def test_use_default_value(self):
        # No default, no value provided, should fail
        instance = {}
        validator = util_schema.get_validator()

        expected_msg = '\'cmd_no_default\' is a required property'
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValidationError, expected_msg, util_schema.validate,
                                instance=instance, schema=TEST_SCHEMA_1, cls=validator,

        # No default, value provided
        instance = {'cmd_no_default': 'foo'}
        util_schema.validate(instance=instance, schema=TEST_SCHEMA_1, cls=validator,

        # default value provided, no value, should pass
        instance = {}
        validator = util_schema.get_validator()
        util_schema.validate(instance=instance, schema=TEST_SCHEMA_2, cls=validator,

        # default value provided, value provided, should pass
        instance = {'cmd_default': 'foo'}
        validator = util_schema.get_validator()
        util_schema.validate(instance=instance, schema=TEST_SCHEMA_2, cls=validator,
Exemple #2
    def test_use_default_value(self):
        # No default, no value provided, should fail
        instance = {}
        validator = util_schema.get_validator()

        expected_msg = '\'arg_required_no_default\' is a required property'
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValidationError, expected_msg, util_schema.validate,
                                instance=instance, schema=TEST_SCHEMA_1, cls=validator,

        # No default, value provided
        instance = {'arg_required_no_default': 'foo'}
        util_schema.validate(instance=instance, schema=TEST_SCHEMA_1, cls=validator,

        # default value provided, no value, should pass
        instance = {}
        validator = util_schema.get_validator()
        util_schema.validate(instance=instance, schema=TEST_SCHEMA_2, cls=validator,

        # default value provided, value provided, should pass
        instance = {'arg_required_default': 'foo'}
        validator = util_schema.get_validator()
        util_schema.validate(instance=instance, schema=TEST_SCHEMA_2, cls=validator,
Exemple #3
    def test_parameter_schema(self):
        runnertype = self._create_save_runnertype(metadata=True)
        saved = self._create_save_action(runnertype, metadata=True)
        retrieved = Action.get_by_id(

        # validate generated schema
        schema = util_schema.get_schema_for_action_parameters(retrieved)
        self.assertDictEqual(schema, PARAM_SCHEMA)
        validator = util_schema.get_validator()

        # use schema to validate parameters
        jsonschema.validate({"r2": "abc", "p1": "def"}, schema, validator)
        jsonschema.validate({"r2": "abc", "p1": "def", "r1": {"r1a": "ghi"}}, schema, validator)
        self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError, jsonschema.validate,
                          '{"r2": "abc", "p1": "def"}', schema, validator)
        self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError, jsonschema.validate,
                          {"r2": "abc"}, schema, validator)
        self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError, jsonschema.validate,
                          {"r2": "abc", "p1": "def", "r1": 123}, schema, validator)

        # cleanup
            retrieved = Action.get_by_id(
        except ValueError:
            retrieved = None
        self.assertIsNone(retrieved, 'managed to retrieve after failure.')
Exemple #4
    def validate(self):
        # Validate policy itself
        cleaned = super(PolicyAPI, self).validate()

        # Validate policy parameters
        # pylint: disable=no-member
        policy_type_db = PolicyType.get_by_ref(cleaned.policy_type)
        if not policy_type_db:
            raise ValueError('Referenced policy_type "%s" doesnt exist' %

        parameters_schema = policy_type_db.parameters
        parameters = getattr(cleaned, 'parameters', {})
        schema = util_schema.get_schema_for_resource_parameters(
        validator = util_schema.get_validator()
        cleaned_parameters = util_schema.validate(parameters,

        cleaned.parameters = cleaned_parameters

        return cleaned
Exemple #5
    def test_parameter_schema(self):
        runnertype = self._create_save_runnertype(metadata=True)
        saved = self._create_save_action(runnertype, metadata=True)
        retrieved = Action.get_by_id(

        # validate generated schema
        schema = util_schema.get_schema_for_action_parameters(retrieved)
        self.assertDictEqual(schema, PARAM_SCHEMA)
        validator = util_schema.get_validator()

        # use schema to validate parameters
        jsonschema.validate({"r2": "abc", "p1": "def"}, schema, validator)
        jsonschema.validate({"r2": "abc", "p1": "def", "r1": {"r1a": "ghi"}}, schema, validator)
        self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError, jsonschema.validate,
                          '{"r2": "abc", "p1": "def"}', schema, validator)
        self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError, jsonschema.validate,
                          {"r2": "abc"}, schema, validator)
        self.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError, jsonschema.validate,
                          {"r2": "abc", "p1": "def", "r1": 123}, schema, validator)

