def trans_infix_suffix(line): st = SStack() exp = [] for x in token(line): if x not in infix_operators: exp.append(x) elif st.is_empty() or x == '(': st.push(x) elif x == ')': while not st.is_empty() and != '(': st.append(st.pop()) if st.is_empty(): raise ValueError st.pop() else: while (not st.is_empty() and property[] >= property[x] ): # 当top是*/,x是+-的时候,将top加入 exp.append(st.pop()) st.push(x) while not st.is_empty(): if == '(': raise ValueError exp.append(st.pop()) return exp
def postorder_nonrec(t, proc): s = SStack() while t is not None or not s.is_empty(): while t is not None: # 下行,直到找到栈顶的两子数为空 s.push(t) t = t.left if t.left is not None else t.ringt # 这里不用 try,如果t下面没有子树不会报错,而是None # 看结点定义def __init__(self,dat,right=None,left=None) t = s.pop() proc( if not s.is_empty() and == t: # 如果t是现在栈顶的左子树 t = else: t = None #