan1000sagFractBeta3.txt', 'heightProfileFile' ], ['op_KBH_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_KBH_p', 'f', 33.378, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_KBH_q', 'f', 0.122, 'focalLength'], ['op_KBH_ang', 'f', 0.043633229999999995, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_KBH_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_KBH_size_tang', 'f', 0.171, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_KBH_size_sag', 'f', 0.02, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_KBH_nvx', 'f', 0.9990482216385568, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_KBH_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_KBH_nvz', 'f', -0.043619386066714935, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_KBH_tvx', 'f', 0.043619386066714935, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_KBH_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_KBH_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_KBH_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # After_KBH_Sample: drift ['op_After_KBH_Sample_L', 'f', 0.12199999999999989, 'length'], #---Propagation parameters [ 'op_Fixed_Mask_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.2, 8.0, 2.5, 8.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Fixed_Mask' ], [ 'op_Fixed_Mask_Ap_M1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Fixed_Mask_Ap_M1' ], [ 'op_Ap_M1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Ap_M1' ], [ 'op_M1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M1' ], [ 'op_M1_M2_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M1_M2' ], [ 'op_M2_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M2' ], [ 'op_M2_Before_Grating_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M2_Before_Grating' ], [ 'op_After_Grating_Before_H_Slit_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'After_Grating_Before_H_Slit' ], [ 'op_H_Slit_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0.3, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'H_Slit' ], [ 'op_H_Slit_Aux_1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'H_Slit_Aux_1' ], [ 'op_Aux_1_Before_V_Slit_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Aux_1_Before_V_Slit' ], [ 'op_V_Slit_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'V_Slit' ], [ 'op_V_Slit_Aux_2_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'V_Slit_Aux_2' ], [ 'op_Aux_2_Before_KBV_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Aux_2_Before_KBV' ], [ 'op_KBV_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'KBV' ], [ 'op_KBV_KBH_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'KBV_KBH' ], [ 'op_KBH_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'KBH' ], [ 'op_After_KBH_Sample_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 4, 0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'After_KBH_Sample' ], [ 'op_fin_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters' ], #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented) #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ]) return varParam
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'Mask example', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder ['fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files'], ['gbm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'average horizontal coordinates of waist [m]'], ['gbm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'average vertical coordinates of waist [m]'], ['gbm_z', 'f', 0.0, 'average longitudinal coordinate of waist [m]'], ['gbm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'average horizontal angle at waist [rad]'], ['gbm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'average verical angle at waist [rad]'], ['gbm_ave', 'f', 9000.0, 'average photon energy [eV]'], ['gbm_pen', 'f', 0.001, 'energy per pulse [J]'], ['gbm_rep', 'f', 1, 'rep. rate [Hz]'], ['gbm_pol', 'f', 1, 'polarization 1- lin. hor., 2- lin. vert., 3- lin. 45 deg., 4- lin.135 deg., 5- circ. right, 6- circ. left'], ['gbm_sx', 'f', 3e-06, 'rms beam size vs horizontal position [m] at waist (for intensity)'], ['gbm_sy', 'f', 3e-06, 'rms beam size vs vertical position [m] at waist (for intensity)'], ['gbm_st', 'f', 1e-13, 'rms pulse duration [s] (for intensity)'], ['gbm_mx', 'f', 0, 'transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in horizontal direction'], ['gbm_my', 'f', 0, 'transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in vertical direction'], ['gbm_ca', 's', 'c', 'treat _sigX, _sigY as sizes in [m] in coordinate representation (_presCA="c") or as angular divergences in [rad] in angular representation (_presCA="a")'], ['gbm_ft', 's', 't', 'treat _sigT as pulse duration in [s] in time domain/representation (_presFT="t") or as bandwidth in [eV] in frequency domain/representation (_presFT="f")'], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], ['tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'], ['tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], ['tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data'], ['tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot'], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy ['ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"'], ['ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time'], ['ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'], ['ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) ['sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)'], ['sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], ['sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], ['pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")'], ['pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'], ['pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'], ['pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution'], ['pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true'], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation ['ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation ['wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'], ['w_e', 'f', 9000.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_rx', 'f', 0.002, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_nx', 'i', 2048, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ry', 'f', 0.002, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ny', 'i', 2048, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_smpf', 'f', 0, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_meth', 'i', 2, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'], ['si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy'], ['w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'], ['wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'], ['wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation'], ['wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y'], ['wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)'], ['wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'], ['wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'], ['wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef'], ['wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance'], ['wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], #to add options ['op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]'], # Former appParam: ['source_type', 's', 'g', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam'], #---Beamline optics: # VFM: ellipsoidMirror ['op_VFM_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_VFM_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_VFM_p', 'f', 50.0, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_VFM_q', 'f', 0.4, 'focalLength'], ['op_VFM_ang', 'f', 0.003, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_VFM_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_VFM_size_tang', 'f', 0.2, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_VFM_size_sag', 'f', 0.01, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_VFM_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_VFM_nvy', 'f', 0.999995500003, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_VFM_nvz', 'f', -0.0029999955, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_VFM_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_VFM_tvy', 'f', -0.0029999955, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_VFM_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_VFM_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # VFM_HFM: drift ['op_VFM_HFM_L', 'f', 0.2, 'length'], # HFM: ellipsoidMirror ['op_HFM_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_HFM_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_HFM_p', 'f', 50.0, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_HFM_q', 'f', 0.2, 'focalLength'], ['op_HFM_ang', 'f', 0.003, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_HFM_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_HFM_size_tang', 'f', 0.2, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_HFM_size_sag', 'f', 0.01, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_HFM_nvx', 'f', 0.999995500003, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_HFM_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_HFM_nvz', 'f', -0.0029999955, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_HFM_tvx', 'f', -0.0029999955, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_HFM_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_HFM_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_HFM_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # HFM_Watchpoint: drift ['op_HFM_Watchpoint_L', 'f', 0.2, 'length'], # Watchpoint_Mask: drift ['op_Watchpoint_Mask_L', 'f', 0.2, 'length'], # Mask: mask ['op_Mask_delta', 'f', 1.0, 'refractiveIndex'], ['op_Mask_atten_len', 'f', 1.0, 'attenuationLength'], ['op_Mask_thick', 'f', 1.0, 'maskThickness'], ['op_Mask_grid_sh', 'f', 0, 'gridShape'], ['op_Mask_grid_dx', 'f', 5e-06, 'horizontalGridDimension'], ['op_Mask_grid_dy', 'f', 5e-06, 'verticalGridDimension'], ['op_Mask_pitch_x', 'f', 2e-05, 'horizontalGridPitch'], ['op_Mask_pitch_y', 'f', 2e-05, 'verticalGridPitch'], ['op_Mask_gridTiltAngle', 'f', 0.436332312999, 'gridTiltAngle'], ['op_Mask_hx', 'f', 7.32e-07, 'horizontalSamplingInterval'], ['op_Mask_hy', 'f', 7.32e-07, 'verticalSamplingInterval'], ['op_Mask_mask_x0', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalMaskCoordinate'], ['op_Mask_mask_y0', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalMaskCoordinate'], ['op_Mask_mask_Nx', 'i', 1024, 'horizontalPixelsNumber'], ['op_Mask_mask_Ny', 'i', 1024, 'verticalPixelsNumber'], ['op_Mask_grid_nx', 'i', 21, 'horizontalGridsNumber'], ['op_Mask_grid_ny', 'i', 21, 'verticalGridsNumber'], #---Propagation parameters ['op_VFM_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'VFM'], ['op_VFM_HFM_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'VFM_HFM'], ['op_HFM_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'HFM'], ['op_HFM_Watchpoint_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'HFM_Watchpoint'], ['op_Watchpoint_Mask_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'Watchpoint_Mask'], ['op_Mask_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'Mask'], ['op_fin_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters'], #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented) #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'NSLS-II SRX beamline', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder ['fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files'], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', 'NSLS-II Low Beta Day 1', 'standard electron beam name'], ['ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final'], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], ['ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]'], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], ['ebm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]'], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], ['ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]'], ['ebm_dr', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation'], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.00089, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], ['ebm_emx', 'f', 9e-10, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]'], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 1.84, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 1.17, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]'], ['ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]'], # Definition of the beam through Moments: ['ebm_sigx', 'f', 4.06939799e-05, 'horizontal RMS size of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_sigy', 'f', 3.05941171e-06, 'vertical RMS size of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_sigxp', 'f', 2.211629342e-05, 'horizontal RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]'], ['ebm_sigyp', 'f', 2.6148818e-06, 'vertical RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]'], ['ebm_mxxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_myyp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]'], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 0.88770981, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]'], ['und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]'], ['und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true'], ['und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true'], ['und_per', 'f', 0.02, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 3.0, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', -1.25, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], ['und_sx', 'i', 1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position'], ['und_sy', 'i', -1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position'], ['und_g', 'f', 6.715, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)'], ['und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up'], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], ['und_mfs', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file'], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], ['tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'], ['tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], ['tr_mag', 'i', 2, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data'], ['tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot'], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy ['ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"'], ['ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['ss_mag', 'i', 2, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time'], ['ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'], ['ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) ['sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)'], ['sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], ['sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], ['pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_rx', 'f', 0.025, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_ry', 'f', 0.025, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")'], ['pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'], ['pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'], ['pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution'], ['pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true'], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation ['ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation ['wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'], ['w_e', 'f', 8000.