def infix_to_postfix(infix_exp): prec = {} prec["*"] = 3 prec["/"] = 3 prec["+"] = 2 prec["-"] = 2 prec["("] = 1 op_stack = Stack() postfix_list = [] token_list = infix_exp.split() for token in token_list: if token in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" or token in "1234567890": postfix_list.append(token) elif token == '(': op_stack.push(token) elif token == ')': top_token = op_stack.pop() while token != ')': postfix_list.append(top_token) top_token = op_stack.pop() else: while (not op_stack.is_empty()) and \ (prec[op_stack.peek()] >= prec[token]): postfix_list.append(op_stack.pop()) op_stack.push(token) while not op_stack.is_empty(): postfix_list.append(op_stack.pop()) return " ".join(postfix_list)
def check_tags(doc): s = Stack() tags = Stack() i = 0 stub = "" which = None balanced = True while balanced and i < len(doc): if doc[i] == "<": if s.is_empty(): s.push("<") if doc[i+1] == "/": which = "close" else: which = "open" else: balanced = False if not s.is_empty(): if doc[i] == ">": s.pop() if which == "open" tags.append(stub) stub = "" elif which == "close": last = tags.pop() if stub != last: balanced = False which = None stub = "" else: stub += doc[i] i += 1 if balanced and s.is_empty() and tags.is_empty(): return True return False
def test_pop_in_correct_order_from_2_item_stack(self): test_obj = Stack() test_data1 = 'data1' test_data2 = 'data2' test_obj.push(test_data1) test_obj.push(test_data2) self.assertEqual(test_data2, test_obj.pop()) self.assertEqual(False, test_obj.is_empty()) self.assertEqual(test_data1, test_obj.pop()) self.assertEqual(True, test_obj.is_empty())
def validate(string): seen = Stack() opening = '({[' closing = ')}]' for char in string: if char in opening: seen.push(char) elif char in closing: same_place = closing.index(char) if seen.is_empty() or seen.pop() != opening[same_place]: return False if not seen.is_empty(): return False return True
def sort_stack(stack): if stack.is_empty(): return stack temp = Stack() while not stack.is_empty(): if temp.is_empty(): temp.push(stack.pop()) else: val = stack.pop() while not temp.is_empty() and temp.peek() > val: stack.push(temp.pop()) temp.push(val) while not temp.is_empty(): stack.push(temp.pop())
def check_balanced_brackets(bracket_str): bracket_list = list(bracket_str) bracket_stack = Stack() for symbol in bracket_list: if symbol in ['(', '{', '[']: bracket_stack.push(symbol) continue elif symbol in [')', '}', ']']: if not bracket_stack.is_empty() and pair_match( symbol, bracket_stack.peak()): bracket_stack.pop() else: return False else: raise Exception('Invalid symbol found') return bracket_stack.is_empty()
def rpn_calc(postfix_expr: str): '''Evaluate a postfix expression''' operand_stack = Stack() token_list = postfix_expr.split() print(postfix_expr) print(token_list) try: for ind in range(len(token_list)): if token_list[ind] in "0123456789": # Seperates the operands in a Stack operand_stack.push(int(token_list[ind])) else: # Does calculations with the operands operand2 = operand_stack.pop() operand1 = operand_stack.pop() result = do_math(token_list[ind], operand1, operand2) # If the Stack still has elements if ind == len(token_list) - 1 and not operand_stack.is_empty(): raise StackError( "Unknown expression {}".format(postfix_expr)) else: operand_stack.push(result) return (operand_stack.pop()) except IndexError: raise StackError("Stack is empty")
def test_check_not_empty(): s = Stack() s.push("apple") s.push("banana") actual = s.is_empty() expected = False assert actual == expected
def reverse_queue(queue): stack = Stack() while not queue.is_empty(): stack.push(queue.dequeue()) while not stack.is_empty(): queue.enqueue(stack.pop())
def par_checker(string): st=Stack() flag=True i=0 while i<len(string) and flag: ch=string[i] if(ch=="("): st.push(ch) else: if st.is_empty(): flag=False else: st.pop() i=i+1 if flag and st.is_empty(): return True else: return False
def test_peek_shows_top_of_2_item_stack(self): test_obj = Stack() test_data1 = 'data1' test_data2 = 'data2' test_obj.push(test_data1) test_obj.push(test_data2) self.assertEqual(test_data2, test_obj.peek()) self.assertEqual(False, test_obj.is_empty()) self.assertEqual(test_data2, test_obj.peek())
def convert(num): s = Stack() while num > 0: remainder = num % 2 s.push(remainder) num = num // 2 bin_num = " " while not s.is_empty(): bin_num += str(s.pop()) return bin_num
