sol,rmn,card = iterated_expansion(nodes, adj, expand_dyn_deg, max_iterations, report_sol) elif method == "plateau_rand": sol,rmn,card = multistart_local_search(nodes, adj, expand_rand, max_iterations, length, report_sol) elif method == "plateau_stat_deg": sol,rmn,card = multistart_local_search(nodes, adj, expand_stat_deg, max_iterations, length, report_sol) elif method == "plateau_dyn_deg": sol,rmn,card = multistart_local_search(nodes, adj, expand_dyn_deg, max_iterations, length, report_sol) elif method == "ltm_rand": sol,rmn,card = ltm_search(nodes, adj, expand_rand, max_iterations, length, report_sol) elif method == "ltm_stat_deg": sol,rmn,card = ltm_search(nodes, adj, expand_stat_deg, max_iterations, length, report_sol) elif method == "ltm_dyn_deg": sol,rmn,card = ltm_search(nodes, adj, expand_dyn_deg, max_iterations, length, report_sol) else: if method != "hybrid": print("unknown method; using hybrid version") degree = [len(adj[i]) for i in nodes] # used on 'expand_sta_deg' sol,rmn,card = hybrid(nodes, adj, max_iterations, length, report_sol) # import profile #'sol,rmn,card = exp_rand(nodes, adj, max_iterations)') #'sol,rmn,card = exp_plateau(nodes, adj, max_iterations)') xcard, xinfeas, xb = evaluate(nodes, adj, sol) assert card == xcard and xinfeas == 0 print() print("final solution: z =", len(sol)) print(sorted(sol)) print()
def ts_intens_divers(nodes, adj, sol, max_iter, tabulen, report): """Execute a tabu search run using intensification/diversification.""" n = len(nodes) tabu = [0 for i in nodes] card, infeas, b = evaluate(nodes, adj, sol) assert infeas == 0 bestsol, bestcard, bestb = set(sol), card, list(b) D = 1 # self-tuning diversification parameter count = 0 # counter for consecutive non-improving iterations lastcard = card if LOG: print("iter:", 0, "non-impr: %d/%d" % (count,D), \ "\tcard: %d (%d conflicts)" % (card,infeas), "/ best:", bestcard) # , "\t", sol for it in range(max_iter): tabuIN = 1 + int(tabulen / 100. * card) # update tabu parameter for inserting vertices tabuOUT = 1 + int( tabulen / 100. * (n - card)) # update tabu parameter for removing vertices if infeas == 0: # solution is feasible, add a new vertex infeas += move_in(nodes, adj, sol, b, tabu, tabuIN, tabuOUT, it) card += 1 else: # solution is infeasible, remove a vertex infeas += move_out(nodes, adj, sol, b, tabu, tabuIN, tabuOUT, it) card -= 1 if LOG: print("iter:", it+1, "non-impr: %d/%d" % (count,D), \ "\tcard: %d (%d conflicts)" % (card,infeas), "/ best:", bestcard) # , "\t", sol if infeas == 0 and card > bestcard: # improved best found solution, intensify search bestsol, bestcard, bestb = set(sol), card, list(b) if report: report(card, "iter:%d" % it) if LOG: print("*** intensifying: clearing tabu list***") tabu = [min(tabu[i], it) for i in nodes] # clear tabu list count = 0 elif infeas == 0 and card > lastcard: count = 0 # reset non-improving iterations counter else: count += 1 if count > D: # exceeded allowed non-improving iterations, restart int/div cycle if D % 2 == 0: # intensification: switch to best found solution if LOG: print( "*** intensifying: switching to best found solution ***" ) sol, card, b = set(bestsol), bestcard, list(bestb) infeas = 0 # keep tabu list unchanged, for ensuring a different path else: # diversification: construct maximal stable set from less used vertex if LOG: print( "*** diversifying: constructing maximal set from less used vertex ***" ) # use the tabu history as long-term memory: cand = [] mintabu = Infinity for j in set( nodes) - sol: # find less used vertex (smallest tabu) if tabu[i] < mintabu: cand = [i] if tabu[i] == mintabu: cand.append(i) v = random.choice(cand) sol = diversify(nodes, adj, v) card, infeas, b = evaluate(nodes, adj, sol) if infeas == 0 and card > bestcard: bestsol, bestcard, bestb = set(sol), card, list(b) if report: report(card, "iter:%d" % it) tabu = [min(tabu[i], it) for i in nodes] # clear tabu list count = 0 # reset counter D += 1 # increase self-tuning parameter if infeas == 0: lastcard = card # check solution correctness: # xcard, xinfeas, xb = evaluate(nodes, adj, bestsol) # assert bestcard == xcard and xinfeas == 0 return bestsol, bestcard