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_rx', 'f', 0.0025, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ry', 'f', 0.0013, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_smpf', 'f', 0.1, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'], ['si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy'], ['w_mag', 'i', 2, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'], ['wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'], ['wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation'], ['wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y'], ['wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)'], ['wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'], ['wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'], ['wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef'], ['wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance'], ['wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], #to add options ['op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]'], # Former appParam: ['source_type', 's', 't', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam'], #---Beamline optics: # S0: aperture ['op_S0_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_S0_Dx', 'f', 0.002, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_S0_Dy', 'f', 0.001, 'verticalSize'], ['op_S0_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_S0_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # S0_HFM: drift ['op_S0_HFM_L', 'f', 1.081, 'length'], # HFM: sphericalMirror ['op_HFM_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_HFM_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_HFM_r', 'f', 8871.45, 'radius'], ['op_HFM_size_tang', 'f', 0.95, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_HFM_size_sag', 'f', 0.005, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_HFM_ang', 'f', 0.0025, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_HFM_nvx', 'f', 0.999996875002, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_HFM_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_HFM_nvz', 'f', -0.00249999739583, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_HFM_tvx', 'f', 0.00249999739583, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_HFM_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_HFM_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_HFM_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_HFM_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # HFM_S1: drift ['op_HFM_S1_L', 'f', 1.407, 'length'], # S1: aperture ['op_S1_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_S1_Dx', 'f', 0.0024, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_S1_Dy', 'f', 0.0015, 'verticalSize'], ['op_S1_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_S1_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # S1_DCM_C1: drift ['op_S1_DCM_C1_L', 'f', 0.781, 'length'], # DCM_C1: crystal ['op_DCM_C1_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_DCM_C1_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_DCM_C1_d_sp', 'f', 3.13557135638, 'dSpacing'], ['op_DCM_C1_psi0r', 'f', -1.53227839905e-05, 'psi0r'], ['op_DCM_C1_psi0i', 'f', 3.59410775406e-07, 'psi0i'], ['op_DCM_C1_psiHr', 'f', -8.10706354484e-06, 'psiHr'], ['op_DCM_C1_psiHi', 'f', 2.50931132347e-07, 'psiHi'], ['op_DCM_C1_psiHBr', 'f', -8.10706354484e-06, 'psiHBr'], ['op_DCM_C1_psiHBi', 'f', 2.50931132347e-07, 'psiHBi'], ['op_DCM_C1_tc', 'f', 0.01, 'crystalThickness'], ['op_DCM_C1_ang_as', 'f', 0.0, 'asymmetryAngle'], ['op_DCM_C1_nvx', 'f', -0.968973817886, 'nvx'], ['op_DCM_C1_nvy', 'f', 2.59635532439e-08, 'nvy'], ['op_DCM_C1_nvz', 'f', -0.247163387763, 'nvz'], ['op_DCM_C1_tvx', 'f', -0.247163387763, 'tvx'], ['op_DCM_C1_tvy', 'f', 6.62271741473e-09, 'tvy'], ['op_DCM_C1_ang', 'f', 1.5707963, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_DCM_C1_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], # DCM_C2: crystal ['op_DCM_C2_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_DCM_C2_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_DCM_C2_d_sp', 'f', 3.13557135638, 'dSpacing'], ['op_DCM_C2_psi0r', 'f', -1.53227839905e-05, 'psi0r'], ['op_DCM_C2_psi0i', 'f', 3.59410775406e-07, 'psi0i'], ['op_DCM_C2_psiHr', 'f', -8.10706354484e-06, 'psiHr'], ['op_DCM_C2_psiHi', 'f', 2.50931132347e-07, 'psiHi'], ['op_DCM_C2_psiHBr', 'f', -8.10706354484e-06, 'psiHBr'], ['op_DCM_C2_psiHBi', 'f', 2.50931132347e-07, 'psiHBi'], ['op_DCM_C2_tc', 'f', 0.01, 'crystalThickness'], ['op_DCM_C2_ang_as', 'f', 0.0, 'asymmetryAngle'], ['op_DCM_C2_nvx', 'f', 0.968973817886, 'nvx'], ['op_DCM_C2_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'nvy'], ['op_DCM_C2_nvz', 'f', -0.247163387763, 'nvz'], ['op_DCM_C2_tvx', 'f', 0.247163387763, 'tvx'], ['op_DCM_C2_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tvy'], ['op_DCM_C2_ang', 'f', -1.5707963, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_DCM_C2_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], # DCM_C2_At_BPM1: drift ['op_DCM_C2_At_BPM1_L', 'f', 2.2416, 'length'], # At_BPM1_Before_SSA: drift ['op_At_BPM1_Before_SSA_L', 'f', 11.9668, 'length'], # SSA: aperture ['op_SSA_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_SSA_Dx', 'f', 5e-05, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_SSA_Dy', 'f', 0.003, 'verticalSize'], ['op_SSA_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_SSA_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # SSA_AKB: drift ['op_SSA_AKB_L', 'f', 11.8308, 'length'], # AKB: aperture ['op_AKB_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_AKB_Dx', 'f', 0.003, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_AKB_Dy', 'f', 0.000875, 'verticalSize'], ['op_AKB_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_AKB_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # AKB_KBV: drift ['op_AKB_KBV_L', 'f', 0.175, 'length'], # KBV: ellipsoidMirror ['op_KBV_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_KBV_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_KBV_p', 'f', 63.913, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_KBV_q', 'f', 0.637, 'focalLength'], ['op_KBV_ang', 'f', 0.0025, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_KBV_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_KBV_size_tang', 'f', 0.35, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_KBV_size_sag', 'f', 0.003, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_KBV_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_KBV_nvy', 'f', 0.999996875002, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_KBV_nvz', 'f', -0.00249999739583, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_KBV_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_KBV_tvy', 'f', -0.00249999739583, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_KBV_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_KBV_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # KBV_KBH: drift ['op_KBV_KBH_L', 'f', 0.337, 'length'], # KBH: ellipsoidMirror ['op_KBH_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_KBH_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_KBH_p', 'f', 12.3428, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_KBH_q', 'f', 0.3, 'focalLength'], ['op_KBH_ang', 'f', 0.0025, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_KBH_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_KBH_size_tang', 'f', 0.3, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_KBH_size_sag', 'f', 0.003, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_KBH_nvx', 'f', 0.999996875002, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_KBH_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_KBH_nvz', 'f', -0.00249999739583, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_KBH_tvx', 'f', -0.00249999739583, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_KBH_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_KBH_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_KBH_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # KBH_At_Sample: drift ['op_KBH_At_Sample_L', 'f', 0.3, 'length'], #---Propagation parameters ['op_S0_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.1, 7.0, 1.3, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'S0'], ['op_S0_HFM_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'S0_HFM'], ['op_HFM_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'HFM'], ['op_HFM_S1_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'HFM_S1'], ['op_S1_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'S1'], ['op_S1_DCM_C1_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'S1_DCM_C1'], ['op_DCM_C1_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'DCM_C1'], ['op_DCM_C2_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'DCM_C2'], ['op_DCM_C2_At_BPM1_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'DCM_C2_At_BPM1'], ['op_At_BPM1_Before_SSA_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'At_BPM1_Before_SSA'], ['op_SSA_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'SSA'], ['op_SSA_AKB_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'SSA_AKB'], ['op_AKB_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'AKB'], ['op_AKB_KBV_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'AKB_KBV'], ['op_KBV_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'KBV'], ['op_KBV_KBH_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'KBV_KBH'], ['op_KBH_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'KBH'], ['op_KBH_At_Sample_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 4, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'KBH_At_Sample'], ['op_fin_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 1, 0.5, 1.0, 0.2, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters'], #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented) #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'Diffraction by an Aperture', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder ['fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files'], ['gbm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'average horizontal coordinates of waist [m]'], ['gbm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'average vertical coordinates of waist [m]'], ['gbm_z', 'f', 0.0, 'average longitudinal coordinate of waist [m]'], ['gbm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'average horizontal angle at waist [rad]'], ['gbm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'average verical angle at waist [rad]'], ['gbm_ave', 'f', 1.95251, 'average photon energy [eV]'], ['gbm_pen', 'f', 0.001, 'energy per pulse [J]'], ['gbm_rep', 'f', 1, 'rep. rate [Hz]'], ['gbm_pol', 'f', 1, 'polarization 1- lin. hor., 2- lin. vert., 3- lin. 45 deg., 4- lin.135 deg., 5- circ. right, 6- circ. left'], ['gbm_sx', 'f', 0.001, 'rms beam size vs horizontal position [m] at waist (for intensity)'], ['gbm_sy', 'f', 0.001, 'rms beam size vs vertical position [m] at waist (for intensity)'], ['gbm_st', 'f', 1e-13, 'rms pulse duration [s] (for intensity)'], ['gbm_mx', 'f', 0, 'transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in horizontal direction'], ['gbm_my', 'f', 0, 'transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in vertical direction'], ['gbm_ca', 's', 'c', 'treat _sigX, _sigY as sizes in [m] in coordinate representation (_presCA="c") or as angular divergences in [rad] in angular representation (_presCA="a")'], ['gbm_ft', 's', 't', 'treat _sigT as pulse duration in [s] in time domain/representation (_presFT="t") or as bandwidth in [eV] in frequency domain/representation (_presFT="f")'], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], ['tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'], ['tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], ['tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data'], ['tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot'], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy ['ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_meth', 'i', 0, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"'], ['ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time'], ['ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'], ['ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) ['sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)'], ['sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], ['sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], ['pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")'], ['pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'], ['pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'], ['pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution'], ['pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true'], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation ['ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation ['wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'], ['w_e', 'f', 1.95251, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ef', 'f', -1., 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_rx', 'f', 0.008, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_nx', 'i', 200, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ry', 'f', 0.008, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ny', 'i', 200, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_smpf', 'f', 1.0, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_meth', 'i', 2, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'], ['si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy'], ['w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'], ['wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'], ['wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation'], ['wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y'], ['wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)'], ['wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'], ['wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'], ['wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef'], ['wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], #to add options ['op_r', 'f', 0.5, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]'], # Former appParam: ['source_type', 's', 'g', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam'], ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'Boron Fiber CRL with 3 lenses', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder ['fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files'], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', 'NSLS-II Low Beta Final', 'standard electron beam name'], ['ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final'], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], ['ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]'], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], ['ebm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]'], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], ['ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]'], ['ebm_dr', 'f', -1.54, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation'], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.00089, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], ['ebm_emx', 'f', 5.5e-10, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]'], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 2.02, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 1.06, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]'], ['ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]'], # Definition of the beam through Moments: ['ebm_sigx', 'f', 3.3331666625e-05, 'horizontal RMS size of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_sigy', 'f', 2.91204395571e-06, 'vertical RMS size of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_sigxp', 'f', 1.65008250619e-05, 'horizontal RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]'], ['ebm_sigyp', 'f', 2.74721127897e-06, 'vertical RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]'], ['ebm_mxxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_myyp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]'], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 0.9316, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]'], ['und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]'], ['und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true'], ['und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true'], ['und_per', 'f', 0.02, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 3.0, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', 1.25, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], ['und_sx', 'i', 1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position'], ['und_sy', 'i', -1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position'], ['und_g', 'f', 6.72, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)'], ['und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up'], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], ['und_mfs', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file'], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], ['tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'], ['tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], ['tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data'], ['tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot'], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy ['ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"'], ['ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time'], ['ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'], ['ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) ['sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)'], ['sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], ['sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], ['pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")'], ['pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'], ['pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'], ['pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution'], ['pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true'], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation ['ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation ['wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'], ['w_e', 