        # cleanup
            retrieved = Action.get_by_id(
        except StackStormDBObjectNotFoundError:
            retrieved = None
        self.assertIsNone(retrieved, 'managed to retrieve after failure.')
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self, **kw):
     jsonschema.validate(kw, self.schema, util_schema.get_validator())
     for key, value in kw.items():
         setattr(self, key, value)
     if not hasattr(self, 'parameters'):
         setattr(self, 'parameters', dict())
     if not hasattr(self, 'entry_point'):
         setattr(self, 'entry_point', '')
 def test_oneof_type_allow_default_none(self):
     # Let validator take care of default
     validator = util_schema.get_validator()
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self, **kw):
     jsonschema.validate(kw, self.schema, util_schema.get_validator())
     for key, value in kw.items():
         setattr(self, key, value)
     if not hasattr(self, 'parameters'):
         setattr(self, 'parameters', dict())
     if not hasattr(self, 'entry_point'):
         setattr(self, 'entry_point', '')
Exemple #9
def _validate_runner(runner_schema, result):
    LOG.debug('Validating runner output: %s', runner_schema)

    runner_schema = {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": runner_schema,
        "additionalProperties": False

    schema.validate(result, runner_schema, cls=schema.get_validator('custom'))
Exemple #10
def _validate_runner(runner_schema, result):
    LOG.debug("Validating runner output: %s", runner_schema)

    runner_schema = {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": runner_schema,
        "additionalProperties": False,

    schema.validate(result, runner_schema, cls=schema.get_validator("custom"))
Exemple #11
    def test_allow_default_explicit_none(self):
        # Explicitly pass None to arguments
        instance = {
            'arg_optional_default': None,
            'arg_optional_default_none': None,
            'arg_optional_no_default': None

        validator = util_schema.get_validator()
        util_schema.validate(instance=instance, schema=TEST_SCHEMA_3, cls=validator,
                             use_default=True, allow_default_none=True)
Exemple #12
    def test_allow_default_explicit_none(self):
        # Explicitly pass None to arguments
        instance = {
            'arg_optional_default': None,
            'arg_optional_default_none': None,
            'arg_optional_no_default': None

        validator = util_schema.get_validator()
        util_schema.validate(instance=instance, schema=TEST_SCHEMA_3, cls=validator,
                             use_default=True, allow_default_none=True)
Exemple #13
def _validate_action(action_schema, result, output_key):
    LOG.debug('Validating action output: %s', action_schema)

    final_result = result[output_key]

    action_schema = {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": action_schema,
        "additionalProperties": False

    schema.validate(final_result, action_schema, cls=schema.get_validator('custom'))
Exemple #14
def schedule(liveaction):
    Schedule an action to be run.

    :return: (liveaction, execution)
    :rtype: tuple
    # Use the user context from the parent action execution. Subtasks in a workflow
    # action can be invoked by a system user and so we want to use the user context
    # from the original workflow action.
    if getattr(liveaction, 'context', None) and 'parent' in liveaction.context:
        parent = LiveAction.get_by_id(liveaction.context['parent'])
        liveaction.context['user'] = getattr(parent, 'context', dict()).get('user')

    # Validate action.
    action_db = action_utils.get_action_by_ref(liveaction.action)
    if not action_db:
        raise ValueError('Action "%s" cannot be found.' % liveaction.action)
    if not action_db.enabled:
        raise ValueError('Unable to execute. Action "%s" is disabled.' % liveaction.action)

    runnertype_db = action_utils.get_runnertype_by_name(action_db.runner_type['name'])

    if not hasattr(liveaction, 'parameters'):
        liveaction.parameters = dict()

    # Validate action parameters.
    schema = util_schema.get_parameter_schema(action_db)
    validator = util_schema.get_validator()
    jsonschema.validate(liveaction.parameters, schema, validator)

    # validate that no immutable params are being overriden. Although possible to
    # ignore the override it is safer to inform the user to avoid surprises.
    immutables = _get_immutable_params(action_db.parameters)
    overridden_immutables = [p for p in six.iterkeys(liveaction.parameters) if p in immutables]
    if len(overridden_immutables) > 0:
        raise ValueError('Override of immutable parameter(s) %s is unsupported.'
                         % str(overridden_immutables))

