def LEXdfs(graph, start):
    Does DFS search of graph, beginning at start.
    Implemented from Algorithm 1 in
    "Finding compact communities in large graphs"
    by Creusefond, Largillier and Peyronnet. 

    # Create and initialize VISITED and LEX for all nodes
    attrs = { VISITED: {},
              LEX: {}}
    node = graph.BegNI()
    while node < graph.EndNI():
        attrs[VISITED][node.GetId()] = 0
        attrs[LEX][node.GetId()] = "0"
    # initialize DFS variables
    stack = Stack()
    stack.append( start.GetId() )
    i = 1

    # do the search
    while len(stack) > 0:

        # print "stack:"
        # print node_list_to_str(graph, stack, attrs)
        # print
        # print
        # process top node
        # print
        # stack.print_all()
        # print
        node_id = stack.pop()
        node = graph.GetNI(node_id)
        attrs[VISITED][node_id] = i
        array = []
        # find unvisited neighbors of node
        for in_id in range(node.GetOutDeg()):
            out_id = node.GetOutNId(in_id)
            out_node = graph.GetNI(out_id)
            if attrs[VISITED][out_id] == 0:
                # will raise exception if out_node not there
                    # print "Trying to remove", node_to_str(graph, out_id, attrs)
                    # print "Removed", node_to_str(graph, out_id, attrs)
                except ValueError as e:
                    # expected to occur

                attrs[LEX][out_id] = str(i) + attrs[LEX][out_id]

            # end of unvisited neighbor
        # end of neighbors

        # print "Not sure if this is correct.  Needs to randomize order for ties"
        # print "Before"
        # print node_list_to_str(graph, array, attrs)
        array.sort(key = lambda n_id: attrs[LEX][n_id])
        randomize_equal_neighbors(graph, array, attrs)
        # print "After"
        # print node_list_to_str(graph, array, attrs)
        # print
        # print
        i = i + 1
        # print "stack:"
        # print node_list_to_str(graph, stack, attrs)
        # print
        # print

    # end of stack processing
    return attrs