'f', 8500.63, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_rx', 'f', 0.0008, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ry', 'f', 0.0007, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_smpf', 'f', 0.7, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'], ['si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy'], ['w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'], ['wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'], ['wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation'], ['wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y'], ['wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)'], ['wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'], ['wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'], ['wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef'], ['wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance'], ['wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], #to add options ['op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]'], # Former appParam: ['source_type', 's', 'u', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam'], #---Beamline optics: # CRL: crl ['op_CRL_foc_plane', 'f', 2, 'focalPlane'], ['op_CRL_delta', 'f', 4.716943e-06, 'refractiveIndex'], ['op_CRL_atten_len', 'f', 0.006257, 'attenuationLength'], ['op_CRL_shape', 'f', 1, 'shape'], ['op_CRL_apert_h', 'f', 0.001, 'horizontalApertureSize'], ['op_CRL_apert_v', 'f', 0.001, 'verticalApertureSize'], ['op_CRL_r_min', 'f', 0.0005, 'tipRadius'], ['op_CRL_wall_thick', 'f', 8e-05, 'tipWallThickness'], ['op_CRL_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_CRL_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], ['op_CRL_n', 'i', 3, 'numberOfLenses'], # CRL_Watchpoint: drift ['op_CRL_Watchpoint_L', 'f', 34.1915, 'length'], # Fiber: fiber ['op_Fiber_foc_plane', 'f', 2, 'focalPlane'], ['op_Fiber_delta_ext', 'f', 6.228746e-06, 'externalRefractiveIndex'], ['op_Fiber_delta_core', 'f', 4.129923e-05, 'coreRefractiveIndex'], ['op_Fiber_atten_len_ext', 'f', 0.002412, 'externalAttenuationLength'], ['op_Fiber_atten_len_core', 'f', 3.63751e-06, 'coreAttenuationLength'], ['op_Fiber_externalDiameter', 'f', 0.0001, 'externalDiameter'], ['op_Fiber_diam_core', 'f', 1e-05, 'coreDiameter'], ['op_Fiber_xc', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalCenterPosition'], ['op_Fiber_yc', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalCenterPosition'], # Fiber_Watchpoint2: drift ['op_Fiber_Watchpoint2_L', 'f', 0.6585, 'length'], #---Propagation parameters ['op_CRL_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'CRL'], ['op_CRL_Watchpoint_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'CRL_Watchpoint'], ['op_Fiber_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'Fiber'], ['op_Fiber_Watchpoint2_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'Fiber_Watchpoint2'], ['op_fin_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0.7, 2.0, 0.2, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters'], #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented) #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'NSLS-II ESM beamline', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder [ 'fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files' ], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name'], [ 'ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final' ], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], [ 'ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]' ], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], [ 'ebm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]' ], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], [ 'ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]' ], [ 'ebm_dr', 'f', -1.8667500000000001, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation' ], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.00089, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], [ 'ebm_emx', 'f', 5.500000000000001e-10, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]' ], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 2.02, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 1.06, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]'], ['ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]'], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 0.187782, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], [ 'und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true' ], [ 'und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true' ], ['und_per', 'f', 0.057, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 3.5055, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], [ 'und_sx', 'i', 1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_sy', 'i', 1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_g', 'f', 6.72, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)' ], [ 'und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up' ], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], [ 'und_mfs', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file' ], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], [ 'tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], [ 'tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], [ 'tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data' ], [ 'tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot' ], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy [ 'ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time' ], [ 'ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) [ 'sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)' ], [ 'sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], [ 'sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], [ 'pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")' ], [ 'pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position [ 'si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true' ], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation [ 'ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation [ 'wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], [ 'w_e', 'f', 1000.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_rx', 'f', 0.002, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ry', 'f', 0.002, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_smpf', 'f', 1.0, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy' ], [ 'w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation' ], [ 'wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y; 40- intensity(s0), mutual intensity cuts and degree of coherence vs X & Y' ], [ 'wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)' ], [ 'wm_x0', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_y0', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef' ], [ 'wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance' ], [ 'wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_fbk', '', '', 'create backup file(s) with propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position and other radiation characteristics', 'store_true' ], #to add options [ 'op_r', 'f', 34.366, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]' ], # Former appParam: [ 'rs_type', 's', 'u', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam' ], #---Beamline optics: # M1: mirror [ 'op_M1_hfn', 's', 'configurations/esm_mirror_1d.dat', 'heightProfileFile' ], ['op_M1_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_M1_ang', 'f', 0.043633200000000004, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_M1_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_M1_size_x', 'f', 0.001, 'horizontalTransverseSize'], ['op_M1_size_y', 'f', 0.001, 'verticalTransverseSize'], # M1_Grating: drift ['op_M1_Grating_L', 'f', 20.634, 'length'], # Grating: grating ['op_Grating_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_Grating_dim', 's', 'y', 'orientation'], ['op_Grating_size_tang', 'f', 0.2, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_Grating_size_sag', 'f', 0.015, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_Grating_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'nvx'], ['op_Grating_nvy', 'f', 0.9999160776602402, 'nvy'], ['op_Grating_nvz', 'f', -0.012955216577139016, 'nvz'], ['op_Grating_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tvx'], ['op_Grating_tvy', 'f', 0.012955216577139016, 'tvy'], ['op_Grating_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Grating_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], ['op_Grating_m', 'f', 1.0, 'diffractionOrder'], ['op_Grating_grDen', 'f', 1800.0, 'grooveDensity0'], ['op_Grating_grDen1', 'f', 0.08997, 'grooveDensity1'], ['op_Grating_grDen2', 'f', 3.004e-06, 'grooveDensity2'], ['op_Grating_grDen3', 'f', 9.73e-11, 'grooveDensity3'], ['op_Grating_grDen4', 'f', 0.0, 'grooveDensity4'], ['op_Grating_e_avg', 'f', 1000.0, 'energyAvg'], ['op_Grating_cff', 'f', 5.249936863206202, 'cff'], ['op_Grating_ang', 'f', 0.012955579, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_Grating_rollAngle', 'f', 0.0, 'rollAngle'], ['op_Grating_outoptvx', 'f', 0.0, 'outoptvx'], ['op_Grating_outoptvy', 'f', 0.08093357816613847, 'outoptvy'], ['op_Grating_outoptvz', 'f', 0.996719497113017, 'outoptvz'], ['op_Grating_outframevx', 'f', 1.0, 'outframevx'], ['op_Grating_outframevy', 'f', 0.0, 'outframevy'], ['op_Grating_computeParametersFrom', 'f', 2, 'computeParametersFrom'], ['op_Grating_amp_coef', 'f', 0.001, 'heightAmplification'], # GA: aperture ['op_GA_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_GA_Dx', 'f', 0.015, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_GA_Dy', 'f', 0.0025910433154276145, 'verticalSize'], ['op_GA_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_GA_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # GA_M3A: drift ['op_GA_M3A_L', 'f', 34.629999999999995, 'length'], # M3A: aperture ['op_M3A_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_M3A_Dx', 'f', 0.018320129560012673, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_M3A_Dy', 'f', 0.02, 'verticalSize'], ['op_M3A_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_M3A_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # M3: ellipsoidMirror ['op_M3_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_M3_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_M3_p', 'f', 89.63, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_M3_q', 'f', 8.006, 'focalLength'], ['op_M3_ang', 'f', 0.043633200000000004, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_M3_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_M3_size_tang', 'f', 0.42, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_M3_size_sag', 'f', 0.02, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_M3_nvx', 'f', 0.9990482229471379, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_M3_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_M3_nvz', 'f', -0.04361935609526827, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_M3_tvx', 'f', -0.04361935609526827, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_M3_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_M3_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_M3_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # M3_SSA: drift ['op_M3_SSA_L', 'f', 8.006, 'length'], # SSA: aperture ['op_SSA_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_SSA_Dx', 'f', 0.0015, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_SSA_Dy', 'f', 0.0015, 'verticalSize'], ['op_SSA_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_SSA_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # SSA_KBAperture: drift ['op_SSA_KBAperture_L', 'f', 6.010000000000005, 'length'], # KBAperture: aperture ['op_KBAperture_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_KBAperture_Dx', 'f', 0.01308580682858048, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_KBAperture_Dy', 'f', 0.003, 'verticalSize'], ['op_KBAperture_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_KBAperture_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # KBh: ellipsoidMirror ['op_KBh_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_KBh_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_KBh_p', 'f', 6.01, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_KBh_q', 'f', 0.911, 'focalLength'], ['op_KBh_ang', 'f', 0.0872665, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_KBh_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_KBh_size_tang', 'f', 0.3, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_KBh_size_sag', 'f', 0.05, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_KBh_nvx', 'f', 0.9961946948320953, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_KBh_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_KBh_nvz', 'f', -0.08715578000562225, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_KBh_tvx', 'f', -0.08715578000562225, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_KBh_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_KBh_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_KBh_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # KBh_KBv: drift ['op_KBh_KBv_L', 'f', 0.5, 'length'], # KBv: ellipsoidMirror ['op_KBv_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_KBv_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_KBv_p', 'f', 6.51, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_KBv_q', 'f', 0.411, 'focalLength'], ['op_KBv_ang', 'f', 0.0872665, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_KBv_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_KBv_size_tang', 'f', 0.3, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_KBv_size_sag', 'f', 0.05, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_KBv_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_KBv_nvy', 'f', 0.9961946948320953, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_KBv_nvz', 'f', -0.08715578000562225, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_KBv_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_KBv_tvy', 'f', -0.08715578000562225, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_KBv_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_KBv_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # KBv_Sample: drift ['op_KBv_Sample_L', 'f', 0.41100000000000136, 'length'], #---Propagation parameters [ 'op_M1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M1' ], [ 'op_M1_Grating_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.5, 1.75, 2.75, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M1_Grating' ], [ 'op_Grating_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.08093357816613847, 0.996719497113017, 1.0, 0.0 ], 'Grating' ], [ 'op_GA_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'GA' ], [ 'op_GA_M3A_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'GA_M3A' ], [ 'op_M3A_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M3A' ], [ 'op_M3_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M3' ], [ 'op_M3_SSA_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.5, 1.0, 2.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M3_SSA' ], [ 'op_SSA_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.5, 1.0, 2.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'SSA' ], [ 'op_SSA_KBAperture_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'SSA_KBAperture' ], [ 'op_KBAperture_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'KBAperture' ], [ 'op_KBh_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'KBh' ], [ 'op_KBh_KBv_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'KBh_KBv' ], [ 'op_KBv_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'KBv' ], [ 'op_KBv_Sample_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'KBv_Sample' ], [ 'op_fin_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 1, 0.07, 1.5, 0.07, 6.