    # Write to database and send to message queue.
    liveaction.status = LIVEACTION_STATUS_SCHEDULED
    liveaction.start_timestamp = isotime.add_utc_tz(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    # Publish creation after both liveaction and actionexecution are created.
    liveaction = LiveAction.add_or_update(liveaction, publish=False)
    execution = executions.create_execution_object(liveaction, publish=False)
    # assume that this is a creation.
    LOG.audit('Action execution scheduled. LiveAction=%s. ActionExecution=%s', liveaction,
    return liveaction, execution
Exemple #15
 def __init__(self, **kw):
     # Ideally, you should not do that. You should not redefine __init__ to validate and then set
     # default values, instead you should define defaults in schema and use BaseAPI __init__
     # validator to unwrap them. The problem here is that draft schema also contains default
     # values and we don't want them to be unwrapped at the same time. I've tried to remove the
     # default values from draft schema, but, either because of a bug or some weird intention, it
     # has continued to resolve $ref'erenced properties against the initial draft schema, not the
     # modified one
     jsonschema.validate(kw, self.schema, util_schema.get_validator())
     for key, value in kw.items():
         setattr(self, key, value)
     if not hasattr(self, 'runner_parameters'):
         setattr(self, 'runner_parameters', dict())
Exemple #16
 def __init__(self, **kw):
     # Ideally, you should not do that. You should not redefine __init__ to validate and then set
     # default values, instead you should define defaults in schema and use BaseAPI __init__
     # validator to unwrap them. The problem here is that draft schema also contains default
     # values and we don't want them to be unwrapped at the same time. I've tried to remove the
     # default values from draft schema, but, either because of a bug or some weird intention, it
     # has continued to resolve $ref'erenced properties against the initial draft schema, not the
     # modified one
     jsonschema.validate(kw, self.schema, util_schema.get_validator())
     for key, value in kw.items():
         setattr(self, key, value)
     if not hasattr(self, 'runner_parameters'):
         setattr(self, 'runner_parameters', dict())
Exemple #17
def _validate_action(action_schema, result, output_key):
    LOG.debug("Validating action output: %s", action_schema)

    final_result = result[output_key]

    action_schema = {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": action_schema,
        "additionalProperties": False,

Exemple #18
    def validate(self):
        # Validate policy itself
        cleaned = super(PolicyAPI, self).validate()

        # Validate policy parameters
        policy_type_db = PolicyType.get_by_ref(cleaned.policy_type)
        if not policy_type_db:
            raise ValueError('Referenced policy_type "%s" doesnt exist' % (cleaned.policy_type))

        parameters_schema = policy_type_db.parameters
        parameters = getattr(cleaned, 'parameters', {})
        schema = util_schema.get_schema_for_resource_parameters(
        validator = util_schema.get_validator()
        cleaned_parameters = util_schema.validate(parameters, schema, validator, use_default=True,

        cleaned.parameters = cleaned_parameters

        return cleaned
Exemple #19
def schedule(execution):

    # Use the user context from the parent action execution. Subtasks in a workflow
    # action can be invoked by a system user and so we want to use the user context
    # from the original workflow action.
    if getattr(execution, 'context', None) and 'parent' in execution.context:
        parent = ActionExecution.get_by_id(execution.context['parent'])
        execution.context['user'] = getattr(parent, 'context', dict()).get('user')

    # Validate action.
    action_db = action_utils.get_action_by_ref(execution.action)
    if not action_db:
        raise ValueError('Action "%s" cannot be found.' % execution.action)
    if not action_db.enabled:
        raise ValueError('Unable to execute. Action "%s" is disabled.' % execution.action)

    runnertype_db = action_utils.get_runnertype_by_name(action_db.runner_type['name'])

    if not hasattr(execution, 'parameters'):
        execution.parameters = dict()

    # Validate action parameters.
    schema = util_schema.get_parameter_schema(action_db)
    validator = util_schema.get_validator()
    jsonschema.validate(execution.parameters, schema, validator)

    # validate that no immutable params are being overriden. Although possible to
    # ignore the override it is safer to inform the user to avoid surprises.
    immutables = _get_immutable_params(action_db.parameters)
    overridden_immutables = [p for p in six.iterkeys(execution.parameters) if p in immutables]
    if len(overridden_immutables) > 0:
        raise ValueError('Override of immutable parameter(s) %s is unsupported.'
                         % str(overridden_immutables))