def find_closing_paren(string, start_paren): paren_stack = Stack() for i in range(start_paren, len(string)): ch = search_string[i] if ch == "(": paren_stack.push("(") elif ch == ")": paren_stack.pop() if paren_stack.is_empty(): return i
def par_checker(string): st = Stack() flag = True i = 0 while i < len(string) and flag: ch = string[i] if (ch in "([{"): st.push(ch) else: if st.is_empty(): flag = False else: top = st.pop() if not equal(top, ch): flag = False i = i + 1 if flag and st.is_empty(): return True else: return False
def test_pop_until_empty(): s = Stack() s.push("apple") s.push("banana") s.push("cucumber") s.pop() s.pop() s.pop() actual = s.is_empty() expected = True assert actual == expected
def reverse_str(string): s = Stack() for i in range(len(string)): s.push(string[i]) reverse_string = "" while not s.is_empty(): reverse_string += s.pop() return reverse_string
def is_paren_balanced(paren_string): s = Stack() is_balanced = True index = 0 while index < len(paren_string) and is_balanced: paren = paren_string[index] if paren in '([{': s.push(paren) else: if s.is_empty(): is_balanced = False else: top = s.pop() if not is_match(top, paren): is_balanced = False index += 1 if s.is_empty() and is_balanced: return True else: return False
def checker(paren): s = Stack() balanced = True index = 0 while index < len(paren) and balanced: symbol = paren[index] if symbol in "({[": s.push(symbol) else: if s.is_empty(): balanced = False else: top = s.pop() if not matches(top, symbol): balanced = False index = index +1 if balanced and s.is_empty(): return True else: return False
def check_symbols(thing): """checking a string of symbols only to see if balanced""" s = Stack() i = 0 balanced = True symbols = {"(": ")", "{": "}", "[": "]"} while balanced and i < len(thing): char = thing[i] if symbols.get(char): s.push(char) elif s.is_empty(): balanced = False else: last = s.pop() if char != symbols[last]: balanced = False i += 1 if balanced and s.is_empty(): return True return False
def conversion(num , base): digits = "0123456789ABCDEF" rem = Stack() while num > 0: rem.push(num % base) num = num // base num_string = "" while not rem.is_empty(): num_string = num_string + digits[rem.pop()] return num_string
def parenthesis_balanced( string): # function to check the balance of the bracket s = Stack() # initializing the stack i = 0 # first index balanced = True while i < len(string) and balanced: # going through all the brackets paren = string[i] if paren in '({[': # checking is starting brackets are these or not if true then pushing into the stack s.push(paren) else: if s.is_empty(): balanced = False else: top = s.pop() # pop the last bracket if not is_match( top, paren): # and calling the function for the validity balanced = False i += 1 if s.is_empty() and balanced: return True else: return False
def parentheses_parser(a_string): s = Stack() index = 0 balanced = True while index < len(a_string) and balanced: symbol = a_string[index] if symbol == '(': s.push('(') else: if s.is_empty(): balanced = False else: s.pop() index = index + 1 if balanced and s.is_empty(): return True else: return False, balanced
def divide_by_2(num): s = Stack() if num == 0: return 0 while num > 0: # iterating through the number remainder = num % 2 # taking out the remainder and pushing it into the stack s.push(remainder) num = num // 2 # taking out the num for further results binary_num = "" while not s.is_empty(): # iterating the stack up till it is not empty binary_num += str(s.pop()) # and adding it into the binary string return binary_num
def divideBy2(num): """ in this function we are gonna find the binary of the given argument by using the divide by 2 algorithm and concatenating and reversing it remiders when we dived the given number the the function by 2""" rem = Stack() while num > 0: rem.push(num%2) num = num // 2 binary_num = "" while not rem.is_empty(): binary_num = binary_num + str(rem.pop()) return binary_num
def is_balanced(string): """Check that the paranthesis in a strigng are balanced.""" s = Stack() match_dict = {')': '(', ']': '[', '}': '{'} for char in string: if char in match_dict.values(): s.push(char) elif char in match_dict.keys(): if s.size() == 0: return print('The paranthesis are not balanced') elif s.size() != 0 and char != s.peek(): s.pop() else: pass if s.is_empty(): return print('The paranthesis are balanced')
