def test_channel_first_env(tmp_path):
    # test_cnn uses environment with HxWxC setup that is transposed, but we
    # also want to work with CxHxW envs directly without transposing wrapper.
    SAVE_NAME = ""

    # Create environment with transposed images (CxHxW).
    # If underlying CNN processes the data in wrong format,
    # it will raise an error of negative dimension sizes while creating convolutions
    env = FakeImageEnv(screen_height=40,

    model = A2C("CnnPolicy", env, n_steps=100).learn(250)

    assert not is_wrapped(model.get_env(), VecTransposeImage)

    obs = env.reset()

    action, _ = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True) / SAVE_NAME)
    del model

    model = A2C.load(tmp_path / SAVE_NAME)

    # Check that the prediction is the same
    assert np.allclose(action, model.predict(obs, deterministic=True)[0])

    os.remove(str(tmp_path / SAVE_NAME))
def test_cnn(tmp_path, model_class):
    SAVE_NAME = ""
    # Fake grayscale with frameskip
    # Atari after preprocessing: 84x84x1, here we are using lower resolution
    # to check that the network handle it automatically
    env = FakeImageEnv(screen_height=40,
                       discrete=model_class not in {SAC, TD3})
    if model_class in {A2C, PPO}:
        kwargs = dict(n_steps=100)
        # Avoid memory error when using replay buffer
        # Reduce the size of the features
        kwargs = dict(buffer_size=250,
    model = model_class("CnnPolicy", env, **kwargs).learn(250)

    # FakeImageEnv is channel last by default and should be wrapped
    assert is_wrapped(model.get_env(), VecTransposeImage)

    obs = env.reset()

    action, _ = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True) / SAVE_NAME)
    del model

    model = model_class.load(tmp_path / SAVE_NAME)

    # Check that the prediction is the same
    assert np.allclose(action, model.predict(obs, deterministic=True)[0])

    os.remove(str(tmp_path / SAVE_NAME))
Exemple #3
    def _wrap_env(env: GymEnv, verbose: int = 0) -> VecEnv:
        if not isinstance(env, VecEnv):
            if verbose >= 1:
                print("Wrapping the env in a DummyVecEnv.")
            env = DummyVecEnv([lambda: env])

        if is_image_space(env.observation_space) and not is_wrapped(env, VecTransposeImage):
            if verbose >= 1:
                print("Wrapping the env in a VecTransposeImage.")
            env = VecTransposeImage(env)

        # check if wrapper for dict support is needed when using HER
        if isinstance(env.observation_space, gym.spaces.dict.Dict):
            env = ObsDictWrapper(env)

        return env