    # Write to database and send to message queue.
    execution.status = ACTIONEXEC_STATUS_SCHEDULED
    execution.start_timestamp = isotime.add_utc_tz(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    execution = ActionExecution.add_or_update(execution)
    LOG.audit('Action execution scheduled. ActionExecution=%s.', execution)
    return execution
Exemple #20
 def test_oneof_type_allow_default_none(self):
     # Let validator take care of default
     validator = util_schema.get_validator()
     util_schema.validate(instance=dict(), schema=TEST_SCHEMA_5, cls=validator,
                          use_default=True, allow_default_none=True)
Exemple #21
def request(liveaction):
    Request an action execution.

    :return: (liveaction, execution)
    :rtype: tuple
    # Use the user context from the parent action execution. Subtasks in a workflow
    # action can be invoked by a system user and so we want to use the user context
    # from the original workflow action.
    if getattr(liveaction, 'context', None) and 'parent' in liveaction.context:
        parent_user = liveaction.context['parent'].get('user', None)
        if parent_user:
            liveaction.context['user'] = parent_user

    # Validate action.
    action_db = action_utils.get_action_by_ref(liveaction.action)
    if not action_db:
        raise ValueError('Action "%s" cannot be found.' % liveaction.action)
    if not action_db.enabled:
        raise ValueError('Unable to execute. Action "%s" is disabled.' % liveaction.action)

    runnertype_db = action_utils.get_runnertype_by_name(action_db.runner_type['name'])

    if not hasattr(liveaction, 'parameters'):
        liveaction.parameters = dict()

    # Validate action parameters.
    schema = util_schema.get_parameter_schema(action_db)
    validator = util_schema.get_validator()
    util_schema.validate(liveaction.parameters, schema, validator, use_default=True)

    # validate that no immutable params are being overriden. Although possible to
    # ignore the override it is safer to inform the user to avoid surprises.
    immutables = _get_immutable_params(action_db.parameters)
    overridden_immutables = [p for p in six.iterkeys(liveaction.parameters) if p in immutables]
    if len(overridden_immutables) > 0:
        raise ValueError('Override of immutable parameter(s) %s is unsupported.'
                         % str(overridden_immutables))

    # Set notification settings for action.
    # XXX: There are cases when we don't want notifications to be sent for a particular
    # execution. So we should look at liveaction.parameters['notify']
    # and not set liveaction.notify.
    if action_db.notify:
        liveaction.notify = action_db.notify

    # Write to database and send to message queue.
    liveaction.status = action_constants.LIVEACTION_STATUS_REQUESTED
    liveaction.start_timestamp = date_utils.get_datetime_utc_now()

    # Publish creation after both liveaction and actionexecution are created.
    liveaction = LiveAction.add_or_update(liveaction, publish=False)

    # Get trace_db if it exists. This could throw. If it throws, we have to cleanup
    # liveaction object so we don't see things in requested mode.
    trace_db = None
        _, trace_db = trace_service.get_trace_db_by_live_action(liveaction)
    except StackStormDBObjectNotFoundError as e:
        raise TraceNotFoundException(str(e))

    execution = executions.create_execution_object(liveaction, publish=False)

    if trace_db:

    # Assume that this is a creation.

    extra = {'liveaction_db': liveaction, 'execution_db': execution}
    LOG.audit('Action execution requested.,' %
              (,, extra=extra)

    return liveaction, execution
Exemple #22
import jsonschema
import six
from six.moves import http_client
from webob import exc
import pecan
import pecan.jsonify
import traceback

from st2common.util import mongoescape as util_mongodb
from st2common.util import schema as util_schema
from st2common.util.jsonify import json_encode
from st2common import log as logging

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
VALIDATOR = util_schema.get_validator(assign_property_default=False)

class BaseAPI(object):
    schema = abc.abstractproperty

    def __init__(self, **kw):

        for key, value in kw.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)

    def __repr__(self):
        name = type(self).__name__
        attrs = ', '.join("'%s':%r" % item for item in six.iteritems(vars(self)))
        # The format here is so that eval can be applied.
Exemple #23
def create_request(liveaction, action_db=None, runnertype_db=None):
    Create an action execution.