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters' ], ['op_rv', 'f', [5], "Multi-Output."] #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented) #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'SXN_V02_250eV_realZP debug', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder [ 'fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files' ], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name'], [ 'ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final' ], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], [ 'ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]' ], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], [ 'ebm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]' ], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], [ 'ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]' ], [ 'ebm_dr', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation' ], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.00089, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], ['ebm_emx', 'f', 7.6e-10, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]'], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Moments: [ 'ebm_sigx', 'f', 3.73951868561e-05, 'horizontal RMS size of electron beam [m]' ], [ 'ebm_sigy', 'f', 3.05941170816e-06, 'vertical RMS size of electron beam [m]' ], [ 'ebm_sigxp', 'f', 2.03234711174e-05, 'horizontal RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]' ], [ 'ebm_sigyp', 'f', 2.61488180184e-06, 'vertical RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]' ], [ 'ebm_mxxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]' ], [ 'ebm_myyp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]' ], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 0.72799921, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], [ 'und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true' ], [ 'und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true' ], ['und_per', 'f', 0.05, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 2.0, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', 1.25, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], [ 'und_sx', 'i', -1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_sy', 'i', 1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_g', 'f', 6.72, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)' ], [ 'und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up' ], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], [ 'und_mfs', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file' ], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], [ 'tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], [ 'tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], [ 'tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data' ], [ 'tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot' ], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy [ 'ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'ss_ei', 'f', 10.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ef', 'f', 2100.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ne', 'i', 2000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time' ], [ 'ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) [ 'sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'sm_ei', 'f', 10.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ef', 'f', 2000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ne', 'i', 5000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_rx', 'f', 0.004, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ry', 'f', 0.004, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)' ], [ 'sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], [ 'sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], [ 'pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_rx', 'f', 0.05, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ry', 'f', 0.05, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")' ], [ 'pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position [ 'si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true' ], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation [ 'ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation [ 'wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], [ 'w_e', 'f', 250.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_rx', 'f', 0.004, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ry', 'f', 0.004, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_smpf', 'f', 0.3, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy' ], [ 'w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_nm', 'i', 15000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation' ], [ 'wm_ch', 'i', 40, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y; 40- intensity(s0), mutual intensity cuts and degree of coherence vs X & Y' ], [ 'wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)' ], [ 'wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef' ], [ 'wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance' ], [ 'wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #to add options [ 'op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]' ], # Former appParam: [ 'rs_type', 's', 'u', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam' ], #---Beamline optics: # Fixed_Mask: aperture ['op_Fixed_Mask_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_Fixed_Mask_Dx', 'f', 0.004, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_Fixed_Mask_Dy', 'f', 0.004, 'verticalSize'], ['op_Fixed_Mask_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Fixed_Mask_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # Fixed_Mask_Ap_M1: drift ['op_Fixed_Mask_Ap_M1_L', 'f', 7.75, 'length'], # Ap_M1: aperture ['op_Ap_M1_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_Ap_M1_Dx', 'f', 0.005, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_Ap_M1_Dy', 'f', 0.005, 'verticalSize'], ['op_Ap_M1_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Ap_M1_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # M1: toroidalMirror ['op_M1_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_M1_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_M1_ap_shape', 's', 'r', 'apertureShape'], ['op_M1_rt', 'f', 1e+23, 'tangentialRadius'], ['op_M1_rs', 'f', 1.04058, 'sagittalRadius'], ['op_M1_size_tang', 'f', 0.3, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_M1_size_sag', 'f', 0.015, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_M1_ang', 'f', 0.019635, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_M1_horizontalPosition', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalPosition'], ['op_M1_verticalPosition', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalPosition'], ['op_M1_nvx', 'f', 0.999807239581, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_M1_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_M1_nvz', 'f', -0.0196337383668, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_M1_tvx', 'f', 0.0196337383668, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_M1_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_M1_amp_coef', 'f', 0.0001, 'heightAmplification'], # M1_M2: drift ['op_M1_M2_L', 'f', 6.0, 'length'], # M2: mirror ['op_M2_hfn', 's', 'M2err.dat', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_M2_dim', 's', 'y', 'orientation'], ['op_M2_ang', 'f', 0.043119085, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_M2_amp_coef', 'f', 0.0001, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_M2_size_x', 'f', 0.02, 'horizontalTransverseSize'], ['op_M2_size_y', 'f', 0.014, 'verticalTransverseSize'], # M2_Before_Grating: drift ['op_M2_Before_Grating_L', 'f', 0.5, 'length'], # Grating: grating ['op_Grating_size_tang', 'f', 0.2, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_Grating_size_sag', 'f', 0.02, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_Grating_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_Grating_nvy', 'f', -0.999405274299, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_Grating_nvz', 'f', -0.0344832960142, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_Grating_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_Grating_tvy', 'f', -0.0344832960142, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_Grating_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Grating_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], ['op_Grating_m', 'f', 1.0, 'diffractionOrder'], ['op_Grating_grDen', 'f', 150.0, 'grooveDensity0'], ['op_Grating_grDen1', 'f', 0.0, 'grooveDensity1'], ['op_Grating_grDen2', 'f', 0.0, 'grooveDensity2'], ['op_Grating_grDen3', 'f', 0.0, 'grooveDensity3'], ['op_Grating_grDen4', 'f', 0.0, 'grooveDensity4'], # Gr_Surf_Height_Err_Before_M3: drift ['op_Gr_Surf_Height_Err_Before_M3_L', 'f', 2.5, 'length'], # M3: toroidalMirror ['op_M3_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_M3_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_M3_ap_shape', 's', 'r', 'apertureShape'], ['op_M3_rt', 'f', 1074.128, 'tangentialRadius'], ['op_M3_rs', 'f', 0.58901, 'sagittalRadius'], ['op_M3_size_tang', 'f', 0.38, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_M3_size_sag', 'f', 0.03, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_M3_ang', 'f', 0.019635, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_M3_horizontalPosition', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalPosition'], ['op_M3_verticalPosition', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalPosition'], ['op_M3_nvx', 'f', 0.999807239581, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_M3_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_M3_nvz', 'f', -0.0196337383668, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_M3_tvx', 'f', 0.0196337383668, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_M3_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_M3_amp_coef', 'f', 0.0001, 'heightAmplification'], # Lens_Before_Exit_Slit: drift ['op_Lens_Before_Exit_Slit_L', 'f', 15.0, 'length'], # Exit_Slit: aperture ['op_Exit_Slit_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_Exit_Slit_Dx', 'f', 2e-05, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_Exit_Slit_Dy', 'f', 2e-05, 'verticalSize'], ['op_Exit_Slit_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Exit_Slit_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # After_Exit_Slit_Before_ZP: drift ['op_After_Exit_Slit_Before_ZP_L', 'f', 5.0, 'length'], # Ap_ZP: aperture ['op_Ap_ZP_shape', 's', 'c', 'shape'], ['op_Ap_ZP_Dx', 'f', 0.00032, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_Ap_ZP_Dy', 'f', 0.00032, 'verticalSize'], ['op_Ap_ZP_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Ap_ZP_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # Zone_Plate: zonePlate ['op_Zone_Plate_rn', 'f', 0.00016, 'outerRadius'], ['op_Zone_Plate_thick', 'f', 0.0001, 'thickness'], ['op_Zone_Plate_delta1', 'f', 0.007639, 'mainRefractiveIndex'], ['op_Zone_Plate_atLen1', 'f', 3.680028e-08, 'mainAttenuationLength'], ['op_Zone_Plate_delta2', 'f', 0.0, 'complementaryRefractiveIndex'], ['op_Zone_Plate_atLen2', 'f', 1000000.0, 'complementaryAttenuationLength'], ['op_Zone_Plate_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Zone_Plate_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], ['op_Zone_Plate_nZones', 'i', 1600, 'numberOfZones'], # After_ZP_Watchpoint: drift ['op_After_ZP_Watchpoint_L', 'f', 0.003227, 'length'], #---Propagation parameters [ 'op_Fixed_Mask_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.2, 12.0, 1.6, 12.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Fixed_Mask' ], [ 'op_Fixed_Mask_Ap_M1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Fixed_Mask_Ap_M1' ], [ 'op_Ap_M1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Ap_M1' ], [ 'op_M1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M1' ], [ 'op_M1_M2_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M1_M2' ], [ 'op_M2_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M2' ], [ 'op_M2_Before_Grating_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M2_Before_Grating' ], [ 'op_Grating_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0861313174, 0.99628379, 1.0, 0.0 ], 'Grating' ], [ 'op_Gr_Surf_Height_Err_Before_M3_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Gr_Surf_Height_Err_Before_M3' ], [ 'op_M3_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M3' ], [ 'op_Lens_Before_Exit_Slit_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Lens_Before_Exit_Slit' ], [ 'op_Exit_Slit_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Exit_Slit' ], [ 'op_After_Exit_Slit_Before_ZP_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 3, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'After_Exit_Slit_Before_ZP' ], [ 'op_Ap_ZP_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Ap_ZP' ], [ 'op_Zone_Plate_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0.03, 800.0, 0.03, 800.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Zone_Plate' ], [ 'op_After_ZP_Watchpoint_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'After_ZP_Watchpoint' ], [ 'op_fin_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0.01, 2.0, 0.01, 2.0, 3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters' ], #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing: 1- vs Hor. Position, 2- vs Vert. Position, 3- vs Hor. and Vert. Position #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'NSLS-II SMI beamline', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder [ 'fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files' ], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name'], [ 'ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final' ], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], [ 'ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]' ], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], [ 'ebm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]' ], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], [ 'ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]' ], [ 'ebm_dr', 'f', -1.44325, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation' ], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.00089, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], ['ebm_emx', 'f', 9e-10, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]'], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 20.85, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 3.4, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]'], ['ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]'], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 0.955, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], [ 'und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true' ], [ 'und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true' ], ['und_per', 'f', 0.023, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 2.7945, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', 0.6, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], [ 'und_sx', 'i', 1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_sy', 'i', -1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_g', 'f', 6.72, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)' ], [ 'und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up' ], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], [ 'und_mfs', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file' ], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], [ 'tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], [ 'tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], [ 'tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data' ], [ 'tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot' ], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy [ 'ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'ss_ei', 'f', 20000.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ef', 'f', 20400.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time' ], [ 'ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) [ 'sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)' ], [ 'sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], [ 'sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], [ 'pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")' ], [ 'pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position [ 'si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true' ], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation [ 'ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation [ 'wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], [ 'w_e', 'f', 20358.