class MyStackQueue: def __init__(self, data): self.in_stack = Stack() self.out_stack = Stack() self.first = None self.last = None def add(self, data): self.in_stack.push(data) def remove(self): if not self.out_stack.is_empty(): return self.out_stack.pop() self._shift_between_stacks() if not self.out_stack.is_empty(): return self.out_stack.pop() else: return None def peek(self): if not self.out_stack.is_empty(): return self.out_stack.peek() self._shift_between_stacks() if not self.out_stack.is_empty(): return self.out_stack.peek() else: return None def is_empty(self): return self.out_stack.is_empty() and self.in_stack.is_empty() def _shift_between_stacks(self): #Move all elements from in_stack to out_stack, #then pop from out_stack. while not self.in_stack.is_empty(): self.out_stack.push(self.in_stack.pop())
def is_balanced(string): s = Stack() is_balanced = True index = 0 while index < len(string) and is_balanced: par = string[index] if par in "({[": s.push(par) else: if s.is_empty(): is_balanced = False else: top = s.pop() if not is_match(top, par): is_balanced = False index += 1 if s.is_empty and is_balanced: return True else: return False
class Ghost(MazeRunner): def __init__(self, nodes, spritesheet, row): MazeRunner.__init__(self, nodes, spritesheet) = "ghost" self.color = PINK self.goal = Vector2D() self.modeStack = self.setup_mode_stack() self.mode = self.modeStack.pop() self.modeTimer = 0 self.spawnNode = self.find_spawn_node() self.set_guide_stack() self.set_start_position() self.points = 200 self.released = True self.pelletsForRelease = 0 self.bannedDirections = [] self.speed = GHOST_SPEED self.animate = AnimationGroup() self.animateName = "left" self.define_animations(row) self.animate.set_animation(self.animateName, 0) self.image = self.animate.get_image() self.previousDirection = self.direction self.started = True self.hide = True def set_guide_stack(self): = Stack() def get_valid_directions(self): valid_directions = [] for key in self.node.neighbors.keys(): if self.node.neighbors[key] is not None: if not (key == self.direction * -1): if not == "SPAWN": if not self.node.is_home_entrance: if key not in self.bannedDirections: valid_directions.append(key) else: if key != DOWN: valid_directions.append(key) else: valid_directions.append(key) if len(valid_directions) == 0: valid_directions.append(self.force_backtrack()) return valid_directions def force_backtrack(self): if self.direction * -1 == UP: return UP if self.direction * -1 == DOWN: return DOWN if self.direction * -1 == LEFT: return LEFT if self.direction * -1 == RIGHT: return RIGHT def get_closest_direction(self, valid_directions): distances = [] for direction in valid_directions: diff_vector = self.node.position + direction * TILE_WIDTH - self.goal distances.append(diff_vector.magnitude_squared()) index = distances.index(min(distances)) return valid_directions[index] def move_by_self(self): if self.overshot_target(): self.node = self.portal() valid_directions = self.get_valid_directions() self.direction = self.get_closest_direction(valid_directions) = self.node.neighbors[self.direction] self.set_position() if == "SPAWN": if self.position == self.goal: # self.mode = self.modeStack.pop() self.mode = Mode("GUIDE", speedmult=0.2) if == "GUIDE": if self.mode = self.modeStack.pop() self.set_guide_stack() self.started = True else: self.direction = = self.node.neighbors[self.direction] self.set_position() def scatter_goal(self): self.goal = Vector2D(SCREENSIZE[0], 0) def chase_goal(self, pacman): self.goal = pacman.position def mode_update(self, dt): self.modeTimer += dt if self.mode.time is not None: if self.modeTimer >= self.mode.time: self.mode = self.modeStack.pop() self.modeTimer = 0 def find_start_node(self): for node in self.nodes.homelist: if node.is_ghost_start: return node return None def set_start_position(self): self.node = self.find_start_node() = self.node self.set_position() def freight_mode(self): if != "SPAWN": if != "FREIGHT": if self.mode.time is not None: dt = self.mode.time - self.modeTimer self.modeStack.push(Mode(, time=dt)) else: self.modeStack.push(Mode( self.mode = Mode("FREIGHT", time=7, speedmult=0.5) self.modeTimer = 0 self.animateName = "freight" self.animate.set_animation(self.animateName, 0) else: self.mode = Mode("FREIGHT", time=7, speedmult=0.5) self.modeTimer = 0 def check_direction_change(self): if self.direction != self.previousDirection: self.previousDirection = self.direction if == "SPAWN": self.set_spawn_images() elif != "FREIGHT": self.set_normal_images() def spawn_mode(self): self.mode = Mode("SPAWN", speedmult=2) self.modeTimer = 0 self.set_spawn_images() def random_goal(self): x = randint(0, N_COLS * TILE_WIDTH) y = randint(0, N_ROWS * TILE_HEIGHT) self.goal = Vector2D(x, y) def spawn_goal(self): self.goal = self.spawnNode.position @staticmethod def setup_mode_stack(): modes = Stack() modes.push(Mode(name="CHASE")) modes.push(Mode(name="SCATTER", time=5)) modes.push(Mode(name="CHASE", time=20)) modes.push(Mode(name="SCATTER", time=7)) modes.push(Mode(name="CHASE", time=20)) modes.push(Mode(name="SCATTER", time=7)) modes.push(Mode(name="CHASE", time=20)) modes.push(Mode(name="SCATTER", time=7)) return modes def find_spawn_node(self): for node in self.nodes.homelist: if node.is_spawn_node: return node return None def set_spawn_images(self): if self.started: if self.direction == LEFT: self.animateName = "spawnleft" if self.direction == RIGHT: self.animateName = "spawnright" if self.direction == UP: self.animateName = "spawnup" if self.direction == DOWN: self.animateName = "spawndown" self.animate.set_animation(self.animateName, 0) else: self.set_normal_images() def set_normal_images(self): if self.direction == LEFT: self.animateName = "left" if self.direction == RIGHT: self.animateName = "right" if self.direction == UP: self.animateName = "up" if self.direction == DOWN: self.animateName = "down" self.animate.set_animation(self.animateName, 0) def update(self, dt, pacman): speed_modifier = self.speed * self.mode.speedmult self.position += self.direction * speed_modifier * dt self.mode_update(dt) self.check_direction_change() self.image = self.animate.loop(dt) if == "CHASE": self.chase_goal(pacman) elif == "SCATTER": self.scatter_goal() elif == "FREIGHT": self.random_goal() elif == "SPAWN": self.spawn_goal() self.move_by_self() def define_animations(self, row): animation = Animation("up") animation.speed = 10 animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(0, row, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(1, row, 32, 32)) self.animate.add(animation) animation = Animation("down") animation.speed = 10 animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(2, row, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(3, row, 32, 32)) self.animate.add(animation) animation = Animation("left") animation.speed = 10 animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(4, row, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(5, row, 32, 32)) self.animate.add(animation) animation = Animation("right") animation.speed = 10 animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(6, row, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(7, row, 32, 32)) self.animate.add(animation) animation = Animation("freight") animation.speed = 10 for i in range(25): animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(0, 6, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(1, 6, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(2, 6, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(3, 6, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(0, 6, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(1, 6, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(2, 6, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(3, 6, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(0, 6, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(1, 6, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(2, 6, 32, 32)) animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(3, 6, 32, 32)) self.animate.add(animation) animation = Animation("spawnup") animation.speed = 10 animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(4, 6, 32, 32)) self.animate.add(animation) animation = Animation("spawndown") animation.speed = 10 animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(5, 6, 32, 32)) self.animate.add(animation) animation = Animation("spawnleft") animation.speed = 10 animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(6, 6, 32, 32)) self.animate.add(animation) animation = Animation("spawnright") animation.speed = 10 animation.add_frame(self.spritesheet.get_image(7, 6, 32, 32)) self.animate.add(animation)
def test_size_returns_1_for_1_item_stack(self): test_obj = Stack() test_data = 'data1' test_obj.push(test_data) self.assertEqual(1, test_obj.size()) self.assertEqual(False, test_obj.is_empty())
def test_is_empty_false(self): test_obj = Stack() test_obj.push('data') self.assertEqual(False, test_obj.is_empty())
def test_is_empty(self): stack = Stack() self.assertEqual(stack.is_empty(), True) stack.push(5) self.assertEqual(stack.is_empty(), False)