    :param action_db: Action model to operate one. If not provided, one is retrieved from the
                      database using values from "liveaction".
    :type action_db: :class:`ActionDB`

    :param runnertype_db: Runner model to operate one. If not provided, one is retrieved from the
                          database using values from "liveaction".
    :type runnertype_db: :class:`RunnerTypeDB`

    :return: (liveaction, execution)
    :rtype: tuple
    # We import this here to avoid conflicts w/ runners that might import this
    # file since the runners don't have the config context by default.
    from st2common.metrics.base import get_driver

    # Use the user context from the parent action execution. Subtasks in a workflow
    # action can be invoked by a system user and so we want to use the user context
    # from the original workflow action.
    parent_context = executions.get_parent_context(liveaction) or {}
    parent_user = parent_context.get('user', None)

    if parent_user:
        liveaction.context['user'] = parent_user

    # Validate action
    if not action_db:
        action_db = action_utils.get_action_by_ref(liveaction.action)

    if not action_db:
        raise ValueError('Action "%s" cannot be found.' % liveaction.action)
    if not action_db.enabled:
        raise ValueError('Unable to execute. Action "%s" is disabled.' % liveaction.action)

    if not runnertype_db:
        runnertype_db = action_utils.get_runnertype_by_name(action_db.runner_type['name'])

    if not hasattr(liveaction, 'parameters'):
        liveaction.parameters = dict()

    # For consistency add pack to the context here in addition to RunnerContainer.dispatch() method
    liveaction.context['pack'] = action_db.pack

    # Validate action parameters.
    schema = util_schema.get_schema_for_action_parameters(action_db, runnertype_db)
    validator = util_schema.get_validator()
    util_schema.validate(liveaction.parameters, schema, validator, use_default=True,

    # validate that no immutable params are being overriden. Although possible to
    # ignore the override it is safer to inform the user to avoid surprises.
    immutables = _get_immutable_params(action_db.parameters)
    overridden_immutables = [p for p in six.iterkeys(liveaction.parameters) if p in immutables]
    if len(overridden_immutables) > 0:
        raise ValueError('Override of immutable parameter(s) %s is unsupported.'
                         % str(overridden_immutables))

    # Set notification settings for action.
    # XXX: There are cases when we don't want notifications to be sent for a particular
    # execution. So we should look at liveaction.parameters['notify']
    # and not set liveaction.notify.
    if not _is_notify_empty(action_db.notify):
        liveaction.notify = action_db.notify

    # Write to database and send to message queue.
    liveaction.status = action_constants.LIVEACTION_STATUS_REQUESTED
    liveaction.start_timestamp = date_utils.get_datetime_utc_now()

    # Set the "action_is_workflow" attribute
    liveaction.action_is_workflow = action_db.is_workflow()

    # Publish creation after both liveaction and actionexecution are created.
    liveaction = LiveAction.add_or_update(liveaction, publish=False)
    # Get trace_db if it exists. This could throw. If it throws, we have to cleanup
    # liveaction object so we don't see things in requested mode.
    trace_db = None
        _, trace_db = trace_service.get_trace_db_by_live_action(liveaction)
    except db_exc.StackStormDBObjectNotFoundError as e:
        raise trace_exc.TraceNotFoundException(six.text_type(e))

    execution = executions.create_execution_object(liveaction=liveaction, action_db=action_db,
                                                   runnertype_db=runnertype_db, publish=False)

    if trace_db:
                trace_service.get_trace_component_for_action_execution(execution, liveaction)

    get_driver().inc_counter('action.executions.%s' % (liveaction.status))

    return liveaction, execution
Exemple #24
def request(liveaction):
    Request an action execution.

    :return: (liveaction, execution)
    :rtype: tuple
    # Use the user context from the parent action execution. Subtasks in a workflow
    # action can be invoked by a system user and so we want to use the user context
    # from the original workflow action.
    if getattr(liveaction, "context", None) and "parent" in liveaction.context:
        parent_user = liveaction.context["parent"].get("user", None)
        if parent_user:
            liveaction.context["user"] = parent_user

    # Validate action.
    action_db = action_utils.get_action_by_ref(liveaction.action)
    if not action_db:
        raise ValueError('Action "%s" cannot be found.' % liveaction.action)
    if not action_db.enabled:
        raise ValueError('Unable to execute. Action "%s" is disabled.' % liveaction.action)

    runnertype_db = action_utils.get_runnertype_by_name(action_db.runner_type["name"])

    if not hasattr(liveaction, "parameters"):
        liveaction.parameters = dict()