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_rx', 'f', 0.0004, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ry', 'f', 0.0004, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_smpf', 'f', 1.5, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy' ], [ 'w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation' ], [ 'wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y; 40- intensity(s0), mutual intensity cuts and degree of coherence vs X & Y' ], [ 'wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)' ], [ 'wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef' ], [ 'wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance' ], [ 'wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #to add options [ 'op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]' ], # Former appParam: [ 'rs_type', 's', 'u', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam' ], #---Beamline optics: # MOAT_1: crystal ['op_MOAT_1_hfn', 's', 'Si_heat204.dat', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_MOAT_1_dim', 's', 'y', 'orientation'], ['op_MOAT_1_d_sp', 'f', 3.13557135638, 'dSpacing'], ['op_MOAT_1_psi0r', 'f', -2.33400050166e-06, 'psi0r'], ['op_MOAT_1_psi0i', 'f', 8.59790386417e-09, 'psi0i'], ['op_MOAT_1_psiHr', 'f', -1.22944507993e-06, 'psiHr'], ['op_MOAT_1_psiHi', 'f', 6.00282990962e-09, 'psiHi'], ['op_MOAT_1_psiHBr', 'f', -1.22944507993e-06, 'psiHBr'], ['op_MOAT_1_psiHBi', 'f', 6.00282990962e-09, 'psiHBi'], ['op_MOAT_1_tc', 'f', 0.01, 'crystalThickness'], ['op_MOAT_1_ang_as', 'f', 0.0, 'asymmetryAngle'], ['op_MOAT_1_nvx', 'f', -0.0966554453406, 'nvx'], ['op_MOAT_1_nvy', 'f', 0.990567587399, 'nvy'], ['op_MOAT_1_nvz', 'f', -0.0971266167475, 'nvz'], ['op_MOAT_1_tvx', 'f', -0.00943241252825, 'tvx'], ['op_MOAT_1_tvy', 'f', 0.0966675192333, 'tvy'], ['op_MOAT_1_ang', 'f', 0.0972799772892, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_MOAT_1_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], # MOAT_1_MOAT_2: drift ['op_MOAT_1_MOAT_2_L', 'f', 0.05, 'length'], # MOAT_2: crystal ['op_MOAT_2_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_MOAT_2_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_MOAT_2_d_sp', 'f', 3.13557135638, 'dSpacing'], ['op_MOAT_2_psi0r', 'f', -2.33400050166e-06, 'psi0r'], ['op_MOAT_2_psi0i', 'f', 8.59790386417e-09, 'psi0i'], ['op_MOAT_2_psiHr', 'f', -1.22944507993e-06, 'psiHr'], ['op_MOAT_2_psiHi', 'f', 6.00282990962e-09, 'psiHi'], ['op_MOAT_2_psiHBr', 'f', -1.22944507993e-06, 'psiHBr'], ['op_MOAT_2_psiHBi', 'f', 6.00282990962e-09, 'psiHBi'], ['op_MOAT_2_tc', 'f', 0.01, 'crystalThickness'], ['op_MOAT_2_ang_as', 'f', 0.0, 'asymmetryAngle'], ['op_MOAT_2_nvx', 'f', 0.0966554453406, 'nvx'], ['op_MOAT_2_nvy', 'f', 0.990567587399, 'nvy'], ['op_MOAT_2_nvz', 'f', -0.0971266167475, 'nvz'], ['op_MOAT_2_tvx', 'f', 0.00943241252825, 'tvx'], ['op_MOAT_2_tvy', 'f', 0.0966675192333, 'tvy'], ['op_MOAT_2_ang', 'f', 0.0972799772892, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_MOAT_2_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], # MOAT_2_HFM: drift ['op_MOAT_2_HFM_L', 'f', 2.89244, 'length'], # HFM: sphericalMirror ['op_HFM_hfn', 's', 'HFM_Rh7.6km.dat', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_HFM_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_HFM_r', 'f', 7100.0, 'radius'], ['op_HFM_size_tang', 'f', 0.5, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_HFM_size_sag', 'f', 0.04, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_HFM_ang', 'f', 0.003141592654, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_HFM_nvx', 'f', 0.999995065202, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_HFM_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_HFM_nvz', 'f', -0.00314158748629, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_HFM_tvx', 'f', 0.00314158748629, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_HFM_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_HFM_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_HFM_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_HFM_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # HFM_VFM: drift ['op_HFM_VFM_L', 'f', 3.42, 'length'], # VFM: sphericalMirror ['op_VFM_hfn', 's', 'VFM_Rh5.4km.dat', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_VFM_dim', 's', 'y', 'orientation'], ['op_VFM_r', 'f', 6100.0, 'radius'], ['op_VFM_size_tang', 'f', 0.4, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_VFM_size_sag', 'f', 0.04, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_VFM_ang', 'f', 0.003141592654, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_VFM_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_VFM_nvy', 'f', 0.999995065202, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_VFM_nvz', 'f', -0.00314158748629, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_VFM_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_VFM_tvy', 'f', 0.00314158748629, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_VFM_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_VFM_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_VFM_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # VFM_VDM: drift ['op_VFM_VDM_L', 'f', 0.69756, 'length'], # VDM: sphericalMirror ['op_VDM_hfn', 's', 'VDM.dat', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_VDM_dim', 's', 'y', 'orientation'], ['op_VDM_r', 'f', 300000.0, 'radius'], ['op_VDM_size_tang', 'f', 0.4, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_VDM_size_sag', 'f', 0.04, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_VDM_ang', 'f', 0.0031415926, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_VDM_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_VDM_nvy', 'f', 0.999995065202, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_VDM_nvz', 'f', -0.00314158743229, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_VDM_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_VDM_tvy', 'f', 0.00314158743229, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_VDM_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_VDM_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_VDM_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # VDM_SSA: drift ['op_VDM_SSA_L', 'f', 8.00244, 'length'], # SSA: aperture ['op_SSA_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_SSA_Dx', 'f', 0.0004, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_SSA_Dy', 'f', 0.0004, 'verticalSize'], ['op_SSA_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_SSA_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # SSA_ES1: drift ['op_SSA_ES1_L', 'f', 3.89756, 'length'], # ES1_CRL: drift ['op_ES1_CRL_L', 'f', 6.435, 'length'], # CRL: crl ['op_CRL_foc_plane', 'f', 3, 'focalPlane'], ['op_CRL_delta', 'f', 8.211821e-07, 'refractiveIndex'], ['op_CRL_atten_len', 'f', 0.028541, 'attenuationLength'], ['op_CRL_shape', 'f', 1, 'shape'], ['op_CRL_apert_h', 'f', 0.001, 'horizontalApertureSize'], ['op_CRL_apert_v', 'f', 0.001, 'verticalApertureSize'], ['op_CRL_r_min', 'f', 5e-05, 'tipRadius'], ['op_CRL_wall_thick', 'f', 3.24e-05, 'tipWallThickness'], ['op_CRL_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_CRL_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], ['op_CRL_n', 'i', 23, 'numberOfLenses'], # CRL_ES2: drift ['op_CRL_ES2_L', 'f', 1.665, 'length'], #---Propagation parameters [ 'op_MOAT_1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 3.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'MOAT_1' ], [ 'op_MOAT_1_MOAT_2_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'MOAT_1_MOAT_2' ], [ 'op_MOAT_2_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'MOAT_2' ], [ 'op_MOAT_2_HFM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'MOAT_2_HFM' ], [ 'op_HFM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'HFM' ], [ 'op_HFM_VFM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'HFM_VFM' ], [ 'op_VFM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'VFM' ], [ 'op_VFM_VDM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'VFM_VDM' ], [ 'op_VDM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'VDM' ], [ 'op_VDM_SSA_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'VDM_SSA' ], [ 'op_SSA_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'SSA' ], [ 'op_SSA_ES1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 0.5, 5.0, 0.5, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'SSA_ES1' ], [ 'op_ES1_CRL_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'ES1_CRL' ], [ 'op_CRL_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 2, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'CRL' ], [ 'op_CRL_ES2_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'CRL_ES2' ], [ 'op_fin_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0.4, 3.0, 0.4, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters' ], #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented) #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'Tabulated Undulator Example', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder ['fdir', 's', 'multielectron_test', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files'], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name'], ['ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final'], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], ['ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]'], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], ['ebm_xp', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]'], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], ['ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]'], ['ebm_dr', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation'], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.0007, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], ['ebm_emx', 'f', 1.5e-09, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]'], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 1.84, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 1.17, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]'], ['ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]'], # Definition of the beam through Moments: ['ebm_sigx', 'f', 5.253570215e-05, 'horizontal RMS size of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_sigy', 'f', 3.05941171e-06, 'vertical RMS size of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_sigxp', 'f', 2.855201204e-05, 'horizontal RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]'], ['ebm_sigyp', 'f', 2.6148818e-06, 'vertical RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]'], ['ebm_mxxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_myyp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]'], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 1.01997572, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]'], ['und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]'], ['und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true'], ['und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true'], ['und_per', 'f', 0.021, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 2.500648, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', 1.305, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], ['und_sx', 'i', 1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position'], ['und_sy', 'i', -1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position'], ['und_g', 'f', 6.72, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)'], ['und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up'], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], ['und_mfs', 's', 'ivu21_srx_sum.txt', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file'], #---Calculation Types #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) ['sm', '', '1', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['sm_ei', 'f', 10000.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ne', 'i', 1000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)'], ['sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['sm_nm', 'i', 10, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], ['sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #to add options ['op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]'], # Former appParam: ['source_type', 's', 't', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam'], ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'Sample from Image', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder ['fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files'], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', 'NSLS-II Low Beta Final', 'standard electron beam name'], ['ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final'], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], ['ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]'], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], ['ebm_xp', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]'], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], ['ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]'], ['ebm_dr', 'f', -1.54, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation'], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.00089, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], ['ebm_emx', 'f', 5.5e-10, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]'], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 2.02, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 1.06, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]'], ['ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]'], # Definition of the beam through Moments: ['ebm_sigx', 'f', 3.3331666625e-05, 'horizontal RMS size of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_sigy', 'f', 2.91204395571e-06, 'vertical RMS size of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_sigxp', 'f', 1.65008250619e-05, 'horizontal RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]'], ['ebm_sigyp', 'f', 2.74721127897e-06, 'vertical RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]'], ['ebm_mxxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]'], ['ebm_myyp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]'], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 0.88770981, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]'], ['und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]'], ['und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true'], ['und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true'], ['und_per', 'f', 0.02, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 3.0, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], ['und_sx', 'i', 1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position'], ['und_sy', 'i', -1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position'], ['und_g', 'f', 6.72, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)'], ['und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up'], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], ['und_mfs', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file'], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], ['tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'], ['tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], ['tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data'], ['tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot'], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy ['ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"'], ['ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time'], ['ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'], ['ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) ['sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'], ['sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'], ['sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)'], ['sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)'], ['sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], ['sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy'], ['sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], ['pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution'], ['pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")'], ['pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'], ['pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'], ['pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution'], ['pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true'], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation ['ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation ['wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'], ['w_e', 'f', 9000.