    # Validate action parameters.
    schema = util_schema.get_parameter_schema(action_db)
    validator = util_schema.get_validator()
    util_schema.validate(liveaction.parameters, schema, validator, use_default=True)

    # validate that no immutable params are being overriden. Although possible to
    # ignore the override it is safer to inform the user to avoid surprises.
    immutables = _get_immutable_params(action_db.parameters)
    overridden_immutables = [p for p in six.iterkeys(liveaction.parameters) if p in immutables]
    if len(overridden_immutables) > 0:
        raise ValueError("Override of immutable parameter(s) %s is unsupported." % str(overridden_immutables))

    # Set notification settings for action.
    # XXX: There are cases when we don't want notifications to be sent for a particular
    # execution. So we should look at liveaction.parameters['notify']
    # and not set liveaction.notify.
    if action_db.notify:
        liveaction.notify = action_db.notify

    # Write to database and send to message queue.
    liveaction.status = action_constants.LIVEACTION_STATUS_REQUESTED
    liveaction.start_timestamp = date_utils.get_datetime_utc_now()

    # Publish creation after both liveaction and actionexecution are created.
    liveaction = LiveAction.add_or_update(liveaction, publish=False)
    execution = executions.create_execution_object(liveaction, publish=False)

    # Assume that this is a creation.

    extra = {"liveaction_db": liveaction, "execution_db": execution}
        "Action execution requested.," % (,,

    return liveaction, execution
Exemple #25
def request(liveaction):
    Request an action execution.

    :return: (liveaction, execution)
    :rtype: tuple
    # Use the user context from the parent action execution. Subtasks in a workflow
    # action can be invoked by a system user and so we want to use the user context
    # from the original workflow action.
    if getattr(liveaction, 'context', None) and 'parent' in liveaction.context:
        parent = LiveAction.get_by_id(liveaction.context['parent'])
        liveaction.context['user'] = getattr(parent, 'context',

    # Validate action.
    action_db = action_utils.get_action_by_ref(liveaction.action)
    if not action_db:
        raise ValueError('Action "%s" cannot be found.' % liveaction.action)
    if not action_db.enabled:
        raise ValueError('Unable to execute. Action "%s" is disabled.' %

    runnertype_db = action_utils.get_runnertype_by_name(

    if not hasattr(liveaction, 'parameters'):
        liveaction.parameters = dict()

    # Validate action parameters.
    schema = util_schema.get_parameter_schema(action_db)
    validator = util_schema.get_validator()

    # validate that no immutable params are being overriden. Although possible to
    # ignore the override it is safer to inform the user to avoid surprises.
    immutables = _get_immutable_params(action_db.parameters)
    overridden_immutables = [
        p for p in six.iterkeys(liveaction.parameters) if p in immutables
    if len(overridden_immutables) > 0:
        raise ValueError(
            'Override of immutable parameter(s) %s is unsupported.' %

    # Set notification settings for action.
    # XXX: There are cases when we don't want notifications to be sent for a particular
    # execution. So we should look at liveaction.parameters['notify']
    # and not set liveaction.notify.
    if action_db.notify:
        liveaction.notify = action_db.notify

    # Write to database and send to message queue.
    liveaction.status = action_constants.LIVEACTION_STATUS_REQUESTED
    liveaction.start_timestamp = date_utils.get_datetime_utc_now()

    # Publish creation after both liveaction and actionexecution are created.
    liveaction = LiveAction.add_or_update(liveaction, publish=False)
    execution = executions.create_execution_object(liveaction, publish=False)

    # Assume that this is a creation.

    extra = {'liveaction_db': liveaction, 'execution_db': execution}
        'Action execution requested.,' %

    return liveaction, execution
Exemple #26
def create_request(liveaction):
    Create an action execution.

    :return: (liveaction, execution)
    :rtype: tuple
    # Use the user context from the parent action execution. Subtasks in a workflow
    # action can be invoked by a system user and so we want to use the user context
    # from the original workflow action.
    parent_context = executions.get_parent_context(liveaction)
    if parent_context:
        parent_user = parent_context.get('user', None)
        if parent_user:
            liveaction.context['user'] = parent_user

    # Validate action.
    action_db = action_utils.get_action_by_ref(liveaction.action)
    if not action_db:
        raise ValueError('Action "%s" cannot be found.' % liveaction.action)
    if not action_db.enabled:
        raise ValueError('Unable to execute. Action "%s" is disabled.' %

    runnertype_db = action_utils.get_runnertype_by_name(

    if not hasattr(liveaction, 'parameters'):
        liveaction.parameters = dict()

    # Validate action parameters.
    schema = util_schema.get_schema_for_action_parameters(action_db)
    validator = util_schema.get_validator()

    # validate that no immutable params are being overriden. Although possible to
    # ignore the override it is safer to inform the user to avoid surprises.
    immutables = _get_immutable_params(action_db.parameters)
    overridden_immutables = [
        p for p in six.iterkeys(liveaction.parameters) if p in immutables
    if len(overridden_immutables) > 0:
        raise ValueError(
            'Override of immutable parameter(s) %s is unsupported.' %

    # Set notification settings for action.
    # XXX: There are cases when we don't want notifications to be sent for a particular
    # execution. So we should look at liveaction.parameters['notify']
    # and not set liveaction.notify.
    if not _is_notify_empty(action_db.notify):
        liveaction.notify = action_db.notify

    # Write to database and send to message queue.
    liveaction.status = action_constants.LIVEACTION_STATUS_REQUESTED
    liveaction.start_timestamp = date_utils.get_datetime_utc_now()

    # Set the "action_is_workflow" attribute
    liveaction.action_is_workflow = action_db.is_workflow()

    # Publish creation after both liveaction and actionexecution are created.
    liveaction = LiveAction.add_or_update(liveaction, publish=False)

    # Get trace_db if it exists. This could throw. If it throws, we have to cleanup
    # liveaction object so we don't see things in requested mode.
    trace_db = None
        _, trace_db = trace_service.get_trace_db_by_live_action(liveaction)
    except db_exc.StackStormDBObjectNotFoundError as e:
        raise trace_exc.TraceNotFoundException(str(e))

    execution = executions.create_execution_object(liveaction, publish=False)

    if trace_db:
                    execution, liveaction)

    return liveaction, execution
Exemple #27
def schedule(liveaction):
    Schedule an action to be run.

    :return: (liveaction, execution)
    :rtype: tuple
    # Use the user context from the parent action execution. Subtasks in a workflow
    # action can be invoked by a system user and so we want to use the user context
    # from the original workflow action.
    if getattr(liveaction, 'context', None) and 'parent' in liveaction.context:
        parent = LiveAction.get_by_id(liveaction.context['parent'])
        liveaction.context['user'] = getattr(parent, 'context', dict()).get('user')

    # Validate action.
    action_db = action_utils.get_action_by_ref(liveaction.action)
    if not action_db:
        raise ValueError('Action "%s" cannot be found.' % liveaction.action)
    if not action_db.enabled:
        raise ValueError('Unable to execute. Action "%s" is disabled.' % liveaction.action)

    runnertype_db = action_utils.get_runnertype_by_name(action_db.runner_type['name'])

    if not hasattr(liveaction, 'parameters'):
        liveaction.parameters = dict()

    # Validate action parameters.
    schema = util_schema.get_parameter_schema(action_db)
    validator = util_schema.get_validator()
    util_schema.validate(liveaction.parameters, schema, validator, use_default=True)

    # validate that no immutable params are being overriden. Although possible to
    # ignore the override it is safer to inform the user to avoid surprises.
    immutables = _get_immutable_params(action_db.parameters)
    overridden_immutables = [p for p in six.iterkeys(liveaction.parameters) if p in immutables]
    if len(overridden_immutables) > 0:
        raise ValueError('Override of immutable parameter(s) %s is unsupported.'
                         % str(overridden_immutables))

    # Set notification settings for action.
    # XXX: There are cases when we don't want notifications to be sent for a particular
    # execution. So we should look at liveaction.parameters['notify']
    # and not set liveaction.notify.
    if action_db.notify:
        liveaction.notify = action_db.notify

    # Write to database and send to message queue.
    liveaction.status = LIVEACTION_STATUS_SCHEDULED
    liveaction.start_timestamp = isotime.add_utc_tz(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    # Publish creation after both liveaction and actionexecution are created.
    liveaction = LiveAction.add_or_update(liveaction, publish=False)
    execution = executions.create_execution_object(liveaction, publish=False)
    # assume that this is a creation.