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ef', 'f', -1., 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_rx', 'f', 0.0005, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ry', 'f', 0.0005, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution'], ['w_smpf', 'f', 1.0, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'], ['si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'], ['si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy'], ['w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'], ['si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'], ['wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'], ['wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'], ['wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation'], ['wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y'], ['wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)'], ['wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'], ['wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'], ['wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef'], ['wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'], ['wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'], # Beamline optics: ['op_sample1', 's', 'sample.tif', 'input file of the sample #1'], #to add options ['op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]'], # Former appParam: ['source_type', 's', 'u', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam'], ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'Hasan_Mono_CRL', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder [ 'fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files' ], ['gbm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'average horizontal coordinates of waist [m]'], ['gbm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'average vertical coordinates of waist [m]'], ['gbm_z', 'f', 0.0, 'average longitudinal coordinate of waist [m]'], ['gbm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'average horizontal angle at waist [rad]'], ['gbm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'average verical angle at waist [rad]'], ['gbm_ave', 'f', 4401.0, 'average photon energy [eV]'], ['gbm_pen', 'f', 0.001, 'energy per pulse [J]'], ['gbm_rep', 'f', 1, 'rep. rate [Hz]'], [ 'gbm_pol', 'f', 1, 'polarization 1- lin. hor., 2- lin. vert., 3- lin. 45 deg., 4- lin.135 deg., 5- circ. right, 6- circ. left' ], [ 'gbm_sx', 'f', 4e-05, 'rms beam size vs horizontal position [m] at waist (for intensity)' ], [ 'gbm_sy', 'f', 4e-05, 'rms beam size vs vertical position [m] at waist (for intensity)' ], ['gbm_st', 'f', 1e-16, 'rms pulse duration [s] (for intensity)'], [ 'gbm_mx', 'f', 0, 'transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in horizontal direction' ], [ 'gbm_my', 'f', 0, 'transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in vertical direction' ], [ 'gbm_ca', 's', 'c', 'treat _sigX, _sigY as sizes in [m] in coordinate representation (_presCA="c") or as angular divergences in [rad] in angular representation (_presCA="a")' ], [ 'gbm_ft', 's', 't', 'treat _sigT as pulse duration in [s] in time domain/representation (_presFT="t") or as bandwidth in [eV] in frequency domain/representation (_presFT="f")' ], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], [ 'tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], [ 'tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], [ 'tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data' ], [ 'tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot' ], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy [ 'ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time' ], [ 'ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) [ 'sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)' ], [ 'sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], [ 'sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], [ 'pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")' ], [ 'pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position [ 'si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true' ], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation [ 'ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation [ 'wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], [ 'w_e', 'f', 4401.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_smpf', 'f', 0, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_meth', 'i', 2, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy' ], [ 'w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_nm', 'i', 1000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation' ], [ 'wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y; 40- intensity(s0), mutual intensity cuts and degree of coherence vs X & Y' ], [ 'wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)' ], [ 'wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef' ], [ 'wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance' ], [ 'wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #to add options [ 'op_r', 'f', 140.1, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]' ], # Former appParam: [ 'rs_type', 's', 'g', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam' ], #---Beamline optics: # Crystal: crystal ['op_Crystal_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_Crystal_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_Crystal_d_sp', 'f', 3.13557135638, 'dSpacing'], ['op_Crystal_psi0r', 'f', -5.11321939903e-05, 'psi0r'], ['op_Crystal_psi0i', 'f', 3.58887560736e-06, 'psi0i'], ['op_Crystal_psiHr', 'f', -2.71341902391e-05, 'psiHr'], ['op_Crystal_psiHi', 'f', 2.50565837652e-06, 'psiHi'], ['op_Crystal_psiHBr', 'f', -2.71341902391e-05, 'psiHBr'], ['op_Crystal_psiHBi', 'f', 2.50565837652e-06, 'psiHBi'], ['op_Crystal_tc', 'f', 0.01, 'crystalThickness'], ['op_Crystal_ang_as', 'f', 0.0, 'asymmetryAngle'], ['op_Crystal_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'nvx'], ['op_Crystal_nvy', 'f', 0.893336362055, 'nvy'], ['op_Crystal_nvz', 'f', -0.449388633846, 'nvz'], ['op_Crystal_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tvx'], ['op_Crystal_tvy', 'f', 0.449388633846, 'tvy'], ['op_Crystal_ang', 'f', 0.466080858374, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_Crystal_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], # Crystal_s2_on_2nd_crystal: drift ['op_Crystal_s2_on_2nd_crystal_L', 'f', 0.01788537, 'length'], # s2_on_2nd_crystal_Crystal2: drift ['op_s2_on_2nd_crystal_Crystal2_L', 'f', 9.99997951112e-09, 'length'], # Crystal2: crystal ['op_Crystal2_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_Crystal2_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_Crystal2_d_sp', 'f', 3.13557135638, 'dSpacing'], ['op_Crystal2_psi0r', 'f', -5.11321939903e-05, 'psi0r'], ['op_Crystal2_psi0i', 'f', 3.58887560736e-06, 'psi0i'], ['op_Crystal2_psiHr', 'f', -2.71341902391e-05, 'psiHr'], ['op_Crystal2_psiHi', 'f', 2.50565837652e-06, 'psiHi'], ['op_Crystal2_psiHBr', 'f', -2.71341902391e-05, 'psiHBr'], ['op_Crystal2_psiHBi', 'f', 2.50565837652e-06, 'psiHBi'], ['op_Crystal2_tc', 'f', 0.01, 'crystalThickness'], ['op_Crystal2_ang_as', 'f', -0.366519142919, 'asymmetryAngle'], ['op_Crystal2_nvx', 'f', -2.4158420418e-09, 'nvx'], ['op_Crystal2_nvy', 'f', -0.672975300169, 'nvy'], ['op_Crystal2_nvz', 'f', -0.739664954802, 'nvz'], ['op_Crystal2_tvx', 'f', -2.65524409917e-09, 'tvx'], ['op_Crystal2_tvy', 'f', -0.739664954802, 'tvy'], ['op_Crystal2_ang', 'f', 0.83257236543, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_Crystal2_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], # Crystal2_s3_on_1st_mirror: drift ['op_Crystal2_s3_on_1st_mirror_L', 'f', 0.01999999, 'length'], # s3_on_1st_mirror_Elliptical_Cylinder: drift [ 'op_s3_on_1st_mirror_Elliptical_Cylinder_L', 'f', 1.00000079328e-08, 'length' ], # CRL: crl ['op_CRL_foc_plane', 'f', 2, 'focalPlane'], ['op_CRL_delta', 'f', 1.764022e-05, 'refractiveIndex'], ['op_CRL_atten_len', 'f', 0.000850124, 'attenuationLength'], ['op_CRL_shape', 'f', 1, 'shape'], ['op_CRL_apert_h', 'f', 0.001, 'horizontalApertureSize'], ['op_CRL_apert_v', 'f', 0.001, 'verticalApertureSize'], ['op_CRL_r_min', 'f', 6.35e-05, 'tipRadius'], ['op_CRL_wall_thick', 'f', 8e-05, 'tipWallThickness'], ['op_CRL_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_CRL_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], ['op_CRL_n', 'i', 6, 'numberOfLenses'], # CRL_s4_on_slit: drift ['op_CRL_s4_on_slit_L', 'f', 0.29997075755, 'length'], # s4_on_slit_Aperture: drift ['op_s4_on_slit_Aperture_L', 'f', 1.00044417195e-11, 'length'], # Aperture: aperture ['op_Aperture_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_Aperture_Dx', 'f', 0.001, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_Aperture_Dy', 'f', 5e-06, 'verticalSize'], ['op_Aperture_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Aperture_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # Aperture_s5_on_2nd_mirror: drift ['op_Aperture_s5_on_2nd_mirror_L', 'f', 0.29997075719, 'length'], # CRL2: crl ['op_CRL2_foc_plane', 'f', 2, 'focalPlane'], ['op_CRL2_delta', 'f', 1.764022e-05, 'refractiveIndex'], ['op_CRL2_atten_len', 'f', 0.000850124, 'attenuationLength'], ['op_CRL2_shape', 'f', 1, 'shape'], ['op_CRL2_apert_h', 'f', 0.001, 'horizontalApertureSize'], ['op_CRL2_apert_v', 'f', 0.001, 'verticalApertureSize'], ['op_CRL2_r_min', 'f', 6.35e-05, 'tipRadius'], ['op_CRL2_wall_thick', 'f', 8e-05, 'tipWallThickness'], ['op_CRL2_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_CRL2_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], ['op_CRL2_n', 'i', 6, 'numberOfLenses'], # CRL2_s6_on_3rd_crystal: drift ['op_CRL2_s6_on_3rd_crystal_L', 'f', 0.02, 'length'], # s6_on_3rd_crystal_Crystal3: drift ['op_s6_on_3rd_crystal_Crystal3_L', 'f', 1.00044417195e-11, 'length'], # Crystal3: crystal ['op_Crystal3_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_Crystal3_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_Crystal3_d_sp', 'f', 3.13557135638, 'dSpacing'], ['op_Crystal3_psi0r', 'f', -5.11321939903e-05, 'psi0r'], ['op_Crystal3_psi0i', 'f', 3.58887560736e-06, 'psi0i'], ['op_Crystal3_psiHr', 'f', -2.71341902391e-05, 'psiHr'], ['op_Crystal3_psiHi', 'f', 2.50565837652e-06, 'psiHi'], ['op_Crystal3_psiHBr', 'f', -2.71341902391e-05, 'psiHBr'], ['op_Crystal3_psiHBi', 'f', 2.50565837652e-06, 'psiHBi'], ['op_Crystal3_tc', 'f', 0.01, 'crystalThickness'], ['op_Crystal3_ang_as', 'f', 0.0, 'asymmetryAngle'], ['op_Crystal3_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'nvx'], ['op_Crystal3_nvy', 'f', -0.893336362055, 'nvy'], ['op_Crystal3_nvz', 'f', -0.449388633846, 'nvz'], ['op_Crystal3_tvx', 'f', -1.61321218547e-09, 'tvx'], ['op_Crystal3_tvy', 'f', -0.449388633846, 'tvy'], ['op_Crystal3_ang', 'f', 0.466080858374, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_Crystal3_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], # Crystal3_s7_on_4th_crystal: drift ['op_Crystal3_s7_on_4th_crystal_L', 'f', 0.01788538036, 'length'], # Crystal4: crystal ['op_Crystal4_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_Crystal4_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_Crystal4_d_sp', 'f', 3.13557135638, 'dSpacing'], ['op_Crystal4_psi0r', 'f', -5.11321939903e-05, 'psi0r'], ['op_Crystal4_psi0i', 'f', 3.58887560736e-06, 'psi0i'], ['op_Crystal4_psiHr', 'f', -2.71341902391e-05, 'psiHr'], ['op_Crystal4_psiHi', 'f', 2.50565837652e-06, 'psiHi'], ['op_Crystal4_psiHBr', 'f', -2.71341902391e-05, 'psiHBr'], ['op_Crystal4_psiHBi', 'f', 2.50565837652e-06, 'psiHBi'], ['op_Crystal4_tc', 'f', 0.01, 'crystalThickness'], ['op_Crystal4_ang_as', 'f', 0.366519142919, 'asymmetryAngle'], ['op_Crystal4_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'nvx'], ['op_Crystal4_nvy', 'f', 0.995027350408, 'nvy'], ['op_Crystal4_nvz', 'f', -0.0996020679548, 'nvz'], ['op_Crystal4_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tvx'], ['op_Crystal4_tvy', 'f', 0.0996020679548, 'tvy'], ['op_Crystal4_ang', 'f', 0.099767492435, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_Crystal4_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], # Crystal4_on_detector: drift ['op_Crystal4_on_detector_L', 'f', 9.22428772488, 'length'], #---Propagation parameters [ 'op_Crystal_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Crystal' ], [ 'op_Crystal_s2_on_2nd_crystal_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Crystal_s2_on_2nd_crystal' ], [ 'op_s2_on_2nd_crystal_Crystal2_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 's2_on_2nd_crystal_Crystal2' ], [ 'op_Crystal2_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Crystal2' ], [ 'op_Crystal2_s3_on_1st_mirror_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Crystal2_s3_on_1st_mirror' ], [ 'op_s3_on_1st_mirror_Elliptical_Cylinder_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 's3_on_1st_mirror_Elliptical_Cylinder' ], [ 'op_CRL_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'CRL' ], [ 'op_CRL_s4_on_slit_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'CRL_s4_on_slit' ], [ 'op_s4_on_slit_Aperture_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 's4_on_slit_Aperture' ], [ 'op_Aperture_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Aperture' ], [ 'op_Aperture_s5_on_2nd_mirror_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Aperture_s5_on_2nd_mirror' ], [ 'op_CRL2_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'CRL2' ], [ 'op_CRL2_s6_on_3rd_crystal_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'CRL2_s6_on_3rd_crystal' ], [ 'op_s6_on_3rd_crystal_Crystal3_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 's6_on_3rd_crystal_Crystal3' ], [ 'op_Crystal3_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Crystal3' ], [ 'op_Crystal3_s7_on_4th_crystal_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Crystal3_s7_on_4th_crystal' ], [ 'op_Crystal4_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Crystal4' ], [ 'op_Crystal4_on_detector_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Crystal4_on_detector' ], [ 'op_fin_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters' ], #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented) #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'NSLS-II CSX-1 beamline', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder [ 'fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files' ], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name'], [ 'ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final' ], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], [ 'ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]' ], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], [ 'ebm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]' ], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], [ 'ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]' ], [ 'ebm_dr', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation' ], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.00089, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], ['ebm_emx', 'f', 7.6e-10, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]'], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 1.84, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 1.17, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]'], ['ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]'], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 0.3513, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], [ 'und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true' ], [ 'und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true' ], ['und_per', 'f', 0.0492, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 1.85, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', 1.25, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], [ 'und_sx', 'i', -1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_sy', 'i', 1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_g', 'f', 6.72, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)' ], [ 'und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up' ], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], [ 'und_mfs', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file' ], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], [ 'tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], [ 'tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], [ 'tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data' ], [ 'tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot' ], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy [ 'ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'ss_ei', 'f', 10.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ef', 'f', 2000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ne', 'i', 2000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time' ], [ 'ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) [ 'sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'sm_ei', 'f', 10.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ef', 'f', 2000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ne', 'i', 2000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_rx', 'f', 0.003, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ry', 'f', 0.003, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)' ], [ 'sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], [ 'sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], [ 'pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_rx', 'f', 0.03, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ry', 'f', 0.03, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")' ], [ 'pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position [ 'si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true' ], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation [ 'ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation [ 'wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], [ 'w_e', 'f', 750.