    extra = {'liveaction_db': liveaction, 'execution_db': execution}
    LOG.audit('Action execution scheduled.,' %
              (,, extra=extra)
    return liveaction, execution
Exemple #28
import jsonschema
import six
from six.moves import http_client
from webob import exc
import pecan
import pecan.jsonify

from st2common.util import mongoescape as util_mongodb
from st2common.util import schema as util_schema
from st2common.util.jsonify import json_encode
from st2common import log as logging
from st2common.constants.auth import QUERY_PARAM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
VALIDATOR = util_schema.get_validator(assign_property_default=False)

# A list of method names for which we don't want to log the result / response

# A list of controller classes for which we don't want to log the result / response
    'ActionExecutionChildrenController',  # action executions can be big
    'ActionExecutionAttributeController',  # result can be big
    'ActionExecutionsController'  # action executions can be big

class BaseAPI(object):
    schema = abc.abstractproperty
Exemple #29
def create_request(liveaction, action_db=None, runnertype_db=None):
    Create an action execution.

    :param action_db: Action model to operate one. If not provided, one is retrieved from the
                      database using values from "liveaction".
    :type action_db: :class:`ActionDB`

    :param runnertype_db: Runner model to operate one. If not provided, one is retrieved from the
                          database using values from "liveaction".
    :type runnertype_db: :class:`RunnerTypeDB`

    :return: (liveaction, execution)
    :rtype: tuple
    # We import this here to avoid conflicts w/ runners that might import this
    # file since the runners don't have the config context by default.
    from st2common.metrics.base import get_driver

    # Use the user context from the parent action execution. Subtasks in a workflow
    # action can be invoked by a system user and so we want to use the user context
    # from the original workflow action.
    parent_context = executions.get_parent_context(liveaction) or {}
    parent_user = parent_context.get("user", None)

    if parent_user:
        liveaction.context["user"] = parent_user

    # Validate action
    if not action_db:
        action_db = action_utils.get_action_by_ref(liveaction.action)

    if not action_db:
        raise ValueError('Action "%s" cannot be found.' % liveaction.action)
    if not action_db.enabled:
        raise ValueError('Unable to execute. Action "%s" is disabled.' %

    if not runnertype_db:
        runnertype_db = action_utils.get_runnertype_by_name(

    if not hasattr(liveaction, "parameters"):
        liveaction.parameters = dict()

    # For consistency add pack to the context here in addition to RunnerContainer.dispatch() method
    liveaction.context["pack"] = action_db.pack

    # Validate action parameters.
    schema = util_schema.get_schema_for_action_parameters(
        action_db, runnertype_db)
    validator = util_schema.get_validator()

    # validate that no immutable params are being overriden. Although possible to
    # ignore the override it is safer to inform the user to avoid surprises.
    immutables = _get_immutable_params(action_db.parameters)
    overridden_immutables = [
        p for p in six.iterkeys(liveaction.parameters) if p in immutables
    if len(overridden_immutables) > 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Override of immutable parameter(s) %s is unsupported." %

    # Set notification settings for action.
    # XXX: There are cases when we don't want notifications to be sent for a particular
    # execution. So we should look at liveaction.parameters['notify']
    # and not set liveaction.notify.
    if not _is_notify_skipped(liveaction) and not _is_notify_empty(
        liveaction.notify = action_db.notify

    # Write to database and send to message queue.
    liveaction.status = action_constants.LIVEACTION_STATUS_REQUESTED
    liveaction.start_timestamp = date_utils.get_datetime_utc_now()

    # Set the "action_is_workflow" attribute
    liveaction.action_is_workflow = action_db.is_workflow()

    # Publish creation after both liveaction and actionexecution are created.
    liveaction = LiveAction.add_or_update(liveaction, publish=False)
    # Get trace_db if it exists. This could throw. If it throws, we have to cleanup
    # liveaction object so we don't see things in requested mode.
    trace_db = None
        _, trace_db = trace_service.get_trace_db_by_live_action(liveaction)
    except db_exc.StackStormDBObjectNotFoundError as e:
        raise trace_exc.TraceNotFoundException(six.text_type(e))

    execution = executions.create_execution_object(

    if trace_db:
                    execution, liveaction)

    get_driver().inc_counter("action.executions.%s" % (liveaction.status))

    return liveaction, execution