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_rx', 'f', 0.004, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ry', 'f', 0.004, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_smpf', 'f', 0.3, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy' ], [ 'w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_nm', 'i', 30000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation' ], [ 'wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y; 40- intensity(s0), mutual intensity cuts and degree of coherence vs X & Y' ], [ 'wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)' ], [ 'wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef' ], [ 'wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance' ], [ 'wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #to add options [ 'op_r', 'f', 26.2, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]' ], # Former appParam: [ 'rs_type', 's', 'u', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam' ], #---Beamline optics: # Fixed_Mask: aperture ['op_Fixed_Mask_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_Fixed_Mask_Dx', 'f', 0.005, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_Fixed_Mask_Dy', 'f', 0.005, 'verticalSize'], ['op_Fixed_Mask_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Fixed_Mask_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # Fixed_Mask_M1A: drift ['op_Fixed_Mask_M1A_L', 'f', 1.0, 'length'], # M1A: mirror ['op_M1A_hfn', 's', 'mirror_1d.dat', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_M1A_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_M1A_ang', 'f', 0.0218166, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_M1A_amp_coef', 'f', 0.01, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_M1A_size_x', 'f', 0.00545, 'horizontalTransverseSize'], ['op_M1A_size_y', 'f', 0.025, 'verticalTransverseSize'], # M1A_Watchpoint: drift ['op_M1A_Watchpoint_L', 'f', 13.2, 'length'], # M2A_VDM: mirror ['op_M2A_VDM_hfn', 's', 'mirror_1d.dat', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_M2A_VDM_dim', 's', 'y', 'orientation'], ['op_M2A_VDM_ang', 'f', 0.0290353, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_M2A_VDM_amp_coef', 'f', 0.01, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_M2A_VDM_size_x', 'f', 0.025, 'horizontalTransverseSize'], ['op_M2A_VDM_size_y', 'f', 0.1, 'verticalTransverseSize'], # M2A_VDM_Grating: drift ['op_M2A_VDM_Grating_L', 'f', 0.06, 'length'], # Grating: grating ['op_Grating_size_tang', 'f', 0.3, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_Grating_size_sag', 'f', 0.015, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_Grating_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_Grating_nvy', 'f', 0.999657108688, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_Grating_nvz', 'f', -0.0261852066962, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_Grating_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_Grating_tvy', 'f', 0.0261852066962, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_Grating_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Grating_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], ['op_Grating_m', 'f', 1.0, 'diffractionOrder'], ['op_Grating_grDen', 'f', 100.0, 'grooveDensity0'], ['op_Grating_grDen1', 'f', 0.0548, 'grooveDensity1'], ['op_Grating_grDen2', 'f', 3.9e-06, 'grooveDensity2'], ['op_Grating_grDen3', 'f', 0.0, 'grooveDensity3'], ['op_Grating_grDen4', 'f', 0.0, 'grooveDensity4'], # Grating_Aperture: drift ['op_Grating_Aperture_L', 'f', 2.0, 'length'], # Aperture: aperture ['op_Aperture_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_Aperture_Dx', 'f', 0.001, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_Aperture_Dy', 'f', 0.001, 'verticalSize'], ['op_Aperture_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Aperture_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # M3A_HFM: sphericalMirror ['op_M3A_HFM_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_M3A_HFM_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_M3A_HFM_r', 'f', 846.5455704, 'radius'], ['op_M3A_HFM_size_tang', 'f', 0.3, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_M3A_HFM_size_sag', 'f', 0.1, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_M3A_HFM_ang', 'f', 0.0218166, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_M3A_HFM_nvx', 'f', 0.999762027421, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_M3A_HFM_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_M3A_HFM_nvz', 'f', -0.0218148693884, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_M3A_HFM_tvx', 'f', 0.0218148693884, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_M3A_HFM_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_M3A_HFM_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_M3A_HFM_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_M3A_HFM_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # M3A_HFM_Watchpoint3: drift ['op_M3A_HFM_Watchpoint3_L', 'f', 11.9, 'length'], # Pinhole: aperture ['op_Pinhole_shape', 's', 'c', 'shape'], ['op_Pinhole_Dx', 'f', 1e-05, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_Pinhole_Dy', 'f', 1e-05, 'verticalSize'], ['op_Pinhole_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_Pinhole_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # Watchpoint4_Sample: drift ['op_Watchpoint4_Sample_L', 'f', 1.14, 'length'], #---Propagation parameters [ 'op_Fixed_Mask_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.3, 1.0, 1.3, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Fixed_Mask' ], [ 'op_Fixed_Mask_M1A_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Fixed_Mask_M1A' ], [ 'op_M1A_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M1A' ], [ 'op_M1A_Watchpoint_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M1A_Watchpoint' ], [ 'op_M2A_VDM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M2A_VDM' ], [ 'op_M2A_VDM_Grating_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M2A_VDM_Grating' ], [ 'op_Grating_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0580381, 0.998314, 1.0, 0.0 ], 'Grating' ], [ 'op_Grating_Aperture_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Grating_Aperture' ], [ 'op_Aperture_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Aperture' ], [ 'op_M3A_HFM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M3A_HFM' ], [ 'op_M3A_HFM_Watchpoint3_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 8.0, 1.0, 16.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'M3A_HFM_Watchpoint3' ], [ 'op_Pinhole_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0.1, 20.0, 0.1, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Pinhole' ], [ 'op_Watchpoint4_Sample_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 3, 0, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Watchpoint4_Sample' ], [ 'op_fin_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.35, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters' ], #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented) #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'NSLS-II SRX beamline', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder [ 'fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files' ], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', 'NSLS-II Low Beta Day 1', 'standard electron beam name'], [ 'ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final' ], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], [ 'ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]' ], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], [ 'ebm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]' ], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], [ 'ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]' ], [ 'ebm_dr', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation' ], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.00089, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], ['ebm_emx', 'f', 9e-10, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]'], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 1.84, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 1.17, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]'], ['ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]'], # Definition of the beam through Moments: [ 'ebm_sigx', 'f', 4.06939799e-05, 'horizontal RMS size of electron beam [m]' ], [ 'ebm_sigy', 'f', 3.05941171e-06, 'vertical RMS size of electron beam [m]' ], [ 'ebm_sigxp', 'f', 2.211629342e-05, 'horizontal RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]' ], [ 'ebm_sigyp', 'f', 2.6148818e-06, 'vertical RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]' ], [ 'ebm_mxxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]' ], [ 'ebm_myyp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]' ], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 0.88770981, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], [ 'und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true' ], [ 'und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true' ], ['und_per', 'f', 0.02, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 3.0, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', -1.25, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], [ 'und_sx', 'i', 1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_sy', 'i', -1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_g', 'f', 6.715, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)' ], [ 'und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up' ], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], [ 'und_mfs', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file' ], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], [ 'tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], [ 'tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], [ 'tr_mag', 'i', 2, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data' ], [ 'tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot' ], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy [ 'ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'ss_mag', 'i', 2, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time' ], [ 'ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) [ 'sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)' ], [ 'sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], [ 'sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], [ 'pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_rx', 'f', 0.025, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ry', 'f', 0.025, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")' ], [ 'pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position [ 'si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true' ], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation [ 'ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation [ 'wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], [ 'w_e', 'f', 8000.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_rx', 'f', 0.0025, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ry', 'f', 0.0013, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_smpf', 'f', 0.1, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy' ], [ 'w_mag', 'i', 2, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation' ], [ 'wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y' ], [ 'wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)' ], [ 'wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef' ], [ 'wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance' ], [ 'wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #to add options [ 'op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]' ], # Former appParam: [ 'source_type', 's', 't', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam' ], #---Beamline optics: # S0: aperture ['op_S0_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_S0_Dx', 'f', 0.002, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_S0_Dy', 'f', 0.001, 'verticalSize'], ['op_S0_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_S0_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # S0_HFM: drift ['op_S0_HFM_L', 'f', 1.081, 'length'], # HFM: sphericalMirror ['op_HFM_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_HFM_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_HFM_r', 'f', 8871.45, 'radius'], ['op_HFM_size_tang', 'f', 0.95, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_HFM_size_sag', 'f', 0.005, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_HFM_ang', 'f', 0.0025, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_HFM_nvx', 'f', 0.999996875002, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_HFM_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_HFM_nvz', 'f', -0.00249999739583, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_HFM_tvx', 'f', 0.00249999739583, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_HFM_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_HFM_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_HFM_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_HFM_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # HFM_S1: drift ['op_HFM_S1_L', 'f', 1.407, 'length'], # S1: aperture ['op_S1_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_S1_Dx', 'f', 0.0024, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_S1_Dy', 'f', 0.0015, 'verticalSize'], ['op_S1_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_S1_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # S1_DCM_C1: drift ['op_S1_DCM_C1_L', 'f', 0.781, 'length'], # DCM_C1: crystal ['op_DCM_C1_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_DCM_C1_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_DCM_C1_d_sp', 'f', 3.13557135638, 'dSpacing'], ['op_DCM_C1_psi0r', 'f', -1.53227839905e-05, 'psi0r'], ['op_DCM_C1_psi0i', 'f', 3.59410775406e-07, 'psi0i'], ['op_DCM_C1_psiHr', 'f', -8.10706354484e-06, 'psiHr'], ['op_DCM_C1_psiHi', 'f', 2.50931132347e-07, 'psiHi'], ['op_DCM_C1_psiHBr', 'f', -8.10706354484e-06, 'psiHBr'], ['op_DCM_C1_psiHBi', 'f', 2.50931132347e-07, 'psiHBi'], ['op_DCM_C1_tc', 'f', 0.01, 'crystalThickness'], ['op_DCM_C1_ang_as', 'f', 0.0, 'asymmetryAngle'], ['op_DCM_C1_nvx', 'f', -0.968973817886, 'nvx'], ['op_DCM_C1_nvy', 'f', 2.59635532439e-08, 'nvy'], ['op_DCM_C1_nvz', 'f', -0.247163387763, 'nvz'], ['op_DCM_C1_tvx', 'f', -0.247163387763, 'tvx'], ['op_DCM_C1_tvy', 'f', 6.62271741473e-09, 'tvy'], ['op_DCM_C1_ang', 'f', 1.57079632, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_DCM_C1_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], # DCM_C2: crystal ['op_DCM_C2_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_DCM_C2_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_DCM_C2_d_sp', 'f', 3.13557135638, 'dSpacing'], ['op_DCM_C2_psi0r', 'f', -1.53227839905e-05, 'psi0r'], ['op_DCM_C2_psi0i', 'f', 3.59410775406e-07, 'psi0i'], ['op_DCM_C2_psiHr', 'f', -8.10706354484e-06, 'psiHr'], ['op_DCM_C2_psiHi', 'f', 2.50931132347e-07, 'psiHi'], ['op_DCM_C2_psiHBr', 'f', -8.10706354484e-06, 'psiHBr'], ['op_DCM_C2_psiHBi', 'f', 2.50931132347e-07, 'psiHBi'], ['op_DCM_C2_tc', 'f', 0.01, 'crystalThickness'], ['op_DCM_C2_ang_as', 'f', 0.0, 'asymmetryAngle'], ['op_DCM_C2_nvx', 'f', 0.968973817886, 'nvx'], ['op_DCM_C2_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'nvy'], ['op_DCM_C2_nvz', 'f', -0.247163387763, 'nvz'], ['op_DCM_C2_tvx', 'f', 0.247163387763, 'tvx'], ['op_DCM_C2_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tvy'], ['op_DCM_C2_ang', 'f', -1.57079632, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_DCM_C2_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], # DCM_C2_At_BPM1: drift ['op_DCM_C2_At_BPM1_L', 'f', 2.2416, 'length'], # At_BPM1_Before_SSA: drift ['op_At_BPM1_Before_SSA_L', 'f', 11.9668, 'length'], # SSA: aperture ['op_SSA_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_SSA_Dx', 'f', 5e-05, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_SSA_Dy', 'f', 0.003, 'verticalSize'], ['op_SSA_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_SSA_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # SSA_AKB: drift ['op_SSA_AKB_L', 'f', 11.8308, 'length'], # AKB: aperture ['op_AKB_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'], ['op_AKB_Dx', 'f', 0.003, 'horizontalSize'], ['op_AKB_Dy', 'f', 0.000875, 'verticalSize'], ['op_AKB_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_AKB_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # AKB_KBV: drift ['op_AKB_KBV_L', 'f', 0.175, 'length'], # KBV: ellipsoidMirror ['op_KBV_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_KBV_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_KBV_p', 'f', 63.913, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_KBV_q', 'f', 0.637, 'focalLength'], ['op_KBV_ang', 'f', 0.0025, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_KBV_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_KBV_size_tang', 'f', 0.35, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_KBV_size_sag', 'f', 0.003, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_KBV_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_KBV_nvy', 'f', 0.999996875002, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_KBV_nvz', 'f', -0.00249999739583, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_KBV_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_KBV_tvy', 'f', -0.00249999739583, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_KBV_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_KBV_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # KBV_KBH: drift ['op_KBV_KBH_L', 'f', 0.337, 'length'], # KBH: ellipsoidMirror ['op_KBH_hfn', 's', '', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_KBH_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_KBH_p', 'f', 12.3428, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_KBH_q', 'f', 0.3, 'focalLength'], ['op_KBH_ang', 'f', 0.0025, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_KBH_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_KBH_size_tang', 'f', 0.3, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_KBH_size_sag', 'f', 0.003, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_KBH_nvx', 'f', 0.999996875002, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_KBH_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_KBH_nvz', 'f', -0.00249999739583, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_KBH_tvx', 'f', -0.00249999739583, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_KBH_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_KBH_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_KBH_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # KBH_At_Sample: drift ['op_KBH_At_Sample_L', 'f', 0.3, 'length'], #---Propagation parameters [ 'op_S0_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.1, 7.0, 1.3, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'S0' ], [ 'op_S0_HFM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'S0_HFM' ], [ 'op_HFM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'HFM' ], [ 'op_HFM_S1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'HFM_S1' ], [ 'op_S1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'S1' ], [ 'op_S1_DCM_C1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'S1_DCM_C1' ], [ 'op_DCM_C1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'DCM_C1' ], [ 'op_DCM_C2_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'DCM_C2' ], [ 'op_DCM_C2_At_BPM1_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'DCM_C2_At_BPM1' ], [ 'op_At_BPM1_Before_SSA_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'At_BPM1_Before_SSA' ], [ 'op_SSA_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'SSA' ], [ 'op_SSA_AKB_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'SSA_AKB' ], [ 'op_AKB_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'AKB' ], [ 'op_AKB_KBV_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'AKB_KBV' ], [ 'op_KBV_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'KBV' ], [ 'op_KBV_KBH_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'KBV_KBH' ], [ 'op_KBH_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'KBH' ], [ 'op_KBH_At_Sample_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 4, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'KBH_At_Sample' ], [ 'op_fin_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 1, 0.5, 1.0, 0.2, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters' ], #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented) #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'Mask example', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder [ 'fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files' ], ['gbm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'average horizontal coordinates of waist [m]'], ['gbm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'average vertical coordinates of waist [m]'], ['gbm_z', 'f', 0.0, 'average longitudinal coordinate of waist [m]'], ['gbm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'average horizontal angle at waist [rad]'], ['gbm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'average verical angle at waist [rad]'], ['gbm_ave', 'f', 9000.0, 'average photon energy [eV]'], ['gbm_pen', 'f', 0.001, 'energy per pulse [J]'], ['gbm_rep', 'f', 1, 'rep. rate [Hz]'], [ 'gbm_pol', 'f', 1, 'polarization 1- lin. hor., 2- lin. vert., 3- lin. 45 deg., 4- lin.135 deg., 5- circ. right, 6- circ. left' ], [ 'gbm_sx', 'f', 3e-06, 'rms beam size vs horizontal position [m] at waist (for intensity)' ], [ 'gbm_sy', 'f', 3e-06, 'rms beam size vs vertical position [m] at waist (for intensity)' ], ['gbm_st', 'f', 1e-13, 'rms pulse duration [s] (for intensity)'], [ 'gbm_mx', 'f', 0, 'transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in horizontal direction' ], [ 'gbm_my', 'f', 0, 'transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in vertical direction' ], [ 'gbm_ca', 's', 'c', 'treat _sigX, _sigY as sizes in [m] in coordinate representation (_presCA="c") or as angular divergences in [rad] in angular representation (_presCA="a")' ], [ 'gbm_ft', 's', 't', 'treat _sigT as pulse duration in [s] in time domain/representation (_presFT="t") or as bandwidth in [eV] in frequency domain/representation (_presFT="f")' ], #---Calculation Types # Electron Trajectory ['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'], [ 'tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], [ 'tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]' ], ['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'], [ 'tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data' ], [ 'tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot' ], #Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy [ 'ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time' ], [ 'ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) [ 'sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)' ], [ 'sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], [ 'sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field #Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position ['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'], [ 'pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")' ], [ 'pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)' ], [ 'pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution' ], [ 'pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position [ 'si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true' ], #Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation [ 'ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], #Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation [ 'wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true' ], [ 'w_e', 'f', 9000.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_rx', 'f', 0.002, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_nx', 'i', 2048, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ry', 'f', 0.002, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_ny', 'i', 2048, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution' ], [ 'w_smpf', 'f', 0, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_meth', 'i', 2, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"' ], [ 'w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)' ], [ 'si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy' ], [ 'w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position' ], [ 'wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation' ], [ 'wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation' ], [ 'wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y' ], [ 'wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)' ], [ 'wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation' ], [ 'wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef' ], [ 'wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance' ], [ 'wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position' ], #to add options [ 'op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]' ], # Former appParam: [ 'rs_type', 's', 'g', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam' ], #---Beamline optics: # VFM: ellipsoidMirror ['op_VFM_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_VFM_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_VFM_p', 'f', 50.0, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_VFM_q', 'f', 0.4, 'focalLength'], ['op_VFM_ang', 'f', 0.003, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_VFM_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_VFM_size_tang', 'f', 0.2, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_VFM_size_sag', 'f', 0.01, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_VFM_nvx', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_VFM_nvy', 'f', 0.999995500003, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_VFM_nvz', 'f', -0.0029999955, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_VFM_tvx', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_VFM_tvy', 'f', -0.0029999955, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_VFM_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_VFM_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # VFM_HFM: drift ['op_VFM_HFM_L', 'f', 0.2, 'length'], # HFM: ellipsoidMirror ['op_HFM_hfn', 's', 'None', 'heightProfileFile'], ['op_HFM_dim', 's', 'x', 'orientation'], ['op_HFM_p', 'f', 50.0, 'firstFocusLength'], ['op_HFM_q', 'f', 0.2, 'focalLength'], ['op_HFM_ang', 'f', 0.003, 'grazingAngle'], ['op_HFM_amp_coef', 'f', 1.0, 'heightAmplification'], ['op_HFM_size_tang', 'f', 0.2, 'tangentialSize'], ['op_HFM_size_sag', 'f', 0.01, 'sagittalSize'], ['op_HFM_nvx', 'f', 0.999995500003, 'normalVectorX'], ['op_HFM_nvy', 'f', 0.0, 'normalVectorY'], ['op_HFM_nvz', 'f', -0.0029999955, 'normalVectorZ'], ['op_HFM_tvx', 'f', -0.0029999955, 'tangentialVectorX'], ['op_HFM_tvy', 'f', 0.0, 'tangentialVectorY'], ['op_HFM_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'], ['op_HFM_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'], # HFM_Watchpoint: drift ['op_HFM_Watchpoint_L', 'f', 0.2, 'length'], # Watchpoint_Mask: drift ['op_Watchpoint_Mask_L', 'f', 0.2, 'length'], # Mask: mask ['op_Mask_delta', 'f', 1.0, 'refractiveIndex'], ['op_Mask_atten_len', 'f', 1.0, 'attenuationLength'], ['op_Mask_thick', 'f', 1.0, 'maskThickness'], ['op_Mask_grid_sh', 'f', 0, 'gridShape'], ['op_Mask_grid_dx', 'f', 5e-06, 'horizontalGridDimension'], ['op_Mask_grid_dy', 'f', 5e-06, 'verticalGridDimension'], ['op_Mask_pitch_x', 'f', 2e-05, 'horizontalGridPitch'], ['op_Mask_pitch_y', 'f', 2e-05, 'verticalGridPitch'], ['op_Mask_gridTiltAngle', 'f', 0.436332312999, 'gridTiltAngle'], ['op_Mask_hx', 'f', 7.32e-07, 'horizontalSamplingInterval'], ['op_Mask_hy', 'f', 7.32e-07, 'verticalSamplingInterval'], ['op_Mask_mask_x0', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalMaskCoordinate'], ['op_Mask_mask_y0', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalMaskCoordinate'], ['op_Mask_mask_Nx', 'i', 1024, 'horizontalPixelsNumber'], ['op_Mask_mask_Ny', 'i', 1024, 'verticalPixelsNumber'], ['op_Mask_grid_nx', 'i', 21, 'horizontalGridsNumber'], ['op_Mask_grid_ny', 'i', 21, 'verticalGridsNumber'], #---Propagation parameters [ 'op_VFM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'VFM' ], [ 'op_VFM_HFM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'VFM_HFM' ], [ 'op_HFM_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'HFM' ], [ 'op_HFM_Watchpoint_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'HFM_Watchpoint' ], [ 'op_Watchpoint_Mask_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Watchpoint_Mask' ], [ 'op_Mask_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'Mask' ], [ 'op_fin_pp', 'f', [ 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters' ], #[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation #[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation #[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) #[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation #[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) #[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) #[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing #[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing #[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented) #[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented) #[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate #[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate #[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate #[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate ])
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([ ['name', 's', 'Tabulated Undulator Example', 'simulation name'], #---Data Folder [ 'fdir', 's', 'multielectron_test', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files' ], #---Electron Beam ['ebm_nm', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name'], [ 'ebm_nms', 's', '', 'standard electron beam name suffix: e.g. can be Day1, Final' ], ['ebm_i', 'f', 0.5, 'electron beam current [A]'], ['ebm_e', 'f', 3.0, 'electron beam avarage energy [GeV]'], ['ebm_de', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam average energy deviation [GeV]'], [ 'ebm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average horizontal position [m]' ], ['ebm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam initial average vertical position [m]'], [ 'ebm_xp', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average horizontal angle [rad]' ], ['ebm_yp', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average vertical angle [rad]'], [ 'ebm_z', 'f', 0., 'electron beam initial average longitudinal position [m]' ], [ 'ebm_dr', 'f', 0.0, 'electron beam longitudinal drift [m] to be performed before a required calculation' ], ['ebm_ens', 'f', 0.0007, 'electron beam relative energy spread'], ['ebm_emx', 'f', 1.5e-09, 'electron beam horizontal emittance [m]'], ['ebm_emy', 'f', 8e-12, 'electron beam vertical emittance [m]'], # Definition of the beam through Twiss: ['ebm_betax', 'f', 1.84, 'horizontal beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_betay', 'f', 1.17, 'vertical beta-function [m]'], ['ebm_alphax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_alphay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical alpha-function [rad]'], ['ebm_etax', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etay', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function [m]'], ['ebm_etaxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad]'], ['ebm_etayp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical dispersion function derivative [rad]'], # Definition of the beam through Moments: [ 'ebm_sigx', 'f', 5.253570215e-05, 'horizontal RMS size of electron beam [m]' ], [ 'ebm_sigy', 'f', 3.05941171e-06, 'vertical RMS size of electron beam [m]' ], [ 'ebm_sigxp', 'f', 2.855201204e-05, 'horizontal RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]' ], [ 'ebm_sigyp', 'f', 2.6148818e-06, 'vertical RMS angular divergence of electron beam [rad]' ], [ 'ebm_mxxp', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]' ], [ 'ebm_myyp', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position-angle mixed 2nd order moment of electron beam [m]' ], #---Undulator ['und_bx', 'f', 0.0, 'undulator horizontal peak magnetic field [T]'], ['und_by', 'f', 1.01997572, 'undulator vertical peak magnetic field [T]'], [ 'und_phx', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_phy', 'f', 0.0, 'initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad]' ], [ 'und_b2e', '', '', 'estimate undulator fundamental photon energy (in [eV]) for the amplitude of sinusoidal magnetic field defined by und_b or und_bx, und_by', 'store_true' ], [ 'und_e2b', '', '', 'estimate undulator field amplitude (in [T]) for the photon energy defined by w_e', 'store_true' ], ['und_per', 'f', 0.021, 'undulator period [m]'], ['und_len', 'f', 2.500648, 'undulator length [m]'], ['und_zc', 'f', 1.305, 'undulator center longitudinal position [m]'], [ 'und_sx', 'i', 1, 'undulator horizontal magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_sy', 'i', -1, 'undulator vertical magnetic field symmetry vs longitudinal position' ], [ 'und_g', 'f', 6.72, 'undulator gap [mm] (assumes availability of magnetic measurement or simulation data)' ], [ 'und_ph', 'f', 0.0, 'shift of magnet arrays [mm] for which the field should be set up' ], ['und_mdir', 's', '', 'name of magnetic measurements sub-folder'], [ 'und_mfs', 's', 'ivu21_srx_sum.txt', 'name of magnetic measurements for different gaps summary file' ], #---Calculation Types #Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size) [ 'sm', '', '1', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true' ], [ 'sm_ei', 'f', 10000.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ne', 'i', 1000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate' ], [ 'sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation' ], [ 'sm_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)' ], [ 'sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)' ], [ 'sm_nm', 'i', 10, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], [ 'sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field' ], ['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'], [ 'sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total' ], [ 'sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)' ], [ 'sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy' ], [ 'sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy' ], #to add options [ 'op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]' ], # Former appParam: [ 'source_type', 's', 't', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam' ], ])